All the Wrong Reasons: When something so wrong can feel so right! (Destiny's Games Book 1)

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All the Wrong Reasons: When something so wrong can feel so right! (Destiny's Games Book 1) Page 20

by Jerilee Kaye

  Adrienne could only stare at Kim. Though, if she was holding something in her hands, she would have flung it to her face.

  “For the record Kim, I never slept with anyone in high school…or college. It’s a pity we never talk much. You could have shown me some pointers since you sound like you normally do this sleeping around thing,” she said with a tang, trying to sting Kimberly for once.

  To her surprise, Kimberly laughed. “Come on, Yenny. Lighten up. Just because you receive too much pressure from Mom, doesn’t mean you have to do what she says all the time. You just have to show her what she needs to see. And then when you are out of her sight, you can be free! You never learned the rules of the game! You’re so dim.”

  “And you’re such a hypocrite!” Adrienne snapped. “And not rooming with Troy isn’t about pleasing Mom. It’s about me, what I want and don’t want.”

  “Then I don’t think you will keep Troy for long, dear. Surprised you managed to hold on to him for three years.”

  “Maybe it’s him who didn’t want to let go,” she said.

  Kim rolled her eyes before turning away from her.

  Adrienne’s phone rang.

  “We’re here,” Yuan said. “We’re just going up to our room.”

  “All right. See you, guys,” she said. She turned to Kim. “I’ll go change. Then I’ll see my friends.”

  She took out a pair of one-piece suit and a sarong. She tied her hair in a pony.

  Kimberly was watching TV when she went out of the bathroom.

  “I’ll catch you later,” she said to her and went out.

  She was still confused about Kimberly’s words as she waited for the elevator. Was that what she was doing? Was she just trying to please their mother and did what her mother wanted in front of her eyes and then went wild behind her back?

  But she knew Kim was doing well in med school anyway, so it didn’t really matter. And what has been done is done. She could have used this sort of information when she was younger. No matter what, she’d remain the black sheep in the family. She couldn’t change that. What she could do is to just make sure that she didn’t fail herself in life from this point forward.

  When the elevator opened, she was shocked to see Justin in it.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  He was wearing his heavily tinted shades and she didn’t know if he was looking at her. She looked away from him as she entered the lift. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to throw herself in his arms. She wanted to feel him. To know that one time in her life, he existed. He was real. She didn’t just dream him.

  Just one word, God. Please! Just one word, I will throw myself in his arms, no questions asked.

  The elevator door opened. He went out without a single word or glance at her. As if she didn’t exist to him at all.

  Tears rolled down her face. She wiped them before she knocked on her friends’ room.

  “Have you spoken to Troy?” Yuan asked.

  “Honey, my piece of advice?” Jill began. “The sooner the better. Before you start having doubts. Before your parents come tonight and you chicken out just by looking at your Mom.”

  “Justin Adams is here,” Yuan said all of a sudden.

  Why is it that he just appears out of nowhere?

  When she doesn’t expect him to be in this place, he shows up. When she doesn’t expect him to be brought up in any conversation, his name just keeps popping up.

  “Yes! I saw him in the lobby as well. He must have arrived the same time we did. I just ran into him at Blush this morning. I told him that we were going here and I had to rush out. He’s nice really. He smiles at me when I run into him. He doesn’t act snobby to me anymore since that interview.”

  “Well, lucky you!” Yuan teased. “But sorry dear, you are up against a lady with big breasts who is not afraid to show herself in lingerie all over Fifth.”

  “I am not after Justin Adams! I know he is way out of my league. But it is nice that he knows I exist.”

  Adrienne didn’t say anything the whole time. The whole problem with secretly sleeping with the guy your friends dream about is that you get to hear about him all the time even after you part ways! She found it especially hard since she just fell in love with him and drove away a once in a million chance because she decided to be stupid.

  “Was he with someone? Was he with Tara?” Yuan asked.

