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Heart Like Mine (Reapers MC: Conroe Chapter, #3)

Page 14

by Hunter, Bijou

  “I want us to do this right. End the threat so we can all move on without worrying about those people. Information is power. Sylvie gave us the inside scoop, but she went into the town in a friendly manner. We need to see what these douches do when they want to act respectable.”

  “Fine, we’ll meet with them.”

  “It’s already set up for Monday. Don’t wear your vest and cover your tats. No need to give them free info on us.”

  “I appreciate this,” I say as we watch the women wiggle their asses in unison.

  Bubba holds my gaze when he says, “The Reapers don’t let outsiders fuck with family.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “The meeting is at eleven at the police station.”

  Bubba walks over to where Soso looks dizzy. She perks up at the sight of him. Then he’s bullied by Lily and Sissy—who are both slightly drunk. They make him take turns spinning them while Soso barks in approval. I don’t even want to know what the dog shit is about.

  I manage to shepherd Georgia away from them without getting roped in by Lily and Sissy. Mostly, I use Dash as a shield.

  Butch doesn’t approve of his woman dancing with his brother. His solution is to stand in the middle of the dance floor while Sissy boogies around him.

  Georgia doesn’t pay attention to anyone else once I join her. My lady only sees me.

  “I have never in my life seen a man as gorgeous as you,” she says, and I smile at the compliment. “How can you be beautiful on the inside too? That seems like overkill.”

  “Johanssons are overkill experts,” I say like a dipshit.

  A smiling Georgia rests her hands on my hips and sways to the music. I’d pull her closer, but her bump prevents us from getting as cozy as Lily and Dash are currently. I hope my cousin doesn’t have sex on the dance floor. That’s an image I’ll never scrub free from my brain.

  Scarlet and Phoebe sit in a booth, whispering to each other. For years, I’ve envied the comfortable relationship they share. I’m not there with Georgia yet, but she’s the closest I’ve ever felt with a woman.

  The music doesn’t matter. The drunks—including Lily and Sissy—around us don’t even register after I look into Georgia’s eyes. We just watch each other and move to the music. Or maybe we’re flopping around rhythm-less. I don’t know or care. My only focus is on how Georgia’s hands move north from my waist to my chest.

  I know the band has a second set and leaving isn’t an option yet. However, my defiant dick bangs against my zipper, desperate to get closer to Georgia. Based on her expression, she’s more than ready to greenlight fun once we’re alone.



  Long ago, I gave up on enjoying sex. The pleasure never happened for me, and being close to a man—well, Patrick—brought me no comfort.

  But Jack is a walking, talking sex fantasy. Every inch of his six-foot-plus body is powerful and beautiful. I can’t keep my hands off him during the drive back to the farm. When his full lips smile at the feel of my hand on his thigh, the bottom one is just begging to be sucked on.

  Jack knows exactly how hot he makes me. I can’t play hard to get. Who the hell would I be kidding?

  Once we’re in his RV, his lips find mine. As I reach to unzip his jacket, he gently pushes away my hands. He begins unbuttoning mine. Jack clearly needs to be in control, and I’m very much okay with that.

  Especially once his fingers find my bare flesh. Skin immediately flushing red hot, I turn to goo. Jack can make me wet just by holding my gaze. A few minutes of kissing and stroking my back leaves me in a state of heat.

  “I should be shy or self-conscious,” I mumble and pull my shirt over my head, “but I’m too damn horny to feel anything else.”

  Jack licks his lips and exhales roughly. “You’ve always been the sexiest woman I’ve ever known, and I’ve been dying for another taste since that night. I’ll do my best to be gentle, but I can’t promise my brain will be in charge much longer.”

  “If you get too rough, I’ll just smack you like your sister does,” I tease, and he smiles knowing I’m full of shit.

  “Just call me Patrick, and I’ll get the message.”

  I lose my grin immediately. “I wouldn’t do that even in jest. You’re a better man every single day than he’s been in his entire life.”

