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Kit: Carson Brothers #1

Page 21

by Dyble, S R

  “Like I’ve said before, I’m your boyfriend, I’m supposed to threaten you with raging sex.” He winked and went away to sort the Netflix out and I glared at him as he left. No way was I ever going to be having anal, no way.

  I hadn’t felt so comfy before, and if It wasn’t for Kit shifting and getting out of bed, I would have happily stayed asleep for longer.

  Turning over I glanced up when I could no longer feel Kit beside me and as I looked around, I saw him coming out of the bathroom.

  “As cute as you look in my bed, Blondie, I have to go to work so need your fine ass to get out of bed."

  I groaned and stretched out like a starfish onto Kit’s huge bed.

  “Who even works on a Saturday?”

  “Me.” Kit said quickly, going to his locked cupboard. After unlocking it, he pulled out a black bag.

  “What’s that?”

  “My gym kit,” he said, looking down at me. “Someone’s gotta go teach those kids,” he said not very convincingly.

  I frowned and nodded before getting up in search of some clothes.

  We’d had our third session last night and I was completely naked beneath Kit’s bed sheets.

  “What you looking for?” he asked.


  “I put them all on the chair."

  “Can you grab them for me?”

  “You mean, you want me to aid you in getting dressed so you’re not naked?” He smiled at me from the end of the bed.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do."

  Kit smirked and eyed my bare shoulders.

  “Sorry, Blondie, you’re on your own."

  “You pervert!” I threw at him and he chuckled, not moving from where he stood.

  I glared at him and using his confidence to fuel my anger, it somehow gave me confidence. If Kit wanted to see me naked, then he would. He’d see just how imperfect I was and the thought scared the hell out of me but he would have to see me at some point in our relationship, I couldn’t hide forever. It was probably best to get it over with.

  Pulling the bed sheets back I tried my best to look appealing instead of just a piece of flab flopping around the room. Although I found it hard, I managed to bring my eyes to Kit as he watched me fully. I stood up and made my way around the bed. His eyes went up and down and his mouth parted slightly as I made my way past him and to the clothes. Only, I wasn’t able to make it to the clothes on the chair because I felt Kit’s hands gripped me and they cupped both of my breasts as he kissed my shoulder.

  Before I had a chance to object, one of Kit’s hands reached down in between my legs and cupped me there as his other hand twizzled my nipple.

  I groaned out loud and leaned against him as the pleasure took hold of me and Kit continued teasing me before spinning me around and picking me up.

  He brought me back to the bed where he made short work of stripping off and pulling a condom from his drawer.

  “You’re the undoing of me, Blondie,” he said before rolling on the condom and bringing his dick to my opening.

  I groaned out again and gripped onto his shoulders as he began making love to me for the fourth time in twenty-four hours.

  “Now, I really do need to go,” Kit said as he regained his breath from my side.

  I nodded and got up but he pulled me back down so he could kiss me.

  “I love you,” he said.

  I couldn’t help but smile like the happiest person ever. “I love you too,” I said before kissing him.

  “Now, go get your fine ass ready,” he said and I grinned before hopping off of the bed.

  In the bathroom, I dressed quickly in Kit’s top and my leggings from yesterday. At home, I would need to take another shower but right now I just made sure my makeup looked properly and that my hair was in a decent enough ponytail. I quickly brushed my teeth with my very own toothbrush that Kit had now popped in the toothbrush holder with his. It made me smile and as I grabbed my bag, I looked myself over one more time before returning to Kit who was sitting on the bed, on his phone and in deep thought.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” I asked, hating the saying I’d used. I wanted to roll my eyes at how pathetic I sounded.

  “Nothing, just work stuff,” Kit said as he got up and looked me over.

  “You ready?” he asked before kissing me and I nodded.

  He nodded too and took my hand before opening the door for me.

  “Morning,” Jason drawled in a knowing and mischievous way as we entered the kitchen. On the counter were pieces of fruit in a bowl and Kit offered me some before heading to the fridge and grabbing two bottles of water.

  “Fun night?” Nick smiled over at me, and just looking at him brought Lilly to my mind. I wanted to warn the little fucker not to fuck over my best friend.

  I looked around each of Kit’s brothers as I nodded and Kit answered for me, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Kit handed me a bottle as Nick smirked and said, “Oh, we know."

  My face must have changed colour almost thirty times until it settled on the darkest shade of red possible. Fuck, they’d heard us having sex?

  “You sure you need a workout today, bro?” Jason asked Kit and although Kit smiled, he could see the look on my face.

  “Ignore them,” Kit said as he kissed my cheek.

  I heard Jason and Nick whine as they both grabbed their arms. Jax had just walked by and had hit both of them.

  “You’re embarrassing her,” he scolded them, pointing at me.

  “Sorry,” they both said in unison and I was thankful that Kit was ready to go because I had no idea what to say.

  “That was brutal,” I commented as we left the house, it made Kit smirk. “Ignore them, they’re only playing and they’re jealous."

  “I’m sure,” I said after rolling my eyes.

  I got comfy in Kit’s car and closed my eyes briefly- feeling so relaxed.

  “You okay?” Kit asked and I looked over at him driving.

