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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

Page 18

by Jacklyn Daher

  "Believe it or not I'm one of those nerdy people who spends hours looking at dots in the sky."

  "They are called stars." There was amusement in Evie's tone. Luxor threw a pillow at her which ended up clocking her upside the head.

  "So, you believe there are unearthly things out there?" Ayla piped up after being quiet for so long.

  "Definitely not. I'm a 'have to see to believe' type, and even then, I'll have to touch to see if it's real."

  "I take it you're not in psychics either?" Evie moved beside Luxor and peered through the lens. Eventually Luxor had to adjust the telescope so it pointed to the sky, not the ground where Evie had positioned it.

  "If I wanted to waste my limited funds, I might as well burn it,” Evie said.

  “Preach to the choir,” Evie said. Bored of looking into nothing she stepped aside and sat crossed leg on the bed, the pillow firmly on her lap.

  "I'll take that as a no. Wouldn't it be funny to see what they say though?" Luxor said, turning back to the telescope.

  The red stars shone, as if blood-soaked diamonds replaced them with the promise of worse things to come. With her new surroundings, steps would be taken to discover who she was. Even though she wasn't religious, maybe with the power of a prayer, or wishful thinking, the answers she sought would be revealed.

  Luxor readied the telescope. For the here and now, the distance was stark and her telescope would be her only guide, against danger.

  The shadows. Hunter. And of anything roaming around.

  An hour later Luxor kicked them out in the nicest way possible. She was beyond exhausted. Slipping on her purple satin nightwear she tied the front of the shorts to secure them. She would have to go shopping shortly, either she had outgrown her clothes, or they hung off her like a potato sack.

  Her bed called out to her, enticing her to get the day over and done with. Luxor flipped the covers over, her body half in.

  Tick. Tick. Tick.

  A gasp escaped her lips, and she stiffened up.

  It's only a branch. Yes, a branch across my window.

  Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

  The rhythmic patter upon the glass quashed the notion, but Luxor didn't want to believe it. In the sanctuary of her own home, somebody was there. She tip-toed over to the window, her body against the pane and slid the curtain across just a fraction. When she didn't see anything, she began to question her already fragile sanity.

  Oh, my God I'm hearing things now.

  A faint rustle emitted from below her balcony, followed by a black shadow. Leaning over the railing, she failed to see anything.


  Her heart sped up and she could taste her own fear. It was bitter, sour even. Something or someone was out there, coming for her. If there was one thing Luxor knew, it was that.


  The shadow appeared before her pacing the length of the balcony. It paused as if knowing it had been caught and reared its head displaying a mop of black hair and exposing those distinct toffee coloured eyes.

  Damn him!

  Luxor clenched her fist, with a thirst to kill on her brain. She tried to quell the rage before she flung open the bi fold doors and slunk out into the fresh air careful to remain partially hidden. She had taken one step and cursed. In her haste to check out the culprit, she had forgotten to re-insert her contacts.

  Why don't I just superglue them to my eyeballs?

  "Hunter what the hell are you doing here?"

  Hunter gazed upwards and subtlety tilted his head a fraction. It was that small action that infuriated her. "I couldn't sleep." He shrugged his shoulders. "And you're my source of entertainment."

  What the hell is that supposed to mean? God, I hope he's not continuing on from this afternoon.

  "How do you know where I live?" Luxor growled.

  "I have my ways. You going to come down?" he asked, still juggling the pebbles in his hand.

  "No, go away." Luxor backed away, her hand against the wall. She wanted to keep her eyes focused on him to make sure he did.

  "Either you come down, or I'm coming up. I'll re-enact Romeo and Juliet, don't you girls like that shit?"

  "You wouldn't dare."

  Hunter's eyebrow rose and he smirked. A challenge had been set, flickering the pebbles with a twist of his wrist, he was intent on winning. Wiping his hands at the back on his jeans, he strode forward towards the tree, his movement slow until he was out of sight.

  Luxor panicked and a gasp escaped her lips. "Wait!" she hissed and held out her hand in a stop motion, even though Hunter couldn't see it.