  Jack inhales deeply, and his eyes almost glow in the dim lighting. His lips find mine again. I shiver when his fingers gently scratch at my bare waist, sliding up to my shoulders and pressing me back on the bed.

  I sense Jack might be nervous. Booze loosened us up in my SUV, but now we’re in the warm light of his RV with no distractions and a whole lot riding on us clicking just right.

  “It’s been a while,” he says, sliding off my pants. “Keep that in mind.”

  Maybe a minute passes before I understand what he’s saying. I’m too distracted by how the skin on his now-shirtless chest shines in the faint light.

  Then I realize he’s nervous about disappointing me in the sack. Resting on my back, I feel a laugh roll out of me, and it won’t let go. I can’t believe this unbelievably sexy man is worried about pleasing me! It’s like he’s forgotten how the world works. No way is Jack the insecure type.

  While I giggle, he gives me a pissed frown while kicking off his shoes and tugging off his jeans. My laughter won’t stop. I’m surprised I don’t have to pee after so much jiggling, but the closer he gets to naked, the funnier his worry is to me.

  “That night was the best sex I ever had,” I mumble and try to calm down. “And you kept banging into stuff and nearly kicked out my back window.”

  Jack finally stops frowning and chuckles. “I couldn’t see anything and kept worrying people might find us. It was awkward as fuck. Yet, somehow, the best.”

  I reach for him when he lowers his lips to mine. “Tonight will be better. I know your real name and how amazing you are. Then I was only hot for your body. Now I’m crazy about all of you.”

  “You’re going to make me blush,” he says, trying to sound dismissive, but I realize he’s actually worried. I doubt he’s screwed a pregnant woman before, and I don’t know what I’m doing. It could go terribly wrong with elbows to faces and pulled muscles. But it’ll still be the best because of Jack.

  Whatever he sees in my eyes reignites his confidence. In control again, Jack kisses me harder, deeper. His tongue demands I submit. Despite my big plans to be a super tough chick like Scarlet, I effortlessly bend to Jack’s will. Even if I wanted to take charge, my body betrays me immediately.

  My moans fill the RV as his lips leave mine and taste my throat. By the time he licks my collarbone, I’m lifting my hips and begging to be fucked. It takes so little. All my adult life, I’ve felt cold around men. Their interest revolted me. I just wanted to be invisible.

  Now I beg to be seen by Jack. I want him to know every part of me. I’m desperate to be claimed by his hands, fingers, lips, tongue, and yes, his cock.

  Six months ago, Jack and I stumbled our way into something wonderful.

  Tonight, there’s nothing accidental or casual about the way we move together.


  Georgia’s skin tastes sweeter than any peach. I want to devour every inch of her, but I can’t go wild on her sexy body. I’m fucking terrified of hurting her. Am I too heavy against her body? Is my touch too rough? I can’t get the worries out of my head.

  Not that she isn’t giving me a million signals to take what I want. Georgia’s body is in overdrive. Her nipples are rock hard long before I free them from the lacy white bra. My fingers find her panties soaked and I’ve barely gotten started.

  Not that I’m surprised. Patrick Hegseth looks like a limp dick loser that conned a gorgeous yet needy teenage girl into bed and trapped her with a kid. Then when she still looked ready to leave, he kept beating her down until he thought he broke her.

  But Georgia is stronger than even she knows, and now
she’s found a man worthy of her.

  Yeah, I’d get fucking soaked over that too.

  Horny as fuck and six months pregnant, poor Georgia can barely do more than moan and stroke any part of me in reach.

  Bringing her to orgasm, I want a replay of the little noise she made in the back of the SUV.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s the one,” I murmur while fingering her bare pussy as she comes.

  The sound is somewhere between a hiccup and a giggle. I’ve waited six long months to hear it again.

  “Well worth the wait,” I whisper to her as our lips meet.

  Georgia grips my shoulders and stares into my eyes. “Why aren’t you fucking me?” she asks in a panicky voice. “Am I doing something wrong?”

  “It’s not a race.”

