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Page 12

by Sara B Gauldin

  "Yes, the guides are here to fight beside me. I have no doubt that the One knows what has been happening on Earth. Your time is limited. Bring me back Liam and I will negotiate to return some of your followers to their own bodies."

  "My followers are disposable: they are a dime a dozen. But your Liam must have some value. He drew you to mortality. There is more to him. Besides, I don't actually have him with me. He has been collected."

  "Collected? I'll collect you!"

  "No my dear, you can destroy Scourge entities; you've proven that, but you can't hold them. My brother is gifted in that regard. He already has a promising start. The beauty part is that he's willing to travel. I regret that I can't introduce you to him in person."

  Anger overwhelmed Terra, "I will find you, and I will make you pay!"

  The Originator emitted a wheezy cackle that faded away into the veil of evil and corruption that made up the imposter entity. Terra felt the light touch of a disembodied hand upon her shoulder. Instantly she released Liam's arm and spun to defend herself. Her abdomen objected to the sudden movement, releasing a wave of pain that nearly brought her to her knees.

  "Whoa, Terra," Brendan said. "I came to check on you when I heard you raise your voice. I've been patrolling the hospital some since I saw you come this way. What's going on?"

  "Liam has been taken. I mean the entity, Liam, his body's still here." Terra put her hands on her knees for support.

  "Hi there," Liam's human voice quipped. He waved Liam's hand at Brendan. "Two guides and neither of them can touch me. This is a riot." The imposter laughed.

  Terra reached for the imposter reflexively. "I'll end you!"

  "Hold on!" Brendan rushed to Terra's side and helped to support her weight. "First thing's first, you need to sit down before you end up back in surgery yourself. He guided the wheelchair to rest behind Terra. "Secondly, you don't want to destroy this entity just yet, what will happen if you remove it from Liam's body and leave the body unoccupied?"

  "The body would die," Terra admitted.

  "That wouldn't do Liam or anyone else any good. Why don't you explain what's going on? Then maybe I can help figure this situation out."

  Terra glared at the incapacitated young man. "Alright, but not here. This thing's connected to its Master. Everything we say and do is being watched," Terra said.

  The imposter grinned and covered his ears to mock the guides.

  "Agreed," Brendan said, "Call the nurse to take you back to your room. I'll find Elise and meet you there."

  Terra nodded. She reached for the nurses' call button.

  "Nurse's desk" the voice from the loudspeaker sounded more digital than human.

  "This is Terra Roland. I'm ready to go back to my own room so … Liam can rest." Terra said.

  "I'll be right there," said the digital voice.

  A moment later, a nurse rushed through the door. "Ready to go so soon?" she smiled.

  "I think it's time," Terra said as she glared at the imposter.

  "Hey beautiful, don't I get a kiss goodbye?" the imposter mocked her.

  "I wouldn't want to give you germs. This is a hospital you know," Terra said. Her eyes narrowed.

  The nurse raised her eyebrows, then sighed and shook her head. She wheeled Terra from the room and down the hall from which she came.

  Chapter 23

  Troy squinted as the strange old lady hobbled toward him with an air of authority. Something in her demeanor reminded Troy of his own grandmother. Korin walked beside her with a docile look, as though she was being led by a leash.

  As the pair approached, Troy called out: "Korin, how are you leading this lady person to our camp?"

  "You could ask me yourself young man," the elderly woman said. "It's not polite to assume that the living cannot hear you just because some are limited."

  "I… I'm terribly sorry ma'am," Troy stammered as he tried to understand the situation.

  She paused and eyed Troy with a severe look. "Your apology is accepted, but next time, please use your manners."

  Troy ran his fingers across his head, trying to tame his short black curls as he tried to gather his thoughts and size up this new arrival.

  "Well, young man, speak. The cat hasn't got your tongue."

  Troy opened his mouth to respond when Korin interrupted him. "I think I'm the one to blame. I should have made an introduction a bit sooner."

