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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

Page 28

by Jacklyn Daher

  “Not a fan?”

  “Who doesn’t like food?” she said.

  “That’s not what I meant start ass,” He said, looking skywards.

  Luxor let out a short laugh. “Fast rides and me don’t mesh well,” she said. “Or haunted houses.”

  “Not what I was thinking.” He held out a hand. “I won’t bite Angel.”

  Luxor remained idle. “Where’s your clan. Aren’t you usually conjoined?”

  Hunter shrugged. “They’re around. Castor and Theo are no doubt causing mayhem.”

  “And without you? Oh, the horror.” She gasped and clutched her chest mockingly.

  “Angel is mouthy today,” He smirked. “Since you’re free, and I’m free, let’s go have some fun.”

  “I think our definition of fun are quite differently.”

  Hunter moved in closer into her personal space and her breath hitched. “I doubt it, I see you have a wicked side to you,” he whispered.

  Luxor studied his expression and except for a coy smile he gave nothing away. Curiosity nudged at her and she indulged in his whims to see what he had in mind. “Why not?”

  Hunter circled around her and held a palm to her lower back and lead her away from the rides and to a quieter area.

  An exposed aisle of stalls was set up with a selection of every game available ranging from bucket and ball toss, basketball and spin the wheel, the men and women in charge shouting out to lure patrons in.

  “This one,” Hunter stopped before a board full of blown up coloured balloons. Hunter exchanged money and the man in his twenties passed him a bundle of silver rods.

  “You are your games.” Luxor quirked her lips.

  “Life is one big game Angel, the sooner you realise that, the better you can succeed.” Hunter said. “And you should only attain to be the victor.”

  Before Luxor could tell him he was being melodramatic Hunter revealed a handful of darts in his open palm.

  “You first?”

  “Oh, I cannot dare take the honour away from you,” Luxor replied cheekily. In truth she sucked at games requiring a certain amount of skill where aiming was needed. Knowing he would nail the target she wanted to absorb Hunter’s every motion.

  Hunter either clued in on Luxor’s motives or simply wanted to be a pain in Luxor’s behind. “Ladies’ first.” He enclosed the darts into Luxor’s palm and took a step back.

  Luxor pouted and positioned herself dead set in the middle where the balloons seemed to be clustered closer together. She squinted one eye shut and lined up the dart straight with the balloon. And let it fly.

  The man jumped to the side to avoid being stabbed.

  “You need to pop a balloon,” Hunter chuckled. “Do you need assistance?”

  Luxor shot him a filthy look. “You can stay where you are, that was a practice shot.”

  “No, that’s your first shot,” the man said in a bored tone.

  Luxor lined the dart and balloon, and let it fly. It ended up stabbed into the dirt. “Ugh.” She didn’t try as she flicked the third and it bounced off the board.

  “Let me show you how,” Hunter sidled in closer, his pinkie finger feathering against her. Luxor inhaled sharply and became lost in his scent. The man passed him a few darts. Hunter fixated his gaze on Luxor and smirked and thrust out dart after dart in quick succession. Three loud pops followed.

  “Well strike me down, that’s some talent you have there,” the man said, his eyes wide. Luxor averted her attention and wore a similar expression. “Pick a prize from the top row.”

  “Yes, Angel, whatever would you choose?”

  The top row was filled with an array of jumbo toys such as teddy bears, unicorns and undistinguishable series. From behind groups gathered anxiously waiting their turn.

  “She will have the elephant,” Hunter told the man.


  “They’re cute.” Was all Hunter said. Once he had the stuffed toy in his possession, he made it dance before plopping it within Luxor’s arms. “Since I ended up being the victor, you owe me a treat.”

  “You and your bullshit ‘I owe you’s,’ I never agreed to that.” She shuddered to think what he had in mind. She said moving away from the stall.

  Hunter shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and thread his fingers through hers, spinning her back. Luxor’s every nerve ending spiked, hyper aware of the contact. “So, you don’t get lost.” His lingering glance pinned her to the spot. “Want to ride me?”

  Luxor gasped and released her fingers. “Excuse me?”

