Love Bitten (Vampire Blood Royals Book 1)

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Love Bitten (Vampire Blood Royals Book 1) Page 20

by Sabrina C Rose

  “Where is Evan?” Erica’s gaze flickered through the crowd, too embarrassed to look either of them in the face at the moment.

  “We have a bet going,” Dani animated, then grabbed a glass of wine from a waiter walking around with a tray filled with flutes. They’d even hired waiters for this.

  “A bet?”

  “To see who can sell the most paintings.”

  “Sell the most?”

  “Well, technically they’re selling themselves. We’re going for optimal bid before the last one sells. So far I’m winning.”

  Erica’s head swiveled around to her hanging art. Next to each one, lay an elegant golden plaque engraved with her name, piece title, and year of debut. Directly under the engravings were colorful dots. Nearly every painting in her sightlines had one.

  “Wow.” Her brain was stuck on overwhelm. So overwhelmed that she didn’t notice her mother enter the gallery until they were met with a disturbance from the front. Instantly, Dani and Julius straightened and looked at her.

  “Oh, Erica!” Her mother waved and came rushing toward her, bumping into people along the way, not bothering to excuse herself as she made her way through the crowd.

  “Who is she? Did we invite her?” Dani asked from the corner of her mouth.

  “No, I will take care of her,” Julius straightened the lapels on his suitcoat and began to make his way toward her mother.

  “No.” Erica grabbed his arm to stop him. “We’re not going to kick my mother out,” Erica said quickly behind a fake grin.

  “She doesn’t have to be here. Just say the word and she’s gone.” He settled back on his feet and put on a very charming smile. If she hadn’t seen the frown at the corner of his eyes, she would have thought he was genuinely happy to see her.

  “We’ll be fine,” She said and meant it. As her mother came up to her, she no longer felt the frantic energy she usually did. Or the eagerness to please her. “Mother, how are you?”

  “Delightful. I hadn’t realized your art thing was tonight. It was so kind of Melissa Novak to remind me. I would have been here sooner but, you know how your father is…” She trailed off. Yes, they both knew. He didn’t come because they weren’t invited. It was unfortunate that her mother decided to invite herself along to save face with her friends. She wasn’t there for her. Not with the way her gaze swiped every corner of the room looking for fault. Her scrutinizing look even swept her frame. When she could find nothing to criticize, her lips puckered into a tight smile.

  “Well, please feel free to have a look around.” Her heart was pounding in her ears as she motioned to the rest of the room.

  “Where’s Max?” Her mother flittered on as if she hadn’t been dismissed. Then, she searched the crowd for him.

  “You know Max and I aren’t talking,” Erica said, her hand finding Julius’s by her side. Her mother noticed, but intentionally ignored it.

  “So, I’ve heard. You know he loves you to death.”

  Maybe her mother misunderstood. “Max and I aren’t together anymore. We haven’t been for a while.”

  “Nonsense, dear.” Her mother scrunched up her face as if she smelled something unpleasant. “He’s the best thing that has ever happened to you.”

  Erica stiffened and despite Julius’s thumb gently stroking over her hand, the anger built inside of her. Before she had the chance to speak, her mother was already talking again.

  “Well lucky for you, you still have a chance. He should be here any moment. Let go of your… benefactor’s hand and try not to ruin this for us.”

  Alright, that did it. She was done playing her mother’s games.

  “You invited him? You weren’t even invited, but you invited him?”

  “Oh, nonsense dear, of course I was invited,” she said loud enough for anyone within radius to hear.

  “No, you weren’t.”

  When Julius took a half step forward, Erica squeezed his hand and pulled him back. She had this. She smiled calmly.

  “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  But her mother wasn’t paying attention. Her attention was focused on the front door, her eyes brightening when Max walked through it. “Oh, Max!”

  Julius growled beside her. Dani quickly called for Asher. Erica turned to them quickly, when she sensed the tension building.

  “Don’t. I’ll handle this.” Erica let go of Julius’s hand and went to intercept Max before he’d come in any further. Thankfully, her mother stayed behind.

  Of course, Julius didn’t let her get far. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed he stood right behind her. Close enough to support her if necessary, but far enough to let her handle it on her own.

  Erica tried to smile, but it didn’t form even after she saw Max’s face light up with relief.

  “Eri, you’re okay!” Max fiercely pulled her shoulders so she stumbled into his chest. He squashed her arms at her side and pulled her into the most awkward hug of her life.

  “Off,” Julius’s voice was gruff behind her. Max immediately let go and stepped back. That was new. Usually he’d be throwing around his brawn, not backing down. The man who stood in front of her was different. Changed.

  “I’m just so happy you’re alive.”

  “Of course, I’m alive,” She stopped short of saying ‘no thanks to you,’ and settled on stiffly backing away instead.

  “When I got to the warehouse—” Max began, but she cut him off.

  “You came to the warehouse?”

  “Of course, I did. He had you. He threatened your life. I know I haven’t been perfect, but I would never want you hurt. You know that, right?”

  She nodded. Max was a lot of things, namely a cheating lying bastard, but he wasn’t heartless.