  A chuckle emanated from the dark. Hunter re-emerged, his lips turned up at the side, his victory clear.

  "I'll be down in a sec."

  Without waiting for a response Luxor rummaged through her bedroom for something to wear. In the end, all she found was a black hoodie. Where were her pants when she needed them? Dashing to the bathroom, she quickly re-inserted her contacts. Returning to the balcony she halted and leaned over the railing.

  Why, oh, why can't I catch a break?

  "Problem?" Hunter asked, disposing of the pebbles and dusting the dirt on the back of his jeans. He was still in the same spot as she left him. "How am I supposed to come down? Grow wings and fly like a bird?"

  "Isn't that what angels do?" Hunter chuckled, clearly amused.

  God he's insufferable!

  "Then jump. Don't worry I'll catch you." Hunter had his arms out in a seemingly mocking gesture.

  Yeah right.

  Luxor pinched the bridge of her nose, her head on the verge of exploding. The reason why Hunter continued to antagonise her was a mystery. "Please, I'm tired Hunter, let's talk tomorrow."

  "No," Hunter said, tapping the tree which leaned to the side of the balcony. "Climb down, I have all night Angel."

  Luxor shot him a death stare. "Move away, and if you think about touching me, or checking out my ass, I'll break your nose."

  The sudden surge of confidence appeared at out nowhere and it wasn't at the fact of having to climb down the balcony, but at not putting up with Hunter's attitude. The sooner she obeyed, for the last time, the sooner she could get back to her warm bed.

  Despite not believing in a higher power she mouthed a silent prayer that she wouldn't break a leg, or even end up on her butt. Holding onto the banister Luxor grasped the railing with a death grip, and with one leg over, she teetered on the edge.

  The soft petals of the dark pink and white chrysanthemums and orange geraniums tickled her knees, a contrast to the cold iron balcony. She leant her body over to the side and reached the nearest and sturdiest branch. She bowed her head down on the lookout for another branch, and then another, until her bare feet were safe on the dirty ground.

  Hunter was on the swing, his legs extended, as he rocked back and forward. His forehead was creased in deep thought, fixated on the stones he shuffled in his palm. Even when Luxor approached, he didn't bother to stop.

  Why don't you make yourself at home? Not like I don't have anything to do then to entertain you.

  "You have five minutes." Luxor crossed her arms across her chest, she had no time for pleasantries.

  "Is that any way to treat a guest?" Hunter patted the spot beside him, just as he did that afternoon.

  "You're an intruder, so don't play the guest card."

  "Sit," Hunter demanded, his voice full of authority. Luxor shook her head. "I have all night, sit now."

  Luxor scowled and sat as far as possible crossing one leg over another. She reminded herself she was only catering to his whims to get whatever her had in mind over and done with. Applying pressure to her temple she rubbed with her middle and forefinger. His mere presence was wreaking havoc on her body, an ultimate contradiction, confusing her mind. She didn't know to act; her body was eager to be close to him, a contrast to her mind which was disgusted by him.

  Damn him. Damn him to hell.

  "I'm liking your nightwear, you wear it well." Hunter's eyes briefly sk
immed down her body, his eyes lingering on her long legs. In her rush to cover her arms, and replace her contacts, she had forgotten to slip pants over her silken white shorts and her bare legs were on display.

  If it was anybody else, she'd be flattered. Too bad he was completely unhinged, so it didn't count.

  Again, the bakery incident flashed into her mind. Why a bakery? Wouldn't a bank be better if you are broke? It was all too silent and Luxor didn't hear anything being smashed for him to enter. Was he able to pick locks? If so, then she wasn't safe anywhere.

  Luxor scowled and shifted in her seat and held onto the rope to halt the movement. "So, what did you want to talk about before?"

  She wanted to move on from the conversation and find out what was so important he was willing to dig around information about her. Luxor twisted her body towards Hunter with her knees together, and hand in the middle in order to halt any advance he might have in his head.

  "Nothing important." Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

  Is he kidding me?