  “You’re so hard,” she says, still sounding stressed even while her hand gently strokes the bulge hiding in my boxers. “Why are you waiting?”

  I’m not smart enough to always figure out why Georgia reacts the way she does. I just tend to write off her behavior as a result of growing into womanhood while under the thumb of a sick fuck.

  With my dick painfully hard, I don’t respond with words. I kiss her lips and then return to sucking her long, hard nipples. Yanking down my boxers, I reward my dick’s patience by quickly sliding the head inside her.

  Georgia shudders and lifts her knees. She’s thinking too much, and I’m not thinking at all. It’s a recipe for danger.

  “Stop,” I say between gritted teeth as I struggle to use words. “Just close your eyes and feel me. Don’t move or speak. Just feel me.”

  I’m beginning to accept that Georgia needs someone to help her when she’s freaking out. She can’t always be in charge. Sex isn’t something she knows well, and she’s afraid to fail. Thinking is making her nuts.

  Her wide gaze softens, and she closes her eyes. She obeys me like she obeyed Patrick. For the rest of our lives together, I’ll prove I’m worthy of her submission. I won’t hurt or abandon her. I’m not him. She can be weak without fear. No one can be strong all the time. Especially not while fucking. She needs to learn to let go.

  The first fuck is just me regaining control of my brain. I come after a quick minute of animalistic thrusts. It’s like a teenager on his first try. My body aches for relief, ignoring everything else.

  Then I’m back in control. I kneel on the ground next to the bed and help Georgia into a sitting position. Having her luscious tits at eye level immediately awakens my sated dick.

  “Fucking isn’t a once-in-a-lifetime Olympic match,” I murmur while nuzzling my face between her tits. “Fucking is supposed to be fun. The goal is to feel good. If you do something and it doesn’t feel good, you haven't lost. You just do something else.”

  Cupping her face, I stare into eyes revealing way too much innocence for a woman her age. “You and I will be fucking for a long time, Georgia. We’re still getting to know what the other one likes. Over the years, we’ll learn new things to like,” I say, wiggling my brows and getting a smile out of the panicked woman. “All I care about is not hurting you. As long as you’re not in pain, I consider everything a win.”

  “I can’t remember what I did right that night,” she says, looking scared again. “Like what I did that you liked.”

  “You could lie absolutely still, and I’ll be happy. You can move around like crazy, and I’ll be happy. I just want to be with you.”

  Georgia exhales uneasily. I wish she knew me better. Like knew me to my core. If she understood how crazy I was about her, she wouldn’t worry about disappointing me.

  “I want to make you come again,” I say and suck at her throat.

  As a shudder rolls through her, Georgia strokes my arms. She remains nervous, though.

  “I remember how Phoebe didn’t sleep on her back when pregnant. Something about it putting pressure on her spine. So maybe we move around a little to keep you comfortable. When you need to change positions, you can give my nipple a pinch,” I say, taking her hand and resting it on my chest.

  Georgia giggles at this idea. “But not too hard.”

  “Oh, hell, just go pinch crazy. I might like that. We’ll only know if you give it a try.”

  “I don’t feel sexy,” she says, breathing too fast. “But I want you.”

  “I’m sorry you don’t feel that way, baby, but I think you’re hella fucking hot,” I say, cupping her tits and resting my face between them. “So fucking sexy.”

  Lifting my lips to hers, I ask, “Would it help if you focused on me while I focused on you? You think I’m sexy, right?”

  I try to act insecure, but I’m too damn arrogant to make the look stick. Georgia still smiles, and her gaze feasts on my body. I notice how her eyes lock on to the sight of my cock. She even bites her lower lip as if fighting the urge to get a taste.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” I whisper and kiss her again.

  Georgia's fingers slide carefully along my erection. I brush her hair from her shoulders and enjoy the sight of her bare, olive skin.