  “When I got there, I saw you were gone and they were dead. I figured he got there before I did…” he nodded towards Julius. “I should have been there. You deserve at least that much. Especially after everything I put you through.”

  For the first time in a long time, Erica saw the honesty in his eyes. He’d meant what he said.

  “I couldn’t leave town before apologizing.”

  “Leave town?”

  “Splinters has a dead man’s switch. He always gets what he is owed. Even in death.”

  “Explain,” Julius was right at her back, concern blotting his face.

  “Splinters keeps a ledger of names of people indebted to him. If he dies before the debt is paid, each name will be picked off one by one until the ledger is cleared.”

  Her stomach turned inside out.

  “Is Erica’s name in his ledger?”

  “No,” Max shook his head. “Just mine. I am the one who owes him. Eri was a means to an end. He latched onto her because he knew she was innocent. He also knew I couldn’t let someone innocent take the fall for what I’d done.” Max couldn’t look at either of them, but the apology was clear.

  “What are you going to do?” She asked.

  “The only thing I can. Run. Lay low for as long as it takes.”

  “Where are you going to go?”

  “Far away from here,” he checked his watch. “I have to leave. I shouldn’t have stayed in town as long as I have. I just had to see you. I needed to tell you I was sorry. For everything.”

  “Do you need help?”

  “Eri, you’re too good. You always have been. Even when I don’t deserve it, you want to help. Thank you, but this is my burden to bear. I won’t let you take it on too,” Then Max looked behind her to Julius. “Hold her tight.”

  “I always will,” Julius assured him.

  “Thank you. Eri, I wish I could have done things differently by you. I know that now.”

  He turned to leave.

  “Max, keep yourself safe. If you need anything.”

  He nodded, but she knew once he walked out of that door, she’d never see him again.

  “Goodbye Eri,” he said and walked out of the gallery.

  “Bye Max.” She watched him unti
l she couldn’t see him anymore. As he walked away, it felt like a door had finally closed on that chapter of her life. Freeing her to move on with hers. She said a silent prayer for Max. She knew him too well to know he wouldn’t run forever. He was already formulating a plan. He’d find his way through it and he was going to be a better man for it.

  “Where did he go? What did you do?” Her mother toted over to them, in a constant state of sighing as she fretted over Max. “Get him back here.”

  “Mother,” Erica called to her mother who was craning her neck to see out of the window onto the darkened street. “I told you, Max and I are over. He just wanted to say goodbye.”

  “Goodbye? Goodbye,” she looked more and more distraught as she said it. Then she turned to Julius. “It was you wasn’t it?”

  That was a big mistake. Erica moved between them and looked her mother directly in the eye. “Mother, it is time for you to leave.”

  “Leave?” her voice turned shrill.

  “Tonight, is a night for celebration. You’re making it very clear that you’re not here to celebrate with me. So, I am asking you to leave.”

  Julius made a simple hand gesture and Asher was already at their side. He whispered something into his ear then turned back to her mother.

  “Mrs. Wallace, I believe Erica has said it’s time for you to go,” Julius’s voice was calm but everything about him remained rigid.

  Asher moved forward. Her mother’s eye’s bulged when she took in the sight of Asher’s stocky frame, then clutched her purse tighter to her and turned on her heel.

  “Well, I never. Wait until I tell your father about this!”

  Erica rolled her eyes as Asher escorted her out. Her mother would never change. At least she no longer felt awful for being in the fire of her disapproval. As soon as the door closed behind her mother, the only emotion she felt was relief.

  Looking around, most people hadn’t even noticed their tryst. The very few that did all seemed to relax as if a dark storm cloud had passed and only sunny skies were ahead. That was what she felt, at least. A weight she didn’t know was there lifted from her shoulders and she felt light and able to breathe.

  “Are you okay?” Julius asked, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Surprisingly… yeah,” she turned to face him, keeping in the circle of his arms. She nearly gasped in awe. He was truly breathtaking. When he looked at her like that—like she was the only person in the room—he dazzled her. His emerald eyes seemed to sparkle every time their gaze met. She loved his expression, a teasing mix of mischief and love. Especially when it settled into a smirk.

  “Good, because you owe me a bet.”

  “A hundred kisses?”

  “We should start now.”

  He didn’t wait for her to respond. His lips were on hers and he was kissing her like he had ever since they’d left the warehouse, like he’d never wanted to stop.

  Cheers rang out around them forcing them to come up for air.

  “Don’t you wish we stayed in?”

  “Well, I sure don’t,” Evan cut into their moment.

  “Evan!” Erica’s enthusiasm returned and she pulled him into a hug. “Thank-you for coming.”

  “Of course, I’m here. Did you think this bozo would have been able to do this by himself?”

  “Julius?!” Dani screeched from behind them causing them all to turn. “You took all the credit again?”

  “Dani, you only helped a little.”

  Dani stayed dubiously silent for a moment, daggers shooting from her eyes. “Jules! Take that back.”

  He didn’t, but Erica was already breaking away from Julius and wrapping Dani into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she said, then her voice dropped to a whisper with a teasing smile, “I knew your brother couldn’t have pulled this off by himself.”

