Drop a Gear and Disappear (Kings of Vengeance, #1)

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Drop a Gear and Disappear (Kings of Vengeance, #1) Page 10

by Winter Travers

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a guy walking into the common room, and I quickly turned to point my gun at him. He froze instantly, which just made my shot easier.

  I pulled the trigger, not caring anything about him. He crumbled to the floor, and Dyno cursed.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me,” he grumbled.

  “Next one is yours, Dyno, promise.”

  He scoffed and moved over to the guys by the TV. “I get all of these assholes.”

  Just like Dyno to call fucking dibs on the guys he wanted to kill.

  I moved closer to the table.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, prospect?” Hog called.

  And these assholes still called me “prospect” even after they tried to kill me. “I’m not your fucking prospect, you fat fuck.”

  Hog didn’t like that. Hog was all about respect. At least, he was all about respect toward him. He didn’t give anyone else respect.

  “Figured you would have dropped a gear and disappeared after we dumped you in that ditch,” Major sneared.

  This asshole just begged to be killed. Every guy left in here deserved to die. “Did for a hot second to heal and gather some things, but you had to be a fucking idiot to think that I wasn’t going to come for what's mine.”

  “Your girl?” he laughed. “She’s fucking mine, now. Fucked her six ways to hell and left her bleeding on the floor. She ain’t yours anymore.”

  My finger flexed on the trigger. “You’re a fucking liar,” I growled.

  He licked his lips and moved to push his chair back. “She put up a good fight, but she was worth it in the end.”

  “Move another fucking inch and I will end you right now.”

  He stopped moving, but I could tell this fucker still thought he had the upper hand even if he had a gun pointed at his head. “You really think you’re going to get her and get out of here alive?” he asked.

  “Haven’t doubted it for a second.”

  “Just take the fucking girl and get the hell out of here,” Hog interrupted.

  “No,” Major shouted.

  “You the fucking president of this club?” Hog thundered. “You’re the one who got us into this fucking mess because you think you need to lord over all of the fucking prospects,” he spat. “Take the girl and fucking leave,” he said to me.

  “How hospitable of you,” Dyno called.

  “That’s not good enough,” I said lowly.

  “Then what the hell do you want?” Hog demanded. “You’re not going to walk into this clubhouse and start making demands.”

  Here was Hog, still acting like I was part of this fucking club. “Pretty sure I’m gonna do whatever the fuck I want, Hog. You’re a fat piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to breathe. You know, I knew you guys weren’t completely on the up and up, but I didn’t think you stoop so low as to get into human trafficking.”

  “Where the hell did you hear that from?” Major demanded.

  I smiled down at him. “Seems you have another member besides me that isn’t down with the way the club is going.”

  “A fucking rat!” Major screamed. He pushed back from the table, and his chair skidded out from under him.

  “Don’t fucking move!” I thundered. I fired a shot aimed over his head that hit the wall. “Next time, I won’t fucking miss,” I threatened.

  “Who the hell told you?” he demanded.

  “Is that really all he's worried about? The fucker has a gun pointed at his head and he cares about who the fucking rat is,” Dyno tsked.

  “I’ll give you one guess who told me, Major. One guess of the guy who betrayed you and the club because he realized you’re all pieces of shit.”

  He looked at the guys at the table then the ones on the couch. “Which one of you fuckers is it?”

  Core wasn’t in the room. He must have taken off to one of the other rooms when I told him we were close. Or he was with Kimber.

  “From where I stand, any of these assholes have a reason to go against Hog and the club. I mean, what has this club ever done for anyone in this room besides have a decent party once in a while?”

  “It’s a brotherhood,” Hog yelled.

  “A brotherhood?” I laughed. “I didn’t know getting the shit kicked out of you and then being tossed is a ditch was part of brotherhood.”

  “That’s ‘cause you fucked up,” Major retorted. “I could tell you always thought you were better than us. Someone had to put you in your fucking place and make you realize where you stood with this club.”

