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Outcast: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Pack Prophecy Book 1)

Page 9

by R. L. Caulder

  I let my voice take on a tone of indifference, "Because I have no desire to hurt my wolf by throwing Kira to my father. I might not consider her my mate, but my wolf does."

  Her eyes snapped to my face, searching for a clue to how that made me feel, I'm assuming, but I refused to show even an ounce of emotion.

  Shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly, I added, "Plus, it's tradition for the alpha to bless all new mates. I figured I can sever that tie today when I reject it and when the alpha refuses to acknowledge it."

  I could feel the anger rolling off Milo in waves, making my wolf want to go on the defensive in case he attacked. Kira had him and Seth by the balls though, so I tucked my hands into my jeans and displayed a calm confidence.

  It was just a bonus that my blatant dismissal of him riled Milo further.

  "You're really going through with this?" Seth asked sorrowfully, and I struggled to think of ending our friendship along with this mate bond. He was all I had for family. My father was a cold man, and I’d never allowed myself to get close to anyone else, for fear of them dying like my mom had.

  Seth had pestered me into our friendship, refusing to give up when I was a dick to him. Instead, he’d given it right back to me, and I’d eventually accepted that I was stuck with him.

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded once, "Yes. Now go get dressed so we can appear before the pack and my father. They're gathering now."

  Kira glanced up at Milo and Seth, requesting a moment alone with me. "It's fine. You guys go get dressed, and I'll be right there."

  Seth acquiesced, but she had to give Milo a shove when he refused to budge, glaring daggers at me that I continued to ignore. "Go," she demanded, and I felt power packed into her tone, like the force of an alpha.


  With her full attention on me now, I felt myself shifting from one foot to the other nervously. I was in rare shape this morning after coming out of my rage and seeing my mother’s artwork destroyed. The remorse from that made it difficult to hold onto the anger I typically harbored inside of me and fed a bit every day.

  She surprised me with her first statement. "Look, I'm not going to force you to accept this bond right now. All I ask is that you give yourself time to work through your emotions before making such a final decision."

  As I opened my mouth to form a rebuttal, she continued. "You need to know what I found out last night though, before I reveal it to the pack today. You just witnessed a part of what I can do, and as much as it pains me to say this, I will need you to back me with the pack so they don't outright dismiss me."

  Her eyes pleaded with me to hear her out, so I waved her on, because she was right in her assertion. I couldn't deny that what I had just seen her do was unnatural to say the least. I was just relieved she didn't want to discuss the bond anymore.

  "Have you ever heard of the Dark Prophecy?"

  My brows furrowed, and I hedged, " used to scare us as kids when we were being bad. If we didn’t clean up after ourselves or respect our elders, we were told we’d bring about the beginning of the prophecy."

  Her chest rose as she took a deep breath, and I couldn't help that my eyes strayed to the hard nipples that were easily visible despite the bagginess of the shirt.

  Why couldn't she have been ugly, or even just have a revolting personality like Sofia? It would make all of this so much simpler.

  "Well, it’s not just a bedtime story to scare children. Last night, I transitioned for the first time…” she trailed off nervously before continuing, “and I know this is going to sound crazy, but I met Selene. The moon goddess."

  My knee-jerk reaction was to laugh in her face for thinking she’d met Selene, but then I stopped, considering how peculiar her wolf had looked last night and the power that she’d displayed this morning.

  Perhaps she really did have a divine connection.

  "Okay, go on. What did Selene say?" I motioned with my hand to continue, while a pit of dread wormed its way into my stomach at the notion of this prophecy coming to fruition.

  Taking her lower lip into her mouth, she bit it lightly and peered up at me, and I snapped, my own nerves on edge due to the thought of this being true.

  "Kira, just fucking tell me. We're running low on time already."

