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Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2)

Page 21

by K. Webster

  “They’re heavily fortified,” Koyn says, addressing the large group of pissed off bikers. When you mess with one, you mess with all. “That’s why we go in hard and we go in fast.”

  Everyone grunts in agreement.

  Koyn goes over the logistics with the Little Rock Royal Bastards leading their men, Jameson and Rage, while I skim my gaze over to Animal. Koyn must trust this dude to leave his ol’ lady and baby girl in his care. Animal is a crazy sonofabitch, though, and he gave his word to Koyn he’d protect them with his life.

  The fact that Koyn is putting trust in someone, after what happened to his first wife and daughter, in order to save my woman shows just what a good brother he is. It’s something I’ll never forget and will always be grateful for.

  “We got eyes inside?” Rage asks, cracking his neck and thrumming with pent-up energy to kill some motherfuckers.

  Bermuda nods, holding up his phone. “Once we isolated where they’re at, we were able to ping the cell phones in the area and then hack in. The heavy hitters are there—Collins or Press, Vidal, and Night Giant. Some idiot who works for them keeps pulling out his phone, which gives us a glimpse of what’s going on. They’ve got a shit ton of guys in there, though, and there are victims in there we have to look out for.”

  “We’re going to war, boys,” I say, earning their attention. “Let’s strap up and take down these assholes.”

  “And make it hurt,” Koyn adds in. “Make it really fucking hurt.”


  Hours have passed since Dragon and I made our video, but my body continues to tremble. After that horrific event, they took us all back to our room. Calla clung to Cove the moment we got inside, but he won’t look me in the eye. I can see the guilt on his young face. If I knew how to erase it, I would. I’m his big sister and I’ll always choose to stand in front of him and Calla. Always. Just like I had to protect them from the dogs who ripped our mother apart to now. I’ll keep on doing it too.

  Dragon’s intense green eyes haven’t quit boring into me. I thought I’d fear him after what happened, but I’m feeling thankful. Had he not gone through with what he did with me the way he did, there’s no telling what those monsters would have made him do or someone else for that matter. It bought my siblings temporary safety too. The cut on my face hurts like a motherfucker, though.

  “I’m going to be okay,” I whisper, meeting Dragon’s stare. “I promise.”

  “They’ll all pay,” he vows. “Especially him.”

  I shiver at the thought of Dragon getting caught in Night Giant’s grip again. He seems more like the Dragon I know and less like Night Giant’s plaything, but I don’t know for how long. All I can do is focus on my escape plan.


  Another nail flies out, hitting the bed frame. Dragon scoops it up, sliding this one between two fingers as well. He has six nails now to complete his creepy-ass Wolverine claw thing he has going on. I’m glad he’s figured out a weapon and left me with the pocketknife, though I’m finding it more useful as a tool.

  I’ve pulled out enough nails on one of the plywood pieces that we might be able to yank it off the wall together and give us access to the window. I grab onto one edge of the plywood and groan when it wiggles but doesn’t give. Too many nails to loosen and voices can be heard approaching.

  “They’re coming,” Dragon warns, rising to his feet, hiding his hands behind his back.

  I swivel around, keeping my weapon hidden, as the locks begin to disengage. One masked man stands near the door once it’s opened whereas the other one prowls in with a mission.

  The twins.

  My brother bravely stands in front of our sister like he’s a match against this large man. The determination in Cove’s eyes has me flying into action. Without hesitation, I launch myself on the back of the man, driving the pocketknife blade into his neck. He growls, trying to shake me off, but the blood gushing out over my hand tells me I aimed well. I’m tossed back onto the mattress and barely roll out of the way as the guy slumps beside me. I can hear Dragon scuffling with the other guy until a thud signifies the end. Thankfully, Dragon is the one left standing and he’s taken the man’s gun.

  Unfortunately the guy I’ve mortally wounded doesn’t seem to have a weapon, so I take my knife back and motion for my siblings and the others to follow close behind. Dragon peeks out the door and into the hallway. First left and then right. He curses under his breath as he starts right. I peek to the left, frustrated to see what appears to be an exit to the outside barricaded with boards. It’d take too much precious time to try and get out that door. We have to find another way.

