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Meant to Be My Cowboy

Page 15

by R. C. Ryan

  She couldn’t control the little tremor in her voice. “Good morning, Newton. I have you on speaker.”

  “’Morning, Annie. And good morning, Merrick family. I’m calling for a number of reasons. First, thank you, Liz, for those excellent photos. They were just what I’d hoped for. I’ve forwarded them to the feds’ lab, and they acknowledged that they’re perfect for a number of tests they’re planning.”

  Shy Liz beamed her pleasure. “You’re welcome, Newt. I was happy to be of help.”

  “I’ll take all the help I can get from all of you. Now to the news. The federal authorities followed up on the license plate of the car on the bank’s security video. It is registered to a Vaughn Park. Does that name ring a bell?”

  Annie and Jonah exchanged a look.

  She nodded. “I had a visit from a man who called himself Park.”

  “What kind of visit?” Newt’s tone changed slightly.

  “I’d consider it a threatening visit. He wanted me to know that Arlen knew where I was.”

  “Did he threaten you? Did he have a weapon?”

  “No to both. But I was afraid of him. He gave the impression that I was in danger.”

  “The feds have his name now. If he has a criminal record, he’ll be in their database. In the meantime, we’ll keep digging.”

  “What can I do to help, Newton?”

  At her question, he paused. “Scour the Internet. So far you have two names to look for, and they’re probably part of a wider network. Look for identity thefts involving large sums of money stolen from private banking accounts. The more people we have searching, the more likely we are to come across something. Remember, the smallest clue could lead to something bigger. Whenever I uncover more information, I’ll send it along. You do the same.”

  “I will, Newton. And thank you for everything.”

  “I’ll be in touch. Now, Annie, give me your phone number. It’s time to eliminate the middle man.” He chuckled. “Sorry, Egan.” To Annie he added, “From now on I’ll contact you directly.”

  When she gave him her number, he said, “Okay. Add my number to your phone. If you think of anything at all, day or night, call me.”

  After he rang off, she pulled out her cell phone and punched in his number before handing Egan his phone.

  Jonah caught her hand. “You heard Newton. It’s time to get to work. I have both a desktop and a laptop at the cabin. If the two of us put our heads together, we ought to be able to find something on Vaughn Park and Arlen Lender.”

  “Even if Lender is using an alias?”

  He sandwiched her hand between both of his. “It’s worth a try.”

  She nodded. “I agree. Doing something is better than doing nothing.”

  While the others voiced their agreement and gathered around to offer whatever help they could suggest, Hammond stood a little apart, studying Jonah and Annie with that sharp-eyed stare.

  Something about his great-grandson and this woman had altered slightly in the past day or so. Though it had been a gradual change, there was a new intimacy between them that hadn’t been there before.

  Over the years he’d learned the signs, and this time he was sure of it.

  His great-grandson was falling. In fact, he’d already fallen hard, if the look in Jonah’s eyes was any indication.

  As Jonah and Annie prepared to leave for his cabin, Billy handed Jonah a large handled bag.

  At Jonah’s questioning look, he smiled. “Supplies to keep up your energy, while you and Annie scour the Internet.”

  “Thanks, Billy.” Jonah shook his head. “Why am I not surprised? While the rest of us are thinking only of our destination, you always remember the fuel we need to keep us going on our journey.”

  “That’s my job.” The cook paused. “How long do you and Annie plan on working over at the cabin?”

  Jonah shrugged. “I guess we’ll be there as long as it takes. But if we learn anything at all, we’ll call home and share it with the rest of you.”

  Billy nodded. “Good luck. But in case you pull a late-nighter, I added a little something.”

  Jonah joined Annie at the back door, where she was slipping into her hiking boots.

  With a wave of their hands, they called their goodbyes to the family as they walked outside and started along the trail that led to Jonah’s cabin.

