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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

Page 24

by Jacklyn Daher

  Melita lunged at Hunter, her nails inches from his face and made no attempt to move as if he welcomed her abuse. Before she could try again, Theo wrapped his arms around her slim waist to restrain her as she thrashed about. Theo whispered in her ear and she calmed down.

  "What the hell is going on?" Evie grabbed their usual booth.

  Luxor shrugged. "Who knows, but I'm glad it's not directed at me."

  "Oh please, you love his declarations of affection for you," Evie teased and bumped shoulders.

  “I think that's the least of my problems.” She stared ahead at the trio, who had moved to the large glass window and pointed to the bakery.

  What is it about that place?

  Evie waved her hands in front of Luxor’s face. “Hey wake up. Where’s your head at?”

  Luxor snapped to attention. “Weird people and deceiving actions.”

  “Woah heavy stuff. Anyone in particular?” Evie sipped on her black coffee. She stuck out her tongue before pushing the cup away.

  “This school is screwed up, that’s what,” she huffed.

  “Duh. Specifics?” Evie asked.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Luxor waved a hand about.

  “Okay, but cheer up will ya? Don’t need a negative Nancy about.” Evie slapped Luxor’s arm to snap her out of her funk. "Can we pleeease order, I'm starving," she moaned and groaned in an exaggerated manner, grabbing her stomach to prove her point.

  Evie had an enviable hourglass figure with a busty chest, small waist, unlike Luxor's which was like a ballerina, she was lithe, and lean, with no curves whatsoever.

  “Relax. My God doesn't your mother feed you?" Luxor laughed and called over a waitress to order a chicken salad for herself and double bacon cheeseburger for Evie alongside some drinks. Ayla refused to eat, claiming she wasn't hungry, her mind seemingly in the Land of Oz.

  "Yeah but it's all organic, food from the earth and all that stuff. Basically fruit, vegetables, free range eggs, grain fed meats, and don't forget the tofu. I so hate that stuff, it tastes like rubber."

  "Your mother's influence has rubbed off on Meredith. She's doing an herb garden."

  "What's on the agenda today?" Ayla asked absentmindedly.

  "Fun, fun, fun, that's what," Evie replied excitably and refused to elaborate.

  The waitress quickly returned and placed their food and drinks down.

  Evie didn’t skip a beat in grabbing it. She picked up her cheeseburger with both hands taking a big bite, tomato sauce dribbling from the side. Luxor internally drooled.

  “I’d die if I couldn’t have this.”

  “Well I might die if I did.” Luxor poked her fork through a small piece of cucumber from her salad and popped it in her mouth. “I'd love nothing more than to demolish a big fat juicy burger or pizza.” She tore the top of the long sugar sachet and poured it in her coffee before she did it another two times. “Yep, believe me, tastes horrible but a lot of sugar helps.” She sipped and let out a sigh.

  Whoever invented coffee needs a Nobel Prize.

  "Mmm yummy," Evie groaned.

  "You really love your junk food, don't you?" Luxor smiled at her enthusiasm.

  "Believe me there's things better than what I'm eating," Evie said through mouthfuls of food, tilting her head up indicating to look behind them. Simultaneously Ayla and Luxor turned around. "Like that."

  From the counter Hunter was beside Castor, a brown paper bag grasped in his hand. Dressed in ripped, faded blue jeans, grease splatters dotted his white ribbed singlet, showcasing his bicep covered in a sleeve tattoo. As if he was aware he was the topic of conversation, he made his way over.

  "Now that's the kind of grease I could get addicted to!" Evie licked her lips. All Luxor could manage was to give her a disgusted look, while Ayla scrunched up her face. "I mean can he get any hotter? He's the only thing that makes Spirituality and History class bearable."

  "Oh thanks," Luxor replied.

  "You know what I mean. Certifiable eye candy." Evie grinned widely as Hunter sauntered over to the table. "I wouldn't mind getting a cavity over him."

  "Why aren’t I surprised you said that?" Luxor said.

  Heavy footsteps closed in. "Hey Angel, so glad to see you."

  Luxor lifted her head at the melodious sound of the voice, Hunter leaned against the table he blocked her view so it seemed like they were alone. "I've missed you."

