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Bamboo & Lace

Page 35

by Lori Wick

  Lily could hardly believe where their conversation had gone, but she so wanted this friendship to grow.

  "As a matter of fact, Ana, I was a virgin on my wedding night, and so was Gabe."

  Ana's mouth hung open. "That's amazing! You must have been the last two on the planet."

  "No, I don't think so. My brother is not getting married until February, and he's never been with a woman."

  "Is it because you're from Kashien?"

  "No, it's more about what God says is best for us. We chose to believe that."

  "So you believe in God?"

  "The God of the Bible, yes."

  "I don't," Ana admitted without hesitation or apology as she signaled for more tea.

  There were dozens of replies Lily could have offered, but she decided to let Ana lead this conversation. Only if the younger woman asked her about it would she speak on the issue of God's existence.

  "I hate to eat and run," Ana continued, causing Lily to be glad she'd stayed quiet, "but I have to get to work." "How do you like your job?"

  "It's okay. The tips are good, and they wash our uniforms."

  "Did you tell me where Nick works?"

  "He's at the Hilton too. He's a groundskeeper."

  "Do you ever get to ride together?"

  "No, he's mornings and I'm afternoons." Ana looked a little crestfallen when she said this but continued, "Some days we barely see each other."

  Lily didn't comment because the waitress was bringing their tab. Reaching for the bill, Lily offered to pay for the meal. Ana stared at her.

  "You're awfully nice," she said quietly.


  Lily smiled. "Well, you're easy to be nice to." The younger girl shook her head in wonder. "I think next time I'd better pay."

  "You've got yourself a deal. Maybe I'll have my license, and I'll do the driving that time." "You don't drive?" "Not yet."

  "Wow! I think I would die without my wheels."

  It ended their meal on a laugh, and when Ana did drop Lily back at the resort, Lily made sure Ana had her phone number and the assurance that Lily wanted to see her again.


  Chapter 32

  Gabe all but paced while he waited for his wife to return. She had been gone for only ten minutes when he realized how he'd sounded and acted. Even if he had personally known her dining companion, he wouldn't have interrupted her lunch, but it cost him to stay put and wait.

  In the hours she was gone, his mind ran with all sorts of crazy notions. After all, they didn't know this woman that Lily had ridden with. What if they were in an accident? What if Lily read this woman wrong and she was not to be trusted? What if he never saw her again?

  You're consumed with plans for a baby you've never met, Kapaia, and the wife you vowed your life to has needs you're ignoring. This was only one way Gabe berated himself before Lily arrived home. He was more than ready to go straight to her when the front door opened, but Celia spotted her at the same time.

  "Lily!" the little girl cried and ran to hug her.

  "How's my CeCe?" Lily said after she lifted her into her arms and they hugged.


  "You're hungry?"

  "Celia," her mother called just then, "come and eat your snack."

  Celia gasped with excitement and ran to the kitchen as soon as her feet touched the floor. Not until then did Lily look at her husband, who was waiting for her to be free.


  I'm sorry," Gabe said as soon as their eyes met. I'm sorry too." "Why are you sorry?"

  "I should have said more to you. I should have discussed it with you and made sure you knew my plans."

  "Are you sure you didn't do that and I wasn't listening?"

  Lily hesitated because it did seem like that to her.

  "Come here," Gabe said, his hand out to take hers. Lily went up the stairs with her husband, who locked the door as soon as they were in their room.

  "Tell me about Ana. Tell me about your lunch with her."

  Lily came uncorked. All she and Ana had talked about and all she was feeling while they'd talked came pouring out of her.

  "It's as though she doesn't know any better, Gabe. She said something about her father not liking her moving in with Nick, but she didn't elaborate. Her voice and face almost made it seem as if she felt she had no choice. It was as though this was the best she could do, so she was willing to give it a try."

  "Will you be seeing her again?"

  "If she calls me. She has my number and knows I want to see her, so I need to wait a little bit to see if she calls."

  "We'll just pray that she does. God can bring the two of you back together."

  "I think so too. I genuinely like her, Gabe, and I ache for how lost she is."

  Quiet fell between the two of them for a moment before Lily glanced at the door.

  "Why did we come up here and lock the door?" Gabe smiled.

  "I've been hearing for years about married couples who make up after they fight." "Were we in a fight?"

  "If I say no, are we still going to get to make up?"


  Lily was still laughing when Gabe came toward her. Lily moved away, and the chase began. It was, however, short-lived. She wanted to be caught.

  Lily lay in her husbands arms, their heads close as he admitted his fears.

  I've worried about how you'll handle it, Lily, if we never have children, but I'm the one who's not trusting. I'm the one who wants God to answer with a yes today. I want to leave this moment for Kashien and bring that baby back and never let her go.

  It's hard to imagine why God would say no, Gabe, but raising

  a child is a huge undertaking. We don't want that job until God

  knows we're ready. After all, we've been married for only two and

  a half months. If we get a baby, that's fine, but most couples don't

  start out so soon. If it happens, we'll have to work very hard to

  make sure Gabe and Lily don't get put on the shelf because all

  they have time to do is change diapers and walk a crying baby."

