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No More Secrets: A Small Town Love Story (Blue Moon Book 1)

Page 24

by Lucy Score

  His fingers tightened on her hips. “Summer, you’re about to say something that isn’t going to matter to me in the least, and I’m going to get pissed again.”

  “Infertility can be a side effect of some of the treatments I had. I might not be able to have kids.” She blurted out the words before they could get stuck in her throat.

  “I was right. You’re pissing me off.”

  “I’m so sorry—”

  He let her slide to the ground, but when she tried to take a step back, he grabbed her by the shoulders.

  “Summer. We haven’t even talked about kids. How do you know I want them?”

  She shrugged under his hands. “You’re a Pierce. You’re destined to be a family man.”

  “And you think I’d rather choose a life with someone who can get pregnant with children I don’t even know if I want instead of you, the stubborn, illogical woman I love more than anything?”

  “I’m making a mess of this,” she groaned.

  “Yes, you are. But you’re new at this, so I’ll cut you some slack,” Carter said, pulling her into him. “For the record, I haven’t given kids a thought. Could I see us with a family? Sure. Someday. But it doesn’t have to be now, and it doesn’t have to be the way everyone else does it. There’s more than one way to make a family.”

  Summer looked down, but he nudged her chin up. She saw only love in his eyes.

  “Honey, I’m not upset that we might not be able to have kids. I’m upset that you think it would change how I feel about you.”

  She smoothed the t-shirt over his chest, enjoying the feel of him under her hands.

  “I’m so sorry for so many things. For not telling you about any of this. For running away when I got scared. For underestimating you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and tucked her head under his chin.

  “Summer.” Her name on his lips was like a caress, and she knew she was forgiven. “Jax read your blog last night and came tearing into my bedroom yelling and carrying on. All I caught was ‘Summer’ and ‘cancer.’ It scared the life right out of me.”

  She winced. “I was so scared. I’ve been so scared for so long that it started to feel normal.”

  “Where are you now?” he asked.

  She smiled against his chest. “Right where I want to be. In your arms with a wide-open future in front of us. There’s just one thing that I want right now.”

  “What’s that? Name it, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “I want to go home. Will you take me home?”

  “Of course.”

  “We can swing by my apartment first so I can pack.”

  Carter leaned her back to study her face. “Home to Blue Moon?”

  “Home to Blue Moon,” she nodded.

  He swept her up in his arms again, spinning them around in a circle. Summer laughed.

  “As soon as I introduce you to Dr. Armenta. She’s a big fan of yours.”

  She felt a vibration against her hip. “Oh my God! My phone’s been on silent since yesterday,” she said, reaching for her pocket.

  “You have about thirty missed calls from me,” Carter said, lowering her to the ground.

  Summer dragged her phone from her pocket. Her eyes widened as she read the caller ID.

  She glanced at Carter as she swiped the screen to answer. “Hi, Dad?”


  Two weeks later.

  Summer wiggled in excitement on the stool.

  “Listen to this one, Carter,” she said, clapping her hands.

  Carter grinned from the stove where he was pouring the evening’s leftover vegetable soup into glass containers. “I’m listening.”

  Summer cleared her throat and began to read the email out loud.

  Dear Ms. Lentz,

  We at Eve’s Garden were thrilled to read about your plans to start a digital magazine that focuses on real life health and wellness. As a creator of an entirely natural and cruelty-free cosmetic line, we would love to discuss advertising opportunities with you…

  “There’s a dozen more of these just from today from eco clothing designers, wellness spas, even frozen food producers,” Summer said, scrolling through her inbox. “I just can’t believe this is happening!”

  Carter tucked the soup containers into the refrigerator and joined her at the island. “You know why this is happening, don’t you?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

  He nipped her off the stool and placed her on the counter.

  “You’ll have to remind me. It keeps slipping my mind,” she said, cheerfully wrapping her arms around his neck and drawing him in.

