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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

Page 20

by Jacklyn Daher

  "Thanks for your concern," Luxor said sarcastically.

  "No thank you. We got to go home early, so I welcome you to have more." Scarlett laughed, a high-pitched artificial sound coming out of her mouth. She fiddled with her silver Pandora bracelet, twisting it around and loosened it from her wrist. Deep gashes travelled up and down her arms, and when she tilted her head to the side, similar ones were on her neck and throat. Her attention was brought back and Luxor wondered where she got them. Scarlett wasn't the type to mark her own pristine appearance.

  Seemingly bored with the conversation, she turned around and walked off.

  "What happened to your wrist and neck?" Luxor called out.

  Scarlett paused and spun around. "None of your concern," she hissed.

  "Looks like I'm not the only one you get catty with, let me know who did it so I can congratulate them." Luxor laughed. It wasn't a wise idea to provoke Scarlett, she had proved that she could get nasty and retaliate but the opportunity was there. It didn't help that Luxor was curious about who was actually behind the marks. She seriously would shake whoever's hand, and maybe buy them lunch.

  Hunter chuckled, seemingly amused by the show.

  Scarlett’s piercing stare turned cold. "I wouldn't get smart you are still on my number one list." She stepped back. "If you must know it was a wild dog at the Village Bowl. But don't worry I'll make sure the animal is put down so it won’t be a menace to anybody. Just. Like. You,” she said in a low and threatening voice.

  Luxor noticed Hunter didn't avert his gaze, following her until she was out of sight and in the direction of Locker Block.

  Luxor rolled her eyes. "Enjoy the show?”


  “Such a perv. You realise they’re fake, don’t you?” She made circular motions on her chest. Living in Hampton Cove, cosmetic surgery was a must among the elite.

  Hunter not so subtlety held his gaze at Luxor's chest until she elbowed him to stop. If only she had a pocket knife, she'd carve his eyeballs out, the violent thoughts he infused her with were getting out of control.

  He lifted his head and smiled. "Even still, her top is wide open...but, I'm not an expert on the matter."

  Yeah right.

  Hunter angled his body towards Luxor. "Yesterday I said those words to provoke her, even though they were true, but I'd say yes considering everything else is."

  The fact Hunter paid close attention to Scarlett struck an uneasy feeling within Luxor, causing her stomach to churn. Maybe it was the fact he was mentally undressing her tormentor right in front of her. Or maybe it was something else, an emotion she hadn't experienced before.

  "You're good at that," Luxor observed, returning her attention to Hunter.

  "Checking out breasts?"

  Luxor clenched her fist. A punch was imminent, and she would make sure it hurt. "No, provoking."

  "Yeah I love to get reactions," Hunter admitted.

  "Is that why you love to provoke me? Do you get a kick out of it?"

  Hunter leaned forward and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, his eyes penetrating hers. A shiver ran down Luxor's spine, and she gulped. She should have retreated back, but in that moment, she froze and her eyes widened.

  He lowered his voice to a husky tone. "Maybe. Although I'd love to do a lot of things to you, and provoking isn't on top of the list."

  What a jerk!

  Luxor swatted his hand away. Hunter scooted back, twisted the cap from his water bottle, and guzzled. Why did she bother? Having a conversation with Hunter always resulted in frustration. Time to put the invisible game into effect. Luxor twisted her body around, and blocked Hunter from her sight.

  Silence hung thick in the air as the minutes passed, slow and agonising, as she willed the bell to ring. She leaned back an inch careful not to make skin-to-skin contact with Hunter, not that it mattered. His proximity, his aroma which reminded her of the forest—crisp, fresh and consuming—left her in a daze. Slipping her phone out of the pocket of her jeans she groaned. Thirty long minutes to go.

  Luxor grabbed her notebook and attempted to concentrate on her work, but Hunter’s proximity didn’t help. He could have been across the quad, and her traitorous body would want him close. Not only did they have to investigate their family heritage, but information about their features and personality had to be incorporated. Information she didn’t have. An F was a certain grade.