  “And where you stood was in a fucking ditch,” Dyno laughed.

  “You give up the Rolling Devils for this dipshit?” Hog asked.

  “I didn’t give up anything, Hog, and that guy and the four other guys I have circling this place right now are better than every single person who ever stepped foot in this place and wore a Rolling Devils patch. Every one of you are pieces of shit that don't deserve to walk the Earth.”

  Major’s fists flexed at his side. “What did you just call me, prospect?” His tone was low, and I knew I had hit his breaking point.

  “Don’t like being called a piece of shit, Major? Don’t like that I don’t respect? Here’s a clue, I never respected any of you or your fucking club.”

  “Then what the fuck did you join up with us for?” Hog asked.

  “Because you touted all the things I wanted, but I’ll be damn if you guys were the exact opposite of brotherhood.”

  Dyno lit up the four guys sitting on the couch with one long ream of gunfire. Hog dove for cover, and Major sat back down. He covered his head with his arms and so did the other guys sitting at the table.

  “Sorry. The one guy was looking like he was gonna take off for the door, and my nose was itchy.” He reached up and scratched his nose. “All better.”

  “You’re both fucking crazy,” Hog called from on the floor.

  Dyno shrugged and walked around to the other side of the table where Hog was lying. “You’re right, but it’s better than being a bastard.”

  The walkie-talkie on my side cackled, and Point’s voice came through. “I don’t know what’s going on inside there, but I got a guy and two girls coming out the back door.”

  “Stop ‘em, and take them to the truck,” I ordered.

  “Kimber?” Dyno asked.

  I figured it was, but I didn’t know why there would be another woman with them.

  “So, you fucking shoot half of my men but you’re not going to shoot the coward going out the back door?” Hog sneared.

  “You know,” Dyno said. “You thinking your opinion matters when it comes to the Kings of Vengeance is kind of funny.” Dyno leaned down and pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead. “But it doesn’t.”

  “Kings of Vengeance,” Major laughed maniacally. “You think you’re some badass with your own MC now?”

  I pointed my gun at the three other guys at the table and fired. One fell sideways out of his seat onto the floor, and the other two fell forward onto the table.

  “Did you have to do that when I was standing right here?” Dyno complained. “Have you heard of fucking spatter?”

  I quickly moved my gun back to Major. “And then there were two.”

  “You got the fucking girl,” Hog said. “Just fucking leave us alone.”

  “So that’s it. You think because I got Kimber back that I should just walk out of here and leave you two alive?” I shook my head. “Doesn’t fucking work that way. All your men died before you so you could see just how shitty of a club you ran. If these men would have been given the chance to run or betray you, they would have in a second. These men are dead because of you, and now you think you can tell me to just leave because I got what I wanted.”

  Dyno shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong. Quinn hasn’t gotten everything he wants yet.” He tapped the end of the gun against Hog’s head. “Just a few more things and then we’ll be out of here.”

  “It’s really only thre
e more things I need to do.” I nodded at Dyno, and he pulled the trigger on his gun. “Now two more.”

  Dyno stood up straight and stretched his back. “Man, that was a weird angle to stand in. Remind me next time to make the fucker stand up.”

  “You’re not gonna get away with this,” Major spat. “You think you’re invincible, but you’re not. People are going to know you did this.”

  I shook my head. “No, they’re not, Major. Just like you guys thought I dropped a gear and disappeared, so will everyone else. Gear, the guy you used to know? The prospect you treated like shit? He is gone. And if someone does figure out that I’m the one that took out the trash that was the Rolling Devils, they’re gonna fucking thank me.”

  “You’ll never get respect. No one is ever gonna take your bitch-ass club seriously. You’re fucking no—”

  I couldn’t take this shit anymore. I pulled the trigger and fired seven shots straight into Major’s face. His body crumbled and his head hit the floor with a flood. At least what was left of his head.