  “I meant ride with me.”

  Yeah right that’s what you meant.

  “The lines for everything are astronomical, Evie and Ayla won’t be able to find me,” she said, realising it was a lame excuse.

  “I have exclusivity, trust me, you’ll like this.”

  She looked around and noticed Evie had only just stepped onto the hurl and twirl and pulled the bar down across her lap.

  “But Ayl-”

  “Don’t care,” Hunter said. He let out a heavy sigh. “One ride and I’ll scour the place looking for her with you. She’s probably still in the food line.” He held out his hand again and wiggled his fingers.

  Luxor hesitated. She felt like the worst friend ever, but she wanted to see how far this nice side of his would last. “Lead the way.”

  A couple minutes later Luxor regretted not taking up Hunter’s offer. She was jostled in the throng of people coming from the opposite direction. Hunter stopped, reaching out his hand and parted the way for them to have an easy transition to a ride so popular Luxor didn’t know where the end of line began.

  “Aren’t afraid of heights, are you?”

  Luxor craned her neck the furthest she could and peered up at the imposing Ferris Wheel. At the steps Hunter exchanged a few words with a bored looking, pimply teen who ushered them in.

  “I’m impressed,” Luxor said taking a seat on the cushion.

  “Stick with me kid and you’ll get the best of everything,” Hunter replied, taking a seat across from her.

  Luxor snorted. “What has gotten into you?”

  Hunter remained a quiet his lips turned up in a ghost of a smile. “Ever been on a Ferris Wheel?”

  Luxor laughed. “Of course, I lived ten minutes from a classic, year-round amusement park.”

  “Wait here a second.” He held up his forefinger.

  Once he was out of sight Luxor looked around and contemplated leaving. She questioned her reasoning on why she would indulge in a fun activity with Hunter. He had shown he was nothing but trouble, breaking into The Blazin’ Bakery being a prime example not to mention his penchant to grate on her nerves with his sexual innuendos and lack of personal space. But her curiosity wouldn’t let her. She plopped the elephant on her lap and was staring at its deep golden eyes when Hunter returned, his hands behind his back.

  “Got this for you,” he said. Sat next to her and held out his palms. Cradled within them he had two tubs of multi-coloured gelati; a concoction of pink, yellow and orange with, a small paddle positioned in the middle. “I didn't know what you liked, so there's lemon, mango, strawberry and passion fruit." He said with a sweet smile, pointing to each flavour.

  She hated to admit, she craved, and was addicted to the buzz he gave her, his closeness, she nicknamed The Hunter Effect raged on. And he was normal-ish, by his standards. By the small gesture was he showing the real him? Or was this a modified take on his twisted game?

  She picked it up. “Hurry before it melts, otherwise more gelati for me." He scooped up a heap, his tongue licked from the bottom to the top in a seductive manner to prove his point.

  Luxor shook her head, unwilling to participate in whatever Hunter had in mind. She was certain he had an ulterior motive for being nice. Maybe it was cynical but his negative track record didn’t do him any favours.

  Hunter eyed her hesitation. “If you’re not going to eat pass it over, it’s a shame to waste,” he said. “It’s a
simple gesture for my poor behaviour at detention.”

  Luxor had to admit his seesaw behaviour made her head spin, and his acknowledgment could be a way to start over.” She stuck the spoon in her mouth, the tangy sweetness of the mango mixture dancing on her tastebuds, and she inadvertently moaned.

  Dear God is that all it takes Luxor? Gelati?

  "Aren't you scared of poison?"

  Luxor stopped midway before her second taste, her mouth ajar. "Swap." She held her hand out. She knew he wouldn’t have done anything to it but she wanted to see his reaction.

  "Angel, it’s a joke." He chuckled. Luxor stood her ground, seeing she was serious, he gave in and swapped containers. "Aren't you scared of germs?" he mocked.

  Luxor screwed up her nose. "I better not get germs, who knows where your mouth has been.”

  Hunter snorted. “Yes, because I sleep with a slew of girls.” He swapped containers and dug in, mixing together, until it was nothing but a pale yellow.