  I stroke her belly and then kiss the top. “I had no idea a baby bump could be this fucking sexy,” I murmur, licking at the flesh as Georgia rests her hands behind her to keep her steady.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I nuzzle her bump before finding her nipple and sucking until she whimpers my name.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “My dick thanks you,” I tease, fisting my erection and sliding the head along her wet slit as she sits on the edge of the bed. “Now I want your pussy to thank me.”

  Reaching around her to grab a few pillows, I organize them behind her back to give her a cushion.

  Georgia’s pale brown eyes watch me as if she’s witnessing a damn miracle. It’s almost too easy to impress her, but she possesses the same power on me. When she laughs at one of my snide comments, I feel like the funniest guy in the world.

  Now she makes me feel like the best lover.

  My hands feast on her tits and belly, stroking and teasing before sliding across her clit and making her fall apart in the best fucking way.

  I swear her eyes absolutely glow when she watches me enter her body. There's something electric between us that I’ve never felt with any other woman. Every minute we spend together proves I was right to believe Georgia’s special.

  If I had the power, I’d keep her with me in the RV all night. Instead, she needs to return to the house where Rebel waits.

  Until then, Georgia fits perfectly next to my body. I stroke her stomach, enjoying the feel of my son kicking my hand. Smiling, I can think of nothing sexier than this properly fucked woman carrying my kid. Six months ago, I scored a win without having a clue.


  Jack walks me to the house and holds me in the empty, quiet living room. He doesn’t want to let me go, and I’m in no hurry to leave his arms. Jack managed to make me feel sexy despite my big belly.

  I stare in his blue eyes and struggle to find the words to explain how blessed I feel. Without me saying anything, Jack smiles because he understands.

  Thirty minutes after we enter the house, a sleepy Rebel appears at the living room door. My boy looks so small, and his expression breaks my heart. Rebel doesn’t know his own value. That’s the only explanation to why he believes I’ll willingly give him up.

  “Tonight was perfection,” I tell Jack as I force my tired ass off the couch.

  He helps steady me, likely realizing our unbelievably pleasurable hours together left me exhausted.

  “I know I’ll see you in the morning,” he murmurs while caressing my cheek, “but I still don’t want you to leave my side.”

  As much as I’d like to remain with a clingy, addictive Jack, Rebel needs me more. He isn’t a strong man with a supportive family and a sense of self. Rebel’s just a scared little boy past his bedtime.

  I give Jack a quick kiss goodnight and thank him again for taking me out. His blue eyes hide
none of his disappointment. I hope one day that he can understand how much Rebel needs me. Sure, he thinks he gets it, and I see him trying to bond with my boy.

  But Jack has never felt unloved. I know that because I see him with his family. There’s no dysfunction. Even with Tucker, I don’t sense they genuinely hate or fear him.

  After we leave Jack in the living room, I ask to take a shower. Rebel doesn’t want to wait in bed and insists on staying in the bathroom with me.

  “You were gone a long time,” he says while I wash off. “I thought you might not come back.”

  “It didn’t seem that long.”

  “Scarlet and Phoebe came home already.”

  “I was with Jack in the RV. Kissing and talking about grownup stuff.”

  Rebel doesn’t say anything until I dry off and get dressed. “You looked really pretty,” he says, breathing fast. “Was Jack happy?”

  I pat the bed and pull back the covers so he can climb in next to me. “We had fun. The band played songs I knew from the radio and songs they wrote themselves. I got to dance with Soso. Can you imagine how silly we looked with our big bellies?” I ask as he watches me in the dimly-lit room.

  “I don’t want to go back to Milkweed.”

  “We don’t have to worry about that now. I told you that even if Jack and I don’t want to be together, Scarlet and Phoebe said they would help us find a place to live, and I can get a job. We can stay here and be safe.”

  Rebel watches me with an expression I saw so many times on Patrick’s face. Not anger. More like a “life is too much” look.

  “What are you worried about?” I ask.

  “You were gone for a long time.”

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t come home?” When Rebel nods, I ask, “Where would I go?”

  “Somewhere else and live with Jack.”

  “But he lives here, and I need you.”

  “You can have a new me,” he says, rubbing my belly.


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