  I remember going through a series of hallways to get to the cage and camera room. We need to avoid that place like the plague considering most of the men have been clustered there. Dragon stops at a four-way hallway intersection and peers left and right once again. He starts right but then loud sirens go off.

  “Fuck,” Dragon snaps. “They know we’ve escaped. Hurry. Go that way.” He gestures left.

  I rush in that direction, careful to be quiet as my siblings follow after me. There’s a door at the far end that doesn’t seem to be barricaded. I just hope we don’t come face to face with a bunch of goons when we open it.


  Gunshots resound outside, loud and plentiful, making my heart leap for a moment. Maybe they’re here. Maybe Copper found us. A sob claws at my throat, but I swallow it, once again fixated on the escape route. I’m about to run for it when one of the hotel room doors opens and a big guy snags my brother, dragging him into the room with him.

  “No!” I hiss, starting for him as the door gets shoved in my face.

  A bare foot kicks the door hard beside me and then Dragon muscles his way inside, once again crazed with violence. The guy with my brother in his grip holds a knife out like he’s a match for Dragon. Dragon easily grabs the man’s hand, twists, and the snapping of his wrist is followed by a howl of pain. Dragon keeps his grip around the guy’s hand and forces the blade up into his chin. The guy gurgles as he slumps to the floor. Dragon yanks the knife out and tosses it to me before finishing the guy off with a hard stomp to his windpipe.

  “Are you okay?” I ask my brother, whose face is pale.

  Dragon growls. “He’s been stabbed.”

  Oh my God.

  Crimson coats my brother’s hand as he holds his ribs.

  “Snap out of it, Stormy,” Dragon barks. “We’ll get him help. Let’s go.”

  We leave the room and set back on our destination to the far door. Since Dragon has the gun, he leads the pack and I make sure everyone stays between us. When we have to pass another hall, this time just one that leads to the right, Dragon slows. He peeks around the corner, deems it safe, and then motions for everyone to hurry. Terri is just crossing the hall in front of me when something lands at her feet.


  All I have time for is to try for the nearest doorway, an old vending machine alcove, when the explosion hits, sending me crashing into the machine. My ears ring from the blast, but my body is thankfully intact. I scramble around to discover how Terri fared.

  When I notice a severed leg and no body, I gag so hard I nearly black out. It takes a few hard blinks to shove that image from my brain and focus on my escape. Through the haze of the smoke, I can see light. The door is open, which means hopefully Dragon got them out. Getting past the wrecked hallway where the wall has fallen over, blocking the path, will prove to be a challenge. Especially considering I have to pass the hallway where the grenade came from.

  A guy, dressed all in black, flies around the corner, grenades hooked to his vest. His surprise at seeing me buys me some time. I charge him, ramming the knife into his chest. He fumbles for his gun, but my hands are on it as we fall to the ground. Since he’s gasping for air as blood gushes from his chest, I’m easily able to wrench the gun from him. Without remorse, I shoot him in the face.

  I peek down the hall, thankful that he
was the only man, only to cry in frustration when I realize the path to go outside is completely blocked. I’ll have to move heavy shit to get past. Fuck. I need to find another way out. Frustrated, I start down the new hallway, desperate for another escape route. I’ve only passed a few doors when someone steps out.

  Someone I’m intimately familiar with.


  My first instinct is to cry and throw myself into his arms, begging him to take me to Copper. But the cold glint in his eyes tells me it would be a horrible mistake, especially since his gun is pointed right at my face.

  “Filter,” I choke out.

  “Stormy,” he sneers. “Or should I call you traitor?”

  I swallow down my emotion, trying like hell to keep my arm from shaking. My gun is pointed at his face too. If he shoots me, he’ll die too. It’ll be some Romeo and Juliet shit minus the love story. Just two stubborn assess going to Hell together. Fucking karma.