  The gates closed and a minute later the Ferris Wheel jerked and came alive with non-lyrical music and flashing rainbow lights. Luxor peered below out through the gates as it inched up slowly, higher and higher. The entire expanse of the carnival spread out before them. People resembled ants as lights and music surrounded them. Up in this cage she was unnaturally calm being away from people, and able to breathe. In the past when she lived in Hampton Cove she never noticed her surroundings, instead she spent the entire time rocking the cage and gossiping. What a change it was now. For once, the world had stopped, and she was given a slice of happiness.

  “Your expression, I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “It’s different, smaller but better,” she said mindlessly.

  Hunter peered out and gazed in the same direction as her. “I guess there’s a small- town charm to it.”

  Luxor angled her body to face him. “As much as I like this, any reason for your insistence?”

  “I saw, I like, I do.”

  Luxor laughter. “Translation?”

  “I saw you, I like you despite you being a pain, and I wanted to do something with you,” he said. “Although secretly I hoped you’d be scared.”

  “Why so you could hold my hand?” Luxor teased.

  Hunter remained silent and returned to looking outside. Luxor blushed and exhaled, but her cheeks remained ablaze.

  “Oh, Angel, don’t go all shy on me now. I have to make the most of the five minutes remaining.” He leaned back and propped one leg across his knee.

  He turned his body turned towards her, giving her a full view of his tattoos. His close proximity giving her a whiff of his all too intoxicating forestry scent that never ceased to leave her craving him.

  Settle your hormones girl.

  Hunter laughed, reaching for her arm. Fear she had been exposed had her blood run cold. If he lifted her sleeve just a little bit further, he'd see her veins. She couldn't risk it, for all she knew he'd hold it for ransom to get what he wanted.

  Luxor looked out and noticed a tattoo she hadn’t seen before.

  My inner demons

  My gift, my curse

  The outline and the background of the tattoos were tinged blue. Not a normal blue, but faint and metallic. He intently watched her as she traced the lettering, a smile of satisfaction forming when a silent gasp escaped her lips.

  His arms were identical to hers.

  Luxor’s chest constricted and she found it hard to breathe. Against the burgeoning darkness, she knew without a shadow of a doubt she wasn’t crazy. It was one thing to be the only one to see it on herself, but on another person? She wanted to grasp his arm, to trace her fingers over the etchings. To thumb the majestic blue background.

  Hunter pulled his arm away turning it inwards so she couldn't see it, and broke her trance.

  Five minutes. Three hundred seconds. And stuck in an electrified rocking cage where so many questions could be asked and there was no escape to evade. It was a double-edged sword; wanting to absorb the feelings and needed to leave to guard herself from opening up.

  “All we need now is the dark and fireworks.”

  “What a shame, the romance would have been upped a notch,” Luxor quipped. She avoided his gaze and swung her legs to and fro rocking the cage.

  “Romance? I mean the night view. My romance methods would leave no question in your mind what my intentions are.”

  “Since I haven’t succumbed to you, your intentions are clear.” For some reason, Luxor felt offended and it bugged her to no end. Hunter liking her in a platonic sense should have pleased her, but her emotions had other ideas.

  “I should be angry with you since you caused my very first detention,” she said diverting the line of conversation.

  He arched an eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Really? How so?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, you come across as a rule breaker, class work not a priority.”

  “Oh, spare me.”

  Hunter opened his mouth only to close it. “So, you’re not angry now?” He said.


  “Was it the gelati?”

  “Oh, yeah. Because I’m easily swayed by sweet stuff,” she drawled, and smothered a smile.

  “Me being the case in point.”

  “Kapow. You’re brain just exploded,” she laughed.

  “Tell me, why did you skip school? Isn’t that out of character?”

  “Oooh, stalking. Where will your crimes end?” She ribbed. Hunter averted his eyes, picking invisible fluff off his jeans. “If you truly knew me as you claimed you’d see that’s the norm.”

  “True, true. So, let me know you,” Hunter said in a low voice. For once there was no connotations but sincerity.

  “Why aren’t you at school?” She tsked, wanting to get off the subject.

