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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

Page 8

by Jacklyn Daher

  "Wait, I'll come." Luxor slid across the seat and was about to rise, there was no way she was going to be able to keep her guard up around Evie.

  "No, stay and eat. Evie's here, she can show you back to school." She turned on her heel and swiftly scattered out of the doors before Luxor had time to protest.

  Gee, thanks.

  Luxor slumped against the hard vinyl and wriggled about until she pulled her mobile from her back pocket and faced it down on the table. Any minute now she expected a call from Meredith and if she missed it, well she didn’t want to think about the consequences.

  "Don't take it personally, she always does these disappearing acts," Evie explained non- fazed. "You'll get used to her uniqueness."

  But will I get used to yours?

  Luxor tapped her fingers against the table top weighing Ayla and Evie’s uniqueness against the tiny interactions she had had with them. "Does being weird around strangers count?"

  "Nah, she's usually friendly. Why?"

  As expected, the phone beeped, and Luxor swiped her finger across the screen.

  Meredith: Hope your day is running smooth.

  In other words…no trouble.

  Luxor thrust her phone into her backpack. It would be an unusual day if she hadn't received a thinly veiled warning message from Meredith. It was as if she was waiting for the when, not the if, she screwed up.

  “Everything okay?” Evie asked, glancing at Luxor, the backpack, and then back at Luxor.

  “Ah parentals, it never ends.” Luxor tilted her lips to the side. She hoped the problems with Meredith would improve but so far, their relationship remained the same, cold way.

  “Touché,” Evie said and held up a hand for Luxor to slap. Luxor stared at the hand before returning the high five. “So, who did Miss Ayla have a freak out around now?”

  “So, this is common?” If it was, Luxor would be relieved that Ayla’s bad vibes from Hunter were her issue, and not a reflection on him. She didn’t know why being around him for those brief moments, had her no longer felt cold.

  "Umm, okay. It’s not much, really. I left things back in History class, and remember the hottie, well he caught up with me and returned them. Then Ayla turned full-blown pale, I’m talking Casper the Friendly Ghost, and freaked out like he was about to chop her up or something."

  Evie nodded in understanding. "She's not comfortable around guys. Totally stiff, even when we chat about who's hot and dateable."

  An elderly woman with fair skin and greying wavy hair approached the table, a small notebook and pen ready. "Hello darlings, what will it be today?" She said in a soft, faint German accent.

  "The usual Mrs. C and another one of these." Evie held up a nearly empty bowl of fries.

  "Evie, how many times I tell you, call me Inez. You make me feel old." She gave a lively laugh, the sides of her eyes crinkling up and lit up her warm dark brown irises.

  Luxor couldn't help but smile. The woman reminded her of how a grandmother would look at her grandchild, lovingly and with complete kindness. She had no extended family to experience that, hell, her own family refrained from any affection as well. If she could experience one moment of it, she would be happy.

  "What would you like miss?" Inez directed her question at Luxor.

  As if on cue Luxor’s stomach gurgled, but she hadn't looked over the menu yet.

  "You gotta taste the curly fries, they're to die for." Evie scarfed off the remains of the bowl and chewed loudly. Swiping a finger along the bottom she licked the salt residue of her finger.

  Strange, strange girl

  "Just a soy latte please," Luxor replied, playing it safe. Because of her intolerances, she was wary of eating from a new place and even worse, she wasn’t sure how deep her new intolerances went. Was it simply ingesting the forbidden items or even worse, cross-contamination?

  "That all? No, no eat something, you too skinny. I can see that underneath all those clothes." She exaggerated as she wiggled her finger up and down.

  "Soy? How uber chic," Evie said.

  Luxor once had an athletic build, years of ballet, dance, cheerleading, and track, kept her body in slim shape. But now she had become too skinny. Her rib cage was exposed, her hip bones jutted out, and no amount of junk food helped to fatten her up. It was as if her metabolism was in overdrive, making sure she would eventually whittle away. Or maybe it had to do with genetics, she had no idea what her mother was like, or it could be her sudden intolerance to dairy and gluten. Whatever the reason, she loathed the state of her body.

