Drop a Gear and Disappear (Kings of Vengeance, #1)

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Drop a Gear and Disappear (Kings of Vengeance, #1) Page 11

by Winter Travers

  Quinn shook his head. “Not really. Though the fucker with shit-eating grin on his face is Dyno.”

  I looked up at Quinn. “Your best friend?’

  He nodded. “Yeah, baby.”

  “He came to help you.”

  “Didn't even have to ask,” Dyno called. “I was coming to help even if he didn’t want me to.”

  “This is your MC now?” I asked.

  He nodded again. “This is what I was looking for when I stumbled into the Rolling Devils. This is what I wanted.”

  I could feel things were different. These guys weren’t here for themselves. They were here for each other. “Maybe I won’t need to run in the other direction,” I mumbled.

  “Good choice, baby. Cause you know I would go through hell and back to have you.” Quinn wrapped me tight in his arms again and whirled us around.

  He did go through hell to rescue me, and I planned on paying him back for the rest of our lives.


  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Safe again...

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me.”

  Kimber rolled over and threw her arm over my chest. “You are not allowed to leave this bed,” she grumbled.

  “Baby, someone is at the door.”

  “I don’t care if it’s the fucking Pope. You’re not leaving me.”

  I rolled out from under her, then lifted her up in my arms. “Then your ass is coming with me to get the door.”

  She didn’t protest. Just curled up in my arms and burrowed into my bare chest. “Good thing I put clothes back on after you fucked me,” she said sleepily.

  “Definitely a good thing, baby.” I headed out of the bedroom and down the hallway with Kimber in my arms and I didn’t even mind how clingy she was being.

  It had been twenty-four hours since I had taken out the Rolling Devils, and in that time, all I had done since was take a shower, sleep, and fuck Kimber.

  I was in fucking heaven.

  “Grab the door, baby.”

  She reached for the door handle and pulled it open.

  “It’s about fucking time,” Fancy yelled. She stood in the open door tapping the toe of her high heel clad foot.

  “Woman, I told you she would come over when she was good and ready to.”

  Kimber struggled to get out of my arms, then launched herself at Fancy.

  “You scared the living hell out of me, woman,” Fancy cried. “I thought you were dead.”

  I pulled them out of the hallway and into the apartment. It was after ten, and I didn’t think everyone else wanted to hear these two squawk at each other.

  My phone buzzed on the counter, and I picked it up to see Core was calling. I ducked into the bedroom and put the phone to my ear.


  “Quinn?” he said.

  “Yeah, you got me, Core. What’s up?”

  “I was wondering if we could get together to talk.”

  I sat down on the bed. “About what?”

  “Uh, I don’t really know what to do, Quinn. I was part of the Rolling Devils for so long and now...” He trailed off, and I hung my head.

  “I don’t know how to trust you, man. I know you helped Kimber during all of that shit, but you were part of the Rolling Devils, and like you just said, it was for a long fucking time.”

  “I get that, Quinn. I get it, man.” He sounded defeated and lost as fuck.

  I sighed. “Look, I can’t speak for the club, and you know it all has to go through a vote but I’ll give you a call tomorrow. We’ll see if maybe there is a place for you with the Kings of Vengeance.”

  Dyno knew how I was feeling about Core and he was in agreeance that Core didn’t have anything to do with me being beat or Kimber being taken. Nobody really had anything to do with that besides Hog and Major.

  “Thanks, man,” Core said quietly. “Thank you so much, Quinn.”

  I hung up and rested my head in my hands.

  “He helped me, Quinn.” Kimber leaned against the doorway of the bedroom with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “You eavesdropping on me, baby?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I managed to get rid of Fancy with the promise of breakfast in the morning.” She pushed off the jamb and walked straight into me. She straddled my lap and pushed me onto the bed.

  “You ready to go again?” I laughed.

  “No.” She looked to the side then back at me. “Well, yeah, but first we need to talk about Core.”

  “Not what I want to talk about when your pussy is pressed up against my dick.”

  She rolled her eyes and pressed a hand to my chest. “You can’t leave Core hanging, Quinn.”

  “It’s club business, baby.”

  “And this club business has to do with me.”

  “No, it don’t,” I argued.

  “He’s gonna be part of that club, Quinn, because I trust that man with my life.”

  “As much as you trust me?’ I asked.

  She bit her lip and shook her head. “Well, no, but I know you want good guys in your club, and I think Core is one of those guys.”

  “I’ll mention it to the other guys, but it’s not just up to me, baby.”

  She leaned down and pressed a kiss to my bare chest. “As long as you mention it to them, and then I can come in with some cookies or something to persuade them to my way of thinking.”

  “Baby,” I laughed, “Your ass is not coming to a club meeting with fucking refreshments to try and get your way.”

  She pouted out her bottom lip. “Then I guess I’m just going to have to convince the president to swing his vote my way.”

  I rested my hands on her hips. “I’m already convinced, baby, I just don’t know if I can trust my gut anymore.”

  “Oh, Quinn,” she sighed. “You know you can trust your gut. You just had a little blip with the Rolling Devils.”