  Troy's perplexed expression faded away. He straightened himself to his full height and extended his hand. "I'm Troy, nice to meet you."

  Azalea took three unsteady steps, then shook Troy's hand with a firm and deliberate motion. Her mortal hand was unyielding to his, made of semi-pliable energy.

  "Azalea, it's very nice to meet you as well."

  "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Clearly, Korin has already told you about me, yet she has not mentioned you or your visit to me before now," Troy raised one eyebrow slightly as he glanced at Korin.

  "I've been a bit busy tracking Terra down and meeting the newly arrived guides, and spending time with Azalea," Korin emphasized tracking Terra down.

  "Alright, I understand. I let you down. I still think Terra was in the wrong, leaving us hanging the way she did," Troy said.

  "It did seem that way, but I think things worked out for the best. Terra found Liam just in time, and then it finally happened."

  Azalea released a bemused sigh as Korin continued.

  Korin paused as if she had been given a command. "Err, the guides came, six of them. They came in with a terrific explosion; it blew up a huge fountain. Terra and Liam were both injured, but I think they'll be alright. Troy, it's amazing; the guides took out an entire army of the Scourge!"

  Troy grinned from ear to ear. "So Terra's help has finally arrived. I was beginning to think she was just exaggerating the whole story about Carol and her mission. Perhaps Terra has been more on the level with us that I believed."

  "Which is why I'm here to meet you now," Azalea interrupted with a commanding tone that did not match her fragile form.

  The smile faded from Troy's lips as he turned to Azalea. "What business is it of yours what battles go on out of the sight of mankind? This has not been a fight that the mortal world can handle," Troy said.

  Korin held up her hands as she stepped between Azalea and Troy protectively.

  "You don't need to shelter me Korin; I am able to speak for myself," Azalea said. Instantly Korin stepped aside.

  "You're wrong. Protecting the living from those like you and like these deformed ones has been part of my duty in this world since I was a little girl. It was my grandmother's responsibility before me, and her grandfather's before her. I came here to see if we could reach an arrangement, a partnership if you will. It looks like you are too far removed from what's best for the world around you. It seems that I will have to start my clean-up project with your little infestation first." Azalea glanced down and unzipped her purse.

  "No, you said you wouldn't hurt them!" Korin said.

  "Silence!" Azalea said. She glared at Troy with an unwavering stare.

  Troy was the first to flinch. "I don't know who you're calling an infestation? It seems to me that my group has been fighting back against the Scourge and keeping ourselves safe and from becoming a part of the problem. What have you been doing to change any of this except getting in Korin's head somehow and coming down here to threaten those of us who are trying to do something about the Scourge?"

  Azalea let out a loud laugh that rolled from somewhere deep inside and dominated the space. Both Troy and Korin looked at her with confusion.

  "That was exactly what I needed to hear. I like this one, Korin. He has moxie!"

  "Moxie?" asked Troy.

  "I guess you young people would say he had tenacity."

  "Umm?" Korin asked.

  "Balls, this one has balls. Few will stand their ground when I challenge them. If Troy was at all corrupted, he would have attacked when he felt cornered, but he didn't."
/>   "I could have," Troy grumbled.

  "No, you couldn't have. That's the beauty part. I think I can offer you and your followers the kind of help you desperately need. And you can offer me the mobility I need to be able to end these foul things." Azalea said.

  "I'm confused, how do you think you can end a Scourge, much less many? The closest we have come is dismantling them."

  "You have the right idea but the wrong method. You can take the parts apart, but the beings are a bit like a starfish. Each chunk can go about its own mischief. If you separate the things from the energy that holds them together as a singular being, then you can end them once and for all."

  "And you claim you can do that? What kind of guide are you?"

  "No guide at all; my kind has many names to many people over a long period. If you think about it, I'm sure you could name at least a few."

  "That's how she can see us, Troy. Her grandson has the gift as well." Korin added.

