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Dirty Alphas

Page 20

by Alexa B. James

  “Well…” I sputter, “I didn’t expect anything more. Did you?”

  “Here, that looks uncomfortable.” He reaches out and adjusts my wet hair, arranging it to lie over the backboard of the couch. His fingers run over it slowly, almost absently. “No. I didn’t expect you to fall out of one serious relationship and into another instantly with me. But I never would have slept with you unless I hoped there could be more down the line. I thought maybe we’d have some fun for a while, until you were over that asshole, then things might—” he shakes his head, “—it doesn’t matter what I thought.”

  “Aaron, you three are challenging my father in a week. I’m challenging you in a few days…”

  Reality comes crashing in, and I stare blankly at Aaron. I’m going to have to challenge him and his brothers, to hide the fact that I’m truly the alpha of the Six Rivers Pack. It’s a fact I have to hide because I killed Aaron’s brother.

  I’m worried about him being a player—when he’s really the one who should be pissed about fate’s choice of mates for him. Aaron’s true mate is his brother’s murderer—how is that for the universe’s sick sense of humor? How could I have forgotten that for several key hours today, like lust amnesia?

  Aaron’s hand covers mine, and he leans in. “Scarlet, you okay? You’re suddenly sending out all kinds of panic hormones.”

  “I’m fine,” I whisper. Biggest. Lie. Of. My. Life.

  Maybe my dad has it right, maybe we should flee into Canada and over to Russia.

  “I…” he pauses, then continues with, “I need to be honest with you about something—but you might not be so sympathetic afterward—I kind of wanted to prolong this, but not if you’re anxious about the challenges.”


  “Lance has a theory. He came up with it last night after talking with Darrel and me—said he’s been trying to figure things out since he first met you.” When I just continue to nod, Aaron gives me a little smirk. “And I’ll get to the point. He thinks you’re an alpha female.”

  A fresh wave of fear pulses through my body, and almost immediately Aaron reaches out and squeezes my hand.

  “Why are you so scared?” he asks just as the alarm for the oven beeps.

  Aaron stays right where he is, watching me. “You okay? Do you want me to let the brownies burn?”

  “Never,” I whisper, thinking that eating a whole tray of brownies right now, straight from the pan, feels like a really good idea.

  “Okay, then.” Aaron releases me to head into the kitchen and returns a few minutes later with a tray of steaming chocolate squares.

  It’s almost enough to combat my panic. Almost. I grab one, ignore Aaron’s warning that “they’re hot,” and stuff the entire brownie square in my face. Chocolatey goodness fills my mouth.

  “You want me to continue?” When I manage a nod, Aaron scoots up next to me and says, “Lance’s theory is that maybe your wolf hasn’t fully come into her power yet—and that’s why you’re unaware of what you are. He’s looking more into alpha females—that’s what he’s doing right now while Darrel hunts. But the reason he came up with the theory is because his wolf took over when you were injured. He believes it means you’re Lance’s mate—”

  “Lance’s mate? No.” I stuff another square in my mouth to prevent myself from insulting Aaron by insisting his brother is the last person in the world I’d want as my mate.

  See? I could learn. At least in the short term, I could learn.

  “Well, he’s almost certain you are. Darrel and I admitted we’ve each been resisting our own instincts when it comes to you—mostly to be around you and touch you.” He leans in a little. “Like, right now, I’m resisting the urge to ask you if I can pull you into my lap and hold you. But I’m not going to ask—because my willpower is something of legend.”

  “I’ve heard something different about your willpower,” I admit. I don’t know if it’s the brownies or that the Knight triplets clearly don’t know my wolf has ascended as alpha, but I feel the pulses of panic that were erupting in my chest and stomach fizzle out. So much so that when Aaron presses his forehead to mine, a much different fluttering sensation takes up residence inside me.

  “I think you’ve been listening to too many rumors, honey. You know the Internet lies, don’t you?”

