Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 18

by Dyble, S R

  Kit glanced at me like he thought I knew. “She’s been seeing Nick? Well, by seeing, I mean fucking."

  I was positively shocked and edged to the edge of the car seat to stare at him.

  “She’s doing what!?” I demanded like a mother hearing about her child.

  Kit laughed and looked me over again. “Eve, they are adults like us you know?”

  “You think I give a fuck about her being an adult? Why didn’t she tell me?”

  “Probably because it’s none of your business? I only know because I saw her sneaking out the other day."

  Kit’s words hurt and I sat back in my seat.

  “Aw, come on Blondie, don’t be upset on your birthday, I didn’t mean anything."

  “No, it’s fine. You obviously don’t understand the bond we have so you wouldn’t understand my confusion."

  Kit smiled. “You’re probably right, sweetheart."

  I dug my phone from my bag and felt Kit staring at me the best he could whilst trying to drive.

  * * *

  You are dead. SO DEAD!

  * * *

  I hit send and regretted it, perhaps I was being a little dramatic but what the hell was she doing sleeping with Nick?

  I glanced over at Kit who looked more worried now.

  “I wouldn’t have said anything if I knew it was gonna cause trouble. I thought you knew."

  I shook my head.

  Lilly quickly replied.

  * * *

  What? Why?????

  Okay, if this is about your Fifty Shades of Grey book I borrowed and lost, I’m buying you another!

  * * *

  What?? Not my signed copy?? You bitch.

  One word – NICK

  * * *

  Now Lilly had given me more than one reason to be pissed at her and I growled in my seat.

  “What’s going on?” Kit asked, staring over at me the best he could.

  “I can’t believe that bitch!” I said whilst shaking my head.

  “Jesus, Eve, she’s only sleeping with my brother…”

  “Not that. She’s lost my signed copy of Fifty Shades of Grey!”

  He couldn’t contain his amusement which only pissed me off more.

  “Do you have any idea how long I waited In line to have that signed?”

  “I can only imagine…” he smirked whilst shaking his head.

  * * *

  Oh fuck. I swear I was gonna tell you. It’s complicated. I’ll tell you everything once I’m back.

  * * *

  I frowned and put my phone away before staring out of the window. I couldn’t believe my best friend was sleeping with my boyfriend’s brother and I had no idea.

  “Hey.” I felt Kit take my hand then and he held it up to his lips where he kissed my knuckles, the action made my insides squeeze and it settled any uneasy thoughts I had about Lilly and Nick.

  “It’s your birthday, forget about everyone else and have fun."

  I nodded and let him keep hold of my hand as he continued to drive. Staring over at him, I realised I couldn’t have been more smitten with him.

  Then I realised what smitten meant for us and it scared the hell out of me. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, I smiled as Kit put the radio on and a decent song played.

  * * *

  Finally at the beach, I got out just as Kit parked up along the seafront and I almost sprinted to the wall to look over it. Taking a huge breath, I inhaled the sea air like I was hoping to get high on the freshness. Closing my eyes, the sun splashed against my skin, offering a well-needed boost.

  After a while I wondered where Kit was and I turned around to see him not far away with his phone held out.

  “Are you taking photos?” I asked him.

  “How could I not, you look like a frikkin' goddess standing there."

  “Such a sweet talker.” I rolled my eyes and bathed not only in the heat but under his touch as he came beside me and placed his arm around me.

  “I bet this is nothing compared to the beaches back home, is it?”

  Kit looked at me and smiled. “Nothing quite beats an English beach."

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” I smiled sarcastically and without meaning to I rested my head against his shoulder and I truly relaxed.

  “You ready to go for a walk?” he asked after kissing my forehead and I hummed in agreement.

  I waited whilst Kit put his phone into his car and locked it again and then he held out his hand for mine to link it with.

  Something about his hands was so masculine and threading my fingers through his made me feel light on air.

  As we walked down the empty beach, I reached down and pulled my shoes off whilst Kit headed towards the water.

  “You coming in, Blondie?” he asked, grinning back at me.

  “I don’t have any clothes to change into,” I answered and I watched as Kit’s beach shorts changed colour in the water.

  “I have a towel in the car, come on, chicken,” he smirked at me making me glare back at him.

  Looking at him and then around at the beach I discreetly removed my leggings and rolled my eyes when Kit whistled.

  I started by edging into the water, only paddling so it hit my ankles.

  “Fuck, it’s cold,” I said, gripping my dress.

  Trying to keep my dress dry was pointless though as Kit splashed me and speckles of water dotted all over the front.


  He continued to smirk and it was clear to me what this was, a frikkin' wet contest and I wasn’t playing. I turned around and headed out of the water when a huge wave formed by Kit’s hands came plummeting towards me and I squealed as it hit all over my body and up to my boobs.

  “You tit!” I shouted.

  “Speaking of tits, I bet yours are cold now."

  “You think this is funny?”

  When he only nodded, I couldn’t help but smile. I lowered my hands into the water and picking it up like a bowl, then pelted it at him like it was a snowball.