  “I don’t know,” Jill admitted. “Didn’t see any girl with him. I saw him chatting with some guys in the lobby. But no sign of Tara. But knowing the likes of her, she will be here by evening. God! I think she would follow him to the ends of the Earth!. That billboard comes in very handy for her!”

  “Yeah. But I don’t think you can get Justin Adams to commit to a girl who used to work as a bartender, and now parades around in lingerie on a catwalk. She could be good for a month’s shag, but knowing Justin’s dating history, or lack of one, she would be picking up the pieces of her heart this same time next month.”

  Adrienne swallowed hard. She wanted to tell them that Justin deserved a better impression than that. That Justin is human! And he can be considerate and sweet.

  She had lunch with Jill and Yuan. She felt guilty about not bothering to go to lunch with Kim and Troy, but she needed to clear her head first and find enough strength, so that the next time she sees Troy, it would be to break up with him.

  Jill was right. The earlier the better.

  After lunch, she decided that the time has come. She went out to find Troy. She didn’t need a script. She will just tell him straight what she needed to say. If he tries to evade her again, she will be firm.

  She knocked on his door. No answer. She must have knocked for a whole five minutes, but it looked like he wasn’t in. He must have taken a late lunch with Kimberly.

  Oh God! Why are you making this so difficult for me?

  She decided to go back to her room. When she opened the door, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.

  First, she saw Kimberly. She had her back to her, her head pulled back, she was naked, her legs were spread apart. She was on top of…Troy. Troy had his hands on her waist. They were moaning…

  She swallowed hard. Anger and embarrassment ate her up. She wanted to puke at the sight in front of her.

  She knew this moment will happen only once and she didn’t want to go back in her history and remember that at the moment when she should have held her head up high, she lost it and ran away. No. She would be strong. She would stomach this! So she stood there, and waited for them to realize that they were no longer alone.

  Suddenly, Troy realized that she was standing there.

  “Oh shit!” Troy muttered, then he immediately pushed Kimberly off him. He stood up, not minding that he was naked. His sex in full display.

  Well, at least she had a peek before they broke up.

  God! Troy would never make me as happy as Justin did.

  She smiled sarcastically.

  “Oh, I just came to find you to say something important. I was quite worried how you would take it, but it seems that you’ve been quite busy yourself.” Adrienne said, trying to keep her voice calm. “You made it so much easier for me to break the news to you, Troy. We’re over! Goodbye!” Then she looked at Kimberly, who is hugging the blankets to herself. “Mommy’s going to be happy about this. Her favorite daughter is screwing her son-in-law candidate. I’ll bet she wouldn’t even care that he was her other daughter’s boyfriend!”

  Then she stormed out of the room.

  She was shaking as she waited for the elevator. When the door opened, she found herself eye to eye with Justin.

  Shit! Could things get any worse?

  She tried hard not to cry. She pressed Yuan’s and Jill’s floor. Seeing Justin at this time, when she needed refuge, made her want to break down and lose herself in his arms. His phone rang before she could endure the awkward silence inside the lift.

  “Who’s this?” he asked the person on the other line. “Tara? Tar
a? Lambert?”

  Shit! Apparently, things could get worse!

  “Oh hi. Yeah. I’m cool. I was…” She didn’t wait to hear the rest of what he will say. She’s had enough for the day! The elevator doors opened and she immediately stormed out and headed to Jill’s and Yuan’s room.

  Tears were rolling down her cheeks when Yuan opened the door. She knew it was because of the mixed anger, embarrassment and pain that she was feeling.

  She wasn’t heartbroken but she felt betrayed. She didn’t expect much from Troy, but Kimberly’s betrayal ate her up.

  Some things are just way below the belt! There are some things that you just don’t do to your sister!

  It was just like when they were young. Every little thing she had, no matter how cheap, no matter how small, if she seemed happy with it, Kimberly would try to take it from her. And worse, their mother would always take Kimberly’s side.

  “Holy shit!” Yuan said she told them what she came to discover. “You were so worried about how you were going to break up with him. He just gave you the perfect reason. But my God! Kimberly is a classic. God only knows what a bitch that sister of yours is! Like, who does that?”