  Watching through the window, Meg turned to Egan with a sigh. “I’m glad Jonah has become Annie’s champion. That sweet young woman deserves a break.” She caught her husband’s hand. “Oh, I pray they find something to give them hope.”

  “Don’t worry, Meggie girl.” Egan drew her close and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “The most important thing is, Newt believes in Annie’s innocence. Now they just have to band together to prove it. I do believe that, with the two of them following up on Newt’s information, they’ll find something to unravel this mystery.”

  In the cabin, Jonah sat at his desk scrolling through names and faces on the Internet that matched the ones Newton had given them.

  Across the room, Annie did the same using his laptop.

  He flexed his stiff shoulders before picking up his mug, only to find it empty. Heading to the kitchen, he filled it with fresh coffee, before crossing the room to fill Annie’s.

  “Thank you.” She barely glanced up before continuing to scroll.

  He pulled out his phone and was amazed to find that it was past noon. “We’ve been at this for hours. We need a break.”

  Annie paused to glance over. “You go ahead. I’m not hungry.”

  “Neither am I. But I’m restless. Want to hike for a while?”

  She brightened. “I’d love to. If I stay here much longer, my eyes will cross.”

  He reached for her hand and helped her up before taking the laptop from her and setting it on his desk. “Come on. The work will still be here when we get back.”

  He reached into the refrigerator and withdrew two bottles of water.

  With a smile, Annie accepted one and followed him from the cabin. The minute they started toward the high meadow, their smiles deepened. With every step, their lungs expanded and their hearts grew lighter. This was the perfect break after a morning of confinement staring at computer screens.

  The afternoon had fled. The sun was already dipping behind the peaks of the Tetons, leaving the countryside in soft lavender twilight.

  “Another wildcat sighting! And this one so close I could see those amazing, terrifying eyes. I feel so lucky.” Annie’s smile was radiant as she tucked her arm through Jonah’s.

  “You wouldn’t feel lucky if he’d pounced.”

  “But he didn’t. At first he just watched us. Then he disappeared up the tree.”

  “And we turned tail and went the other way as fast as possible like a couple of roadrunners.”

  Annie was giggling. “Hey, we’re not foolish enough to tempt him. But oh, Jonah, wasn’t he magnificent?”

  “Yes. He was.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, loving the way she’d blossomed as soon as they’d begun their trek to the hills. “Have you always been in love with the outdoors?”

  She nodded. “I was on my high school track team, but I wasn’t fast enough to keep it up in college. So I got my outdoor fix by jogging after classes. The more I ran through parks, the more I found myself feeling a kind of quiet joy I’d never felt on the school track. When I started working, I’d jog or hike before dinner and on weekends. But this”—she spread her hands wide to indicate the beauty of the countryside—“this is a hiker’s paradise. I just want to see it all.”

  “You’d need a lifetime to do that.”

  “I can’t think of a better way to spend my life.”

  Her words pleased him more than anything he could think of. “Really? Think you could ever leave the big city behind and feel at home in the middle of nowhere?”

  “This is hardly nowhere. Look around you. It’s paradise.”

  Feeling an odd sense of contentment, he took An
nie’s hand as they continued toward the cabin. Along the way, she kept up a running commentary on all they’d seen on their hike.

  “Do you have names for all the stallions that guard their herds?”

  He grinned. “Names are for pets. These wild horses could never fall into that category.”

  “Kirby told me that Casey saved the life of the black stallion he named Storm.”

  “That’s different. Storm was a newborn when Casey found him, all alone and vulnerable. He carried him home and raised him until he was old enough to be turned loose with his herd. If you ask me, I believe Storm was the main reason why Casey became a veterinarian. That stallion has been the subject of several scholarly papers Casey wrote for the wildlife society.”

  “I’m impressed. Kirby told me your brother is a well-respected expert on Wyoming wildlife.”

  “He is. That’s been his love since he was just a kid. Again, thanks to Storm.”

