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Bamboo & Lace

Page 31

by Lori Wick

  "Let's hope our father is up to it."

  "Jeff," Lily started, suddenly putting her hand on his arm, I'm sorry I haven't asked about Annika lately. Are you still seeing each other?"

  Jeff smiled. "We e-mail each other every day."


  "But you haven't seen each other?"

  "We did briefly in Arizona at the end of February, but the way things had been going for you and Gabe, I didn't want to write about us."

  "Is Arizona where you were?"

  "Yes. Now that things are up and operational, I can talk about


  "Well, I want to hear everything, but first I want to know when you'll see Annika again."

  "The end of August. She has vacation time, and she'll be coming here."

  "I'm glad, Jeff. Again, I'm sorry I haven't checked with you." "It's all right. I'm looking forward to telling Father about her." "When will you?"

  "When he's rested and we have some time."

  "Have you taken some days off?"

  "Tomorrow and then a few others in the weeks to come."

  Owen joined Lily and Jeff while they were still talking. He looked somewhat rested but still a little worn around the edges. Jeff was careful to keep the pressure light about the evening's plans, explaining that it was entirely up to him. When presented with the idea of meeting and eating with Gabe and his family that night, Owen surprised his children by saying he would enjoy it very much.

  Owen was delighted with the Kapaia Resort. He proclaimed the grounds to be beautiful and smiled widely when he saw the house and large covered porch.

  "And this is where you stayed, Lily?"


  "Did you have your own room?" "Yes, upstairs."

  Jeff and Lily shared a look at his pleasure, thinking he was looking more relaxed by the moment.


  Nearly all of the family came to the door, and just moments after Lily and Deanne hugged for the first time, Lily had eight-day-old Sarah Lilia which was Hawaiian for Lily's name in her arms.

  "Are you sure you're up to having us?" Lily asked Bailey, who looked wonderful.

  "I'm fine. Wang is babying me, and Deanne got the house ready."

  Lily heard her father's laugh just then and looked over to see him talking to Gabe. They had only shared a swift hug before Lily was swallowed up by the rest of the family. Evan wasn't long in ushering everyone to the table, however, and before Lily knew it, she was sitting right next to Gabe, his hand holding hers under the table.

  "Okay " Evan stood at his place and acted as host I'll keep this short because the food is hot, but of course we want to extend a warm and special welcome to Jeff and Lily's father. Welcome, Mr. Walsh."

  "Thank you."

  "And to Lily," Evan continued, "welcome, and I have a question."

  Lily looked at him and smiled. "Where are you staying?" "At Jeff's."

  "Where will you sleep?" "On the sofa."

  "That won't do at all," Evan said, gaining a laugh from nearly everyone. "We want you to move back into your own room tonight. And now," he continued, moving on so fast that the family laughed again, "let us be thankful for this family and feast."

  All jesting gone, Evan offered a prayer that told of his heart's great joy over their gathering. Celia sneezed in the middle of the prayer, which made Evan pause and then continue with a smile in his voice, but it wasn't long before everyone was eating and talking.


  And it was not lost on Lily that one of her favorite meals had been prepared: the special ham with pineapples baked all over the top, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, and chocolate pie for dessert. She hadn't feasted like this in six months, and every bite tasted like ambrosia.

  "Does coffee in the living room sound good?" Bailey asked when things at the table got a little quiet and the diners were done.

  "I'll help," lily volunteered but was told that tonight she was a guest. Just moments later she found herself on the love seat next to Gabe, her father in the chair to her left, and all but Ashton and Deanne, who had volunteered to do the coffee, gathered around them.

  "What was the weather like when you left Kashien, Father?" Jeff asked Owen.

  "Mild at home, but on the warm side in the city."