  "Churros," she mourned, nostalgic for the crispy texture of the long doughnuts. Whenever she had a bad day, she would go to her favourite café, Sweet Tooth, and would order a white- hot chocolate, and three churros, extra crispy. After dunking the icing sugar sprinkled churros into melted chocolate, then the ice cream, she would slip into a blissful food-induced heaven.

  Evie furrowed her brow and ran her finger down the pages of the menu. After a couple of scrolls, she gave up and flipped it aside.

  "That all?" Inez asked with her pen poised and Luxor nodded. "I make your friend something special," she told Evie and left the table a skip almost in her step.

  “She likes you,” Evie remarked jerking her head back. She swirled her straw in her glass of Coke, which made the ice chink. "So, spill."

  "About?" Luxor feigned ignorance. She knew exactly what Evie wanted. "Your story, the reason you changed schools. You clearly aren't an MBT."

  Luxor creased her forehead. "A what?"

  "Haven't you noticed you're not the only newbie?"

  Luxor nodded. The indication from the assembly made it clear and the fact the receptionist gave out a more than average amount of orientation packs.

  "Mount Beauty transfers, a.k.a. MBT, have invaded the school. Their school burnt down over the summer, arson I think, and our school is one of the closest schools, so we got some of their assholes," Evie explained with disgust. "And bitches."

  "What makes you think I'm not one of them?" Luxor asked with intrigued.

  "Believe me, I can smell the arrogance a mile away, plus you don't look like you have a stick lodged up your ass."

  Luxor snorted. "Is she a transfer?" She nodded in the direction of the pool table area where the brunette Barbie replica was in a booth, sipping on an iced-tea.

  Evie peeked over her shoulder in a none-too-subtle way. "Scarlett? She fits the profile, but sadly, no."

  As if on cue for a split second, Scarlett's eyes met Luxor's. She quickly picked a piece of fluff off Evie's shoulder to make it less obvious.

  "Oh, no, she's on her way over. Shit, shit, shit." Evie bowed her head and slurped her coke, her hair draped over her face like a violet curtain.

  Scarlett sashayed over, her silky brown hair trailing over her chest, ice blue eyes like glaciers, ready to slice. "Hey weirdo, what do you have here, a new playmate?" She directed her question at Evie who refused to look up. "Aww how sweet, but won't miss prim and proper get jealous?"

  Evie stiffened, and clasped her hands around the glass cup until her knuckles turned white.

  Scarlett perched herself on the edge of the table, her shorts inching upwards, and faced Luxor.

  Doesn't she realise how small they are?

  "So, you're the latest resident. I don't think we've been formally introduced," Scarlett said.

  Since when do people formally introduce themselves?

  Was she invisible, or was this girl so dumb she had already forgotten we had had already been introduced in History class? Luxor thought.

  "I'm Scarlett Kingsley." She straightened up, her hand on her chest, with and an air of superiority around her.

  "Great to know." Luxor moved along the seat to get a clearer view of Evie who appeared to be on the verge of passing out.

  Scarlett's mouth gaped open, but she composed herself and faked a smile. "I believe you moved into The Chalet."

  "And?" Luxor raised her eyebrow.

  “Well only those of a pro
per background are worthy of it.”

  The deteriorated Chalet I now called home was prized property?

  Luxor tried to get an indication on what Scarlett was talking about. “What are you trying to say?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You must have an elite status. I want you to join my group. After all, associating with the lower class,” she directed her attention at Evie, “wouldn’t be beneficial to your reputation.”


  That was the last thing Luxor cared about. Being on top of the social standing again would only attract attention and it would go against her plan of sliding under the radar.

  Luxor glanced over at Evie whose hunched form slunk into the seat. Against her better judgment of ignoring her, she scoffed. “That’s nice of you but I can give you an answer now. It’s a definite no.”

  “I’ll give you a day to consider.”

  “Are you deaf? I said no.”