  “Hmm,” I nodded and smiled, feeling just content to be here with him.

  “I’m sorry I have to take you home,” he answered, his face deep with regret.

  “Don’t be, I have college work to do anyway."

  “Did you enjoy your birthday?”

  I nodded and smiled. “Yes, thank you, you made it ace."

  “And your presents?” He winked at me before looking back at the road and I couldn’t help but smirk as I admired my beautiful bracelet.

  “Yes, it’s perfect, and everything else was perfect."

  It made him happy, and I loved seeing him smile. Taking my hand, he kissed the back of my knuckles and kept hold of it whilst he drove.

  After a well-needed shower, I made sure to dry myself carefully. Losing my virginity alone was probably enough to make me sore, but me and Kit had had amazing sex four times and my vagina was feeling it.

  As I dried my hair, I heard my phone vibrate in my bag and I went to get it.

  * * *

  That ass will be my motivation today. I’ll text you later.

  * * *

  A smile spread across my face and I put my phone down as I got ready to head downstairs.

  I knew my grandparents were going to grill me and they tried somewhat, my grandad mainly teased me all day – asking me questions like when we were going to get married whilst I attempted to complete my college work.

  It was nice spending the day with them, my grandad watched his old films, my grandma pottered around and took interest in my work before heading to the local shops for some bread and by teatime I was starving and still rolling my eyes at my grandad’s comments.

  I sat at the kitchen table with him as my grandma tutted at him and told him to stop teasing me.

  “Leave her alone, you,” she said, plating up our tea, we were having stew and I was ready to eat two bowls all to myself.

  Looking at my grandad, I stuck my tongue out at him and grinned as he thanked my grandma for his tea.

nbsp; “I can’t remember the last time I saw you this happy,” my grandma said as she sat down.

  It made me pause my fork mid-air and I looked at her, feeling a little embarrassed.

  “Well, that’s certainly one reason to like the kid, not only that, he brings you home every day and picks you up – makes sure you get to the door before leaving, I like him,” my grandad added.

  I didn’t know what to say. The fact that my grandparents seemed to like Kit made me so happy, I couldn’t imagine them not liking him, it would make it so hard.

  “You still need to invite him round,” my grandma reminded me and I nodded as we heard a knock at the door.

  We all rose from our seats to see who it was but my grandad won by saying, “I’ll get it."

  Both me and my grandma looked at each other, wondering who could be here at this time and as I listened, I heard a familiar voice until Lilly came into the kitchen, looking absolutely dreadful.

  “Hey, I’m sorry to come whilst you’re eating tea,” Lilly said as she gave my grandma a small smile.

  “Don’t worry, honey, we’re having it late anyway, do you want some?”

  Lilly hesitated as she gripped her hands together and played with her fingers, I knew there was something wrong. She looked so on edge and anger bubbled inside of me as I thought that the cause was probably being a certain Carson brother.

  Lilly eventually nodded and thanked my grandma as my grandad pulled out a chair for her, he was such an old-fashioned gentleman, and he took his seat, looking as casual as hell as I smiled at him for being so perfect.

  After Lilly thanked my grandma for the plate of food, I couldn’t hold it in any more.

  “What’s happened?” I asked, knowing I’d probably get a small explanation meaning she wanted to talk about it in private.

  “Erm,” she fiddled with her food and swallowed the amount already in her mouth.

  “I got chased today."

  I dropped my fork and moved to take her in fully.

  “You what?” my grandad asked, also holding his fork in mid-air.

  “I’d just got home, I was driving through town and I had a feeling this car had been following me all the way from Leeds but I figured I was just being paranoid. Letting it get the better of me I pulled over, probably in the worst place possible. I went inside a corner shop for a drink and when I came back out and took a shortcut down one of the backstreets, these two guys started calling after me."

  “Were they the ones who had followed you?” I asked, feeling sick just thinking about it.

  “I have no idea, but it seems weird, doesn’t it? Anyway, they chased me and I managed to get back to my car. By the time I got back inside and looked around they were nowhere to be seen. I came straight here because my parents are still away and I didn’t wanna be alone."

  Lilly’s parents were always away, her mother was a reporter- getting the best insight into the world's craziest news and her dad was her mother’s cameraman so they literally travelled everywhere together.

  “My God,” my grandma said. “Thank God you’re okay."

  “Well, you’ll stay here tonight and if you haven’t already, you need to report this to the police,” my grandad added.

  As Lilly nodded and thanked them, I couldn’t help but stare at her, first the incident with Maddison and now with Lilly, what the hell was going on in this city?

  As worried as I was about Lilly all of my thoughts rounded to one thing.

  “Have you told Nick?” I asked and she looked at me, confused. “Why would I have told Nick?”

  She was right, they weren’t even together. For some reason, it blurted out of my mouth before I even had a chance to think about it.

  “You’re friends, right?” I said, trying to cover my tracks.

  “I came straight here."

  It hurt seeing the doubt in Lilly’s face and I could see it bothered her. It hurt her thinking about Nick and him not caring one bit about her. I could see what was happening and it was what I had predicted.