  “A little blip?” I laughed. “I almost got both of us killed.”

  “And you learned from it,” she reasoned.

  “Baby, why are you so good to me? You really should hate me and be running as fast as you can from me.”

  She shook her head lightly. “You’re not gonna get rid of me, Quinn. I love you, and nothing you can say or do is going to change that.”

  “You know how I said I’m a good man? I’m not that good of a man because right now, I should leave and leave you alone but I’m not gonna. You want me so I’m gonna do everything I can to be the man you should be with.”

  “And I’m the type of woman who is going to soak up all of the amazing things you think you need to do to keep me, and not argue with that.” She pressed a kiss to my lips and smiled. “So, to recap, Core gets to be a part of the Kings of Vengeance and you’re going to spoil the hell out of me for the rest of our lives.”

  “Deal, at least for the last part.” I laughed. “Can I fuck you now?”

  She rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. “Yeah. Totally,” she drawled.

  I wrapped my arms around her and rolled us. “I’m one lucky fucker to have you, Kimber.”

  “Just don’t ever forget it, Quinn.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  She smiled wide and brushed her fingers through my hair. “I love you, Quinn.”

  Nothing was ever going to take Kimber away from me again.

  The Kings of Vengeance and I would make sure of that.


  Chapter Twenty-Three


  What happens now...

  “Two mimosas and keep ‘em coming.”

  The waiter nodded. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to go over the menu.”

  Fancy sighed and fanned herself with her hand. “Remind me again why the hell we are sitting outside when we could be in the cool air conditioning?”

  I leaned back in my chair and tipped my head up to the sky. “Because I was locked in a room for over a week, and it made me appreciate the small things in life like fresh air and sun.”

  “I’m gonna sound like a bitch, but you sound like an inmate that was locked away for twenty years.”

  I shook my head. “But inmates get to go outside. I was surrounded by the same four walls with just a glimpse of light when I went to the bathroom.” I tipped my sunglasses onto the top of my head and looked at Fancy. “Prison, I could totally do.”

  Fancy laughed and rolled her eyes. “Something I never thought to hear come out of your mouth.”

  A lot have things had changed in the last week. Fancy may think I was being cute when I said I learned to appreciate the small things, but it was the total truth. “Me neither, Fan.”

  Quinn had taken off to the clubhouse this morning, but not before fucking me again and making me promise I would stay with Fancy until he got home. Not like Fancy could protect me if anything would happen, but I had to assume all of the shit with the Rolling Devils was behind us since they were all dead.

  Well, all except for Core.

  “So what is big bad biker up to now?” she asked.

  “Well, going from prospect to president is a rather big step, so he’s trying to figure all of that out.”

  “And you’re okay with him being a part of an MC again?” She rested her elbows on the table and leaned toward me. “Don’t get me wrong, Kimber. I love the guy, and I’m damn thankful he brought you back safe, but aren’t you worried this could all happen again?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not going to happen again. At least, I’m as sure as I can be about not getting hurt. Hell, Fancy, you and I could be struck dead right now by an airplane falling out of the sky or one of your computer guys you date coming to kidnap us.”

  Fancy rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean, Kimber. Your guy isn’t exactly in the safest job position.”

  I took a sip of my water and spotted the waiter headed back over to us with our mimosas. I waited ‘til he set them on the table and moved away before I continued talking.

  “That may be true, Kimber, but you know as well as I do that Quinn isn’t meant for the nine to five. Being with the Rolling Devils didn’t turn out, but I can see with him being the president of the Kings of Vengeance that he is doing exactly what he has wanted.”

  Fancy sighed. “I get it, Kimber. I totally do. You’re in love with the guy, and you don’t want to change him, but don’t you think you could sway him into being like a hotass welder or something like that?”

  A laugh bubbled from my lips. “Fancy,” I said levelly. “Quinn isn’t going to work for or answer to anyone but himself. Yes, I’m scared that he’s going to go back to the life he had before I got kidnapped, but it’s different. Quinn is the one in charge and calling the shots.”

  Fancy ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m just your friend who is concerned about the fact that your boyfriend’s job is a tad bit dangerous.” She held her fingers in front of her an inch apart. “A smidge dangerous.”

  A smidge dangerous was right. Though I couldn’t live afraid.

  I also couldn’t live without Quinn.

  Another thing I had figured out when I had been locked in that room.

  Quinn was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I had felt that way before the Rolling Devils had held me captive but being away from him for that long and thinking he might have died cemented my feelings for him.

  Fancy held up her hands. “Man who loves you,” she raised her left hand, “but he’s also got a dangerous life.” She raised her other hand to even out with the other. “Seems like perfect balance to me.”

  “Come on, Fancy. You were the one who told me I would have been a fool to let Quinn go before.”

  She sighed and dropped her hands. “And I still feel that way, but I also feel I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I didn’t point out the obvious.”

  I reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “I hear you, Fan. I hear you loud and clear. I know being with Quinn isn’t the safest thing, but I know if I wasn’t with him, I would be a miserable old cow.”