  She huffed and rolled her eyes. "She told me that I am her chosen prophetess and that my birth kickstarted the prophecy. Apparently it’s my job to help lead the wolves to victory against whatever is coming…” trailing off she looked at the ground and finished, “If I fail, the shifters of the world will die."

  My eyes widened in alarm, and my eyebrows shot up. There’s no way she would have heard about the prophecy if this wasn’t true. We had never included her in the teachings of our customs or stories. "We have to alert my father and the elders. But, prepare yourself to be laughed at and not taken seriously. I only carry so much sway."

  Squaring her shoulders, she raised her chin an inch defiantly, looking like she was truly ready to take on the scorn of the pack. A small laugh escaped me, because I guess she was already used to doing that. How dense of me to act like that would be something new for her.

  Fuck, was I actually sympathizing with her? Goddess, take me back to the feeling of all-encompassing hatred whenever she glanced my way. That’s what I was comfortable with and needed to get back to.

  "I'll wait outside. I have no desire to stay inside your love nest that smells like a whore house," I spat and walked out the door, needing to put distance between us until I could sever this bond today.

  The crisp air was the perfect shock to my system to clear my head, and I sat down on the bench outside. Tilting my head back, I looked up at the overcast sky and gave myself a few moments to just be. No thoughts. No worries. Just a second to breathe.

  The clouds moved quickly, and for a second I wished that I could leave this life behind and drift to somewhere new. A place where my nightmares weren't the same place I woke up to every day, making it impossible to let go of the grief I carried. It repeated on an endless loop that I didn't think I'd ever be able to escape.

  The front door opened, and out walked the three of them, putting a halt to my moment of wistful thinking.

  Without glancing at them, I stood and walked to the dining hall where everyone was gathering. Crazy how just yesterday when I made this same trek for the meeting, I had actually allowed myself a moment to be hopeful for the future.

  Laughing at my own naivety, I made the rest of the walk in silence, making sure to stay far ahead of the group to drown out their voices. I had become too sympathetic and needed to harden myself once more for what was to come.

  It was best for us all. I'd never be able to look at Kira without an ounce of hatred, and clearly I didn't want to share a mate, even before I knew it was her. I just wasn't cut out for this, no matter what fate intended.

  We'd all be better off severing the tie today.

  Yanking open the door, I walked into the eerily silent room where the entire pack sat, waiting. Glancing around, I found my father standing at the front, and I made my way to his side, where he demanded I stood for meetings. He claimed the pack needed to see me as an authoritative figure now to make the transition to alpha smoother in the future.

  I heard the door open again and tensed as my father's face turned scathing. I knew his wrath all too intimately. I had the scars on my body to prove it. Despite my desire to distance myself from the three of them, I didn't wish them harm.

  Distracting him, I played the dutiful role of the perfect son he thought he'd managed to mold me into. "I retrieved them as you requested, Alpha," I announced before standing behind his right shoulder at the front of the room.

  Kira, Seth, and Milo moved to the back of the room, but it was clear they were ready for war with the air of confidence they exuded. That was good. They needed to show no fear amongst the pack or else they'd never be accepted. It was already going to be an uphill battle with Kira's long-standing place in the pack cal
led in question.

  My father's voice rang out strong and clear, "It has come to my attention that we have a few new fated mate bonds. As is our tradition, you will approach me for my blessing. After that is done, we will hold a series of fights to establish the pecking order of our new wolves."

  I barely restrained the grimace that wanted to appear on my face. The mate bond issue had completely overtaken my focus, making me forget about the fights. Kira was the least prepared of everyone.

  She’d never trained in our combat classes or gone through the instruction from the elders on how to become one with your wolf from the start. It could hinder you in the fights if you hadn’t established an understanding, as the fights were held in our wolf forms.

  "Approach me if you are a newly-fated pair," the alpha demanded.

  No one moved except Kira, Milo, Seth, and myself.

  Fuck. I had hoped there would be at least one other pairing to help shift the spotlight off of us.