  She paused. “And you’re so proud of him you’re practically exploding with pride.”

  He shrugged. “That’s the truth. I’m proud of all my family.”

  “You should be. I know they’re proud of you.”

  When they reached the cabin, Jonah held open the door. As Annie stepped inside, she paused at the bench just inside the door to remove her hiking boots. Jonah did the same.

  She stripped off her socks, wiggling her toes. “Oh, this feels so good.”

  “Yeah.” He was grinning at her. “Why is this the first thing we think of after a long hike?”

  She walked barefoot to the kitchen. “Because our poor feet have been laced up in hiking boots for hours, and they deserve to be free.”

  He crossed to Annie. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked up an appetite. You hungry?”

  “Oh, yes. Now I’m ready to eat whatever Billy sent.”

  Jonah removed the container from the refrigerator and opened it with a smile. “Steaks, marinated and ready to grill over the fire. Twice-baked potatoes that just need to be heated. And thick slices of tomatoes straight from Billy’s greenhouse.”

  Annie was laughing as she put a hand over her heart. “My hero. If you grill the steaks, I’ll heat up the potatoes.”

  He pretended to consider a moment before saying, “Somehow, my job seems a lot more involved than yours.”

  “Big strong men should always be happy to take over the grill.”

  “Hmm. And pretty women get a pass?”

  “Definitely. And thank you for calling me pretty.”

  “As if you didn’t know.” He chuckled before dragging her close to press a light kiss to her temple. “You’re not just pretty, Annie. You’re so dazzling I’m blinded by you.”

  She put a hand to his chest to steady herself. “You’re pretty dazzling yourself, cowboy.” She took in a deep breath. “Now, before we get sidetracked by all this sweet talk, feed me.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Okay. There’s wine left over from last night. I’ll let you pour.”

  “Happy to.”

  He crossed to the fireplace and held a match to the tinder. Within minutes the log was blazing. A short time later, he placed a grill over the low, steady flame and added the steaks.

  While they grilled, he and Annie sat on cushions nearby, sipping wine and staring into the flames as they reveled in the wildlife they’d seen on their hike. When the steaks were ready, Annie added the prebaked potatoes, which had needed only a few minutes to heat in the microwave, and then she arranged the tomato slices on a plate.

  As they had the night before, they set their plates on a low table in front of the fire.

  Jonah topped off their wineglasses and took her hand until she was standing beside him. “I know we didn’t find much on the Internet today, but I have a feeling that with Newt’s help, we’re getting close.”

  “I feel it, too. Oh, Jonah, just having him on our side gives me such hope.”

  “‘Our side.’ I like the sound of that.” He touched the rim of his glass to hers. “To hope, to success, and to our side.”

  They sipped and shared a smile before he leaned over to brush a light kiss over her lips.

  She saw his look of fierce concentration as he suddenly set aside his wine and reached for hers, placing the glasses on the mantel.

  Without a word, he drew her into the circle of his arms and kissed her again. This time it was no light press of mouth to mouth. He drew her fully into the kiss until they were both breathless.

  “Jonah…” She touched a hand to his face and he caught it, pressing a kiss into her palm.

  At that sweet, unexpected gesture, she felt her heart stutter. For a moment she could do nothing more than stare at him.

  With a muttered oath, he dragged her close.

  On a sigh, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair as she offered her lips.

  And then they were lost in a kiss so blazing with need, everything else was forgotten.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jonah.” It was the only word Annie could manage over the pounding of her heart.

  Their bodies were pressed so tightly, their two hearts beat a frantic tattoo, threatening to break clear through their chests.

  “Our dinner…”

  “Will keep.” His mouth, that wonderful, clever mouth, began trailing hot kisses across her face, down her throat, nuzzling the little hollow between her neck and shoulder.

  She arched her neck, loving the feel of his lips on her flesh and the quick skitter of tingles along her spine. Her skin felt so hot she wondered if she would set the cabin on fire with the heat they were generating.