  “You’re not old,” she muttered.

  I laughed and grabbed my menu. “Well, thank you.”

  “So since I’m not able to sway you into leaving your handsome biker, which for the record, I don’t want you to, I think we can move on to what you missed the past week and a half.”

  I held up a finger. “Let me figure out what I want to eat then I’m all ears.” I knew I was going to need to give Fancy my undivided attention.

  The waiter approached the table, and we both order the stuffed French toast with bacon.

  “You have no idea how badly I’m craving bacon.” I took a sip of my mimosa and smiled. “Now tell me what happened while I was shoved in a closet.”

  “It’s a good sign you can make jokes about the fact you were kidnapped.”

  I shrugged. “It could have been a hell of a lot worse.” I shivered at the thought of one of those guys touching me. “I thankfully had Core.” I flitted my hand at her. “Now spill.”

  “When I wasn’t trying to get a hold of Quinn trying to figure out what the hell was going on with you, I went on four dates with one of them possibly being promising.”

  “Possibly?” Fancy was constantly on the quest to find her future husband. Things never seemed to get past the second date, though.

  She slurped her drink. “Well, I think it went well. Though he hasn’t called me back.”

  “Are you telling me you actually liked this guy but he’s not into you?”

  “It’s only been four days. He might have a rule or something about not calling a chick right away.”

  “Are you in high school?” I laughed.

  “Sometimes it feels that way,” she muttered.

  “I don’t know why you don’t just get off all of those sites and just see what kind of guy you can find.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Says the girl who had the man of her dreams literally walk into her life.”

  I circled my finger in front of me. “Need I remind you that not even forty-eight hours ago, I didn’t know if I was going to live or die?”

  She scoffed. “I knew Quinn was going to get you back.”

  I blinked slowly. “You are just one huge contradiction, aren’t you?” She had been trying to get me to leave Quinn, but in the next breath, she thought he was the one and I was lucky to have him.

  “Keep up, Kimber.”

  The waiter brought out our food, and I descended on it like a starving man. Quinn had feed me pizza and anything I asked for yesterday, but bacon was one craving I hadn’t satisfied yet.

  “Damn, woman. You said they were at least feeding you in there, right?

  I nodded and took a huge bite of the Nutella stuffed French toast. “God damn, that is good,” I moaned. I wiped my mouth and took a drink of my mimosa. “They fed me, but it wasn’t stuffed French toast and bacon.

  We ate slowly. Fancy told me about the guy she liked, but in the end, she decided maybe he wasn’t the one for her since he hadn’t called her back.

  I finished the last bite and set my fork down on the plate. “I am so full,” I groaned.

  “So what happens now?” Fancy asked.

  I looked up at her and smiled. “Things go back to the way they were. At least, when it comes to me and my job.”

  “And what about Quinn and his job?”

  I shrugged. “The Kings of Vengeance are his job now. He’s got things in the works, and I have to assume he knows what he’s doing.”

  “So you’re the first lady of the Kings of Vengeance and also a nurse.”

  “Uh, I guess?” Not that I was going to announce the first part of that. I pointed my finger at her. “There is one thing I know is going to happen.”

  “Don’t leave me hanging, woman. Tell me what the hell it is,” she insisted.

  “I’m getting a tattoo.”


  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The future of the Kings...

  “What the hell are we
going to do with her?”

  I looked at the woman who was sitting on the couch in front of an old TV. “She say much?”

  Dyno shook his head. “Barely got five words out of her.”

  “What words did you get out of her?”

  “She wants her cat, Oscar.”

  I glanced at Dyno. “Come again?”

  “She’s got a cat, brother. That’s all I know about her.”

  I nodded and looked back at her. “I say we just let her go. Just make sure she doesn’t plan on saying anything to the police.”

  “Doubt she’ll say anything, but you never can be too safe.”

  I stroked my chin. “Let her go back home, but we keep an eye on her. At least, for a while. Kimber said she was only there for two days and nothing happened to her.”

  “The big ol’ bruise on her cheek and the busted lip says different to that,” Dyno countered.

  “Yeah, well. Time will fix that shit.”

  “Who do you want to stay with her?” Dyno asked.

  A smile spread across my lips. “I got just the guy, but first, we need to have church. We need to decide on a few things.”

  Dyno nodded. “I’ll gather all of the guys. Where you wanna meet?”

  Our clubhouse wasn’t really a clubhouse yet, but I knew where I wanted church to be held. “The room behind front entrance.”

  Dyno nodded again. “Give me five minutes. All of these fuckers are just standing around waiting for something to do.”

  I pulled out my phone.

  How drunk are you? I typed. Kimber was off with Fancy, more than likely getting day-drunk.

  I’m sober. I can’t say the same for Fancy though.

  I chuckled and shook my head. That sounded about right. Fancy was always a bit more crazy than Kimber. I’ll be home in an hour.

  I’ll try to get Fancy headed that way.

  You do that, baby. Love you. I had lost track of how many times I had told Kimber I loved her since she was home. It seemed like I couldn’t tell her enough times to make sure she knew.


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