Gone at 3-17
Page 31
Downs, Connie, 161
Downs, J. B, 79
Drake, Edwin, 15
Duran, Troy, 34, 36, 233, 235
Dye, Fired, 114–15, 183, 194
Earhart, Amelia, 65, 83
Elrod, Geneva, 235
Elrod, Juanita, 235, 264
Emberling, Jessie, 220–21
Emberling, Luna, 220–21
Emberling, Wanda, 220
Emerson, Harold, 117, 168, 268
Estep, Ralph, 73–74
Evans, Albert, 168
Evans, Carroll Freeman (Boxhead), 7, 20, 30–34, 68, 69, 100, 130, 159, 171–72, 246
Evans, Duane, 7, 69, 100, 159
Evans, Mildred (Mildred Jones), 30–34, 68, 69, 100, 159, 246, 268, 288
Fentress, Jack, 191
Fentress, Jack Jr., 191
Ferguson, Graften, 167, 173, 208, 268
Ferguson, William, 242
Follis, William, 236, 268
Ford, John Arnold, 257
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 125
Fort Worth, Texas, 184, 186
Fortune, Jan Isbell, 169–70
Firedericks, William, 72
Freeman, Walter, 70, 101, 132, 147, 180, 268
Frei, Ray, 249
Gary, Corine, 65, 70
Gary, Geneva, 78
Gary, Mrs. Homer, 66
Gaudet, Ronnie, 245, 268
Gauthreaux, Eddie Herman, 8, 161, 180–81
Gauthreaux, E. J., 180
Gauthreaux, Esterlene, 180–81
Gerdes, Allen, 38, 191–92, 234
Gerdes, Alvin, 36–39, 57, 191, 234
Gerdes, John, 38
Gerdes, Mary, 38
Gerdes, Ruby, 38
Gibson, Juanita, 65, 70–71
Gibson, Marcelyn Carol, 226
Girl Scouts, 225
Goff, Ruben Abner “R. A.” Jr., 262
Gone with the Wind, 65, 78
Goodman, Charlie, 32
Gordan, Joe Curry, 234
Great Depression, 2, 3, 12, 17, 20, 31–33, 42, 47, 92–93, 125, 240, 246, 267, 268, 287–88
Green, A. L., 167–68, 268
Greer, Paul, 52, 150, 234
Griffin, Avis Adams, 117, 268
Grigg, Bill, 5, 66
Gulf Oil Company (aka Gulf Production Company), 17, 210
Gunn, Kenneth, 122
Hall, Billie Sue, 1, 102, 105
Hall, Irene Emma, 70
Hanna, Mazel Lorene, 117
Hardy, George L., 102
Harris, Martha, 155–56
Harris, Milton, 156
Hasbrook, Charles Jr., 106, 207
Hathaway, Yvonne Jacklene, 258
Hayes, Robert M., 240, 243
Hemingway, Ernest, 83
Henderson Daily News, 77, 94, 121, 164, 169, 170
Henderson, J. Pinckney, 27
Henderson High School, 1, 7, 36, 116
Henderson Hospital, 116, 140, 149, 160
Henderson, Texas, 3, 4, 21, 32, 36, 41, 43, 46, 48, 53, 54, 56, 58, 84, 92–95, 116, 117, 121, 133, 134, 141, 150, 158, 162, 178, 188, 191, 198–99, 212, 219, 242, 252, 267
Herron, F. M., 100, 130–31, 230
Herron, F. M. Jr., 100, 130, 230–31
Herron, Inez, 100, 130–31, 230–31
Herron, Juanita, 100, 130
Hill, Joe, 210
Hindenburg disaster, 239
Hitler, Adolf, 192–93
Hodges, Frank, 3–4
Hodges, Irma Elizabeth, 234–35
Hogue, Earnestine, 264
Holleyman, Max, 128, 129, 268
Hooten, Ruby Lee, 78
Houston Chronicle, 125, 240
Houston Post, 179, 195
Houston Press, 120
Houston, Sam, 27, 83
Houston, Texas, 32, 81, 115, 120, 195, 208
Howard, Gaston, 210, 212, 216
Howard, Jean (Emerson), 268
Howard, Paul, 79, 268
Howard, Silas, 79
Hudkins, Evelyn, 78, 198
Hudson, Mary Lou, 94, 268
Hudson, Ted, 92–95, 116–17, 139, 156–59, 171, 184–85, 203, 243, 268
Huggins, A. H., 80–81
Hughes, Catherine, 5, 68, 268
Hughes, Melba Lee, 234
Humble Oil Company, 115, 144, 163, 195
Hunt, Lena, 24, 65, 97, 101
Industrial Revolution, 16
International News Service, 122
Jack, William T., 47, 287
Jackson, Robert L., 35–36, 39, 58, 76, 149, 226
Jacksonville, Texas, 19, 133, 158, 162, 179, 233
Jacobs, Maxine, 259
Joiner, Columbus Marion, 12–17, 43, 45–48, 50
Joiner, James M., 14
Joiner, Lucy, 14
Joinerville, Texas, 16, 47, 158, 226
Jones, Carolyn (Carolyn Jones Frei), xii; 1–3, 24–25, 51–52, 139, 150, 198–99, 206, 227–30, 247–51, 268.