  They continued to hold their heads high until stopping directly in front of the alpha, looking just below his head at his chest, as was customary to show respect. I took a spot on Seth's left.

  I felt the weight of my father's gaze as he let us stand there in discomfort for a few minutes before speaking. "So, you all claim to be fated to Kira, who as of yesterday was a mere human?"

  "With all due respect—" Kira started but was quickly silenced as he roared, "You do not get to speak."

  I raised my chin and answered his original question, "It is true. The three of us have felt the pull to Kira as our wolves’ mate. However, I would like to state that I am rejecting this bond," the crowd gasped collectively and began whispering amongst themselves.

  A gleam of approval flashed in his eyes as he surveyed me and then moved onto Milo and Seth. "And what of you two?"

  They spoke in unison, "We seek your blessing, Alpha."

  He wasted no time in responding, "Your request is denied," and brushed past the subject, quickly moving on. "Alright, everyone head to the combat yard, and we will begin the fights."

  Could he really deny a bond? Did he hold that power as we had been led to believe?

  Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I took in Kira's tensed posture and clenched jaw. Milo and Seth looked like they were seconds away from challenging the alpha.

  "Thank you, Alpha. We respect your decision. Let's go," I called to them, praying that they didn't challenge him. I couldn't watch anyone else die.

  With much reluctance, they turned as I started to leave the room, following the rest of the pack out the doors.

  His voice turned my blood to ice as he called out, "Oh, and Kira? You'll be our first fighter and will fight through the entire pack starting at the lowest member."


  Chapter Fourteen


  How fucking dare he?

  Blindly following Seth towards the combat yard, I couldn't halt the surge of disgust and anger at the alpha's words and actions. It simmered in my chest like a ticking time bomb.

  The goddess herself had chosen us to be fated mates and had blessed our unity. After meeting her and discovering the truth of my heritage and powers, any type of submission I had considered offering to the alpha disappeared. For him to think himself above Selene? Pure blasphemy.

  I didn't even have a chance to bring up my connection to Selene or the upcoming battle we were destined to face because of his dismissal. I figured I needed to tackle one obstacle at a time, anyways.

  A hand settling on my shoulder startled me from my thoughts, and I let out a small snarl, having zoned out and forgotten who was around me. The pounding of my heart calmed once my gaze met Milo's, my wolf recognizing our mate.

  At this point, I couldn't tell who was more upset, my wolf or me. She tore at the walls of my mind, desperate for release so she could take down anyone who dared stand in the way of her and her mates. But I wasn't faring any better; I wanted to let her loose to seek justice.

  They'd never respect me until they realized I was a force to be reckoned with, and putting me in the combat yard was the perfect way for my wolf to make one hell of an entrance into the pack.

  They expected me to fail and lose the first fight, I could feel it. For some reason, that sent a crazed thrill through me. This was my chance to vent my frustration at their treatment of me for the past sixteen years. To get even.

  I wasn't going to waste it. Never again would I get on my knees and bow down to them.

  It ended now. This would be the end of the road for their demeaning comments, harassment, and bullying.

  My smile probably reflected my bloodthirsty thoughts, if Milo's concerned and slightly scared look was any indicator. One of his brows rose, as if to ask me if I was good, accompanied by a once over of me.

  My smile only tripled, a dark chuckle bubbling up out of me while I motioned out with my hands. "This is the moment I've waited for my entire life, Milo. A chance for my status within the pack to change. To finally demand more for myself, like you always encouraged me to do.”

  Seth glanced back to make sure we were keeping up, and I blew him an air kiss.

  Milo exhaled an audible breath, and I glanced at him, "What?"

  Tugging his lower lip between his teeth, he nibbled on it, clearly trying to work out what was going on in his head.

  "I love that you aren't scared and want to face this challenge head on, but," he made sure to emphasize that word before moving on, "you have no training, Kira. How do you expect to take on pack members who have been taught to defend themselves from the time they can walk?" Pure exasperation and a small hint of fear permeated his words.