  The snide expression disappeared replaced by an angry scowl. Scarlett clenched her jaw and it was obvious she was trying hard to suppress the urge to unleash a tirade of profanities or to slap Luxor across the face.

  “Fair enough.” She lifted her hand in a fluid motion to smooth down her hair.

  A gush of scolding beige liquid contacted Luxor's neck and hands, the glass cup of latte skittering across the table before smashing. She shrieked, jerking out of the booth and jumped up and down shaking her now saturated sleeves. Snapping her eyes shut she leaned against the booth. The noise was deafening and no matter how much Luxor tried, she couldn't block out the sounds that surrounded her. Most of all she needed time to compose herself because right now she couldn't look at. Her emotions would spiral out of control if Scarlett had so much as a smug expression. Luxor's frame of mind wasn't stable or strong enough to deal with difficult situations right now. If history was anything to go by, trouble was in sight.

  Breathe Luxor, she's an idiot. Don't say anything, don't react.

  Moments passed and when Luxor felt secure, she opened her eyes, only to find Scarlett in her face, a group accumulated behind her. Scarlett had stayed there the entire time, giggling, and watching her on the verge of breaking. It wasn't just to make her point though, she wanted to further humiliate her, to fully make her lose control.

  And that would not end all for everybody. Verity was proof.

  Scarlett let a yawn feigning boredom. "And I thought she was a threat." She commented to her minion who agreed.

  “Believe me, threats will be the least of your problems.” Luxor re-entered the booth and tried to compose herself, proud she was able to gain control. If it meant she was perceived as weak she didn't care, just as long as Scarlett didn't touch her, she would be okay.

  On the way past Scarlett's hip connected with Luxor's shoulder and poof in a split second the bubble of self-contained control dissipated. The poison coursed through Luxor’s veins and the rapid beating of her heart couldn't prevent what was coming. No amount of breathing or self-talking would stop her now.

  "Stop," Luxor demanded with authority.

  Scarlett halted and spun around immediately.

  Luxor joined her, clenching her twitching fists and shoved them deep in her jumper. She blew out heavy breaths and tried to control her rapid heartbeat which vibrated against her ribs. It was time to test herself and see if when she was pushed to the limit, she could still be in control. Luxor was a loose cannon, ready to explode, and all it took was one spark of a light. She needed to ignore her urges to prevent causing harm to anything or anyone. It was the only reason she was forced to move. Despite not remembering anything last time, Luxor hurt somebody she loved. Imagine the damage she could do to someone she didn't know. All she would use was words, no violence was needed.

  Evie snuck up and clasped Luxor's shoulders, squeezing them, either to restrain or give Luxor strength she wasn't sure.

  Luxor shrugged Evie off and stared Scarlett dead on. "What the hell is your problem?" Her anguish had subsided but continued to linger.

  Scarlett arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

  "Don't play dumb, although I really think it comes naturally. So, I'll say it again, nice and slow so your simple mind will comprehend. What. Is. Your. Problem?" The rage boiled within.

  Scarlett's snarled, her perfect features contorted into a hideous face. "I will not waste energy giving you an answer."

  " 'Cuz that'll mean using effort for talking, and less time shovelling a pound of makeup on." She narrowed her eyes, blue on blue eyes staring each other down. "As a matter of fact, a job as a clown is always available at the circus, you have the look down pat."

  “Oohs” echoed throughout the tavern which had come to a standstill. Diners turned their attention to the drama unfolding, and to the two girls who were like two boxers ready for a fight.

  What am I doing? Walk away now!

  Luxor had never been good at listening to her conscience, but Scarlett reminded her of Verity, and she couldn't back down and do nothing. Not anymore.

  Scarlett's eyes narrowed to slits and changed to a stormy blue, looking like they would brew to a cyclone. The wheels turned in her head and by pausing only meant she was of two minds; either to retaliate in a more severe fashion in public, or to leave it for when there wasn't an audience.

  Before Luxor could make her next move, preferably slap the cow out, Inez pushed through the crowd and divide them both by spreading her hands. "What is going on?"