  "Angel, why are you so quiet?" Hunter's breath tickled her ear.

  Luxor shifted her shoulder. Exhaustion rolled off her like waves, from his late-night visit, and constant sexual innuendo that was beginning to grate on her nerves. To rectify this problem was plain and simple. Block Hunter off completely; it was the only way to avoid trouble.

  "Now you don't want to be disruptive, do you?” He said, humour lacing his tone.

  Luxor lifted her head a fraction. "You are the cause of me being disruptive. Seriously what is your problem? Are you enjoying making my life impossible?"

  "Is that a trick question?" He chuckled, his body slumped against the tree, their heads near each other.

  Luxor wanted the strength to deal with Hunter. Or a baseball bat.

  "Did your mother drop you on your head as a baby? Almost drown you? Because that would explain the lack of oxygen to your brain."

  Hunter's body tensed, his fists clenched until his knuckles turned white. A stony expression crossed his face, and he narrowed his eyes. When he turned to face her, she was met with piercing dark orbs, almost as if the light had been drained from them. "Do not ever mention my mother again, you won't like the outcome."

  A chill travelled down Luxor's spine, and she drew in a sharp intake of breath. It was the most brutal expression she had ever seen, as if she was able to peer into his soul and see that it had been shattered and charred into ashes. She had no idea what happened to his mother. Did she die? Did she leave him? All she was certain off was his eyes would haunt her, because at that moment she could feel the anguish of not having a mother and it was clearly something they shared.

  Luxor laid a hand against his arm and hesitantly infused the sensations upon him. There was chemistry there between them, and not your everyday butterflies in your stomach, but something unworldly. It was bizarre to think another human could have such an effect on you with a mere touch. She watched as the moments passed, the rise and fall of his chest had steadied, and slowly he came back. His face relaxed, and the light from the sun outside brought much needed colour to those eyes that enchanted her. She hated the effect he had, and she was always in conflict with her mind and body.

  Without warning he flicked her arm off and left it hanging limp. "What are you doing?"

  What exactly am I doing? Why do I feel the need to console him?

  "I wanted to say sorry," She stuttered.

  Hunter growled. "Don't touch me again."

  Luxor's mouth gaped open, words failing her. Was he serious? She apologised and wanted to console him in her own way, and he tells her not to touch him? Such a hypocrite, he always had some part of his anatomy on her. He confused her, and his moods were something only a doctor could rectify.

  Time ticked idly. Tick tock. Tick tock. But not fast enough. Sick of being in his presence, Luxor was almost off the ground when his hand was placed over hers, the tingling sensation creeping upwards. The jolt which followed had her hand flickering back, and she squeezed them. He didn't need her to stay, he narrowed his eyes, his head tilted to the side, silently commanding her to stay.

  Luxor huffed and slid back down, and pulled her knees up so that her chin rested on them. The pull he had over her was ridiculous. His actions caused her to dislike him, but another part, the one which created the hum of electric energy had her conflicted.

  It had been a while since Hunter said anything, his concentration now on his phone. The quiet between them was foreign, and although the silence should have been golden, it was uncomfortable.

  Finally, Hunter spoke. "Was that your mum that dropped
you off again?" His voice was soft, and calm.

  The fact he even paid any attention to her arrival was disturbing. "Obviously."

  "There's no resemblance," Hunter stated.

  Luxor stiffened up. "What's that supposed to mean?" her voiced raised an octave.

  She rubbed her clavicle, finding a new place to release her frustration. It wasn't wise as it would be noticeable but her arms hurt. Agitation crept in as it always did when as the subject of family came up, it was a blacklisted topic. Was resemblance a prerequisite? She was all too aware she didn't look like Meredith or Steven with their pale complexions and brown eyes.

  "Could be another part of your family. Like an aunt." Hunter averted his eyes away from hers, and it was a relief he missed her mouth gaping open.

  Luxor inhaled sharply and froze, her hand fall from her collarbone. It was a vibrant pink but she didn’t care. Instead the blades of grass were her next target. She ripped them from the earth, her fingers in the dirt.