  Gabe listened to this conversation, but because he was on Lily's right side, he had to look past her to see Owen. It was a wonderful view in his opinion, but he realized he had not considered one aspect of her return: She had become Kashienese once again. Her eyes were down the way they had been when they first met. The only difference, with the exception of her father, was that Lily would raise her eyes when someone spoke to her. The moment she was done, however, her lids lowered again. Not once did she look at Owen, even when he spoke to her, and Gabe assumed it was because she did not feel free to do that without permission.

  Wishing there was something he could do to tell her it would be all right, Gabe remembered what was in his pocket. Owen was sharing about the church family in Lhasa when Gabe discreetly passed a stick of gum between them until it lay next to Lily's leg. She saw it immediately. With her right hand lily enfolded the gum in her palm. With her left hand she covered her mouth to hide a smile.

  "You can chew it." Gabe's voice came for her ears alone, but Lily didn't look at him or try to reply.


  The next hour was spent in the same fashion, but when Jeff saw that his father was looking a little worn, he suggested they head out. Owen seemed to have no problem with that, but he did not expect Evan to follow through on his suggestion from dinner.

  "You can just gather your things tomorrow, Lily," Evan said. "Bailey will have everything you need for tonight."

  Owen waited for Lily to turn and check with him, but all she did was thank Evan before saying, I'll walk you out."

  Clearly, Jeff thought nothing of this. He put a gentle arm around his sisters shoulders, planning to tell her something before he left. As soon as the three were alone on the porch, he spoke.

  "Hey, Lil, you're in Hawaii now. You have to look at the men." "You're right, Jeff. I'll work on that." "Good job. We'll see you tomorrow." "Okay. Have a good night, Father."

  Owen bid her good night as well, but as soon as both he and Jeff were in the car, he asked, "Why would you advise Lily to have eye contact with men without consulting me?"

  "I was thinking of your testimony, Father," Jeff answered as he started the car and got them under way. "People will wonder what kind of monster you are that you won't allow your daughter to look at you."

  "Surely there is tolerance for other cultures here in Hawaii, Jefferson." Owen sounded testy.

  "Father," Jeff began, his voice a bit commanding, "why have you brought Lily all this way? You do plan to let her stay and marry Gabe, do you not?"

  "If Gabe asks me for Lily's hand, I will give them my blessing."

  "Then why would you push the point over Lily's eye contact?"

  Owen had no answer for this. He was quiet enough that Jeff was certain he was angry or offended, but Jeff opted not to ask.

  As it was, they said little else as they finished the ride home. Owen gave no indication with his voice or demeanor that he was


  angry, but he said he was ready to turn in almost as soon as they stepped through Jeff's apartment door.

  Evan answered the phone, but because it was for Gabe he had no choice but to disturb the talking couple. Gabe came to the phone, surprised to hear Jeff's voice.

  "Hey, what's up?"

  "I thought I'd better let you know about something that came up in the car." "All right."

  "My father expects you to ask for Lily's hand. If you're thinking his blessing is a given, it's not. You need to ask him."

  "I planned on that. In fact, I asked him to join me for breakfast on Saturday. We're going to the Little Bay."


  "Thanks, Jeff."

  "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow."

  When Jeff got off the p
hone, he sat and thought about the conversation in the car with his father. That man was sleeping now, but why would he make a comment about Gabe needing to ask for Lily's hand?

  Why do you think Gabe asked you to breakfast? Jeff mentally asked. Surely not to talk about the weather.

  Jeff knew he needed to pray. If he felt this frustrated this early in his father's visit and didn't keep his thoughts in check, his frustration would only go from bad to worse.

  "I'm back," Gabe said with a smile when he joined Lily in the sitting area of the living room. Ashton and Deanne had gone home to their cottage, Peter and Celia were in bed, and Evan and Bailey were watching television while Bailey gave Sarah a last feeding.

  "Is everything all right?" Lily asked.


  "Yes. That was Jeff giving me a word of advice."

  "About Father?"


  "What did you think of him?"

  Gabe took her hand. "Its hard to watch his treatment of you."

  "I'm fine, Gabe. Please believe me."

  "I do believe you, but it doesn't make it right."