  No sounds came from the clanking of billiard balls against each other, or waitresses taking orders, or even Ayla who tried in vain to get her attention. He had the power to obliterate everything and make it just about them.

  "I just saw you. And you pissed me off then too."

  "But that's not enough." He stuck out his lower lip.

  God why does that even look hot?

  Despite his crudeness at her house and suggesting to Principal Wright she wanted him to stay away from her, she was at a crossroads. Whether his affection was genuine or he loved to get a rise out of her, Luxor was conflicted on whether she wanted him to stop.

  Of course, you do. The devil on one shoulder taunted.

  Think about the sparks. The angel reasoned.

  From across the table Evie kicked Luxor’s shins and raised her eyebrows. Luxor let out a relieved sigh glad for the change of conversation.

  “Hunter this is Evie, Evie this is Hunter,” Luxor made the introductions.

  Hunter face Evie. “We’re in History Right?” he replied, a lightness in his voice. “Do you enjoy Luxor and I’s antics?”

  Evie’s pale face blushed crimson and she shrunk back with a massive grin.

  Luxor glowered at him, taking a dig at the times he made her look disruptive.

  “Am I missing an inside joke?” Evie said teetering over the edge of the booth and viewed the interaction with interest.

  “No, Hunter is just being…well Hunter.” Luxor replied, ignoring his presence.

  “Anyway, I’ve been preoccupied in class and haven’t been able to give you my attention but I’m free now. How you doing with the assignment?"

  "I don't want to think about school when I'm not in it."

  "Fair enough. Just remember about our date tomorrow?" He smirked turning towards Ayla.

  Evie lowered her burger, her mouth in a perma-jarred mode. Tomato sauce dripped down her arm and onto the camera print on het t-shirt. Ayla stiffened up, her fists turning a ghastly of white.

  “And you must be dreaming.”

  “Always Angel, and you’re the star.”

  A surge of warm electric sparks coursed through her, mixed with anger, as Luxor elbowed him out of the way, dashing to the bathroom. Her body betrayed her once again. Heat and tingling sensations trickled down her back, and places they shouldn't. With Hunter's declaration of affections, her head throbbed.

  Before she could enter the bathroom, Hunter had already blocked her way. "Do you want me to escort you in? You don't look crash hot." he said innocently.

  “Get out of my way,” she rasped out, refusing to admit it was the effect he had on her.

  “Are you actually saying I repulse you?”

  “Actually, you do. Now move!” A fierce growl escaped her lips.

  “That’s a first, I usually have them lining up.” Hunter cleared the way and swung his arm outwards. “I’ll see you around Angel,” he said over his shoulder, chuckling as he walked away.

  The door swung open when she bolted through the door. Luxor stared at her complexion in the mirror, a flushed and blotchy reflection was returned. She groaned, and faced the square ceramic white basin. A cold stream of water poured out, when she toured the faucet on, splashed it on her face to wake up.

  Is this some sick prank?

  “Luxor, are you okay?” Ayla laid a hand on her shoulder, quietly slipping in.

  She slicked her hair back, and faked a smile. "Yeah. More refreshed."

  Ayla gave her a dubious stare. "Come, let’s drop you off at home.”

  “I'm all good, I'll mee
t you outside.” She refused to let him damper her day.

  “Don’t even think of walking home, dark things lurk out there,” she said seriously.

  Luxor gave her a quick hug, her soothing sunflower scent calming her. "I'll be fine." She pepped up and plastered on a smile for show.

  Had Ayla's encountered the shadows? It wasn't as if she was forthcoming about any information, ever.

  Luxor returned to the booth. There was nothing more than she wanted then to go home and veg out in front of the television. In a funny way, she hoped Meredith would call and demand her to come home.

  “Well, well, well, that was a lunch to remember,” Evie said with a smile.

  “God, I hate him,” Luxor said, lying to herself.

  “You know what they say about the thin line between love and hate. “Evie popped a handful of chips into her mouth, and crunched loudly, downing it with a glass of lemonade, ending with a burp.

  “Maybe I’m in serious need of an upgrade to that stupid phrase.”