  Luxor swallowed the ball lodged in her throat. “Too bad you’re wrong,” she squeaked out. “Out of curiosity, what made you say aunt? You could have said cousin, or stepmother, but no, you said aunt.” And the way he said it, with too much emphasis. Even though she questioned if it was real, deep down it scared her to know Hunter brought up the fact he knew more about her than he was leading on. But she wanted to remain oblivious.

  “I was going alphabetically in my mind. Am I right?”

  Blades of grass stuck to her fingers and she flicked them off. Threading her fingers through her hair, her mind was a scrambled mess to the point of meltdown, unsure whether to cry or be afraid.

  "I just told you were wrong. Your observations are off as usual.” She said. “How do you know I don't look like my dad?" she said, her voice as firm as she could. She couldn't display her emotions to him.

  "True. I guess I'll have to be the judge of that."

  What is that supposed to mean?

  Luxor had no idea of her parentage, and Hunter again pulled away at the threads of her sanity. How could he be the judge of something she didn't even know about?

  Now the seed had been planted in her mind she wondered. Did I look like my mum? If she resembled Meredith, then she didn't. If only she had a photo of her. Luxor had no identity. She couldn't ask Steven because he wasn't her real father. And besides, where was he? After the accident, he abandoned them and hadn't been heard from since. Then the thoughts of her real father arose. Did she look like him? Where was he when she was born? Was he there at her birth? Where was he now?

  All those questions constantly crammed in her mind, lingering around. She needed to know, and if Meredith wouldn't tell her anything she just would have to find out on her own. But the first question was where would she start?

  "Who do you look like?" Luxor turned the tables on him directing the attention from her.

  "Why so interested, do you want to get to know me better?" Hunter cocked an eyebrow and smirked at her.

  Damn that smirk, she hated it.

  Whatever was going through his head was only suited for mature audiences and she shuddered to know what it was.

  “Not really. Although I’m intrigued by your brothers,” she said side eyeing him.

  “Don’t go there,” he said firmly.

  Now Luxor was really curious. First, his over-reaction about his mother, then refusing to elaborate on the fact that Castor wasn’t his brother but claimed to be. Maybe it was a term they used in whatever place they’d come from.

  “Hit a nerve? Don’t like when the tables are turned, do you? Oh, the irony.”

  He angled his head, serving her a wicked grin. “Doesn’t faze me, my table is empty.”

  Luxor doubted that. Getting off the ground she threw the book he borrowed for her at his feet.

  “I don’t need your help to work on my family tree.”

  By the time Luxor finished she would smash every last plate and expose Hunter. Family and all.

  Luxor was forced to spend the entire lunch period on the bleachers alone stabbing away at the fruit salad in her container. It wasn’t until the lunch bell had blown that she found Evie on the football field getting ready for Physical Education, their next class. Evie waved her hands over as if nothing was out of the ordinary and she didn’t ditch Luxor.

  Coach Davis blew the bell whistle from around his neck.

  “Hurry. Up," Coach Davis growled, crossing his arms.

  He was a burly man who towered at seven feet tall, with a crew cut, and menacing deep ochre coloured eyes. His arms and legs were as thick as tanks, with muscles upon muscles decorated in tattoos with not a spare inch of skin to spare. Previously he had been a wrestler, but now relegated to teaching teenagers the basics of physical education.

  Luxor surveyed where the entire class had gathered around. To her right, the MBT's huddled over on the bleachers and whispered, none of them were dressed in sports clothes. The remaining students were on the other, with Coach Davis separating them. It was as if time had been transported back to the nineteen fifties, the segregation was clear. MBT versus Brighton Falls High.

  It was a backwards and screwy theory. If the school wanted them to get along harmoniously, why did they insist on keeping them apart?

  Hunter noticed Luxor immediately, the arch of his eyebrow noticeable over his sunglasses. His head dropped a smidge to her behind and she saw him take a short intake of breath.

  Evie tugged at Luxor's arm and led her to Ayla who was calling them over.