  Evie interjected before anybody could respond. She was composed now as Scarlett had her sights on another victim. "It's quite silly really, a minor, minor misunderstanding. Scarlett thought Luxor here," and swung her hand in the way of an introduction, "grabbed her mobile but Scarlett forgot she placed it in her bag."

  Luxor gawked at Evie in disbelief. It was the lamest excuse ever given. There was no way Inez would believe that.

  At first, Inez furrowed her brow at Evie, who gave her a sweet innocent smile, and then squeezed her shoulders affectionately. "Just as long it sorted," Inez said returning to the counter.

  "Be back in a sec, you okay?" Evie whispered.

  Luxor nodded. She was fine being back alone within the vicinity of Scarlett, her intimidation tactics didn't work on her. But something niggled at the back of her mind, a message she needed to remember.

  Scarlett stepped in closer. "I miscalculated you, I'd thought you'd back down by now," she said, amused.

  "Sorry to disappoint," Luxor said, not sorry at all. "But remember this as I won't be repeating it. Don't mess with me, and we won't have a problem. I'm out of your league, and you're nothing but a brat."

  Scarlett gasped, but then plastered on a blank expression. "This isn't over freak." She poked a manicured finger into Luxor's shoulder and moved along with her minions lagging.

  Luxor gripped her hair and watched her retreating figure.

  The threat pushed its way to the forefront and struck Luxor in the chest. Meredith. The text message she had just received came back to her.

  Hope your day is running smooth. All Meredith wanted was no trouble, it wasn't said but implied, and now that was shot to hell.

  What have I done?

  Luxor bolted from The Hive and down Main Street in the opposite direction of Scarlett, with no clue where she was going. The stares of the other diners were too much to handle and she needed to clear her head to calm down.

  A kilometre later she reached the end of the street where she rounded a corner and wandered into a park. It was empty, apart from a group of women and their babies on a playdate.

  Away from the chatter of mothers and babble of babies, she found a wooden bench under a leafy tree that provided a great deal of shade. She covered her hands over her face and breathed in and out until her heartbeat steadied. The thoughts of how much trouble she was in crept into her mind.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why can't you stay out of trouble?

  "That was insane!" Evie squealed.

  Luxor lifted her head and str
aightened up. With all the madness, she had forgotten all about her, but right now company was the last thing she wanted.

  Evie joined nevertheless, placing two extra-large coffees in the middle, and ripped open the brown paper bag of curly fries.

  "Sorry I shouldn't have lost it, I should have ignored her, but it's just people like-" she prattled instantaneously before Evie assumed, she was a crazy loon.

  "Are you serious? Don't apologise, that bitch threw a coffee all over you." Evie gobbled a mouthful of fries. "Are you okay?"

  Three words. “Are you okay?” It was a simple but important question. Nobody even in her old life bothered to ask, no matter how much she wished.

  Luxor nodded and rolled up the sleeves of her hoodie an inch but not enough to expose any skin. "Happens all the time." All she could manage was a small smile.

  "Just have to admit, how you confronted Scarlett, and the look on her face...Priceless. Damn, I wish I had taken a pic. Where the hell did you come from?"

  "Hampton Cove. But you already know that.”

  "No. What I meant was, where did you come from?" Evie said with more emphasis. "You just did what most people have wanted to do throughout their whole life."

  "Are you calling me an alien?" Luxor laughed, it would had explained all of the stares.

  "You would have to be to knock saddle-up Scarlett off her throne."

  Luxor stifled back another laugh and contemplated asking how she received the moniker but held back. By the looks of her, it was pretty self-explanatory. And no doubt Scarlett has been mounted quite a few times.

  "What's her problem, anyway?" She picked up the cup marked "S" and sipped.

  "Oh, the typical, 'my family is rich and powerful.'" Evie waved a hand in the air and settled into a swing. "Her father is the Mayor and they basically own half the town. See the ski shop over there?" She pointed ahead fifty metres to a double story building bearing the name Kingsley. "Her family is royalty here, and so she acts like a princess and treats everybody like dirt. If anybody tries to upstage her, look out! Gah, I loathe people like that."


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