  I looked down at his body and took a deep breath. “It’s done.”

  “Yeah, you can definitely stick a fork in all of these fuckers,” Dyno chuckled.

  “Do you really need to be such a smartass when we’re killing ten people?” I asked.

  “Twelve,” he corrected. “You were selfish and shot seven. I only got five.”

  “You would fucking count.” I grabbed the walkie-talkie and pressed the button. “All clear.”

  “Coming in the back door,” Pointed hollered into the clubhouse.

  “How nice of him to announce that,” Dyno chuckled. “Normally, I just barge in and pray to God whatever chick I managed to land doesn’t kick me in the nuts.”

  Killing people put Dyno in a surprisingly good mood.

  We went through all of the rooms of the clubhouse and cleared them all. Dyno and I had taken care of everyone in the common room.

  “This the part where Sledge comes in and makes it go boom?” Dyno asked.

  I nodded. “This would be that part.”

  It was over. Kimber was safe, and all of the Rolling Devils were dead.

  It was done, and none of the guys had been hurt.

  Sledge walked in the front door with a large duffel bag and set it gently on the floor. “Zephyr and Rhino headed back to our clubhouse with the two chicks and the guy.”

  “I’m assuming the guy is Core?” I asked.

  Sledge nodded. “That’s what he claimed.”

  “Who was the other chick?” Dyno asked. He was sitting on the couch with a dead body next to him and one by his foot as if it were completely normal.

  “She said her name but I don’t remember it.” Zephyr crouched next to the bag and pulled back the zipper. “I’m gonna set the explosives, and then I’ll detonate with a remote when we’re far enough away.”

  Dyno kicked up his foot on the dead body in front of him. “How big of a boom is this going to make?”

  Sledge started pulling wires and shit out of the bag. “Big enough to where any evidence of us being here is going to be blown sky-high.”

  “That’ll do,” I laughed.

  It took Sledge twenty minutes to set the explosives up around the clubhouse and to wire everything.

  We stood outside the clubhouse by Dyno’s truck.

  “This gonna make it all right?” Point asked me.

  I looked at the clubhouse and nodded. “It’ll be right enough. Not gonna take it back, but I know they’ll never hurt anyone ever again.”

  Dyno, Sledge, Point, and I loaded up into Dyno’s truck. I sat in the back of the box and held the detonator that would blow up the clubhouse in my hand.

  Sledge nodded to my hand. “Hit it whenever you want. We’re far enough away.”

  I looked at the clubhouse and sighed. “It’s all different now, Sledge. Things have changed and there's no going back.”

  “Do you want to go back?” he asked quietly.

  My finger hovered over the small button. I shook my head and pressed hard on the button. “I’m never going back to the guy I was. The one who hid the type of guy he was just to fit into some bitch-ass club. Long live the Kings of Vengeance.”

  Two seconds later, the club exploded and a large cloud of smoke rose into the air.

  The Rolling Devils were dead, and the Kings of Vengeance were taking their place on the throne.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  A knee to the nuts...

  “Where are we?”

  I closed my eyes and tried not to snap at Petra.

  “Clubhouse,” one of the guys who had driven us here said.

  “Uh, is Quinn going to be here soon?” I asked.

  Petra was wanting to know where we were, and all I wanted to know was where Quinn was.

  One second, Petra and I were sitting in the dark, and then next, the door to our room had swung open. Core had told us to get our asses up and run.

  Petra and I hadn’t hesitated. I grabbed her hand, and we had followed close behind Core as he led us down the hallway and out the back door. As soon as we opened the door, I felt someone watching us. At first, I thought we had been caught, but soon someone from the bushes had yelled for us to slowly walk toward them. A guy stepped out from the brush with a gun pointed at us.

  He asked which one of us was Kimber, then took all three of us to a truck that had been parked down the road. When we were walking, I heard Quinn’s voice on the walkie-talkie saying everything was done, and it wasn’t until then that I felt like I was free.