  Adrienne was lost in her thoughts. She didn’t want to go back to her room. Her mind was messed up…with thoughts of Justin, with the image of Kim riding Troy madly.

  “I don’t know whether I should be mad or happy. Mad because they must have thought so little of me to do what they did. Happy because the blame of this breakup didn’t have to be a burden on my part.”

  “You could use this, you know,” Jill said wickedly. “You could use this to blackmail Kimberly.”

  Adrienne laughed in spite of her pain. “No matter what I do, Kim has my mother’s love and trust. And I don’t think I would need something from Kimberly bad enough to blackmail her!”

  “So, did they say anything?”

  “I think they were dumbfounded,” Adrienne replied. “I don’t think they were able to recover fast. I was standing there for more than a minute, watching them… ride each other! My God! It was disgusting!”

  Jill laughed. “No, sweetie! You’re a virgin. You would think it’s disgusting. But with the right guy, intimacy is actually great.”

  Adrienne knew that. With Justin, it was bliss! But seeing Troy do it with Kim felt like she had eaten her own vomit.

  “What does Troy want?” Yuan protested. “I mean, look at you, Adrienne. You are pretty, sexy and smart! You have done so much for yourself. You’re independent and decent! What was he looking for? Kimberly is not even half as attractive as you are! What was he thinking?”

  “Guys, let’s not forget I was going to break up with him,” Adrienne said.

  “Yes. But he didn’t know that. He doesn’t have any reason yet to look somewhere else,” Jill said.

  “Do you want to go to the beach and get some air?” Yuan asked.

  Adrienne shook her head. “I think I’m just going to sleep for a while. Maybe when I wake up, I will forget the sight I just saw in my room. It still makes me want to hurl.” She sighed. “I wish I found him earlier. So we could have broken up and parted in a more civil manner.”

  “Yes. And he could hump your sister after that!” Yuan said sarcastically.

  Adrienne rested on Jill’s bed. She received a text message.

  Jin: Just checking up on you. Everything well?

  She replied: If by well, you mean I finally found the guts to break up with my boyfriend and found him beneath my sister, then yes! Everything is right in the world again!

  It took a moment for Jin to reply: I have assassins on my beck and call. You want me to order a hit?

  She actually smiled at that. Then she replied: No. Totally not worth it.

  Jin: And your secret fling?

  She sighed sadly when she typed the message: Unfortunately… still… flung.

  Jin: Hey Adrienne! One step at a time, okay? And smile once in a while. Just a little while more, and you’d have a better life to look forward to. I promise you that.

  She: I hope you’re right. Thanks.

  She smiled at Jin’s words. She didn’t know how Jin Starck became her confidante. He was easy to talk to. And he seemed sincere in giving her advice, like he feels for her and he wanted to make her feel better in whatever way he could.

  She must have slept for three hours. When she woke up, she saw Jill and Yuan enjoying a cigarette on the balcony. She felt guilty. She must have ruined their weekend getaway already. They haven’t been under the sun yet.

  “I’m really sorry, guys. I dragged you into this.”

  Jill hugged her. “Sweetie, that’s what we are for. We’re your best friends. We are here when you need us the most.”

  “So now, we can go out in the sun and catch the sunset?” Yuan asked.

  Adrienne smiled and nodded. She wondered if her parents have arrived already. Although she wasn’t ready to face them just yet.

  As she watched the sunset while they swam on the beach, Adrienne knew that she would be okay. She believed she lost Justin for good. But if there’s one thing she learned from him, it was that she needed to love and appreciate herself. She’s more than what she gives herself credit for. She’s beautiful. She’s strong. She’s a fox. She would get through this.

  17. Vapas Karo

  Hindi. Translation: To take back

  Adrienne took out a pair of two-piece suit from the bag she brought with her when she first went to her friends’ room. Now that she’d relieved herself of Troy’s chains, and Kimberly had just shown her that she is not entirely prudent like she appeared to be, Adrienne thought that there’s no harm in wearing a perfectly decent two-piece suit. If her parents arrived in the evening and if her mother lectured her on the virtues of being prudent, she must remember to point out that her favorite daughter did more than wear a piece of revealing clothing.