  “Ah! I knew you were the smart one!”

  “Hey! You’re supposed to side with me.”

  She broke apart from Dani and stepped up to Julius and kissed his chin. “That makes two and I’m always on your side.”

  Forever. She should tell him that right now. This was the best moment. Instantly, her heart began to race when her gorgeous vampire stared into her eyes, then let another smirk up onto his face.

  “Dani, we need to run the tallies,” Evan tapped his sister on the shoulder.

  “Right now?”

  “Yes, it’s imperative,” Evan offered her a knowing smile before he ushered his little sister away.

  She looked at Evan. Did he know what she was going to do? Before she could think of it more, Julius grabbed both of her hands.

  “I’ll always side with you as well.”

  “Speaking of, there is something I wanted to ask you,” she felt the urge to pick at her dress, but Julius’s hands were stopping her.

  All the air in the room seemed to rush out. Wow, this must have been what it felt like for a guy to propose. It took guts. Even when she knew the answer, there was still a tiny doubt that he changed his mind. What if he said no? Frick, she was going to throw up.

  “Are you okay?” Julius asked cocking his head to one side.

  Get yourself together. He already loves you. He’s going to say yes. She gathered as much courage as she could into her lungs. “I was doing some thinking. I know you leave in a few days.”

  “I’m coming back.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “In six weeks, that’s as long as I’ll need. I’d come sooner but the transportation is a bit slow… I can try to make other arrangements—”

  Since when did he become so chatty?

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “I was thinking, when I do arrive—”

  “Could you let me finish before I lose the nerve?”

  Immediately, Julius hushed. His body stilled. He waited. She took another breath as she looked into his eyes.

  “I was thinking, when you come back… I-I want to bond with—”

  She didn’t get to finished the words. His mouth was already on hers. Many cheers erupted from the crowd. Giggling, she didn’t take her eyes off of Julius when they broke apart.

  “Yes,” he smiled and kissed her again. “A thousand times, yes.”



  Erica was antsy. Her leg bounced as she tried her hardest to focus on finishing Julius’s painting. She was dangerously close and wanted to finish it before he arrived into town late that night. She was running out of time. The sun had already set and she was well into the evening. His plane was supposed to touchdown in an hour and all she could think about was being in his arms again. It was almost painful how much she missed him. Without him things felt off. Abnormal.

  “Alright, Erica, just focus,” she coached herself and picked up her brush. She tried to mix the right shade for his skin, but it was either too dark or too light. Nothing seemed to be cooperating with her today.

  Knock. Knock.

  She looked at the time on her phone. Too early for Julius. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she looked toward the door. It couldn’t have been her landlord. He and Mr. Hinkley had been eerily silent for quite some time. She speculated that it was probably Julius’s doing. She’d speculated that he purchased the building. Not that she couldn’t have just bought the building herself. Well, not so much.

  The money she made at her art show, covered art school and living expenses while she studied. She didn’t have to work while going to school if she didn’t want to. Of course, she kept her job tending bar at night. She really did have a blast there. Plus, the extra cash could be socked away for after she graduated.

  But she had to be sure Julius didn’t just buy the building because she had a troublesome landlord. A quick internet search confirmed that her landlord was still the building owner. He just wasn’t all in her business anymore. She was grateful for that.

  She put her brush in the rinsing cup and made her way to the door and looked through the peep hole.

  She screamed and flung the
door open.

  “You’re early!” Erica launched herself at Julius.

  He took a step back before finding his balance and carried them into the apartment.

  “I’m back,” he looked like he was trying to keep his own smile contained. She was glad he was failing. She loved his smile.

  She kissed him. “That’s seventy-three. I haven’t lost count.”

  He returned it. “Seventy-four.”

  Then kissed her again and again.

  “You even smell the same.” She cuddled close to his neck and breathed deeply. “I missed you so much.”

  “I’ve been dying without you.”

  “You don’t look it.” Thankfully. She never wanted to see him on the brink again. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

  “No, I ate on the plane.” He replied, then the look he gave her was filled with desperation. “I hope you’re not hungry because I’ve been, what did you call it, jonesing for you since I left.”

  Even though there was not a drop of his pleasure venom in her system, his words still held the magic to make her wet.

  “Been looking for a fix?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Well, I could go for something.” She played coy while he put his hands on her hips.

  “Please say sex. I don’t think I can hold my vampire back any longer.”

  “You’re ready to bond with me?”

  “I’m ready for it all.”

  Unable to hold back any longer, she flossed her fingers in his hair and pulled him down for another kiss. “I’m ready too.”

  “There’s no going back.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Things will change. You’ll be able to read my mind.”

  “I’m pretty sure I know half of what’s in that dirty mind of yours already.”

  “Ouch. I thought you missed me.”

  “Stop it.” She giggled and swatted him playfully. “You know I did. I’m so glad your home.”

  “Home, I like that.” His playful smiled turned serious. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Absolutely.” Was he? Was he having second thoughts? She should just ask, even if the thought started to break her heart into two. There was no rush. They could wait if he wanted to. “Julius, if you want to wait.”


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