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Liberation: Diaries:1970-1983

Page 112

by Christopher Isherwood

  Yount, Kurt. A blind man Isherwood met at Fullerton State in 1976, and with whom he became friendly, partly because Yount is an obsessive reader and partly because Isherwood felt curious and sympathetic about his predicament. Isherwood invited him to dinner once to introduce him to Don Bachardy.

  Yow, Jensen ( Jen, Jens). Artist and curator. He was a friend of Lincoln Kirstein and had a room in Kirstein’s house. He appears in D.1.


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use your ebook reader’s search tools.

  Works by Isherwood appear directly under title; works by others appear under authors’ names.

  Page numbers in italic indicate entries in the Glossary.

  ABC (television network) 290, 308, 372 Abedha (Tony Eckstein) 346, 368, 369, 428, 456, 689

  Abhaya 348–9, 352, 369, 449, 461, 468, 489, 526

  Abrahams, Gary 286, 290, 297, 302

  Abrahams, Willie/Billy 551, 556, 568

  Academy Awards (Oscars) 139, 222, 350, 476, 502, 669

  Aces High (film) 511

  Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, San Francisco 667

  Ackerley, J.R. (Joe) 23, 26, 432, 689; My Dog Tulip 351; We Think the World of You 165–6

  Ackerley, Nancy see West, Nancy

  ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) 554–5, 689

  acupuncture 220, 564

  Adam at Six A.M. (film) 139

  Addis, Keith 553, 583, 689

  Adiswarananda, Swami 420, 518

  Adjemian, Bob 368–9, 401, 427–8, 436, 444, 612, 623, 689

  Adler, Gusti 383

  Adler, Stella 244

  Adler, Steve 399

  Adlestrop, Gloucestershire, England 512

  Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God, The (Shaw): C.I.’s stage adaptation 3, 47, 121, 206; proposed film version 28, 310, 360; proposed musical version 298

  Advocate, The (magazine) 83, 194, 476, 477, 485, 489, 599

  Afghanistan 626n, 630n

  After Dark (magazine) 238

  After Many a Summer (Huxley; proposed television version) 556, 557, 560

  “Afterwards” (C.I.; story) 97–8, 322

  Agnew, Spiro 277, 396

  Ahmanson Theater, Los Angeles 179, 259, 589n, 610

  Ahunt, Marsh 657

  AIDS xxxviii, xxxix, 687n

  Aigues-Mortes, France 33, 43

  Albee, Edward 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 46, 63, 67, 513, 689–90; All Over 539; Seascape 478; Tiny Alice 39–40, 41; Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 232

  Albert, Eddie 417n, 690

  Albert, Edward 254, 690

  Albert, Margo 417, 690

  Aldeburgh, Suffolk 511–512

  Alderson, Brooke (Schjeldahl) 638

  Aleutian islands, earthquake (1971) 138

  Alexander, Clytie 203, 282–3, 357, 364, 371, 399, 494, 579, 656, 657, 690

  Alexander Nevsky (film) 421

  Alexander, Peter: career xix, 107, 153; friendship and socializing with C.I. and Don Bachardy xix, 203, 216, 364, 494, 501, 656, 657; Bachardy’s drawing of 157, 377; views on Bachardy’s work 203, 361; house at Las Tunas Canyon 282–3, 357–8, 371, 399, 656; 690

  Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay) 155, 578

  All the President’s Men (film) 502

  Allan, Rupert 507

  Allen, Dr. Alan: treats C.I. 86, 134, 142, 154, 155, 156, 183, 212, 214, 289, 446, 491, 504; character 289; on older patients 289; treats Don Bachardy 345; 690

  Allen, Edwin 168–9, 173–4, 304, 510, 652–3, 691

  Allen, Hazel 545

  Allen, Jay 529

  Altman, Dennis 237, 691

  Amador, Don 611

  Amaya, Mario 400, 421, 426, 691

  Ambler, Eric 403

  Amendt, Rudolf (Rudi) 382–4, 691

  American Booksellers’ Association convention 368

  American Civil Liberties Union see ACLU American Library Association Booklist 529