  I wasn’t sure Kit was expecting such retaliation and at first, he looked shocked. Only for his face to light up once again and I quickly became the prey in his eyes.

  “Don’t!” I squealed and tried to run out of the water quickly but my dress clung to me like a frikkin’ fire blanket and I screamed as he got hold of me and spun me around and up into his arms.

  “Kit, no! Take me back!” I shouted as he moved deeper into the water and I couldn’t help but laugh as his face taunted me and I screamed for mercy.

  I clung onto him like the water was shark infested and Kit brought his lips to mine and kissed me before dropping us both down into the water.

  I screamed like a drowned rat and clung onto him as Kit laughed and pulled me up against him so my legs wrapped around him.

  The fact that my legs couldn’t touch the floor moments ago meant I truly was scared to be in the water.

  “I got you,” Kit said against my lips and a droplet of salty water fell from his hair and ran down his perfectly shaped nose until it met our lips.

  I couldn’t have felt closer to Kit if I’d have tried. Surrounded by freezing cold water and being wrapped around him with his hands gripping my arse somehow felt amazing despite the fact my clothes were clinging to me and I probably looked awful from the abuse of water against my face.

  “You ready for some food now, Blondie?” Kit asked whilst rubbing his nose against mine.

  “I hope you picked somewhere classy, I mean, look at me. I’m dressed for perfection."

  Smiling he took me to the sand and placed me down.

  "I've got clothes in the car, come on, Blondie."

  Walking down the front of the beach on the path didn’t seem such a big deal until I saw and felt my dress clinging to me like a frikkin' wetsuit.

  It showed every curve and unflattering shape my body had to offer and the more I tugged at it the further it rode up. I’d already taken my leggings off before swimming, meaning my legs were on
full display too.

  "Stop pulling at yourself, girl, you look hot," Kit said, taking my hand away from my dress.

  I ducked my head and smiled, partly at what Kit had said and partly because we were passing some beach shops and people were full on ogling us.

  I was thankful to be back at Kit's car where he pulled out a bag of towels and clothes from the boot of his car whilst I grabbed my bag.

  "So, clearly you planned to drench me from the beginning?" I came up beside him, edging at the bag of clothes.

  "Of course not, I just brought these in case I accidentally drenched you," he smirked, closing the boot. "Look on the bright side, at least you dodged the birthday bumps."

  I laughed as we headed for the public toilets and seeing what Kit had on offer for me to wear made me stare up at him.

  I was going to look the prettiest girl at the beach, that was for sure…

  Rolling my eyes in the toilet, I got to peeling my clothes off of my body and drying myself before pulling Kit's tight boxers on and my leggings.

  Thank God I hadn’t gotten those wet. I pulled Kit's top over my head, thankful that my bra was actually dry enough so I could continue to wear it.

  In the mirror I rolled my eyes again and took a double take as I stared at my smudged mascara. Once again, I thanked the luck I'd been granted that I had my makeup wipes and my makeup to redo it, as well as my hairbrush.

  By the time I was finished, I looked like one of those typical babes with the messy bun, baggy t-shirt and legging look - a look I never went for.

  I felt so paranoid leaving the toilets but I couldn’t stay there forever, I'd already been a while.

  I found Kit lounging back on a bench, enjoying the beach.

  "Wow," Kit said as I approached him and I shifted my side fringe out of my face as the wind swept it across my eyes.

  Kit didn’t really look any different, he had a fresh pair of shorts on and a different top. The sun definitely agreed with him because he looked like a god under it.

  "You ready, beautiful?" He smiled up at me and I hoped he hadn’t seen me blush through my sunglasses.

  I nodded and moved to his side where I took a seat and happily let Kit wrap his arm around me.

  We sat like that for a while, just admiring the sea and being in each other’s company. By the time we were ready to leave, I felt so relaxed I could have stayed there all day.

  The morning flew by too quickly. After we sat together, we walked back down the beach until Kit stopped outside a restaurant.

  "No, I can’t go in there looking like this."

  "You look perfect, Blondie, come on."

  Kit tugged me inside where we quickly found a table and he handed me a menu.

  "Order what you like, Birthday girl." He winked at me.

  The restaurant was really nice, it wasn’t as posh as I'd feared and I didn’t feel too out of place.

  We'd picked a spot near the window where we could enjoy the view and I admired the blue ocean style décor before eyeing Kit.

  "What?" He smiled at me so I looked away quickly whilst pieing off my obvious staring.

  I had no intention of ordering something expensive and when the waitress came and eyed Kit for too long, I wanted to crawl under the table. Never had I felt more out of place than I did at that moment.

  “Baby?” Kit caught my attention from the waitress who was still trying not to appear obvious whilst clearly feeling flushed in his presence.

  The fact that Kit called me ‘baby’ made me smile because although it was a pet name, it showed his claim on me perfectly and the waitress now looked at me and smiled.

  “You go first,” he said as the waitress waited for my order.

  I nodded and proceeded to look back at the menu, trying not to feel embarrassed.

  “Can I have the veggie burger, please?”

  “Anything to drink?” she asked and I bobbed my head back to the menu and requested a coke.