  “You can call me Copper’s ol’ lady,” I grit out. “Jesus, Filter. How did I put up with your bitchy ass?”

  He flinches at my words. “You’re good at faking.”

  “Not everything was fake, dumbass,” I snap back. “Sure, we fucked. But those times when we watched movies and laughed, that was real. You were my friend, even if I didn’t want to admit it. I’m sorry I fucked you guys over. I can assure you it won’t happen again. Now stop being a little bitch and let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “You’re pregnant,” he bites out. “With his baby.”

  I allow my tears to slip out. “I’m happy. It’s real. I love him.”

  His nostrils flare and he cracks his neck. “What was wrong with me?”

  I cannot believe we’re having this talk now. Of all times. He has a crazy ass look in his eyes that says no matter what I say, I’m getting my ass shot anyway. Fuck him for doing this.

  “Nothing, dickhead,” I hiss. “You’re hot and normally pretty sweet. Loyal…” I trail off reminding him, once again, I’m protected by his damned brotherhood. “I was just trying to do my job.”

  “I was going to keep you,” Filter says, his words growing colder. “Maybe we didn’t have the spark I thought we should have, but you grew on me, Stormy. You fucking grew on me. I know we could have loved each other.”

  “Maybe,” I agree, “but shit went south. I landed with Copper and we fell hard. No maybes. No could haves. We did. Sometimes shit happens for a reason.”

  He steps closer, his eyes narrowing and the muscle on his forearm flexing. “I could put a bullet in your head and they’d never know. They’d think you were hit in the crossfire.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not a douchebag who shoots pregnant ol’ ladies,” I remind him, stupidly lowering my gun as a sign of trust. “You’re a Royal Bastard. So is Copper.”

  My heart trips over itself when he lowers his weapon. I think I have him settled when I see movement behind him. Black masked man. There’s no time to explain. Whipping my gun up, I mutter out an apology. As though to mirror my image, he swings his gun up too.

  We both squeeze the trigger at once.

  Bam! Bam!


  Bam! Bam!

  I crawl through the broken hotel room window after crossing a courtyard from another room. She’s nowhere to be found. The gunfire makes me think one of my guys needs assistance. As soon I cross the room, I see two arms stretched out, aiming weapons at each other. Since one of them is feminine, I don’t dare shoot that person, but as I near the two, I realize the other person is familiar.


  Stormy and Filter, facing off with guns pointing at each other.

  “Don’t do this,” I beg to Filter. “Please.”

  Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

  My heart shatters into a million pieces until I realize neither one of them has gone down. They slowly walk past each other, continuing to shoot. I peek out the door and realize they’re covering for each other. Joining them, I help pick off the few guys at one end. As soon as the hallway goes quiet, I loop an arm around Stormy’s waist and haul her to me.

  Fiery blue eyes meet mine but then soften when she sees me, quickly filling with tears. Her face is badly cut and she’s filthy. I’ve never seen her look so beautiful because she’s alive. She’s fucking alive.

  I crash my lips to hers, not even gentle of her wounds, just desperate to make sure she’s real and not some ghost meant to taunt me. Her salty tears join our kiss, giving this reality a familiar taste. A groan of relief escapes her as I kiss the fire out of her.

  “You’re alive,” I mumble, pecking kisses over her cracked and dried lips.

  “Not for long if you two keep making out in the hallway,” Filter grumbles. “This way.”

  I want to drag Stormy into my arms and never let go, but she pulls away to steal two new guns from one of the dead men. My girl is a fighter. She’s no damsel. Filter’s right. I can worship her properly when we’re safe and alone. Now is not the time or we’ll never make it out of here.

  “Where’s everyone else?” I ask as we stealthily make our way down the hallway.

  “Dragon got them out, I think. I hope. We need to find them.” Stormy looks over her shoulder at me, giving me a watery smile.

  I’m going to have words with Dragon as soon as this shit blows over.

  “Stop,” Filter grunts. “Did you hear that?”

  Sobbing. Calls for help.