  Amiya (Countess of Sandwich) 28, 49, 54, 214, 216–17, 221, 325, 354, 511, 516, 644, 691

  Amohananda, Swami (earlier Paul Hamilton) 124, 573, 691

  Amsterdam, C.I. visits 635, 645

  Anamananda, Swami (earlier Kenneth Critchfield and Arup Chaitanya) 191, 199, 366, 693

  Anandaprana, Pravrajika (earlier Ursula Bond and Usha; Ananda): Swami vacations at Malibu house 94n; and Swami’s health 125, 352, 419, 427, 449, 473, 510; at Vedanta Center 147, 161, 223; on brush fire at Montecito convent 204; initiation of daughter 221; on “personality cult” of Swami 223–5; on proposed sale of land at Trabuco 237; and Joseph Kaplan 360; and Anamananda 366; at Father’s Day lunch 373; and Kali puja 396; and C.I.’s Essentials of Vedanta 429; and Chetanananda 436; and plans for appointment of Prabhavananda’s successor 468; and C.I.’s recording of the Bhagavad Gita 541–2, 598, 607; and C.I.’s My Guru and His Disciple 609, 611, 612, 623; 810–811

  And Now My Love (film) 496

  Andersen, Hans Christian, Fairy Tales 447

  Anderson, Bryan 411

  Anderson, Judith 539, 540, 608, 692

  Anderson, Ken 248–9

  Anderson, Lindsay 260, 692; If 7; Britannia Hospital 657n

  Anderson, Paul 244, 263, 270, 276, 286, 401, 491, 492, 496, 497, 559, 682, 692

  Anderson, Tamiko 411

  Andersson, Bibi 194

  Andersson, Jon 171

  Anderton, Piers 17n

  Andrew, Prince 681

  Andrews, Mark (pseud.): relationship with Gavin Lambert 98–9, 114–15, 126, 135, 164–5, 215, 241, 245–6, 252, 264, 286, 289–90, 405; acting career 99, 141, 187, 274; appearance and character 103, 108, 115, 135, 141, 148, 149–50, 195, 272; socializing with C.I. and Don Bachardy 108, 135, 141, 149–50, 187, 194–5, 217, 228, 271, 272, 493; trip to South Pacific with Lambert 126, 131; trip to Las Vegas with Lambert 148; life in Hawaii 228; at Tennessee Williams’s play reading 231; at performance of A Meeting by the River 232–3; travels to Europe with Lambert for filming 272, 274, 286; returns from Europe 289; asks C.I. and Bachardy for loan 289–90; Lambert sends money to 291; marriage 404–5; Bachardy’s drawings and paintings of 492

  Andrews, Oliver 585, 692

  Angremy, Jean-Pierre 58–9

  Angremy, Odile 58

  Anhalt, Edward (Eddie) 138, 692–3

  Another Kind of Friend see My Guru and His Disciple Ansen, Alan 642

  Antaeus (magazine) 170

  anti-Semitism vii–viii, 462, 555

  Antonioni, Michelangelo 24, 303; Zabriskie Point 24, 139

  Apollo space missions 53, 138n, 693

  Applause (musical) 181, 238, 274

  Apple Tree, The (film) 260, 274, 276

  Approach to Vedanta, An (C.I.) 244

  Arab-Israeli conflicts 65, 280n, 328, 393, 395, 412–13, 416n, 435, 559, 754

  Arabian Nights (Pasolini film) 511

  Arabian Nights, The (folk tales) 130, 303

  Argentina 681, 682

  Argo, Allison 508

  Arizu, Betty 220, 274, 448, 502, 693

  Arles 32

  Arnold, Steven: Luminous Procuress 267; proposed Monkey film 267, 271, 272–3, 274–5