  "My head agrees with you, but my heart wants that baby. Even the timing seems so right. Not that I couldn't leave if it were a different time of year, but we have the money and the time, and my hopes skyrocketed on me without warning."

  Lily went up on one elbow to look down into Gabe's face.

  "I already told the Lord what a wonderful father you would make, and then I had to confess my arrogance. My attitude was that He didn't know that. Isn't that foolish? And in the midst of our little conversation, I remembered God's sovereignty. I can panic about the thought that you might get cancer again, but you've been there, and you're ready for that. I've seen how many children become available in Kashien. If this baby doesn't work out, there's a huge chance that another will very soon. I've been there, so I'm more relaxed.

  "But all of that misses the point. God reminded me that He is in control. If you get cancer again, God will work it out for the


  best in us. If we can't have this baby, He has other plans for us. At the same time, if you don't get cancer, we can be grateful for health, and if He does want us to have this particular baby, He knows we're ready."

  Gabe wrapped his arms around Lily and pulled her back against him. She was sweet and wise, and just now he needed her to remind him of God's power and control.

  I'll still ask," Gabe said quietly. I'll still ask God to give us a baby, but this time I'll pray with my hands open."

  Lily kissed his cheek and said, "Shall we ask right now?"

  Cuddled together alone in their room, husband and wife prayed. They thanked God for new lessons every day and for His great forgiveness. They praised Him for all His works and the blessings from His hand. They prayed for Ana and Nick and about their need for Jesus Christ. And just before they finished, they asked their Savior to give them a baby in His time and to be worthy of whatever task He would place at their feet.

  "Good day, Master Wang," Lily greeted the chef respectfully after she slipped in the back door of the Little Bay and found him in the kitchen.

  "Good day, Mrs. Kapaia. What brings you out this morning?"

  "I made something for you. Will you honor me by tasting it?"

  "Thank you," Wang said graciously as he took a cookie from the offered dish. At first he took just a small bite, testing it on his tongue. From there he ate the entire cookie and stood for a moment, his eyes closed.

  "I would not change a thing," he told Lily, who beamed at him.

  "Thank you. Would you like to keep these?"

  "I would, thank you very much. What do you hear from your father, Lily?"

  "In his last letter he was doing well."

  "Did he have any news for you and Gabriel?"

  "Not yet," Lily said, now understanding to what he referred.


  "It will come," he said calmly. "You seem confident."

  "Gabriel is a special man. He will make a special father." Lily only smiled.

  "And the wife he has chosen will bring him nothing but honor all his days."

  Lily smiled shyly but didn't reply.

  "Where were you one year ago, Lily?"

  "Oh, let me see, a year ago I was still pretty sore from that sunburn."

  "And did you think then that you would be married to Gabriel?"

  "No," lily said with soft wonder. "Not in my wildest dreams."

  "And a year from now you will come and visit me and bring your child. I will ask, 'Where were you a year ago?' and you will say, 'Dreaming of the child I now have.'"

  "Thank you, Wang Ho."

  He bowed in respect, his face and eyes content as he watched her.

  A few minutes later they said their goodbyes. Lily appreciated Wang's kind way of encouraging her, but she wasn't certain he was correct. Nevertheless, she knew Gabe would enjoy hearing what he had to say.

  Lily looked at the envelope addressed to her with her father's name in the return comer, her heart suddenly pounding very fast. She thought she might need to find Gabe but opted to open the missive and see what her father had to say. The air left her in a rush when his opening sentence was Come as soon as you can.

  Lily cast about in her mind as to where Gabe was right then and remembered that he and Ashton had gone surfing. Lily walked as sedately as she could manage through the house and out onto the veranda, but as soon as her feet hit the sand, she ran as fast as she could, hoping the men would see her.


  It took a little while for Gabe to see that she was not waving at him but to him, and when he got close enough to see the paper in her hand, he made a beeline for the shore.

  "From your father?" he shouted as soon as the distance closed.


  "What does he say?" Gabe kept coming as he yelled, so Lily waited until he stood dripping and panting before her.

  "He says to come as soon as we can."

  The yell Gabe let out as he grabbed Lily and swung her around could be heard all down the beach. Ashton landed on the shore to find his brother kissing his wife, but that didn't stop him.

  "Did you get news?"

  "Yes!" Gabe hugged him as well. "We're headed to Kashien!"

  "I've got to tell Deanne!" Ashton said after he hugged Lily and gave her cheek a wet kiss.

  Lily could only laugh before saying, "I haven't even seen Bailey and Evan, and I still need to call Jeff and your mother." All of this was said as she worked to keep her father's letter dry.

  "Why don't you do all of that right after we phone the airline?"

  Lily smiled up at him, and they ran like children for the house.

  What followed was an adventure the likes of which Gabe had never known. He'd been to the continental United States a few times but never traveled to a foreign country. Lily was a big help as they scheduled flights, sent a swift letter back to Owen to say they were on their way, and packed as lightly as they could manage, including formula, bottled water, tiny clothing, and a folded-up diaper bag for the baby.