  Ayla patted the side beside her, crossed legged, and dressed in denim jeans rolled up the knees, a plain baby pink t-shirt and canvas shoes. Her hair pulled back off her face in a French braid, highlighting the blueness of her eyes.

  Luxor plonked down in front of Scarlett and her band of groupies. Leaning back on her elbows she stretched out her legs and crossed them at the ankles.

  “You have some explaining to do after class,” Luxor whispered.

  Evie simply nodded and mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  Behind her, Scarlett knocked the lower part of Luxor's back with the toe of her runners. Luxor narrowed her eyes and moved forward, but not before Scarlett said, "Now who dresses like a stripper?"

  Luxor ignored her, refusing to take the bait.

  Another kick, this time harder, and with greater force. Luxor dug her fingers in the dirt and willed herself to keep calm. Coach Davis's head was down, surveying his notebook. Any minute now the groups would be determined, and then she would be far from Scarlett’s grasp.

  "Forget about her." Ayla squeezed her shoes, evidence of her nervousness.

  Luxor could feel Scarlett's foot firmly against her back, with the imprint of the sole indented. "Do it again, I dare you," she threatened over her shoulder.

  "Ooh I'm scared," Scarlett sneered. "Sticks and stones. I'll make sure the latte incident look like child's play."

  "I wouldn't expect any less, you are a child," Luxor hissed. "I must be getting to you, I mean you go into psychotic mode every time you see me."

  Evie watched the interaction, all too aware what was going down. She nudged Luxor and shook her head silently willing her to ignore Scarlett.

  Another kick and Luxor jolted forward.

  "Don't say I didn't warn you." Luxor wrapped her palm wrapped around Scarlett's ankle, who struggled to get free, but it was useless. She stabbed her nails into the flesh of Scarlett’s skin and twisted. It had been a month since she filed her nails and the jagged edges had the desired effect.

  Scarlett yelped, attracting the glare of the other students. She winced, but quickly placed a finger to her lips to shut her group up.

  Screw sticks and stone. It wasn't words that were affecting her. She could handle that now, but put your hands, or feet on her, and all bets are off.

  Coach Davis grunted and blew his whistle again, pacing up and down the groups. "Here's how it'll go. You will be separated into two teams, and we will be having time trials. At the end, fastest time
team average will be rewarded. It'll be MBT against Brighton Falls High." He urged the students forward, now near the starting line. Hunter and his group were the last ones forward.

  "Great, we have to work with psycho Barbie," Evie said. "We are so gonna lose now she's injured."

  Scarlett whined and lagged behind as she rubbed her ankle, but it was clear she was being melodramatic and faking her injury to gain sympathy. Unfortunately, the only people paying her any attention were her lackies. Even Jake had walked off on her, shaking his head.

  "But it was so worth it." Luxor had no remorse. Not when it came to retaliating against Scarlett.

  "Totally." Evie chuckled and high fived Luxor.

  "Coach." Scarlett hobbled over in front of him. Her lower lip wobbled, her hand on one hip which took the pressure of her pointed toe.

  "What!" he growled.

  "Technically Luxor should be on that team, she isn't MBT but she's new." Scarlett snickered.

  "So she is," Coach Davis pointed across the field to her awaiting new team.

  Ayla and Evie gave her pitying looks, although they had drawn the short straw having to deal with Scarlett.

  The other MBT's were already in groups dressed in their usual attire; impractical and non-athletic. Luxor stayed rooted to the spot when she noticed Hunter. He strode lazily towards her in swift motion decked out in all black, jeans, a faded t-shirt and black army boots. He could have been dressed in faded tracksuits, and a T-shirt full of holes, and he’d still be enticing.

  "Luxor what a surprise you've joined our team. As you should." Hunter smirked.

  "Shut up Hunter, it’s not like I had a choice."

  “You’d think she would be grateful for getting her out of detention,” Castor snickered to Theo.

  The other teams were at the starting lines, and Luxor and her group hadn't even decided the order they would be running in. She was the most athletic out of all of them. Well that was her assumption, and without consultation she took charge.


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