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Kit: Carson Brothers #1

Page 5

by Dyble, S R

  “Yes, she did actually. She said you could come too.”

  I noticed how Nick looked at Kit in a certain way and I wondered what they were both thinking about.

  “We don’t have any shots yet…”

  “And we have no means of getting any…” Kit added.

  Nick then turned to Maddison slowly and I briefly heard him asking her if she minded switching their plans to another date but Kit caught my attention.

  “You sure you don’t mind me cramping your style, Blondie? Won't you have your boyfriend with you?”

  About to answer, I stopped when I heard Maddison answering Nick.

  “No, not at all. That way Eve can come, too,” she said and I smiled.

  I returned back to my work and as the noise level rose in the classroom, I spoke quietly without looking at him.

  “I told you, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “Still having a hard time understanding that,” he answered before Chris walked into the room and shouted over everyone.

  I looked at Kit who winked at me and turned his attention to Chris talking.

  Saturday morning I had to drag myself out of bed. The nerves and excitement about that day had knocked me out the night before but I could have easily slept a few more hours. My grandad had dropped me off at my auntie’s house before going home to get ready for the wedding. The wedding wasn’t until 11am but my auntie wanted us all where she could see us. There were three of us to get ready and of course, the bride.

  As soon as I took a seat at my auntie’s I was greeted with toast and a cup of tea.

  I might have put my feet up but after my third bite, my auntie called for me to go get a shower before the hairdresser arrived.

  I did as she said and I took my slice of toast with me. In the shower, I thought about what was to come. It never bothered me until that moment, I was nervous for Kit and Nick to be there, with my family...

  My very small family.

  I hadn’t had much chance to talk to them because we’d all been doing our own work but I'd given Kit my number so he could message me in case he got lost. I might as well admit it, I was a little disheartened he hadn’t just messaged to annoy me.

  Despite my dislike for him, his presence and cocky Australian accent meant I couldn’t just ignore him, although I did try.

  It was like a conveyer belt in my auntie’s house, I washed my hair and body and got out quickly so the next person could get showered. It felt weird not putting my mascara and eyeliner on, but the makeup artist was already here and I was next to be made pretty. I hoped she didn’t plaster me in it, I hated wearing too much makeup. I only wore mascara and eyeliner so I didn’t look plain, I didn’t like the thought of scraping it off of my face later that night.

  I sat on my auntie’s bed and brushed my hair as the hairdresser started on the maid of honour, in front of me on the large wardrobe our dresses hung in plastic covers. I watched as everyone rushed around each other, something about a wedding - only a wedding could make me feel like this and I took the opportunity to start taking photos. I started by capturing the bride, pre-wedding dress, she was wearing a silky dressing gown and was having her nails done.

  “Didn’t I pay someone to do this?” she chuckled.

  “Probably, but they’re not here yet,” I smiled.

  I then moved onto the bridesmaids getting ready, in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts of my family and the longing I had in my gut that I wished they could be here.

  The thought landed a hard lump in my throat and I had to swallow it. Today was my auntie’s day, I wouldn’t be spoiling it. Soon it was my turn to have my hair done and my auntie had chosen the same type of hairstyle for all of us.

  “You have such lovely hair, I’m not even going to apply heat to it. Is it always this naturally curly?”

  I called it more wavy than curly but I smiled and nodded.

  “And you don’t dye it?”

  “No, I’ve always been blonde.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I beamed.

  She started by draping a section from each side of my head to the back, it was done very loosely so little strands escaped and it looked really elegant and soft.

  She made a small loose plait at the back that sat perfectly amongst the rest and she showed me in the mirror. Then using flowers called baby breath she delicately placed them within the drapes and the plait.

  I loved it. The whole wedding was a lace and baby breath theme, apart from our bridesmaid dresses, which were loose chiffon and light purple. After my hair was finished, I moved straight over to makeup - the part I dreaded the most. Thankfully, my auntie had asked for a natural look and as I sat I added up every dab and brush of makeup the makeup artist added to my face. I was thankful when she said she was done with my face and could move onto my eyes.

  “I’m not gonna add a lot to your eyes because they already stand out without makeup,” she said.

  Oh, wow. Thank you?

  The compliments just kept on coming… Safe to say I left that chair on a high.

  “Right, you can look now.”

  I opened my eyes and stared at myself in the mirror.

  “I just added a very thin layer of eyeliner to your top eyelids, a small amount of eyeshadow to make your eyes look naturally smoky and then just some mascara. Your eyelashes are already long so I didn’t need to use a lot. Oh! And a thin layer of natural lipstick, here.”

  I faced her and she gently applied some lipstick.

  “Do you like it?” she asked as I smiled into the mirror.

  “I love it!” I didn’t dare touch my face but it looked great and natural. I thanked her and she headed off to get my auntie ready.

  “Right ladies, everyone gets a drink before we put the dresses on,” Abbie, one of the bridesmaids, said.