  Stormy turns toward a hotel room door and starts unengaging bolt locks. Once it’s open, she pushes inside. Fucking fearless, this woman.

  Several battered and clearly traumatized people huddle together in one corner of the room. They all look just as fucked up as Stormy.

  “Come on,” she hisses. “Stay quiet. We’re going to get you to safety.”

  After eight shivering people make their way into the hallway, we set on our journey again. This time, Stormy begins checking each door. Not every room has captives, but some do. It’s enough that we’ve gathered about eighteen people, some of which who have to be practically carried by the other captives.

  “Behind you,” Blake calls out. “Don’t shoot.”

  I swivel around to find Blake, Gibson, and Bizzy making their way down the hallway with a few captives trailing with them.

  “Everyone back that way has been killed and the rooms have been checked,” my son says, no longer sounding like a kid, but a fucking man instead. “The others have spread out on other hallways. We think we got most of them.”

  After canvassing another couple of hallways, we also run into Halo, Payne, and some of the Little Rock guys. Eventually, we make our way back outside. People are everywhere, but it’s all our people and captives. Those trafficking motherfuckers are gone.

  Koyn jumps up onto a vehicle and whistles, gaining everyone’s attention as they crowd around. Jameson’s woman—the same one who helped Katana—has arrived in a van, already seeing to the victims who are in the worst shape. I’m thankful as fuck it’s not my girl needing care.

  “Brenda,” a soft, broken masculine voice calls out, before a young mirrored version of Calla nearly tackles her. “I’m so sorry.”

  She hugs her brother, whispering assurances. “It’s okay. I’m okay. We’re all okay. I love you, Cove. You’re safe now.”

  Calla clings to them and my heart aches for what they went through. I’m thankful they’re safe and back together. Filter watches them with an unreadable expression. As long as it’s not hate, I can deal with that.

  “We took out most of these motherfuckers,” Koyn calls out. “A few escaped, but we’ll get them. Mark my words. The important thing is, we’ve found the captives and they’ll be safe now.”

  I scan the crowd looking for Dragon. Still missing.

  “These people can’t go back to normal society. Not after this shit,” Koyn grinds out. “Which is why we’re going to help them. Get them back on their feet and then see how shit pans out. Anyone who wants to go home to their families, we’ll get you there. B

  Dragon had plenty of chances to reunite with his family, but chose to become a Royal Bastard instead, giving up his past and becoming the man he’d been changed into. It wouldn’t be a surprise if many of these people felt the same given the horrors they’ve gone through.

  “Jameson and Rage are taking the badly injured with them. Doc here can make sure they’re stable. Scorn will take anyone by plane back to Louisiana. The rest will come with us,” Koyn says. “Those who opt to go back into society, Dan Greene with the FBI will assist in those efforts. Good luck and I’m fucking sorry you people had to go through this shit.”

  The crowd breaks up at that point. I want to drag Stormy into my arms and hold her, but she’s still in protective mode over her younger siblings. It isn’t until Bizzy helps the twins into the van that all the fire is snuffed out of my girl. Like a good man, I’m there to gather her in my arms, holding her together.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers as I rub a palm over her flat belly that will soon swell with my child. “I gave you such shit about being dirty. You guys were always good. At least where it counts. I fucked up.”

  “Nah, little storm, you just wreaked some havoc just so you could plow right into my arms. I’m not complaining how you got there. Just thanking God that you are.”

  She starts to cry and laugh at the same time. “Careful. Gibson will turn those lines into a country song.”

  “Damn straight,” Gibson says, grinning our way as he passes. And then the swoony-ass motherfucker sings my lines back to my woman in his voice that apparently makes the Barnyard Belles want to have his baby.

  “Go on with your bullshit,” I grumble playfully.

  He laughs until Koyn strides up to us. I tense at the unusual expression on his face.

  “They got away,” he says, his dark eyes glinting in an evil way.


  “Night Giant, Vidal, and Press.” Each name Koyn delivers makes Stormy flinch.


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