  Reaching up, I brush my fingers over his scruff and immediately feel my wolf luxuriating in his nearness. “I’m sorry, Aaron. You’re right, I should only judge you on the person you are, not on the person other people say you are. It was an asshole move, and you didn’t deserve it.”

  He leans back a little, separating us by a couple inches. Squinting one eye, he gives me a bit of a wince. “Well, I haven’t gotten to my confession. You know what that douchebag you used to date said about werewolves being able to have more than one mate?”

  I give him a look that I hope shows how unamused I am. “First, butthead, that’s an urban legend. And second, don’t call Zane a douchebag. Let’s just forget I ever dated him at all, please.”

  Aaron stretches back, cat-like, putting his arms behind his back and giving me a lazy smile. “I would be happy to forget that guy ever existed at all. Anyway, Lance claims that urban legend, as you call it, came from alpha females.”

  “What? No.” I try to think of an ascended alpha female right now. "Theresa Fortnight—”

  “Is true mated with the alpha of the southern plains, but Lance says sources tell him within her pack only, she’s known to have two female lovers. Both of the female wolves mated others, but they each openly carry on a relationship with Theresa as well.”

  “March Hoover,” I say.

  “Is said to be single—but she and her betas, two males and two females who are believed to be mated to each other, share a house no one is allowed to enter.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Lance…” Aaron smiles. “Has sources.”

  “Lance sure is into everyone’s business.” Racking my brain and coming up with no more female rulers, I can’t help growling, “Why are there so few alpha females?”

  Aaron laughs. “Because there are very few females—is my guess.”


  “Well, all that is circumstantial without any real proof.”

  Slowly, Aaron rolls up his white T-shirt to reveal the little silver half-moon on his shoulder. His eyebrows go up, like “See? Proof.”

  I trace a finger lightly over the moon. “Are you trying to say you were expecting it?”

  He grimaces again. “More like, I wasn’t completely surprised when it did happen. I wasn’t thinking about it when you called me in there—wasn’t thinking about much of anything, really, except you...and Macklin.”

  Our eyes meet, my green eyes on his brown almost red eyes, two opposite colors on two very different kinds of people. “And you think Darrel and Lance are also my true mates?”

  “That’s what Lance thinks—and I’m definitely starting to believe him. We made an arrangement between the three of us that none of us would get in the others’ way when it comes to you.”

  “I’m planning to get in all three of your ways to me,” I say, but I can’t seem to make myself stop tracing Aaron’s mark.

  “Well, that part is up to you. We’re just not going to block each other. Can I?” His hands go to my hips, and when he pulls me gently to sit on his lap, I find myself going with him. My knees press into either side of his hips on the couch as I straddle him.

  “See, it’s much better to talk like this.”

  It is better, honestly. I’m longing for closeness to him but at the same time scared it will just lead to us tumbling into a relationship I’m not ready for.

  Wrapping my hands around the back of his neck, I admit, “You were wrong earlier. When I had sex with you, I was hoping for more of a future with you than a few hours. But I wasn’t really thinking about an emotional relationship.”

  “You were thinking of a sexual one?” Aaron says it like he
already knew, or maybe like it’s what he’s come to expect.

  “You just gave me this whole speech about how you never let anyone in—I wasn’t thinking I’d be the one to magically breach your walls. Also, I just realized something about myself today, and it’s not good. This whole time I was willfully believing my boyfriend was emotionally invested in me just because I wanted to believe it—all the proof was there that he was using me—but I chose to believe the lie because it was a comfortable lie.” I touch Aaron’s chest and try to explain how I’m feeling exactly. “Your problems and mine—they make us a very dangerous combination for me. And I’m dangerous for your stuff as well, Aaron. What if you do let me in? I’m your enemy. Maybe we can forget that while we’re here, but I am your enemy. I have secrets—dark secrets that could hurt you.”

  Aaron covers my hand with his. “We don’t have to be enemies, Scarlet. And we all have secrets—dark ones. We live in a world where you have to make impossible choices even when you manage to be in control of your instincts—which is sometimes impossible to do.”