  "I understand Terra is able to destroy a Scourge. I can do the same but a little differently. I think we could work together. I need you to collect the enemy, to herd them and gather them, so I can dispatch them." Azalea put her hands on her hips as she looked Troy dead in the eye.

  "Just like that, do you have the magic touch or something?" Troy asked.

  "No, I have the knowledge, and with that, I've created a formula that is just the cure for what ails this town and so many others."

  Troy's eyes widened. If a secret formula is what's needed, then I would gladly help in exchange for the use of it."

  "Not so fast. What I ask is not without danger. The formula cannot tell who is laced with evil and who is just a displaced soul. That's for the user. Only I can use the formula. Trying to do so would put any of you in danger of being destroyed yourselves.

  "We are willing to take risks." Troy stepped toward Azalea.

  "Yet I'm not. No, your role can only be to deliver the evil ones. After that, you must let me handle dispatching them." Azalea said.

  "It's something to consider," Troy said.

  “Now you will take me to meet the rest of your group. I'd like to get to know these ‘uncorrupted' spirits myself before I commit to working with you.”

  "Alright, I suppose we could make some introductions, but you understand that you came to me for help. These are my troops and they answer to me, and nobody else." Troy gestured towards a nearby group. His brow was furrowed.

  "I understand," Azalea said with a familiar twinkle in her eye.


  The nurse wheeled Terra back into her own room, as Brendan walked silently alongside them. The nurse gently helped Terra from her chair and helped her get settled in the bed. Pain coursed through Terra as she allowed herself to be situated. Elise was already silently seated on the window bench seat. Terra was relieved that Portia was still out of the room.

  “Are you sure you are alright Miss?” the nurse asked.

  “I’m okay,” Terra said. Her words were a thin lie to cover the fact that her world was crumbling.

  The nurse appraised her knowingly. “Relationships are tough. I’m sure the two of you will work things out once you're both feeling better.”

  “I hope he's feeling more like himself soon.” Terra agreed.

  “Just push the call button if you need anything. The nurse on this floor will come if you call.”

  “Alright,” Terra slumped down in the covers, feeling defeat threaten to swallow her.

  The nurse quietly dimmed the lights as she left Terra to rest.

  “She’s gone. I think we have some catching up to do.” Elise said.

  “A lifetime of it,” Terra said. The idea made her feel more tired.

  “We already know part of it,” Brendan said. “We saw Carol’s memories when she found us in the Tweens.”

  “I saw that when we were all here before.” Terra felt a renewed surge of regret. How many people would have to suffer for her? “There is something about that situation that feels wrong. How did you end up with Carol's memories and how could she just disappear?”

  “Her guide Liliana had the mistaken impression that Carol’s memories were corrupted. Realistically, Terra, Carol showed up spouting information, which revealed that you still existed on Earth as a human girl, and there was an evil force taking over people’s bodies and causing havoc. It was a lot to take in.”

  “But Carol convinced Liliana…,” Terra said.

  “Not exactly,” Elise said.

  “What do you mean?” Terra asked. Something about Elise’s expression confirmed her suspicion that something had gone terribly wrong with Carol.

  “Liliana erased her memories. It was a bit of a debacle. Elise and I restored them.” Brendan said.

  “She what!” Terra sat up straight in bed wincing with pain.

  “As Brendan said, we smoothed things out, and the Council was notified. I mean, we wouldn’t be here without their authorization,” Elise said.

  “And Carol?” Terra asked.

  “Well, there's a problem there. We were hoping that she returned here to Earth, to be honest,” said Brendan.

  “Why would she do that if she completed her purpose?” Terra asked. She felt the adrenaline surge through her human body as she looked at Brendan and Elise's downcast eyes.

  “She was very attached to Liam…,” Elise said.

  “Yes, that's true,” Terra said

  “I walked her home that evening after we restored her memories. Nobody has seen or heard from her since,” Elise said.