  "Seemed important enough to threaten me this afternoon," she said, trying hide the anger in her voice.

  "Oh Angel, that wasn't a threat, call it a promise." Hunter's voice was smooth, a contradiction to the chilling words that were projected.

  Luxor gulped and ran her fingers on the outside of her arm, but it was no use, the thick material prevented her doing damage. "So what was so important that you'll promise to expose me?" She paused and waited for his response. A few minutes passed and the silence continued to linger between them. "You know what I don't care. Dig around, you'll find out I have nothing to hide. My arrival to Brighton Falls is the usual boring story of my parent having to transfer jobs. So, you can leave now." Luxor threatened by getting off the seat, hoping he wouldn't call her bluff. She was playing with fire, but he was playing games, and sometimes high risk games got you burnt. In this case, she hoped it didn't leave her with mental scars.

  "Are you sure you want to play this game Angel?" he taunted, following her to the tree. “I never lose.”

  "You know what game I'll pay? It's called the invisible game. Heard of it?" Hunter stayed silent but a ghost of a smile crept onto his face. "It's simple really, I'm going to leave, but tomorrow you will be invisible. If I can't see you, I don't have to listen to the sewage that spews out of your mouth. Every. Damn. Time, you open it. You got it? Good. It's starting now."

  Luxor stood up and couldn't help the flutters that stirred inside, not due to Hunter because they were always there, but because she had managed to fluke some courage.

  "Okay, wait, wait." Hunter huffed and ran his fingers through his hair messing it up. Confusion crossed his features, his eyebrows knitted together. After a few moments, he sighed. "Are you okay?"


  "Your fainting episode, are you okay?"

  Luxor furrowed her eyebrows. "So, let me get this straight, you rock up at my house, unnoticed, and at god knows what time to ask me if I'm okay?"

  "God you're stubborn, I was being nice, believe it or not I am capable of that." Hunter's voice was soft, and an underlying emotion lay there. Was he genuine?

  An unattractive sound was released as Luxor snorted loudly. “Did you forget you saw me after school and drove me to my appointment?”

  Hunter huffed, shaking his head. "You were silent. Signs of a concussion.”

  “God, you’re an idiot.”

  “Oh, I’m far from that. Anyway, what I wanted to say this afternoon before class, I regret my actions that transpired yesterday and today."

  Luxor narrowed her eyes, trying to digest the information. "Can you say that in English? Why are you using hard words?"

  "Do you need a dictionary, Angel?"

  "Why say it like that? So, umm, I don't know, un-Hunter like."

  "You've created a language for me? Aww, ain't that sweet." He chuckled and cooed. “Goes to show my language proves my lack of idiocy.”

  "Ugh, you're impossible." Luxor huffed. "So what part are you apologising for?"

  "I didn't say I was apologising, I said I regr—"

  "Yeah regret your action, transgression yesterday and today, blah, blah, blah." Luxor said, rolling her eyes.

  "So, I don't get an apology? And on the subject, what part? There is a multitude of douche like moments."

  "Is that supposed to be an insult?"

  Was he for real?

  "No it was compliment dumb ass," Luxor said sarcastically.

  "I've been called worse Angel, much worse, so if douche is the worst you can come up with, so be it!"

  No there's much, much worse, but I would need to bleach my mouth if I said it.

  "Well I don't accept your non-apology."

  Hunter lifted himself off the swing, and with his forefinger tilted her chin up. "Oh Angel, you will. I promise you." He winked and turned on his heel, venturing into the darkness.

  Luxor threw her hands in the air, the sleeves to her jumper inching up to show a bit of skin. She whipped around and tugged the sleeves down. and turned her back on him. He was the most infuriating person she had ever met, every time she felt she had gained the upper hand, he would come back with a retort that would leave her seething.

  As usual he way playing her like a marionette puppet, the strings being pulled, with his control over her increasing. Right now, it was verbally, small steps toward getting what he wants, but what would happen when the time came, and he could be responsible for life altering things. Yes, she might have been over exaggerating, but the what if was there.