  “So, study date, that’s a revelation,” Evie said, with a knowing grin.

  “It’s nothing. A debt I owe apparently. After tonight, I'd rather poke my eyeballs out than spend extra time with him."

  "Such a liar. You are in denial,” Evie replied. “If you’re intent on this charade, don't go. Simple."

  "I totally agree," Ayla piped in, holding up a hand.

  "I have to, I promised."

  It wasn't a total lie, but she wasn't about to reveal Hunter wasn't giving her a choice. No matter how many times she told herself to stick up to him, she backed down.

  What was the worst that could happen? He already intimidated her and she lived through that. She was a former Queen Bee, she knew all the tricks, so why couldn't she use them on him?

  "Ooh you promised. You like him," Evie cooed and made kissing noises.


  "Hunter and Luxor sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I, no it's S-U-C—" Evie sing songed, swaying her head from side to side.

  "Evie!" Ayla blasted her throwing a dirty, scrunched up napkin that hit her square in the face.

  "I was going to say sucking face," Evie said not at all convincing, rubbing ketchup of her nose.

  "I swear, where's the holy water? Surely your father keeps a flask." A blush hit Luxor's cheeks. "Did you see what he did, the way he aggravates me?"

  "You should steer clear of that Luxor, you aren't as devious as this one," Ayla jerked her head in the direction of Evie.

  "Prove you don't like Hunter," Evie said.

  "What's to prove, he's a jerk." Luxor didn’t want to discuss him anymore.

  "If he pisses you of so much, and you need to retaliate, you like him. Otherwise you wouldn't waste your energy on hitting back. Simple logic," Evie stated.

  "What kind of screwed up reasoning is that? It’s what mothers tell their daughters when their little boy hurt them. And it's a total crock," Luxor replied.

  As usual whenever the subject of Hunter was mixed into the conversation the objecting views made for a fiery time. Sinfully enigmatic with a filthy mouth, Hunter was the type of boy your mother warned you about.

  Too bad mine is dead

  "We'll see, won't we?" Evie smiled with a look of satisfaction.

  “Have we finished with this wretched topic?” Ayla said.

  “Not quite,” Evie said.

  “Well I’m out. That Lost Soul has already soured my mood.” Ayla raised up, smoothing down her dress. “Let me know when you’re ready to talk sensibly.”

  “Lost Soul?” Luxor asked.

  “The perfect nickname for him, and his kind.” Ayla gave a curt wave before disappearing in a whirlwind.

  “God, she’s weird,” Luxor said.

  Evie nodded. “And before you came, that’s who I’ve been stuck with,” she said. “Speaking of weird I have something to show you.” She produced a beige manila folder from her backpack and slipped it across the table.

  “Finally,” Luxor said and opened it up, and out poured a stack of photos.

  “Remember Mission H?”

  How could she forget? After Luxor confessed how Hunter creeped her out by insinuating that he knew things about her Evie jumped right in to play Sherlock to find out information about the MBT, but especially about him.

  As Luxor flipped over the photos, she noticed Evie had written the dates and time of his arrival and departure of The Blazin’ Bakery. There was no distinguishable pattern, he would enter at all times of the day and night.

  “I did my own research, except mine was more hands on, and I put my photography skills to use. The first time I saw him was a fluke, I just so happened to be in the Village buying groceries for my mum. There was something off about the way he moved, always looking over his shoulder. That’s what made me really get into this mission. So, when I followed him the next day, again he went into The Blazin’ Bakery, but didn't come out for hours later. Yeah, before you say anything, I was doing a stake out. Day after he went in and..." Evie paused and chewed her bottom lip.

  "Why are you keeping me in suspense?"

  Evie hesitated. "He didn't come out…at all."

  "What do you mean he didn't come out? He could have when you left." Her voice came out tight and strangled, stuck between wanting the answer and blocking it out.

  "But that’s the thing, I didn’t leave, well not for a few hours. It was creepy, I mean who loves doughnuts that much? Anyway, I followed him, but the store was empty, he'd just disappeared."