  Arnoldi, Charles (Chuck) 282–3, 498, 576, 693

  Arrizabálaga y Prado, Leonardo de 565

  Art Center College of Design, Pasadena 455–6

  Art Direction (magazine) 593

  Arup Chaitanya see Anamananda, Swami

  As You Desire Me (film) 170

  Asaktananda, Swami: second in command at Hollywood Vedanta Center 2, 151, 159, 210, 219, 224, 360, 456, 463, 467–8, 484; relations with C.I. 151, 176, 427; and women Vedantists 204–5, 210, 480; C.I. dreams about 212; at Vivekananda puja 218–19; at Ramakrishna puja 221; counsels Evelyn Hooker 257, 261, 451; at Holy Mother puja 305; at Father’s Day lunch 373; Prabhavananda rebukes 418–19, 463; rejected as Prabhavananda’s successor 467–8, 470, 480; 693

  Ascot Park motorcycle racetrack, California 112
/>   Ashcroft, Peggy 11n

  Asheshananda, Swami 518

  Ashmole, David 50

  Ashokananda, Swami 260, 436

  Ashworth, Dr. (hand surgeon) 86, 177, 197, 201–2, 203, 204, 205, 212, 214–15, 236

  Asilah, Morocco 517

  Assembly Bill 489, California (A.B. 489) 478, 479, 493n, 693–4

  Asseyev, Tamara 587

  Astor, Alice (Pleydell-Bouverie) 323

  astrology 99–100, 101, 102, 113, 122, 379, 401, 411, 416

  Aswell, Mary-Louise 300

  At One With (television program) 570, 571n

  Atkins, Eileen 492

  Atlanta Film Festival 385, 391

  Atulananda, Swami 575–6

  Auden, John 515

  Auden, W.H. (Wystan): death and funeral xxiii–xxiv, xxx, 393, 394, 395, 641; emigration in 1939 xxiv, xxx–xxxi, 398, 402, 677; homosexuality xxiv, xxxiv, 372; portrayal in Lions and Shadows xxiv; and in Christopher and His Kind xxiv, 475, 684; relationship with Chester Kallman xxxn, 102n, 466, 636; religious beliefs xxxiii–xxxiv; on love and sex xxxiv–xxxv; dislike of Rupert Doone 10; untidiness deplored by C.I.’s mother 54; and Forster 73; problems with intimacy 73; on C.I.’s story “Afterwards” 98; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 132; in New York 221; and Spender 319; at Oxford 322, 335; and Cyril Connolly 322; C.I. looks through papers after his death 402; Edward Mendelson’s researches on 433, 475, 509; tribute event at USC 434–5; memorial stone at Westminster Abbey 456–7; C.I. speculates on views on Armistead Maupin 577; Humphrey Carpenter’s biography of 636; C.I.’s memories of 686; King’s Gold Medal for poetry award 688; 694

  City Without Walls 394; Epistle to a Godson 279; Journey to a War (with C.I.) 59; Love’s Labour’s Lost (libretto; with Chester Kallman) 335; The Orators 394, 647n; “The Platonic Blow” 156, 322