Jones, Eula, (Eula Lowe) 51, 206
Jones, Helen Charlotte, 51–52, 139, 150, 198
Jones, Otis, 76, 268
Jones, Walter, 51, 206, 227, 248
Jordan, Corine, 135, 159, 181
Jordan, Elsie, 98, 132, 135, 159, 181, 244
Jordan, Jimmie (Jimmie Jordan Robinson), 98, 132, 135, 159, 160, 181, 244, 268
Jordan, Wilson, 135, 159, 160
Jordon, Eva Ruth, 48
Kangerga, Rafe, 46
Kennedy, James 235, 236, 244
Kerce, Claude Joseph “Joe Bo”, 102, 103, 104, 268
Kerns, J. R., 215, 218, 219
Kerns, Priscilla (Priscilla Kerns Joffee), 218, 219, 240, 268
Keynes, John Maynard, 31
Kilgore College, 251, 253
Kilgore High School, 79
Kilgore News, 164, 289
Kilgore, Texas, 16, 48, 79, 84, 94, 133, 158, 162, 179, 188, 234, 244, 267
King, Joe, 65, 72–73
Knipe, Ernest, 264
Krause, Robert L., 264
Krueger, Jackson, 124–25
Laneville, Texas, 32
Lee, Florence Ruby, 78
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 57
Lehew, Mary Ellen, 261
Lloyd, A. D. “Doc” (Joseph Idelbert Durham, Alonzo Durham), 13–16
London (England) Times, 187
London (High School) Times, 55, 56, 77
Lowe, Ervin, 25, 51
Lowe, Thomas Curtis, 38
Lumpkin, John, 227
Lumpkin, John Jr., 227
Luxemburg, Morris, 161
Lynch, Joseph P., 88, 148, 153
Maddry, Ida Maxine, 161, 180
Mathis, Donald, 71, 166, 243
Mathis, L. A. “Tiger,” 74, 166–67, 243
McAdam, Louise, 228, 243
McBride, C. B., 184–85
McClendon, Annie, 122
McClendon, Sarah, 84–86, 116, 121–22, 151, 154, 157, 194–95, 247
McClendon, Sidney Smith, 122
McDavid, Grace, 65, 72
McDonald, C. C., 86–88, 117, 160
McGary, Yvonne, 78
McKenzie, Helen, 248
McKnight, Felix R., 82–84, 113–19, 122–26, 143–45, 150–52, 154–55, 157, 163, 183–84, 186, 191–94, 196, 203–4, 216, 221–24
McKnight, Luther, 125
McKnight, Nancy, 125
McLemore, Henry, 117–19, 121, 155, 171, 175, 187–89, 196–98, 204–7, 221–24, 247
McMilton, Erwin, 70
Meador, Ben, 75–76, 134
Meador, Mattie, 75–76, 134, 141
Meador, Myrtle Fay, 75, 116, 117, 134, 141–42
Meador, William Floyd, Jr., 75, 117, 134–35
Meador, William Floyd, Sr., 75, 80, 134–35, 141–42
Meissner, J. Raymond, 184–86
Middleton, Arliss Ray, 149–50, 204, 234
Miller, Jim, 45
Milstead, Annie Marie, 234
Mix, Tom, 40
Montgomery, James Shera, 227
Moore, Barbara, 2
p; Moore, Billie (Patterson), 105
Moore, Clarence, 105
Moore, Red, 56
Morgan, Daniel Kolb, 210–11, 215–16
Morris, Bert, 248
Morris, Richard, 248
Morris, Ronald, 248
Mortimer, John, 195–96
Mote, William, 191
Mother Frances Hospital, 84–91, 117, 139, 147–49, 152–54, 159–62, 174–75, 180, 208, 228, 230–31, 234–35, 243, 253
Nacogdoches, Texas, 28, 133, 158
Nelson, J. D., 100
Nelson, John, 74
Nelson, Johnnie Marie “Purcell,” 74
Norris, Bernice, 78
Overton American Legion Hall, 133–34, 150, 158, 179, 183, 185
Overton Garden Club, 53
Overton, Texas, 7, 28, 56, 76, 80, 100, 108, 132, 133, 135, 149, 151, 158, 162, 171, 175, 176, 179–81, 185–86, 188, 192, 195–96, 203, 205, 208, 220–22, 252–53
Parade Gasoline Company (Parade Oil Company), 214–16, 252
Patterson, Marie, 105
Patterson, Pat, 105