  When she finished dressing, she was happy to see that her suit highlighted her flat tummy, her curves and her long legs. Jill lent her a pair of very sheer white capri pants. The outfit looked decent, but showed a hint of her bikini underneath. She felt sexy and stylish. She thought that if she was still with Justin, she knew exactly what he would say to her.

  Her phone rang. It was her father.

  “Sweetheart,” he started. “We can’t make it. Your mother and I both have emergency surgeries. We just can’t get out of this. Troy’s parents decided not to go too. We figured you kids can have some fun without us.”

  “All right, Dad,” she answered.

  Kim is already having more fun than I am.

  “Take care, okay?”

  She looked at Jill and Yuan. “One problem out of the way. My parents aren’t coming anymore.”

  “Good. At least you didn’t have to pretend to be civil to Troy and Kim in front of them.”

  They went down to the restaurant to have dinner. She chose a table in a secluded corner outside. She sat with her back on the crowd. If Kimberly, Troy or Justin walked in, she didn’t want to see any of them.

  Fortunately, none of them showed up and she was able to eat a full meal in peace. All Jill and Yuan talked about were their latest dates and escapades. They also planned a night out the following week, where they would go bar hopping.

  “The best way to meet guys!” Jill said.

  “Both straight or not,” Yuan agreed.

  After dinner, they hung out by the beach front. Yuan got them some beers.

  “All right, Adrienne, whatever pain you feel, let’s talk about it. Now. With spirits! Don’t go Miss Prude on me, darling.” Yuan handed her a bottle of beer.

  She took a gulp. It was very cold, thus, she didn’t mind the strong taste.

  “Will you ever forgive Kim?” Jill asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m aware that she hated me, but I never expected her to sleep with my boyfriend, either. I mean, sure, Troy is barely a boyfriend, but still, if she had the decency, she wouldn’t do it with him. Or at least wait until we
break up before she did something like that. It’s disgusting!”

  “Have you ever thought about seeing somebody else aside from Troy?” Jill asked.

  She stared at them. Has the time to be honest finally come? She did promise herself she would come clean to her friends once she broke up with Troy. Well, she and Troy are history now!

  She nodded. “Yes, of course. My relationship with Troy was absolutely less than perfect and I did… feel the need to be with someone who lights up my fire.”

  “During those dry spells, didn’t it even cross your mind to explore… you know… other horizons? Or were you just… so resigned to the fact that you’re gonna marry a vegetable?” Yuan tried to put it mildly. But Adrienne knew that what he really meant was, ‘Didn’t you even think about sleeping with somebody else while you were with Troy?’

  She sighed and took a gulp of her bear, for liquid courage. Then she replied, “Yes. Yes…I did.”

  I slept with somebody else. I cheated on Troy. She wanted to add those sentences but the words never came out.

  “Why did you wait this long to break up with that loser?” Jill asked.

  “Troy was the only guy she went out with,” Yuan told Jill. “Could you blame her for not having anybody else to compare him to? She wouldn’t know that Troy was the sorriest excuse for a boyfriend because she didn’t know any better.”

  Adrienne took a deep breath again and mustered all the courage she could. “Actually…I know that. I was able to compare my relationship with Troy with someone who was…” She took a deep breath. “Pure perfection. The relationship was an absolute bliss.” Again, she felt her heart break a hundred more times.

  Her friends blinked back at her. “What?”

  “Sometimes, I couldn’t believe what I was doing. Like one time, I went to Gypsys. I dressed up in this very sexy outfit that Jacob picked for me. I went to that bar like a vixen in search for my latest prey. And…sometimes, I still think I just imagined it. Like it was a dream.”

  “Adrienne, what the fuck are you talking about?” Yuan asked.

  She smiled at them bitterly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you earlier, guys. I hope you can forgive me.”


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