  “That’s it?” Kit asked, looking at me, waiting for me to continue.

  “Yes,” I smirked. “I’ve ordered a normal sized meal…."

  He nodded and proceeded to give his order with his drink and then handed the menu to the waitress, thanking her.

  It took her a little while to get her body moving and I didn’t blame her, Kit was breathtaking and she clearly got caught in his aura.

  “That was awkward."

  “Huh?” Kit looked me over and back at the waitress as she left.

  “She couldn’t stop staring at you!” I laughed quietly after the waitress came back with our drinks and stared at him once again.

  Kit shook it off and reached into his pocket, saying, “So, I haven’t given you your gift yet."

  I was halfway through taking a sip of my drink when he lifted his hand and brought out a little blue box from his pocket.

  “You didn’t have to get me a gift, you’ve already brought me here.”

  I smiled from ear to ear as Kit handed me the little box from across the table and I grinned in excitement as I opened the box. My smile was wiped clean from my face as I stared into the box at the most beautiful silver chain that held a delicate little charm that had a blue crystal inside.

  “My God.” I looked up at Kit who was watching my every move.

  “Do you like it?” he asked nervously.

  “It’s beautiful, Kit,” I said breathlessly and I couldn’t help but think about how much it might have cost.

  He grinned then, and I loved how scared he’d actually looked that I may not have liked something so perfect. He reached over and took it from my hand. He took the little bracelet out and waited for me to stretch out my hand so he could place it around my wrist.

  “What made you pick blue?”

  “I donno, something about you reminds me of a pastel blue,” he smiled and reached for his drink.

  “I was worried you were gonna say it matches my cold heart."

  Kit laughed, making me smirk as I admired the beautiful piece of jewellery now displayed on my wrist.

  “Thank you, so much,” I said, feeling the little charm.

  “You’re welcome, Blondie."

  I no longer felt embarrassed about how I looked but felt totally chilled out with Kit. Our meals were brought to us shortly after and we continued to talk constantly. Kit made me laugh so hard at one point I nearly snorted my drink across the table which made him howl with laughter. Safe to say, it was a good job the restaurant wasn’t that busy because we may have been seen as the annoying kids in the corner who were indeed actually adults…

  After a huge slab of cake that Kit attempted to feed me and missed by accident, I promised to get him back as I wiped it from my face. I reached for his cheek, only for him to catch my finger in his mouth. Sucking the buttercream from my finger he stared me in the eyes. The action made me hot all over and I had to look away as Kit popped my finger out of his mouth.

  “You ready to go home?” Kit asked, staring at me and I could see the same heat in his eyes that he’d created in my body from such a simple action.

  I just nodded and he got up quickly, taking me with him.

  He threw money onto the table where the cheque tray was and then we were gone as quickly as ghosts.

  As soon as we got into Kit’s car he reached over and captured my body in a heart-leaping kiss that tore me from my seat.

  “Kit, everyone outside can see,” I said through each kiss.

  We were only kissing, but anyone on the outside would probably think we were about to have sex, we were that involved in one another.

  He pulled himself back and took a deep sigh before nodding in agreement, then he reached over, took my hand and kissed it before smiling and starting the car.

  The car journey was quiet, apart from the low music we had playing on the radio, and I knew Kit was deep in thought about something. Then as I glanced at him, I noticed his attention flicking from the rear-view mirror and back again. At first, it didn’t seem like anything but he kep
t looking back carefully and looking in his side mirrors.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked him and I looked in the side mirror to see the car behind us turning off into a side road.

  “No,” he shook his head, “it seemed like that car was following us…”

  I frowned and looked back at where the car was.

  “Why would they be following us?”

  Kit’s heightened paranoia was worrying and it made me wonder why he had reason to be cautious like that.

  “No reason, he was just right up my ass the whole way and following me everywhere,” he brushed it off like it was nothing and I took it.

  Silence lingered again and a tension ate at me as we sat in silence.

  “I should probably take you home.” Kit spoke randomly and it caught me off guard because I wasn’t expecting him to say that, at all.

  “Okay, if that’s what you want.” It upset me that Kit wanted to get rid of me so quickly but I accepted it.

  “Hey, I’m not tryna get rid of you,” he said, reaching for my hand.

  I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded and looked out of the window.

  “It’s getting so hard to contain myself around you, I dunno how much longer I can hold it together around you, Eve. I know it sounds pathetic but only kissing you makes me want to be in between your legs and I’m getting so desperate to be there."

  I blinked a few times; I was not expecting him to come out with that.

  “Then why are you?” I asked, looking at him.

  Clearly in shock, Kit looked from the road back at me. “What?”

  “Why are you holding back?”

  We were getting close to either turning towards my house in Hull or carrying on to Kit’s house in Beverley. “Why are you holding back?” I asked again.

  “You want me to have sex with you?” he asked straight out and although it made me embarrassed, I had to tell the truth.

  “It’s not just your body that goes wild with the need, Kit."

  It brought a smile to his face, knowing he made me so turned on but it was already obvious, before that day I’d been ready to have sex with Kit ten times over.


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