peach-basket brigade, 111, 131–21, 144–45, 150, 160, 166–67, 190, 243
Phillips, Bobby Joe, 4, 66, 69
Phillips, Camilla, 168
Phillips, James Henry, 4, 168
Phillips, Virgil, 168
Phillips, W. H., 4, 69, 168
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 154, 244
Poole, Ezzie, 76–77
Poole, Olen, 65, 71, 105
Powell, E. D., 96–97
Powell, Edna Elizabeth, 96–97
Powell, Eloise, 96–97
Price, Bud, 7–8, 108–9, 133–34
Price, Mattie Queen, 7–8, 52, 108–9, 133–34, 161, 192
Propes, John, 24
Public Works Administration, 88
radio, 20, 33, 83, 92–95, 158–59, 171, 184–85
Rainwater, Aubra, 234
Rainwater, Elmer, 56–57, 234
Rainwater, Evelyn, 71, 101, 103, 156, 234
Rainwater, Helen, 104, 234
Reagan, E. W., 215
Red Cross, 154, 168, 184, 208
Regina, Mary, 88, 91, 148, 153, 161
Reynolds, Tom, 121, 164, 216
Rhodes, Russell, 86
Rives, William T. “Bill,” 115, 119, 122–26, 143–45, 155–56, 165–66, 169, 183, 186, 191, 193–94, 196, 221
Rodgers, Randall, 41
Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas, 88, 148
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 82–83, 158
Roosevelt, Franklin, 82, 88
Rose-Marie, 78
Rusk, Thomas Jefferson, 27
Russian Revolution, 93
Sabine River, 28, 79
Saxon, D. C., 3, 66
Schoch, Eugene Paul, 210, 212–13, 217
Sealy, Molly (Molly Ward), 67, 105, 252
Shaw, Alf, 51, 156
Shaw, Arthur, 57–58
Shaw, Charles, 175
Shaw, Dorothy Oleta, 142, 246
Shaw, Fannie Rayford, 246
Shaw, Hazel, 7, 116–17, 141–43, 175–76
Shaw, Helen, 142–43
Shaw, Leila, 21, 34, 57, 142, 175, 246
Shaw, Marvin, 142
Shaw, Rayford, 57–58, 246
Shaw, Sambo Clifton, 57–58, 73, 112, 117, 142, 175, 222–23, 234, 246
Shaw, William Chesley, 3–4, 19–23, 34, 36, 51, 55–58, 66, 73, 105, 111–12, 142, 164, 175–76, 189, 193–95, 203, 214–16, 218, 222–23, 245, 246
Shaw, Wylie, 246
Shoemate, Sammie Lee, xiii
Shreveport, Louisiana, 92, 131, 158, 168, 223, 230
Siedliska, Frances, 89
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, 88–90, 148
Slater, Clarence, 65, 72
Smith County Medical Society, 86
Smith, Delos, 121
Smith, Dewitt, 27
Smith, H. Oram, 218
Smith, Ida Ray, 161
Smith, Robert W., 27, 29
Smoot, Anna, 77–79, 206, 234
Smoot, Greg, 206
Smoot, Helen, 29, 77–79, 206, 234
Smoot, Ray, 234
Smoot, Thomas, 77–79
Smoot, Wayne, 206
Sory, C. R., 1–3, 56, 80–81, 129, 228
Sparkman, A. D., 226, 246
Stephen F. Austin University, 244
Stephens, Philo, 234
Stroud, Helen, 78
Tate, Willie, 7, 100
Taylor, Louise, 55, 67–68, 73
Terrell, Texas, 38, 123
Texas Company (Texaco), 17, 243
Texas Highway Patrol, 119, 175, 179, 218
Texas Inspection Bureau, 218
Texas Rangers, 184, 218–19
Texas Revolution, 27
Thompson, Alvin, 41–44, 53–54, 116, 136, 140–41, 149
Thompson, Bill, 1, 10, 40–44, 52, 70, 96–97, 102, 105, 127, 140, 204, 235, 246, 251–53
Thompson, Bonnie, 41–44, 140
Thompson, Dorothy, 93
Thompson, Lanelle, 136
Thompson, Laverne, 149
Thompson, Lizzie Ellen, 64–65
Thompson, Margaret, 251–52
Thompson, Mildred Louise, Thompson, Oren, 41, 43
Thompson, Nadine, 41
Thompson, Sarah, 41