  A loud explosion sounded in the distance, and the two guys who had driven us here smiled wide.

  Core hung his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “What was that?” Petra asked.

  “That was the asshole who kidnapped you blowing up into a million pieces,” the one closest to me said.

  She wrinkled her nose. “TMI.”

  “What the fuck is TMI?” one of the guys asked.

  “Too much information,” I laughed. These guys definitely seemed like people Quinn would hang out with. Much better than any of the Rolling Devils. Though Core had grown on me the past few days.

  A horn honked by the bay door, and the guy next to me moved to open it.

  A battered red truck with four guys in it pulled into the area where we were sitting. They were all yelling and laughing except for Quinn who was sitting in the back with his head down.

  My body moved to him without even thinking. It was like there were magnets in us, and I couldn’t resist being next to him.

  I stood at the tailgate of the truck and died to reach out and touch him.

  Quinn raised his head and looked at me.

  “Miss me?” I asked.

  “Just a little bit, baby.”

  He stood up, and I planted my foot on the tailgate. I propelled myself up, launching myself into his arms. He caught me around the waist and pulled me against him.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he mumbled into my hair. “I’m so sorry.”

  My body was wrapped completely around him, and I couldn’t speak. Everything I wanted to say rushed at me at once, and I couldn’t get any of it out. Tears streamed down my face, and I bawled like a baby.

  “Dammit, Kimber,” he grunted. “Dammit, I love you.”

  That sounded even better than over the phone.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered.

  It was over.

  It was done.

  I was back with Quinn, and we were both safe.

  He was a little worse for the wear, but that wasn’t anything but time would fix.

  “Did they hurt you?” he whispered in my ear.

  I knew what he was asking me. I knew he wanted to know if any of them had touched me the way only he should.

  I shook my head and cried even harder. “No,” I choked out. The only person who had touched me was Major and all he had done was slap me around a little bit. I had bee
n lucky. I didn’t realize it until then just how lucky I was.

  “You’re home, baby,” he cooed. “I’ve got you. Nothing will hurt you ever again.”

  He squeezed me so tightly that I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t want him to let me go. “Quinn,” I wheezed.

  “Baby,” he whispered.

  I leaned back, and his mouth descended on mine.

  I had never had a better kiss in all of my life.

  There had been a few moments of weakness when I thought I would never see him again or be able to touch him, and it had almost killed me.

  Now having him back and being wrapped in his arms was more than I could comprehend. “I love you,” I said against his lips.

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed. “You’re okay?”

  “Now that I’ve got you, I am.”

  I nodded then opened my eyes. “Good. Now, I get to knee you in the nuts for being part of that ridiculous club.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. I watched in amazement, thankful that I was able to witness Quinn not only alive, but happy.

  “You can try, baby, but it ain’t gonna happen.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Fine, but you are going to have to tell me that I was right.”

  “About what?”

  “About that stupid-ass club. There was a reason I never wanted to go to any of those parties, and you didn’t listen to me,” I scolded.

  “You knew if you were to go to one of those parties, you were going to get kidnapped?” he laughed.

  “Well, no,” I giggled. “But I knew it wasn’t a good club.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I blew that thing to pieces then.”

  “Definitely,” I agreed.

  “But what if I told you I found an MC that is a better fit for me?”

  “I’d say you were crazy and that I should run in the other direction from you.”

  He turned to looked at Core, Petra, and the five guys I had never seen before looking up at us. “What if I told you that MC just saved your and my asses?”

  I looked at the five guys who had put their lives on the line to save me. I had never met any of them before, and I didn’t even think Quinn really knew them either because he had never mentioned having friends outside of the clubhouse besides one guy called Dyno who Quinn never really knew where he was because the guy was like a gypsy. “Do you actually know these guys?” I asked softly.


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