  Austen, Howard 11, 102n, 134, 136, 138, 341, 403, 404, 462, 530, 537, 694

  Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice 211; Emma 279

  Austin, Linda 36

  Australia, C.I.’s trip with Don Bachardy (1969) 3n, 120, 258, 310

  Austria 394, 534

  Avadhuta Gita, translation of 534

  Avedon, Richard 552

  Avis, Annie (Nanny) 54, 694

  Avon (publishers) 397, 399, 404, 560, 593, 638, 639

  Ayer, A.J. (Freddy) 515, 516, 694–5

  Ayer, Dee (Wells) 515, 516

  Babes on Broadway (film) 149

  Baby Blue Marine (film) 506

  Babymaker, The (film) 1, 16, 139

  Bacall, Lauren 235, 238, 495, 500, 511, 695; Applause 181, 238, 274

  Bachardy, Don: suggests titles for C.I.’s works xi–xii, 458, 537, 598; collaboration on dramatization of A Meeting by the River xvi, xxii, 7, 12–13, 79–80, 231, 233, 561, 563; collaboration on “Frankenstein” television film xvii, xviii, 135, 136, 138, 143, 162, 175, 176, 181, 196, 295; growing success of career xix–xx, 255, 257, 258–9, 412, 456, 660, 665; happiness when drawing xxi, 412; meditation xxi, 94, 127, 269, 297, 412; trip to South Pacific and Australia with C.I. (1969) 3, 49, 120, 258, 310; visits England with C.I. (1970) 5, 7; holiday in San Francisco with C.I. (June 1970) 9, 88–9, 90; visits Peter and Clytie Alexander at Las Tunas Canyon with C.I. 66, 282–3, 357–8, 371, 656; Hockney’s views on work 73, 157, 210; meets C.I. at airport on his return from England 78; anxieties about work 81, 87–8, 106–7, 125, 157, 204, 309, 345, 361, 456, 592–3; back problems 81, 633; depressions 81, 82, 87, 434, 573, 629, 630, 632, 662, 682; and proposed Writers Guild strike 85, 86; investigates roller skating 87, 89; interviewed for proposed Esquire magazine article 89, 101–2, 104; help with writing of C.I.’s Kathleen and Frank 90, 114, 116; friendship with Mike Van Horn 91, 96–7, 179, 182, 385, 437, 440; visits Ray Unger and Jack Fontan 96–7, 99–100, 101, 102, 109, 178, 279–80, 354, 506–7; visits Bill Brown and Paul Wonner 97, 99, 117, 211, 256, 270, 271; horoscope read by Jack Fontan 99–100, 122, 416; diets 101; dreams 101, 205–6, 262, 264; supper with Rita Hayworth 108, 375–6; shows new work to Billy Al Bengston 113, 142–3, 204; weight 114, 147, 178, 255, 262, 280, 350; visits John Lehmann in San Diego with C.I. 115; trip to San Francisco for joint show with Ed Ruscha (December 1970) 118, 121, 122, 123; reading Dostoevsky 136, 141; growths on feet 137, 138, 142, 143, 157, 164; mother’s birthday 144; shows new work to Irving Blum 157; visits New York with C.I. following Stravinsky’s death (May 1971) 159, 161, 162, 163, 166, 168–74; hair style, moustache and beard 160, 190, 215, 275–6, 280, 434, 435, 440, 488; offered work as art director on Michael Laughlin film 163; thirty-seventh birthday 166, 168, 171; at New York City Ballet 169; hopes for sitting with Willem de Kooning 172; prepares new drawings for possible show with Irving Blum 177; reads Proust 178; buys new car 193–4, 197–8; gift for C.I.’s sixty-seventh birthday 197; visits C.I. in hospital for hand operation 201, 202; unemployment payments 203, 502, 505, 519; minor car accidents 216, 449, 549, 599, 629, 683; keeps diary 217, 462; trip to New York for promotion of C.I.’s Kathleen and Frank 218, 220, 221; draws up will 220; at Ramakrishna puja 221, 346; colds 223, 384, 599; collaboration on “The Mummy” television film 228, 239, 253–4; thirty-eighth birthday 233; suffers food poisoning 233; fast driving 237–8, 294; photographed by Stathis Orphanos 239, 240; taped interview with C.I. on working methods 245, 249; traffic ticket for driving wrong way in one-way alley 258; relations with parents 266; buys bigger new car 267, 268, 273; collaboration on proposed Monkey screenplay 267, 271, 272–3, 274–5; making pranams 269; gifts for C.I.’s sixty-eighth birthday 275–6; visits Beverly Baeressen 279, 506; friendship with Dan Price 288; votes in presidential election (1972) 289; collaboration on draft screenplay of A Meeting by the River 292, 310, 350, 354, 355, 359, 378, 384, 397; trip to New York for performance of A Meeting by the River 293, 295, 