  “Nick, as in your Kit’s brother?” my grandad asked and I wished I’d said nothing because as Lilly looked at me, I already knew she’d want no one to know about her and Nick.

  “Yeah,” I nodded, hoping that would be the end of it.

  My grandma seemed to get it, like the smart woman she was, she changed the subject back to Lilly making the police phone call and we all finished our meal before I followed Lilly to the house phone.

  As I waited, I considered texting Kit, just to let him know what was going on, but then I wondered if Lilly would want me to and so I didn’t. I listened carefully as she described everything she could about today’s events and even I had to admit it, she didn’t have much to go on. She hadn’t seen the guys who were chasing her or remembered much else apart from the fact that the car she thought was following her was a black Renault.

  I saw the dismay in her eyes as she, too, realised nothing could be done from the small amount of knowledge she had to offer.

  “I swear, it was so scary, Eves. I thought I was going to be raped and killed.” Lilly sat on my bed, telling me again what had happened and I held her hand, feeling I had to just to let her know that she was safe now.

  “You’re safe now, I can’t believe the shit that’s been going on. First Maddison and now this."

  She nodded and rested her head back on the wall, “You didn’t tell Kit, did you?” She looked at me.

  “No, why?”

  “Because if you tell Kit, he’ll tell Nick and I’d rather he didn’t know."

  I frowned. “What’s going on with you two? I only spoke to you about him yesterday, you were fine with the whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing."

  She shook her head. “Nothing much has changed.”

  My eyebrows rose, “I call bullshit on that."

  Lilly’s face spoke a thousand words. For whatever reason, I knew she was having doubts about the whole ‘friends with benefits’ agreement she had entered herself into. She pulled me into her side and hugged me.

  “I’m so glad it’s working out with you and Kit, you know? Gives me something to look forward to."

  I smiled. “Don’t go jinxing us, we’ve literally only just started out. Things could go wrong yet."

  She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled at me. “Stop thinking that something will go wrong."

  I nodded and checked my phone for the fiftieth time in the space of an hour, it was getting dark and Kit still hadn’t texted me. I was in the awkward stage of - should I text him and appear the needy girlfriend or wait it out?

  “You wanna watch a film and pig out?” I asked Lilly, knowing full well she’d be down and I loved that about her.

  “Hell yes, I need the distraction."

  “Me too,” I said, throwing my phone on the bed, although, Lilly probably needed the distraction more than me after the day she’d had.

  “You want a bath or something?” I asked her after seeing her rubbing her forehead. I could see the stress lingering there and it made me want to relieve it.

  She nodded and came to me for a hug when I offered it.

  “My life is just so fucked up,” she said.

  “Forget about what happened today."

  I hated seeing Lilly down, she was always the upbeat person who kept my spirits up. All the times she’d made me smile when I thought about my parents and not having them, it was my turn to make her feel better and I went into the bathroom and turned on the taps before adding some of my best bubblebath to the mix.

  “Holy crap, how many bubbles?” Lilly chuckled as she came into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She’d taken some Pj’s out of my drawer and was getting ready to strip whilst I plucked my eyebrows in the mirror. I realised how lesbian it may have been for two girls to accompany each other whilst they bathed but for me and Lilly it was nothing. We’d seen each other naked enough times and we weren’t one bit bothered. After my parents died, Lilly came around every week to make sure I
took a bath, she would sit by the bath and wash my hair whilst watching me cry into the bath water. The memory hurt my chest so badly and it reminded me why I’d promised myself never to let anyone else in. Now, I was in love with a guy I barely knew and it made me feel like a fool for forgetting that pain so easily. Nevertheless, I did love Kit and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I was with him now and all I could do was pray that it wouldn’t end badly.

  “This bubble bath is ace,” Lilly said as I sat on the toilet and began fiddling with my nails.

  I laughed seeing Lilly so covered in bubbles, except her head which was free.

  After her soak, I left Lilly to dry off. I set up the DVD player to watch ‘Why him?’. Safe to say, by the time we’d finished stuffing our faces and cackling with laughter we were both stress-free and ready for bed.

  “He’ll text, Eve,” Lilly said over breakfast and I wanted to kick her for bringing it up in front of my grandparents. Truth be told, I was holding my phone like a crazed girlfriend so I got up and placed it in the living room before heading back into the kitchen for breakfast.

  “Oh, to be young and in love,” my grandad teased and it got a chuckle from Lilly as she bit into her toast and gulped down her tea.

  “In my day, we were waiting for love letters back, not texts.” My grandma chuckled and sipped at her tea. “Although, your grandad didn’t leave me waiting long."

  Lilly and I both watched as my grandma stared at my grandad with admiration and love.

  “Only a fool would have left you waiting,” my grandad answered, totally oblivious to us being here.

  My grandparents were happy to show their love and it was what had kept me confident that it truly did exist.

  Feeling so inspired and with nothing else to do that day, Lilly and I spent the day looking through my grandparents’ old photo albums, most of them being black and white and filled with so much happiness it was hard to see. Because pretty much all of them had pictures of my family in them. The family I no longer had and as I stared and felt the lump in my throat, I felt Lilly’s hand on mine and she smiled at me.


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