  “Your secrets are not like mine,” I whisper.

  He shakes his head. “Don’t care.”

  “I’m not ready to put my heart into a relationship, Aaron. I don’t think I will be for a long time.”

  His thumb makes a slow circle over my hip. “But you’re ready for…a sexual relationship?”

  “I don’t know. I might be ready for a ‘see what comes but nothing guaranteed’ relationship.” Raising my hand to cup Aaron’s jaw, I rub my palm again over his bristles. “The truth is that I get emotionally attached to people, and I don’t want to let myself get emotionally attached to you. I’m going to fight it because I know in the end, this will end in disaster.”

  “Not necessarily. As well as doing research of female alphas, Lance is looking into alternatives into challenging your father.” Aaron’s hand lifts and slides behind my neck. “So…in a see what comes but nothing is guaranteed relationship, is it okay if I kiss you?”

  Leaning down a little, I stare at his full lips. “Let’s just…let’s just say yes to that one. Kissing is in.”

  He doesn’t wait a single moment. Leaning up, he presses his lips into mine, but this time our kisses are soft and sweet instead of heated and desperate. Aaron soon rolls us so I’m between him and the back cushion of the couch. Our kissing turns into cuddling, and within minutes I feel his chest rise and fall with the even cadence of sleep.

  Warm from head to toe, I nuzzle my head into Aaron’s chest and drift off.

  The rasping of a key sliding into a lock wakes me, and I open one eye slowly and peer across Aaron’s chest. He’s fully asleep, breaths heavy and mouth slightly ajar.

  The door to the apartment creaks open, and I can’t help the cold fear that hits me like a freezing bucket of water.

  Someone is sneaking into the Knight brothers' apartment.

  Chapter Twenty-six


  I remind myself that if the person at the door is a real threat, they’d have brought enough back up to make stealth unnecessary—and I only hear one set of feet. The thought doesn’t stop my heart from racing or my mind from running through possibilities.

  Aaron nuzzles into my neck. “It’s Lance, honey. I can smell him. He’s probably trying to prove something.”

  “Even if you know I’m here, how is your reaction time going to be while you’re sleeping on the couch? I could have been a team of werewolves here to take you both out,” Lance calls from the other room. His voice gets louder as he walks down the hallway, and suddenly he’s standing there in all his male glory, framed by the doorway.

  Beside me, Aaron rolls his eyes. I’m thinking of a way to extract myself from being squished between Aaron and the couch while keeping some of my dignity, when I notice Aaron’s T-shirt sleeve is still rolled up to reveal his Mate Mark. I reach up to tug his sleeve down, but it’s too late.

  “You two didn’t waste any time,” Lance growls as he steps up beside us and leans down to stare at Aaron’s arm. He grabs Aaron by the shoulder and twists his mark toward the overhead light. “Well, I guess I’ll move on from that line of research.”

  “Get lost, Lance, we’re resting,” Aaron says, pushing his brother away, but it’s more good-natured than anything.

  Lance’s expression laces with irritation. I don’t miss the nice way his lips pout when he’s showing his displeasure. “You’re the one who has to get lost. Nap time is over. You’re supposed to be helping Darrel hunt.”

  Groaning, Aaron rolls away from me and off the couch. “I guess I’m going to have to shower if I’m going to hunt.”

  He sounds disappointed in the fact that he has to shower, and I can’t fathom what showering and hunting have to do with each other or why Aaron doesn’t want to shower. He probably smells like me and sex…and then I get it.

  I hear the door close behind me, and then there’s the telltale creak of the pipes turning on and water falling.

  “Scarlet.” I look down to see Lance still crouched before me. I can’t help feeling a little like he’s pinning me in against the couch. “Where’s Prince Macklin? Why the hell did he leave? It’s not good for your security to be so lax with these bounty hunters targeting you and your family.”

  “I’m fine, and I seriously doubt these shifters will attack an apartment complex if they can smell three alpha males in the vicinity.”