Thompson, Walter M., 263
Thompson, William (aka Uncle Billy), 41–42
Tip-Top Tourist Court, 34
Titusville, Pennsylvania, 15
Tyler Courier-Times, 84–86, 116, 125, 155, 157, 164–65, 178, 195, 242
Tyler Morning Telegraph, 84–86, 116, 125, 157, 164–65, 178, 242
Tyler Rotary Club, 86, 88
Tyler, Texas, 6, 21, 84–90, 122, 125, 133, 135, 138–39, 145, 147–48, 150–52, 154–55, 157–60, 162, 171, 174–76, 179–80, 185–86, 188, 195, 205, 208, 224, 231, 253
Uhl, Gladys, 227
United Gas Company, 216
United Press (UP), 82–83, 113, 115, 117, 119–21, 124, 127, 129, 135, 155-156, 164, 171, 204, 216, 221, 223–24, 235–36, 241
University of Texas, 120, 212–13
Vallee, Rudy, 93
VanderCook, Hale A., 56
Vitek, Paul, 26
Waggoner, Felton, 4, 36, 66, 74, 99, 161–62
Walker, Euda Alice, 8, 58
Walker, Lucille, 8
Watson, Joe, 65, 71–72
Watson, Katie Mae, 57–58, 234
Warren, Leo, 41
Wells, Cletis, 70
Wells, Doris Lucille, 70
Westbrook, Della, 73
White, Edna, 107
White, H. G., 97–98, 101, 106–7, 136–37, 164, 242
White, Homer, 106–7
White, Max Wade, 107
Wiley, Otis, 157
Winchell, Walter, 92
Wooley, Sam, 80
World War I (The Great War), 12, 27, 73–74, 109, 136, 230
World War II, 243, 245, 251
Wright, Ann, 1, 97, 102–3, 105, 242
Wyche, Judson, 215
York, Dale May, 220–21
Zay, Jean, 225
About the Authors
David M. Brown is a journalist with more than two decades of experience as a reporter, feature writer, and political analyst for newspapers and magazines. He worked as a staff writer for United Press International, the Memphis Commercial Appeal, the South Mississippi Sun, the Biloxi-Gulfport Daily Herald, and, most recently, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. During a fourteen-year career with the Tribune-Review, his work was distinguished by awards from local, state, and national organizations. He graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in English literature. He lives with his wife, Mary, and their cat, Mia Bella, in South Fayette, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Michael Wereschagin is a reporter at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review covering metropolitan, state, and national news. He has been dispatched to the scene of national disasters, including the deadly 2006 Sago Mine explosion in West Virginia, the execution of fi
ve Amish girls in a one-room schoolhouse in Pennsylvania later that year, the Virginia Tech massacre, and the I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis. He was part of the reporting teams that covered the shooting deaths of three Pittsburgh police officers in April 2009 and the shooting spree at a Pittsburgh health club in August of that year in which four died. His reporting has received awards from local, state, and national organizations. He lives with his wife, Neva, on the North Side of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Together, Brown and Wereschagin covered local, state, and national politics, including the 2008 presidential race.