  Terra looked at Elise for a long moment while she processed her thoughts. The hair on her neck stood up. “Liliana can’t contact her charge while she's within the Tweens?”

  “She can't sense her at all,” Brendan said.

  “I think it's reasonable to think that she's been kidnapped,” Terra said.

  “How is that even possible?” Elise asked. “How would anyone travel to the Tweens to harm her? I know she and Liliana had a... misunderstanding, but Liliana honestly thought she was protecting her charge from false memories that were tainted when you transitioned to Earth. She wouldn't do anything to harm her intentionally.”

  “No, but I think it may be possible that whoever took Liam from this hospital also took Carol.”

  “Terra, what are you talking about?” Elise asked.

  “Before Brendan came in earlier, I made a terrible discovery. The young man lying there in the recovery room isn't Liam at all. A Scourge entity has taken over his body. When I connected to the entity to destroy it, the Originator decided to contact me through his thoughts.” Terra shuddered with revulsion.

  “The Originator? You mean whatever is causing the Scourge to spread?” Brendan asked.

  “Yes, you may have seen bits and pieces about him in the memories of the other Scourge you destroyed. Sometimes his followers refer to him as the Master.

  “Yes, that was there in their thoughts.” Elise agreed.

  Brendan nodded.

  “When he spoke to me, he wanted to taunt me. He let me witness Liam’s kidnapping through the memories of the imposter first. In the memory, I saw an entity sneak into the hospital room. It took Liam's place while his body was under anesthesia. The Scourge that's now pretending to be Liam was not alone. He was brought here by another who seemed far more powerful and strange than the corrupted corporeals. I’m not sure he could have ever been human. He was tall like he had been stretched almost to the ceiling- but thin like the height was unnatural. He was formed that way like he was malleable. He put a strange bag over Liam’s head. I think the bag somehow blocks his connection to me. I can't sense him at all, just like you described Liliana and Carol.” Terra took a deep breath that suppressed a sob. Tears trickled down her cheeks of their own volition. “Then they hoisted him up and took him away.”

  “Oh Terra, I’m so sorry that's awful,” Elise said.

  “A bag that blocks the connection of a guide to their charge? Does such a thing even exist?” asked Bren
dan stood up, gripping his fist.

  “The Originator came through after I witnessed the memories. He mentioned something about a Collector and about him traveling. Now that I know more I have to wonder if he was referring to taking Carol,” said Terra. Her voice sounded strained as she tried not to cry.

  “I think you’re right, Terra,” said Elise. “But how would he have traveled to the Tweens or managed to leave again with Carol?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t have any other explanation,” Terra said.

  “Do you both realize what this means? The Scourge has been targeting Terra by going after her loved ones in the physical form for a while from what I have learned,” said Brendan.

  “Yes, too long. It makes it hard to accept help.”

  “But now they've found a way to capture an entity directly. Every non-guide connection you have is in danger Terra.” Elise said.

  “You’re right. We have to do something. I can’t give the Scourge any more leverage than they've already stolen. I need to get out of here and figure out how to get Korin and the others to safety.”

  “I think you need to heal first,” Brendan said. “We also have to do something with that thing in Liam’s body.”

  “Yes, but what?” Elise asked.

  “I have an idea,” Brendan grinned.


  “I want to go back to visit Liam, mom,” Terra sat at the edge of her hospital bed, fully dressed.

  “Really Terra, the nurse said you seemed upset when you left. Maybe things need some time to cool off,” Portia said.

  “No, I know we will be headed home tomorrow. I need to clear the air with Liam today. I need time to talk to him in person,” Terra made a point of looking her mother directly in the eye. Please just go with it. Just wheel me down there so I can take care of that imposter, the smug nasty thing.

  “Do you think it’s the right time?” Portia asked. “It may be better to wait until he's not in so much pain to mend fences.”

  “She isn’t going for it, Terra,” Brendan said. He leaned casually against the window sill with his arms crossed. Portia continued to look at Terra: oblivious.


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