  “I’ve thought of nothing but this, just this, all day.” The rumble of his deep voice vibrated through her, and she knew it was the same for her. Though she’d tried to be cool, to concentrate on the important work at hand, and then their glorious hike in the hills, this sexual tension between them had intruded on all her thoughts. This was what she’d wanted. The feel of his hands on her. His mouth on hers. And this keen edge of excitement that had her breath burning her lungs, her pulse leaping higher with every touch, every kiss.

  He reached for the buttons of her shirt, and he seemed to hesitate for the slightest moment, as though waiting for her reaction.

  She put a hand on his. “Let me help you.”

  “No.” He kept his gaze fixed on her as he unbuttoned her shirt and slid it from her shoulders. “I’ve been wanting to do this for too long.”

  His eyes crinkled into a smile at the bit of fabric that barely covered her breasts. “Leave it to a city girl. Wearing silk and lace under flannel.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?”

  She felt the warmth of his laughter as he reached behind her and unhooked her bra, watching it float to the floor.

  “God, Annie, you’re so beautiful you take my breath away.” And then his hands were on her, and she felt her flesh grow hotter, her bones beginning to soften under his touch and melt like wax.

  Still, it wasn’t enough. She wanted her hands on him. Was desperate to touch him as he was touching her.

  She nearly tore the buttons of his shirt as she slipped it from his shoulders. For a moment all she could do was sigh at the sight of all that muscled flesh. Now at last she was free to run her fingers over his torso. Unable to resist, she buried her mouth in the hair of his chest and breathed him in.

  With a hiss of pleasure, he dragged her close and savaged her mouth until they were both struggling for breath.

  His hands tugged at the snap at her waist, and her jeans joined the rest of their clothes.

  His smile of pure appreciation turned into a deep-throated chuckle. “A thong, Ms. Dempsey?”

  She gave a lilt of laughter. “Or, as I like to call it, my big-girl panties.”

  He was laughing as he drew her close. The minute they came together, his laughter faded. With a moan of pleasure, he ran his hands over her.

  “At last, I can do what I’ve only dreamed of. I’m
finally free to touch you everywhere.”

  And he did.

  With murmured words and soft sighs, they lost themselves in the rising passion.

  His mouth found her breast and he closed his lips around one erect nipple, nibbling and suckling until she was nearly sobbing with need.

  “Jonah.” His name was torn from her lips. “The bedroom…”

  “Too far. I’ll never make it.”

  They lowered to the floor, softened by the cushions.

  Her breathing was labored, her heartbeat pounding beneath his hand.

  Now he moved over her at will. With teeth and tongue and fingertips, he explored the soft angles and planes of her face, the smooth line of her throat, the trembling muscles of her stomach. He teased her nipples until she writhed and moaned, desperate for release from the madness that had taken over.

  Except for their sighs, and the sound of their labored breathing, the night had grown still. The world beyond this cabin no longer mattered. Outside a coyote howled, and an answering song sounded in the distance. In a nearby tree, an owl called to its mate.

  The man and woman locked in an embrace took no notice. The air between them was charged with an electric current flowing from one to the other.

  He pressed feathery kisses down her neck, across her shoulder, and lower, to her breasts. The look of pleasure in his eyes had her pulse rate soaring.

  Just as she began to relax in his arms, he found her, hot and wet, and without warning, took her up and over. Her eyes went wide, then glazed over as waves of sensation washed over her, carrying her along in its tide.

  “Jonah. Please. Now.”

  She wrapped herself around him and lifted to him. He entered her, unleashing a firestorm of passion that took them over completely.

  Their breathing shallow, their heartbeats thundering, their bodies slick, they began to move, to climb.

  With shuddering breaths and urgent whispers, they moved together, so caught up in the moment, the world had completely slipped away.

  “Annie. My beautiful Annie.” The whispered words were torn from his lips.


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