  "You get used to it."

  "I don't know if I ever would."

  "Sometime it's harder to imagine something than to actually do


  Gabe looked at her. "I missed you so much."

  For a moment Lily only looked at him. When she spoke, her voice was filled with wonder, as though the thoughts were new, even to her.

  "I love Kashien. It's been my home forever, but I left my heart in Hawaii, in your hands." She looked at him for a long moment. "I found it was very hard to breathe without it."

  Gabe took her in his arms.

  "Oh, my sweet Lily," he said close to her ear. They didn't kiss or even share a deep embrace, but Gabe simply held her, her head on his shoulder.

  "I don't want to say this, Gabe, but I'm fading."

  "I'll bet you are. Why don't we tell Bailey you're ready to head to bed, and she can find you some things for the night."

  Gabe gave her a quick kiss before they went over to the TV area. They sat with the Markhams and talked for a few minutes, but fatigue was covering Lily's very movements. It was a sweet mercy when Bailey finished with Sarah, handed her off to her father, and took Lily off to bed.

  "I assume you received my letter, sir?" Gabe asked Owen after the two had taken time to speak of general things. "I did, Gabriel. Thank you."


  "Was everything clear to you?"

  "It was. I had forgotten about your bout with cancer. You did not say in your letter how your health is today."

  "I'm cancer-free. I have a checkup each year, so my oncologist keeps close track of me."

  "I'm glad to hear it. I would not withhold my permission on the worry that you might become ill again, but I would hate for you and Lily to have to go through that."

  "I appreciate your words, sir. Cancer is a funny thing. It can creep up on you without warning and change your life forever. I try hard not to second-guess the situation. I won't ignore any obvious signs, but at the same time I can't panic each time I feel a pain."

  "You have obviously learned great trust in God." "I'm getting there. Some days are better than others." Owen looked at him for a moment. "Lily is special," he said at last.

  Gabe nodded. "You, sir, would know that better than anyone, but I am learning fast."

  "I know she loves you, and I can tell that you love her." Gabe only nodded this time.

  "My wife and I shared that type of love, and Jeff told me yesterday that he is seeing someone. God has been good to us."

  Again Gabe only waited, seeing what Jeff had seen on the day his father arrived: Owen Walsh was not a young man. There was so much Gabe could say to him, so many things he wanted to lay at his door, but he remembered his long-ago resolve to treat him with honor and respect. If Lily's father were going to stay and remain a part of their daily lives, Gabe might be more vocal, but he did not believe that the right time was now.

  "Is there something you wish to ask me, Gabe?" Owen inquired in a moment of compassion, genuinely desiring his daughter's happiness.

  Gabe smiled. "Indeed, there is, sir. May I have Lily's hand in marriage?"


  "I believe that would do very well," the older man said. "I would make but one request of you." "Please name it, sir."

  "My plane leaves to go back to Kashien on July 14. Will you please marry my daughter before then, Gabriel, so I can be here when it happens?"

  If he had offered Gabe the moon, he couldn't have made him happier.

  "I'll find Lily as soon as we're done here, sir. And thank you."

  Owen nodded. "Lily said something about the workings of this kitchen. I believe I'll go and inspect those and let you go on your way."

  Gabe had all he could do not to run. He thanked his future father-in-law again, remembered to sign for the bill, and by the time he saw Lily was very calm, but the moments in between had been a mad scramble for Gabriel Kapaia.

  "Where are we going?" Lily asked Gabe, who held her hand as they walked. "To the office."

  A couple with two little children, all in swimsuits and headed in the direction of the pool, came across their path.

  "How are you folks enjoying your stay?" Gabe greeted them kindly

  "It's great, thank you."

  "Have fun at the pool."

  "Thanks. We will."

  Lily waited until they were past before asking, "Do you have some business to see to?" "I do, yes."

  "Oh, maybe I can help."

  "I'm sure you can," Gabe said as he led Lily through the resort office, greeted Mollee, and then took her into his office where he shut the door.