  He shrugged casually. “Too nice a day to attend.”

  “Or maybe your shopping expedition was a bust.” Her gaze trailed from the scuffed army boots, up to the faded jeans that had dark stains along the sides of his thighs and to his white sleeve-less which was snug against his chest.

  Hunter chuckled. “Hard work will do that to you. I’m a mechanic.”

  I guess that answers the questions of the stolen Skittles the first time I saw him.

  “You work? Wow impressive.”

  “Don’t look so shocked, my hands work wonders on the damaged.” He held up his hands and wiggled his calloused fingers. “Want to touch?”

  Luxor rolled her eyes. “Your inappropriate crudeness never ceases to amaze me.”

  Hunter shrug his shoulder. “And so does your innocence.” He slowly licked the remanets of gelati from the spoon, finishing the container and dumped it to the side. He swiped the elephant front Luxor’s lap and turned it around to face him.

  “You’re entranced by Elphie, maybe you should keep him.”

  “Elphie?” Hunter flipped the elephant upside down and squinted in close. “Either it has the worlds smallest cock or it’s a female.”

  “Then you should keep it, either way you’d get along.”

  Hunter chuckled and peered to his groin. “Woah thinking of my manhood, I’m honoured.”

  Dear Jesus help me with this boy!

  Luxor cheeks burned up.

  “You want to know why I chose this for you?”

  “It better not be because you think I’m fat.”

  “Angel, you are anything but fat, if anything you need to eat more.” He waved his hand. “But that’s besides the point. Out of all those stuffed toys, the elephant reminds me of you.” Luxor knitted her eyebrows. “Elephants are complex, despite their size they are the most gentle, intelligent and sympathetic animals.”

  “And this reminds you of me?”

  “Size aside, you are a complete mystery to me and I can’t wait to crack the code.”

  Luxor remained still as The Ferris Wheel wound down and ground to a halt. Hunter had given her the most incredibly sweet but ambiguous compliment
she had ever received.

  “What’s next?” Hunter said.

  “I have to go find the others. Thanks for the view,” she choked out.

  “I can give you more if you want.” He chuckled and waggled his eyebrows.

  Luxor punched his arm. “Catch you around.” She descended from the Ferris Wheel and waved, relieved to have space to digest his words. She squeezed through crowds, ignoring the protests of those struck by her elbow, and returned to their starting point. Leaning against a street lamp she quickly messaged Evie and Ayla and gathered herself.

  A static of pain shocked the back of Luxor's arm and she dropped her phone. "Ow," she moaned, picking up her phone before it was trampled on. Luxor straightened up and composed herself by inhaling sharply and breathing through the pain trying not to cause attention to herself.

  Her eyes hazed over for a couple of seconds and red spots dotted her eyelids. She blinked until her vision cleared but nothing appeared out of the ordinary. People milled about in the street none too wiser of her frantic behaviour.

  Calm down Luxor, breathe, smile and relax.

  "Oh, my Heavens!" Ayla ran towards her like a steam train, her hands bound with sticks of fairy floss on sticks and cupcakes. “Where have you been? Are you okay?”

  "A little migraine, can we take a seat?” Luxor said wanting to get away from all these people. She was highly strung, on the verge on exploding. They squished their way through the swarm of people, snapping up a spot on the edge of a curb. She put on the fakest smile she could muster, not for Ayla but for the passer-by’s who gave her strange looks.

  “Let me get you some water, stay right here,” she said, and disappeared again.

  Luxor gave her a thumbs up. Even after the static had passed the ache lingered. From inside of her pocket her phone beep and she slid across the screen.

  Evie: Be there soon. Toilet dash

  Luxor couldn’t help but laugh as she replied with the location.

  It didn’t take long before she was joined by both Ayla and Evie and by then Luxor had collected herself.

  Evie plopped down beside Luxor and clapped her hands. “Where should we go next?”

  “My turn to choose,” Luxor said. Pulling Evie to her feet she linked their arms firmly like a chain and supressed the chuckle threatening to explode as she headed towards a massive purple tent.


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