  All of them looked stunning and it was weird how first meeting these girls, they were just my auntie’s friends from work. Now I felt like I’d known them for years after all the fittings and shops we’d been to together. I picked up my camera and started taking shots of them standing in their dressing gowns and drinking champagne from flutes.

  “Here Eve, don’t forget your drink.” Melissa handed me a flute but I declined it with a smile.

  “Thanks, but I’m okay.”

  I wandered off in search of my auntie getting ready. The photographer was here now but I stole a few shots whilst she was off to take photos of the bridesmaids.

  “You getting nervous?” I asked my auntie.

  She grinned, “A little.”

  I noticed her eyes dropped slightly to her lap, at her hands placed together. It hurt to watch her happiness slip away so easily.

  “I just wish your dad could be here,” her voice broke and she looked away so she could stop herself from crying. I had to hold myself together. If I started crying I wouldn’t stop because it was all I could think about.

  “He is here, I promise,” I tried to reassure her by placing my hand on her shoulder and smiled down at her the best I could.

  She reached out and took my hand and after a quick squeeze, she let go and I took it as my time to leave.

  “Go get in those photos, I want some of you, too!” she told me with a huge smile.

  I took one last photo and enjoyed the sound of her laughter before heading back to the other room, where the other bridesmaids were. They pulled me into some shots and the photographer told us to carry on as normal. Those were the best photos - when you didn’t know they were being taken. The photographer was a woman so we went about putting our dresses on without worrying. We helped each other into our dresses so we didn’t ruin our hair or makeup.

  As the other bridesmaids gushed over each other, I stood and looked at myself in the mirror, purple wasn’t really my colour but this soft lavender shade was beautiful. I loved the dress, it had a corset back and the top was a sweetheart neckline. Fabric had been folded along the top to create pleats and there was a band around my wai
st from where beautiful fabric fell to create the bottom of the dress. I was so thankful that the bottom of the dress didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. It was elegant but still had a small amount of poof to it.

  Holding onto the fabric I lifted it up, then I let it go to make sure it was all laid out correctly. Thankfully, it covered my feet, all the other girls were wearing heels but not me. One, because I couldn’t walk in them, I valued not looking like a total tool falling head first into a bunch of people...

  Two, because I was tall enough and I didn’t want to be towering over everyone in the wedding photos.

  What was even better about the dress was that there were some hidden pockets in the depths of the fabric and I felt my phone vibrating against my leg.

  * * *

  You looking all pretty, princess?

  * * *

  It could only be one person.

  * * *

  Yes. I actually am. What about you, Escort. You wearing a tie?

  * * *

  Am I your escort today? Why so much interest in my tie? You been reading that fifty shades crap?

  * * *

  I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile.

  * * *

  You wish. And don’t compare yourself to Mr Grey. There’s no comparison...

  * * *

  Mr Grey wishes he was me, Blondie. I’ll see you at the church.

  * * *

  I glanced up after reading the last part of that text and realised I’m the bridesmaid and not the bride. Something about reading those words, “I’ll see you at the church” – it was usually words spoken by the groom to his bride. I shook off the thought and let go of my lip that until then had been held between my teeth. Shortly after, I followed the girls downstairs to wait for the arrival of my auntie and she didn't keep us waiting long; she came down like a queen, holding a glass of wine. White wine, thankfully. I’m not sure there were many women who would risk red wine around their dress. She looked sensational and each of the bridesmaids made a fuss over her until we were told our car was here.

  My auntie had hired classic cars to take us to the church, we were only about ten minutes or so away but the car journey was stuffy as hell. It was a boiling day and I was a hot mess when we arrived. I prayed I would cool down before we had to make our catwalk down the aisle for inspection. I fluffed up my dress as my auntie’s car arrived. She and her maid of honour got out and walked over. She wasn’t with her dad because my grandad wasn’t here with us today, either. He passed away before I was born. The only family I had was my mum’s parents and my auntie.

  I couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been for my auntie, losing my dad.

  After already losing her parents, her only family besides me had also been taken.

  Thankfully she had a man in her life to hold her together, the very man she was marrying today.

  I couldn’t help the thought that came across my mind as my auntie approached me – what if she lost him, too?

  I couldn’t bear the grief if I was in that situation. That was why I truly believed being alone was the best bet – no one to hurt you then should they go and die like every other person you care about.

  “So, where’s this stud muffin?” My auntie grinned at me whilst looking over my shoulder. It was a good question.

  I turned around to look for any sign of him when I noticed Kit standing by the front of the church. Everyone else had gone inside and was waiting for my auntie. I could only see his back from where I was standing, but I could see that he looked so good in that suit. I heard a loud whistle and I turned to see where it had come from. I shook my head and couldn’t help but grin despite lowering my head in embarrassment. Each of the bridesmaids, the maid of honour and my auntie stood giggling amongst themselves. Through the deep embarrassment, I turned to see if it had gotten his attention and his eyes instantly locked on mine even at that distance. I felt like jelly under his gaze and as he looked me up and down, he started walking towards us. His intense stare intimidated me and I had to look down to escape it. Daring to steal a glance, I saw him approaching as he straightened his tie.