  “Well, I smelled a hell of a lot of werewolves who passed through your parking lot in the last few hours. They could be scoping out the place. You should have someone alert and vigilant with you at all times.”

  “Look, I said yes to you guys being my back-up, but I don’t need a damn bodyguard.”

  My tone is sharp and laced with some serious back off vibes. He’s getting under my skin in more ways than one, and it puts me on the defensive. I’m also not a fan of the way his presence sends coils of heat straight to my lady parts. My wolf is always more aware whenever Lance is around, and I feel slightly betrayed by that fact.

  “You’re in no state to fight. You’re weakened and recovering from an injury. You’re emotionally compromised by a recent betrayal.”

  “You really want to test that theory?”

  His grin is wide and so sharp, it could cut glass. “You have no idea.”

  I shake my head. I’m tired, and the idea of having this asinine discussion with an egotistical, stubborn alpha makes me even more so.

  “Wait…how do you know about the betrayal?” After I say it, though, I’m kicking myself. Of course, Aaron told his brother everything. What am I even thinking?

  “Your father called to update me that Zeezee and Zane have been found and are fine.” He smirks. “At which point your mother seems to have grabbed his phone to tell me Zane Reed and Zeezee are happily mated and my brothers and I are invited to the ceremony next Friday.”

  “Typical,” I grumble.

  “After that, it sounded like a fight broke out between your mother and father, so I hung up to give them privacy.” The entire time Lance speaks, he inspects my face. It feels a little like he’s studying me—for what purpose, I have no idea. “So, you had sex with Aaron as revenge against your ex?” He says it as a foregone conclusion—like this is what he’s figured out and he’s decided it’s a fact.

  I lean as far away from him as I can manage without toppling over. “No.”

  He raises his brows and pinches his lips into a straight white line, looking like he doesn’t whatsoever believe me and wants me to know it.

  I’m almost annoyed enough at his presumption to let him know exactly what’s up and that he’s a dumbass to boot. But then I think of a much more satisfying way to deal with Lance Knight. He thrives on being the man who knows information about everything and everyone? He’ll go to devious means to gain information about people’s private lives? Bully for him. I’m going to give him absolutely nothing.

  “That’s between me and Aaron.” I hear the pipes creaking, and I
wait until the shower is fully off until I say, “And if Aaron wants to continue anything with me, all this will stay between us.”

  The bathroom door opens, and Aaron sticks his head out, dripping water onto the carpet. We make eye contact across the room, and his expression is stone-cold serious when he says, “That didn’t need to be stated, honey. It’s nobody’s business but ours.”

  He steps out a moment later with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water drips down his wide shoulders and abdomen. It’s impossible to tear my gaze away from the sexy smirk on his face as he comes toward me and then backs into his room.

  He pauses at the door, looking like he’s going to say something, when Lance calls over, “Aaron, go, or we’ll happily skip your turn guarding Scarlet next time.”

  Aaron shoots Lance a look. “Do you really think you’re the authority on this?”

  Lance folds his arms over his chest, and I can’t help noticing his two full sleeves of tattoos are out and mesmerizing. I have to force myself to look away from the swirling patterns, just in case Lance looks over and catches me gaping at him. “How about this, Aaron? We’ll take a vote on it.”

  “Do I get a vote?” I ask, folding my own arms across my chest.

  “Yes, always,” Aaron says.

  Just as Lance says, “This is something my brothers and I are working out for ourselves.”

  “You need to figure out your shit, Lance Knight,” I say before I stuff another brownie into my mouth. It’s a little bit drier than they were before Aaron and my nap but still delicious once I gnaw into it a little with my teeth. After I swallow, I add, “And if you think just because you have some theory that we’re true mates, you and I are ever going to hook up, you are sadly mistaken.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “I have every intention of waiting until you pursue me, but from the way you keep sending out pheromones like you’re in heat, I really don’t expect it'll be all that long.”


  “Please hold your breath,” I tell him before I smile and show him a little already-been-chewed brownie.


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