296, 297–8, 300–301, 302, 304–5, 305–9; travels to England with C.I. for “Frankenstein” filming 312, 314–36; trip to Switzerland and Italy before returning to California 326, 336–41; inspects drawings at British Museum 328–9; stomach complaints 345, 359, 453, 504, 587, 606; considers changing doctor 345; picketing for Writers Guild strike 346; buys chihuahua for mother 352; bead telling 353; drives to see Rex Heftmann in San Diego 362–3; visits Yosemite and San Francisco with C.I. and John Schlesinger and Michael Childers 366–8; visits Charles Hill’s and Guy Dill’s studios 370–71; car seizes 371–2; letter from Joan Crawford 376; party at Ken Price’s beach house 381; gift for C.I.’s sixty-ninth birthday 384; trip to New York (October-November 1973) 397, 400, 402, 403; BBC filming for “Arena: Cinema” segment on Hollywood 411; relationship with Bill Franklin (“The Downer”) 412n, 579–80, 594, 602, 606, 607, 608, 609–610, 612, 624, 648, 729; in New York for Cultural Center show (February 1974) 419, 421–2, 425–6, 430; broken tooth 429; muscle pains 429; fortieth birthday 434, 435, 754; works on The Stepford Wives film on East Coast 439, 441, 443; C.I. inscribes books for 443–4; and George Cukor’s proposed biography 449; gift for C.I.’s seventieth birthday 451; feels he has no role at Vedanta Center 453–4; teaches life class at Art Center College of Design 455–6; visits Chicago with C.I. 463; in New York with C.I. for MLA convention (December 1974) 465, 467; visited by John Sonsini 467; receives Brandeis Medal for C.I. in New York 474, 477; at Billy Al Bengston’s Academy Awards party 476; featured in The Advocate magazine 476, 477n; collaboration on “The Beautiful and Damned” draft television screenplay 479–80; spots on skull and face 479, 567, 600; at question-and-answer session at Cal. State Gay Pride Week 485; at Peter Pears concert at Schoenberg Hall 487; in Seattle for Dootson-Calderhead Gallery show (December 1975) 487; at David Bowie concerts 496, 567; enlargement of studio 498, 499, 500, 502, 503, 506, 507, 518, 521, 522, 524–5, 526, 528, 534n, 537; filming for Platypus Films’s Christopher Isherwood: Over There on a Visit 504, 505, 514; in New York with C.I. en route to and from Europe (May/July 1976) 508–510, 518; in England and Scotland 510–516; trip to Morocco 516–17; returns to California via Madrid and New York 517–18; at memorial service for Prabhavananda 518; buys new television set 519; with C.I. on prom
otional tours for Christopher and His Kind 530; trip to Rochester, Toronto, Chicago and Minneapolis (February 1977) 536, 538; visits England with C.I. (March-April 1977) 540, 542–3; proposed book of drawings with commentary 542, 544, 545, 551, 556, 557, 565, 566, 568–9, 571, 618, 621; adoption by C.I. 543–4, 569; reads draft of C.I.’s My Guru and His Disciple 550, 555; death of father 557, 558, 559; executor to father’s estate 557, 559, 569; and C.I.’s planned knee operation 562, 563; palm read 567; relationship with Bill Bopp 579; citation in Art Direction magazine 593; nude drawings photographed for The Advocate magazine 599; trip to Mexico with Bill Franklin (November-December 1978) 602, 603, 604, 605–6; in New York for Broadway production of A Meeting by the River 607, 608; trip to Texas and Louisiana (May 1979) 609, 610; argument in movie theater 620; relationship with Keith Coleman 626; studio floods 627; forty-sixth birthday 632–3; starts wearing spectacles 632; trip to San Francisco with C.I. for promotion of My Guru and His Disciple (June 1980) 634; relations with brother Ted 637; strained muscles 643; trip to New York for Robert Miller Gallery show (September-October 1980) 647, 648–53; relationship with Don Carr 648, 653, 654; vaccinated for hepatitis 648; in Cleveland for drawing commission (October 1980) 649; collaboration on draft screenplay of “Paul” 651, 662, 672, 673; in studio with Don Carr during break-in 653, 654; collection of paintings bought by Swedish dealer 665, 674; weekend in San Francisco for Gay Rights Advocates fundraiser (February 1981) 666–7; and C.I.’s final illness and death 688; 695–696