  “Auntie, this is Kit,” I managed to blurt out.

  He swapped his camera in his hands and reached forward to shake my auntie’s hand, then he kissed her cheek and told her how beautiful she looked.

  “You’re Australian,” my auntie said a little breathlessly. It made me smile, even in her wedding dress and about to get married, my auntie was a natural flirt.

  “Yes,” Kit grinned. “Thank you so much for letting us come. Do you mind what we photograph or is everything alright?” He was so polite that for a second I wondered if this was even Kit.

  “You’re welcome, and go mad! Just don’t allow your photos to be better than the photographers or I may have a meltdown,” she laughed.

  Kit grinned as my auntie started making her way to the church doors with everyone else and I didn’t miss the wink she shot my way. I was left with Kit and I looked directly at him. I was terrified and I didn’t know why. I felt stupid but yet I still stood nervous as hell around him.

  “I should go with them,” I said before offering him a small smile. I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes again, the first eye contact was enough and I wanted to smack myself. My lack of self-confidence was no shock to me but it was only Kit, the annoying Australian guy from college that pissed me off. Maybe it was the suit, I had a thing for a good suit on a good-looking guy… Kit was definitely a good-looking guy. As I started walking, I felt embarrassed over my thoughts even though he couldn’t hear them. To my shock, I felt him place his hand on the small of my back as I moved towards the church and I looked up at him quickly as he escorted me to the doors. The intensity of his stare was enough to make me look away just as quick.

  “You look amazing,” he said close to my ear and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I inhaled deeply. A large amount of his aftershave entered my nose and I was trying not to sink to the floor like a druggy needing more. What the hell was wrong with me? I was wearing a girly dress and looking pretty and suddenly I was turning into a typical girl swooning over him? Kit was a player and he didn’t do the swooning thing. A sexy suit didn’t change him into a gentleman and I made sure to promise myself that I’d remember it whilst watching him in his suit all day...

  Kit left me then with the other bridesmaids and I couldn’t help but notice all of them watching him as he headed inside. I wanted to roll my eyes and smack the shit out of them at the same time. The concept of it had me pissed off but I went about positioning myself in the line up to walk down the aisle. Kit looked back at me one last time and winked, I had to blink a few times to erase the image of him heading into the church from my mind.

  As beautiful music sounded I neared the start of the aisle, from there I could see Ted, my auntie’s husband-to-be, looking down at us. He smiled at each of us as we neared him and soon it would be my turn. As I walked to the music, I noticed Kit following along the outside of the chairs with his camera in hand. If I wasn’t so paranoid about all the people looking at me, I may have shot him a look to ask him what the hell he was doing.

  Settling into my spot, we all smiled as dramatic music sounded and my auntie came down the aisle, it was honestly breathtaking to watch and I wished I had my camera. People were crying and I wished my dad was here to see her walking to the man of her dreams because he would have been so proud. It dawned on me then as I sat down, that my dad wouldn’t be there for my wedding if I ever did get married… Then I settled on the fact that I’d never be getting married because I never let anyone get close enough.

  I was destined to be alone for good, a punishment I wasn't sure I deserved.

  The ceremony was beautiful and I was relieved that it wasn’t boring. I loved weddings, it was the reason I wanted to learn photography so badly, but even I had to admit most people were left feeling dazed after a ceremony. Watching my auntie and Ted exchange their vows had even me tearing up because they
both had written their own. Everyone laughed as Ted read parts of his about my auntie’s face masks and her midnight trips to the fridge whilst thinking he was asleep. Her love for ice-cream and the way she put her hair into curlers every night. He said that those things were the little things that he’d noticed and he vowed to always notice them and cherish each and every one of them because those little moments were the reasons why he loved her so much. I had a lump in my throat the size of a gobstopper by the time he was done, and my poor auntie was in a flood of happy tears. We were left feeling engulfed by their love. The service was over quickly after that and I followed everyone back up the aisle until we were outside and in the heat again. I stood alone as my auntie and Ted spoke to different people, the bridesmaids were dotted around chatting and I could see my grandparents coming out of the church. I was about to join them when I felt a hand on my lower back.

  “Damn, even in this dress there’s no mistaking that ass.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, wearing a suit certainly doesn’t make you a gentleman... A lot more like an escort though...” I smiled to myself.

  Take that, you cocky shit.

  “Only escorts that do their job fantastic get to be the date to a wedding. I must be pretty good,” he winked and I frowned up at him.

  I’d have given him a piece of my mind if we weren’t amongst so many people and I was being called by the other bridesmaids because it was time to head to the reception.

  My grandparents walked over just in time and they both hugged me.

  “You look beautiful!” my grandad said as he kissed my cheek.

  My grandma nodded in agreement and they both waited for me to introduce Kit. My grandma instantly recognised him from the day he had dropped my bag off and I introduced him whilst he shook my grandad’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, sir.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes because just a second ago he was commenting on the size of my arse.


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