  The family was at the airport to see them off, all of them overwhelmed with the speed in which it all came together. It was reminiscent of Lily and Gabe's wedding, and when the couple was on the plane, they felt a little like they had when their reception was over and they were alone in their car.

  "We made it, Lil."


  Lily smiled at him.

  "I think I'll sleep the whole way there." "Okay. I'll join you."

  They did get some rest in the hours that followed, but it was a weary couple who landed in Capital City many hours later. Owen was there to meet them, and once through customs, the three walked to a hotel where they were booked for the night. Gabe and Lily were hungry, but the hour was late and all they wanted at the moment was sleep.

  Owen said he would come for them in the morning and that they would see the minister of adoption at nine o'clock.

  Tired as they were, neither slept well, but fatigue was of little importance when they walked into the small government office the next day. They could hear a baby crying, and Lily's heart began to pound. There were cases of couples being rejected. It would be so hard when they had come this far, but she reminded herself that God knew best.

  "Sun Yang," Owen greeted the ministry head, "I wish to present my son-in-law, Gabriel Kapaia. Gabriel, this is Sun Yang. He is the head minister of foreign adoptions."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Gabe said kindly, not missing the fact that his wife's eyes were down and she said not a word.

  "Mr. Walsh has filled out your papers, but there are some things he did not know. We would wish for you to complete these."

  "Yes, sir."

  "If you'll come this way."

  Gabe was led to a table, and with Owen translating whenever needed, the forms were completed and business began.

  "My son has the needed funds for this transaction," Owen said diplomatically. "But if it would be possible, while the papers are being checked, we would request to see the baby."

  "Certainly." The minister bowed graciously. He was very familiar with Owen Walsh and knew him to be a fair and caring man. "I will arrange it."


  "I thought the baby would be in the village," Gabe said as soon as they'd been left on their own.

  "No, the adoption must take place here in Capital City, after a doctor has examined the child. And in the case of boys, they try to learn why the child is being given up."

  "If you'll come through here " the minister had returned, and a moment later they were directed to a small, windowless room with a dim light burning overhead. A nurse came in almost on their heels, a bundle in her arms. She surrendered the baby into Owen's arms because she had taken the baby from him the day before, then went out, shutting the door behind her. Owen wasted no time. He handed the baby to Lily.

  Heart pounding with more emotions than she could identify, Lily shifted the blanket to find a tiny one-month-old face peeking out at her. The baby's cheeks were round and her sloe eyes as black as night. Her nose resembled a soft round button, and her eyebrows were so dark and perfect that for a moment, Lily could only stare.

  "Oh, Gabe; oh, Papa." Lily was breathless with wonder. "Look at her."

  Gabe couldn't manage a word. His hand came up to touch her soft little face as he marveled with his wife.

  "You should wait to hold her, Gabe. It's not the custom for men here, and doing so could cause offense. You should wait until we get home."

  "All right. Thank you for telling me."

  Lily could wait no longer. She unfolded the blanket and inspected every square inch of the minuscule person in her arms. Judging her to be less than six pounds, the little person who tried to ball up against the cool air was utterly captivating to her. Lily didn't know if she had ever seen anything so tiny and perfect and soft. She looked as long as she dared, cooing softly down to her, and had just gotten her diapered, dressed, and rewrapped when someone

  "Is everything in order, Mr. Walsh?"


  "Yes, thank you. I believe we can proceed."

  Things took on a surreal atmosphere for the newlyweds as they paid the minister, signed papers, and were given a medical report on their new baby daughter, as well as completely legal adoption papers. They were soon on their way to catch a bus out of the city.

  Gabe sat very close to his wife and the child in her arms, still trying to believe they were parents. The bus trip to Mintsu, where they would take a wagon or cart on to Lhasa, was long, made more difficult by their attempts to make formula and measure accurately. But at last, from their place in the back of a wagon, the village where Lily was born and lived most of her life came into view.

  Gabe was enchanted. His wife had told him of the way she would race with friends from the large tree in the town center, up the hill to the stone wall, and then back again, and now Gabe could see it firsthand.

  "This way," Owen directed as they stepped down. Gabe remembered to let Lily follow him as he walked behind his father-in-law, and not more than three minutes later, he stepped into Owen Walsh's home. It had taken all of a very long day, but when Lily came directly to him and handed their daughter into his arms, he knew it had been worth every second.

  "Sit down, Gabe," Owen directed, accurately reading the exhaustion and emotion in his face.

  Gabe took a seat and did as Lily had done in the ministry office. He moved the blanket aside so he could fully see this miraculous little bundle.

  Owen and Lily brought chairs close so they could look as well. Lily was the first one to speak.

  "She needs a special name, Gabe."

  Gabe looked up at his wife.

  "She's Kashienese, I'm white, and you're half Hawaiian," Lily said. "We don't want her to forget her Kashienese heritage, but her name needs to fit into our world. What do you think?"


  "I hadn't thought of it, but you're right. I'm not worried about a Hawaiian name because she'll be a Kapaia, but her first name does have to be special."


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