  Aww, he was cute when he got all protective.

  I didn't answer him at first, because I didn't really have an answer for him off the bat. Why was I so confident in this? I'd been neglected and treated like a worthless piece of shit most of my life. He was right, I had no training.

  Warmth pooled in my chest, and my wolf spoke her first words into my mind.

  I protect.

  My eyes pricked with tears at the strength I felt from her and her unwavering love for me. I may have been made to believe I was weak and inferior my entire life here, but she wouldn’t allow that anymore.

  Swallowing the lump that had lodged itself in my throat, I croaked out, "Because I know my worth now, and my wolf will never let me forget that. She won't let me fail."

  The crazy part was that I was nervous, but my desire to demand more for myself outweighed the nerves, overshadowing any other underlying emotions.

  The time for conversation ended as we approached the yard. The pack surrounded the border, many of them resting their forearms on the wooden rail lining it. The alpha sauntered to the center of the ring, and I didn't bother waiting for him to call for me like he owned me, as I expected him to do.

  I entered the arena barefoot, not having bothered to find shoes since my first shift, and I had one of Milo's grey shirts tied up into a knot in the front. His black joggers were rolled up at the ankles,the waistband folded over a few times.

  My toes sank into the dirt as I held my shoulders back and head high, heading to one side of the yard, assuming he'd call out for my opponent to stand on the other side.

  I heard a few female bystanders snickering and making comments about my attire, like I was doing the walk of shame in another man's clothes.

  A best dressed award obviously wasn't in my future, but who the hell cared what they looked like when they were about to fight their way through the ranks?

  A few men chattered loudly, asserting that I had fabricated the lie about shifting and finding my fated mates just to get some dick.

  How did that even make sense?

  My head whipped to the three men, and I narrowed my eyes on them, “You’d better pray that my mates don’t hear you. Maybe you don’t fear me yet, but you damn well should fear them.”

  Their prattling morphed into laughter, and they nudged each other with their elbows,
as if they found my warning to be comedic.

  The intense and heavy gaze of the alpha swung towards me, ending my short interaction with them. His green eyes assessed me before he turned his head to survey the shifters waiting on the perimeter, likely trying to decide on someone with just enough strength to smack me down but still low enough in rank to embarrass me.

  "Kira claims that she is a wolf!" He exclaimed, ending with a chuckle, though the smile didn't reach his eyes. Prick.

  It seemed like everyone thought he was a comedian, all of them laughing along with him—all except Milo, Seth, and shockingly Jameson. The alpha rambled on about how today's fights would go, but I focused my attention on Jameson, who had positioned himself closest to the end of the railing where one would enter the yard.

  He stood off to the side, tense with his hands clenched and eyes firmly trained on his father, his jaw visibly grinding. Why did he seem so agitated and on edge? He’d gotten what he wanted, despite me asking for him to wait on making his mind up on the rejection of our bond.

  Just thinking about it made me roll my eyes, which was poor timing as the alpha asked me, "Are you ready for your first opponent?"

  Actually, maybe it was the perfect timing because what the hell did he really expect me to say to that? Did he think I’d beg to be spared or piss my pants in fear? Not happening. The meek human girl he thought he knew was gone.

  "Yup," I answered, making sure to pop the p at the end.

  "Sofia, approach."

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Honestly, I tried to hold back the laugh that bubbled up, but it proved too difficult. I placed my hands on my knees as hysterical laughter consumed me.

  What were the odds that I'd get to face the ringleader of my bullying on the first go? The alpha clearly underestimated the power behind a woman harboring intense hatred for another person.

  I might not know the first thing about combat, but I did know that punching her in her perfectly plump lips would bring me nothing but satisfaction.

  I didn't hate many people, but I hated Sofia Woodlan. I’d dare to guess that many of the wolves would have left me alone without her insistence that they pick on me due to her own insecurities and desire to claim Jameson.


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