  That night as Luxor snuggled into her bed, the blanket tightly wrapped around her, she let out a large yawn and closed her eyes. The man in her dreams didn’t visit her, instead clear visions overtook her dreams. Ceilings cracking. Debris rained. And a blur of face screaming penetrated her mind.

  Just as the sun peeked through the horizons Luxor woke up in a sweat as sleep eluded her and ran for the hills, refusing to cater to her needs. The night’s events weighed heavily on her mind. Agreeing to investigate Hunter would only result in unnecessary trouble, but after his visit she was all in. Different names were thrown in the mix for the mission although they were completely cringe worthy, and all the kinds of tactics they could use to extract the information would result in heavy circumstances.

  If mornings weren't bad enough, replicating the same motions Groundhog Day style, the fact that History classes tended to fall in first period, which made it worse.

  “Knock, knock Snow, I’m coming in you better be decent,” Evie’s voice bellowed from outside of the bedroom door.

  Luxor tumbled out of bed with a thump and had barely slipped on her robe before Evie entered way too chirpy. “Evie, what are you doing here?” she asked and tightened the belt, the last thing she needed was for her arms to be exposed.

  “Driving you to school. I brought coffee,” she said with a sheepish smile and held them out. “You mum doesn’t seem to be home, so call me your saviour.” She perched onto the edge off the bed and bounced up and down.

  Meredith hadn't come home last night, and having a lift was a relief against the scorching heat. Besides, after last night's drop in, Evie seemed at home rocking up unannounced.

  “Thanks,” Luxor said, too tired to argue. “But haven’t you ever heard of calling?” She took a hearty sip and placed it on her bedside table. Clearing the floor, she dumped everything on the bed. Yet again she had awoken, and Kitty was nowhere to be seen. It led Luxor to believe her cat had the mentality of an owl.

  “Where’s the surprise in that?”

  Luxor scooped up a mix and match collection of clothing and shuffled to the bathroom, closing the door with a click. “Did you find anything out about your heritage?”

  Luxor quickly dressed, brushed her teeth and tied her hair back in a tight ponytail. She lightly covered her face with foundation and a coat of mascara, and had to admit she looked normal. Almost.

  “A little. Last night when I asked my father was all too happy t
o reveal our family history. Apparently, we come from a long line of hunters, and for weeks on end his father would go AWOL to exterminate vicious animals and vermin that destroy the world.”

  “Ooh, interesting. Must have been a mass infestation of some sorts like the Black Plague,” she said as soon as she entered her bedroom.

  “He’s probably over exaggerating and his family were butchers. Such a change from now where he values all walks of life. What about you?”

  “Haven’t started yet.”

  And I’ll most likely fail.

  “Better get started, Ms. Suarez is a witch. Let’s hurry, Hunter awaits.” Evie laughed. “I basically melted in a puddle of my own drool." A smile crossed Evie's face and she fanned it.

  “That’s because you’re on heat.”

  Evie snorted. "I'd kill to get close to that. But he already looks taken."

  "He is, although he denies it," Luxor spat. “She’s a bona fide gem in a literal sense.”


  “Melita. Green Eyed Monster. Don’t know why she’s like that, she already has him.” Luxor hated that she cared. She hated that she was actually jealous.

  "Yeah, I don’t think so. I'm talking about you, you dork. Fireworks go off when you’re together Stevie Wonder can also see it. Believe me when I say he’s so into you, it's criminal. Those eyes, damn so, so, caramely, and trained on you as if you are the only thing he sees. That’s hot. One day I want a guy to look at me that way," Evie said in a melancholic way.

  “Didn’t you hear me last night? He is a criminal.”

  But the emotions he stirred in her made her feel as if she was as bad. Especially after the way her body reacted around him. Was the fact she felt strange around him some kind of sixth sense, that something wasn't quite right with him? Or maybe there was something wrong with her.

  How can someone so bad make you feel so good?

  “He has no regard to people or property.” Luxor frowned. His late-night visit was proof of that.


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