  Drawings and paintings: of C.I. xxix, 270, 478n, 504, 519–20, 534, 593, 618, 649, 688; of Irene Worth 40n; of Troy Perry 45; of Brooke Hopper 81, 87n; of Peter Schneider 84–5; drawing and painting techniques 87, 88, 96, 245, 263, 524, 660; of Salvador Dali 87n, 270; of Barbara Stanwyck 96; movie heads series 96, 145, 150, 361, 362, 378; of John Ireland 99; of David O. Selznick 104, 253; of Auden 132; of Andy Warhol 157, 478n; compared to Ingres 157, 377, 378; nudes 157, 362, 547, 550, 599; of Peter and Clytie Alexander 157, 203, 377; of Penny Little 182; of David Mosley 185; of Michael York and Pat McCallum York 238, 254, 493, 658; of Bob Ennis 243; of Bumble Dawson 244, 245; of Bryan Forbes 256; of Sarah Standing 256; of Elton John and Bernie Taupin 259; of Harry Rigby 259; of Rob Matteson 264, 269; of Margaret Leighton 270; self-portraits 270; of Virgil Thomson 270, 377; of Dan Price 288; of Jim Charlton 305; of Renate Druks 309, 496; of Celia Clark (Birtwell) 347; of Peggy Lloyd 354; of Katharine Hepburn 362; of Montgomery Clift 362; of Norman Mailer 362; of Norton Simon 363, 374, 378, 411; of Charles and Muff Brackett 364–5; of Candy Darling 374; of Gregory Evans 374; of Nancy Reagan 374; of Stravinsky 377; of Nicholas Wilder 378, 499; of Howard Warshaw 381; of Randy Kleiser 381; bought by National Portrait Gallery, London 391, 777; of Bette Davis 397, 400, 478n; of Alice Faye 403, 458–9; of Jane Powell 403; of John Schlesinger 413; of John Collier 415; of Joan Crawford 422; compared to Schiele 460, 552; of Ingrid Bergman 474; of Jonathan Fryer 485; of Ralph Williams 491; of Rick Sandford 491, 497, 505, 550, 681; of Ian Whitcomb 492; of Mark Andrews 492; of Bill Bopp 493; of Don Cribb 493, 506; of George Raya 493; of Philippa Foot 495–6; of Bob Dootson 496; of Werner Pochath 496; of Jean Santoro 497; of David Dambacher and Gene Martin 499, 501, 637, 664; of Gilbert Haacke 501; of Greg Harrold 502; of Douglas Chapin 504, 507, 520; of Scott Velliquette 504; of Carol Hines 505; of Warren Neal 508; of Wayne Sleep 513; of Stephen and Natasha Spender 514; of Mary Montague 515; of A.J. Ayer 516; of Louise Fletcher 528; of Mark Valen 550, 552; of Paul Sorel 550; of Divine 573, 574; of Keith Baxter 584; of Armistead Maupin 597; of William Burroughs 597; of Muff Brackett 598; of Cici Huston 607; of Henry Green 607; of Stuart Timmons 619; of Joan Plowright 631; of William Wyler 639; Mariposa Portraits of gay and lesbian leaders 650–51; of James White 669; of Jerry Stille 669; of Jim Teel 669; of Kiki Kiser 669; of Dan Turner 687


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