  "Here," he directed her, "take a seat. I have to boot up this computer."

  Lily was glancing around, remembering the last time she'd been there, so she didn't immediately notice that Gabe had come back around the desk. When Lily finally snapped from her reverie, he was already pulling the chair next to her very close and had shifted them both so they could face each other.

  "I would have liked a more romantic place than this, but I hope when you hear me out, you'll understand."

  Lily only looked at him until he picked up her left hand.

  "Oh, Gabe," she said when she saw the ring.

  "Will you marry me?"

  "My father said yes?"


  Lily could only watch in awe as he pushed the beautiful diamond onto her finger. "You kept the ring."

  "I had to. It's your ring. I was just holding it for you." Lily threw her arms around his neck. Gabe kissed her, and she kissed him right back. "I'll take that as a yes."

  Lily only laughed, but Gabe was already pulling her to her feet. "Okay," he said in his excitement. "Now this is where it gets interesting. Come over here and sit on my desk chair."

  Lily laughed at the delight in his face but did as he asked.

  "Okay, use the mouse and click on Wedding. That's it. Now click again on Announcement."

  What appeared on the screen floored Lily. She read it and read it again.

  To be put in the bulletin under special announcements:

  Sunday, July 9: Please join us for the wedding of Gabriel Kapaia and Lily Walsh. The ceremony will be at 12:30 P.M. immediately following the second service. All are invited to the wedding and luau to follow. Lily's father


  is visiting and wishes to see his daughter wed before he returns to Kashien, so things are being arranged very quickly. If anyone would care to help with food, flowers, or music on this special day, please see Lani Pilipo, our wedding coordinator.

  Lily turned to look at the man bending over her. "This was your fathers only request, that we be married soon so he could be here for it."

  "That's just four weeks away, isn't it?" "Yes. Do you think we can do it?"

  Lily nodded, her eyes filled with excitement, but she had one question.

  "Do you thin
k the church will mind?"

  Gabe laughed. "Before I came and found you, I put a call in to Lani. I told her she had to stay quiet about it until I got back to her, but she was coming apart at the seams with excitement, and I could hardly get a word in."

  "What do we do now?"

  "We print this out, go tell the family, and then get this to the church so it can be included in tomorrow's bulletin."

  He had done so much planning that Lily was amazed. Just minutes later they were getting ready to leave the office to tell the family, but Lily stopped at the door.

  "Oh, no!"

  "What's the matter?"

  Lily looked at him and admitted quietly, "I've thought for some time now that it would be wonderful to honeymoon in Hawaii." "Why can't we?"

  "You live here, Gabe. It won't be special."

  That man's smile was very slow. "Just let me take care of the details."

  "You're sure you don't mind?"

  "Are you going to be there with me?"

  Lily knew she didn't need to answer. She smiled and went up on her toes to kiss him. It was time to tell the family.


  Chapter 29

  Bailey watched Lily hesitate as she studied the price tag of the first wedding dress and knew they were going to have a little conference.

  "Can we have just a moment alone?" Bailey asked the saleswoman kindly.

  "Of course. I'll check on you in a little while." "Lily?"

  The younger woman turned to her. "Does anything appeal to you?"

  "They're expensive, Bailey," Lily wasted no time in saying. "There must be something more economical."

  "Why don't you just see if something appeals to you?"

  To Bailey's utter astonishment, a stubborn look crossed Lily's face as she shook her head no.

  "When Gabe and I shopped for rings, he presented me with a tray. Thinking to save money, I looked for a small diamond, but Gabe told me he could afford everything on that tray and not to worry. I want the woman to first bring dresses that are reasonable; then I will choose from those."

  "I'll take care of everything," Bailey said, finding she did not have to argue. Evan was paying for Lily's dress, and he had told Bailey what they could spend. Bailey simply informed the woman what the limit was, and dresses began to appear. Nevertheless, Lily did not look thrilled with any of them.


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