  “That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m getting to the bottom of this.” Luxor sculled the rest of her coffee, eyeing Castor and Theo as they entered the bakery. "Let's go." She power walked, determined more than ever to get to the bottom of this mystery. If this place was a hotspot for Hunter to visit then there had be something inside.

  “Hey, can we get some Nutella doughnuts while we're there?"

  A small, copper bell dinged when they entered The Blazin’ Bakery. It was a humble store, with a beige and teal colour scheme. Evie scuttled to the rectangular glass cabinet, her eyes bulging at the multiple shelves of delectable sweets and pastries. Despite it being packed with food, it was devoid of the twins. Luxor poked her to remind them why they were there.

  "Hello dear, how can I help you today?" A slim woman in her mid-twenties, with skin the colour of coffee greeted them behind the counter.

  "Umm not sure," Luxor replied, unsure how she'd play it. There was no doubt the twins had entered a minute ago, and she didn't see them leave, so, where were they? "I was meeting up with a couple of my friends, they said they were here." She came up with the first excuse she could think of.

  The smile left her face. "Sorry, haven't seen anybody," she said flatly, tucking a strand of tawny hair behind her ear.

  "Are you sure?" Luxor quizzed, picking up on her switch of moods.

  Her almond hazel eyes averted their gaze. "Positive." She moved off to the side to stand in front of pastries. "Could I entice you with some desserts? I have these delectable flourless and dairy-free chocolate mud cupcakes," the women said with a hint of amusement.

  Luxor politely declined, not matter how delicious they looked. The woman emitted negative vibes that left her feeling uneasy.

  "Excuse me," Evie groaned. She had her arms across her stomach, clenching her thighs. “Do you have a toilet? This coffee isn't agreeing with me.”

  The women wrinkled her nose in revulsion. "Come with me." She turned her back, her heels clicking on the tiles.

  Evie winked, continuing on with the ruse, and Luxor realised what she was doing. They were led through a dusty kitchen, passing a series of dated machinery that look as if they had not been used in a long time.

  "Are there any exits?" Luxor asked while waiting outside the door. She had to make it quick, and straight to the point.

  "No," the woman replied bluntly.

  "What if there's a fire?"

  "It is an old building, they didn't make them like that," the woman said fli

  Luxor doubted her words, she had never seen a shop that had only one door, and the woman was clearly lying.

  “I’ll wait around, there must have been a miscommunication.” Luxor took a seat and retracted her legs making herself comfortable. “So, have you been open long?”


  “My friends rave about this place, they basically live here.”

  The woman smiled darting her eyes around. Reaching under the counter she spritzed with glass cleaner and repeatedly cleaned. “That’s sweet.”

  “It is isn’t it, just like all these desserts.”

  The woman narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth before she was cut off by heavy footsteps.

  "All done," Evie announced all too cheerily.

  The woman heaved a sigh of relief and hurried them to the door, and gave them a bag each. "Have a nice day." She waved them off, locked the door, and flipped the sign to “Closed”.

  "Well that was a bust. Well not totally, this doughnut is deliciouso." Evie munched, Nutella smudging on the side of her mouth.

  "They couldn't have just disappeared." Luxor looked back at the bakery. The lights had been switched off. "The lady looked shady, a ball of nervous energy. Did you see her? She's as skinny as a toothpick and surrounded in desserts. She needs to eat one…Or ten." Luxor couldn't put her finger on it, except there was a niggling feeling.

  "There was definitely something off about her, but why would she be nervous? I mean it's a bakery.” Evie dusted the icing sugar off her mouth with her thumb. “Maybe she has a Tardis hidden."

  “Am I supposed to know what that is?"

  "Umm Doctor Who. I'm a low-key geek, I'd love to time travel. Where would you go?"

  If you asked Luxor not long ago, she would have said a time before the accident, but that would mean she would be still living her fake life. She couldn't imagine not having Evie around, as wacky as she was, or Ayla who was nosy and bossy, or even Hunter who had somehow wormed himself in her life.

  "I'm happy where I am," Luxor replied tasting her cupcake. “This is surprisingly good," she said through mouthfuls, shifting the conversation from herself. She might have to make another visit, and this time for an honourable reason.


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