  “It’s because when you’re open and honest about who you are and what’s important to you, things fall into place.”

  “Some things don’t seem to be falling,” Summer said, playfully running a finger over the bulge in Carter’s pajama pants. She bit her lip when she saw the light in his eyes.

  “Summer, what time is it?”

  She pulled his wrist to her face to check his watch.

  “It’s almost ten.”

  “And what’s our rule about working at night?”

  He was playing with her now, and she liked it. “You mean the rule where I’m not supposed be on electronics after nine?”

  Carter nodded slowly, and she felt her pulse pick up. Oh-so-casually she reached over and shut the lid of her laptop. “Oops.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “You think that’s going to keep me from punishing you for breaking the rules?”

  “Oh, I’m so scared,” Summer teased.

  Carter leaned in closer until she put a hand on his chest. “What’s that?” she asked, her gaze darting to the side door.

  When he looked away, she slid off the counter and started running.

  He caught her in the great room, bringing her down to the floor with a neat tackle around her knees. In a fit of laughter, Summer clawed at the couch trying to escape. But she was no match for Carter.

  In seconds he had her kneeling on the floor, her face pressed into a couch cushion.

  “I think you need a refresher on the rules,” Carter said, holding her in place with one hand while his other roamed freely.

  When his fingers hooked into the waistband of her shorts, she shivered with the thrill. And when he pulled them down her thighs, exposing her flesh to his hungry gaze, she whimpered.

  He caressed and stroked until she was sure he could hear her heart pounding in her chest.

  She tensed, remembering. “Where’s Jax?”

  Carter slapped the curve of her bare flesh. “I’m getting you naked, and you want to know where my brother is?”

  “I want to make sure your brother isn’t going to come in here and see you getting me naked!”

  “He’s with Beckett. They’re working on Beckett’s guesthouse so he can rent it out.” His fingers trailed a path up her back, pulling her shirt with them. “Now, if you’re finished with your questions, I have a few of my own.”

  Summer moaned as his lips burned a fiery trail down her back. He paused to nibble lightly at the dimple next to her spine.

  “Question number one,” he said, nibbling the curve of her hip. “Are you happy?”

  “So very happy,” Summer said to the cushion.

  “Good answer,” Carter said, teasing her sensitive ribs with his tongue and teeth. “Question number two. Why don’t we use electronics after nine?”

  Summer shivered under his mouth. “So… so we can spend quality time together without unnecessary distractions.”

  “Good girl,” he murmured against her. “Question number three. How do you want to spend said quality time tonight?”

  He had been so gentle with her since they left the city, making love to her like she was something precious, fragile. And as beautiful as it was, she wanted him to break through that steel-fisted control. She wasn’t delicate or fragile, at least not anymore.

  “I want you so deep inside me that I can’t tell where I stop and you begin,” she told him.

  She felt him tense and tremble with lust. “Summer.”

  “Show me how much you want me like this, Carter.”

  Gone was the gentle pressure of his touch, and in its place was a controlled violence. His strong, callused hand stroked down her back and lower still until his fingers found her center.

  “God, you’re so ready for me,” he whispered through gritted teeth, using two fingers to slowly, reverently part her folds.

  “Don’t make me wait, Carter,” Summer begged. “Please.”

  With a fierce surge, his fingers stretched into her. Her sigh was a sob of pleasure. Carter fisted his other hand in her hair and worked his fingers in and out of her aching tightness.

  “Come to bed with me, baby,” he ordered.

  “No,” she countered, pushing back against him. “Here. Like this.”

  She heard the rumble deep in his chest as he withdrew slightly only to plunge back into her. Again and again until she pulsed with desire. She felt his erection like molten steel as he leaned into her. He was dominating her, and she wanted more.

  He pulled out of her, leaving her empty and aching. But his fingers were replaced with his blunt crown. He entered her on a groan, forcing himself into her core. Summer cried out at the invasion. She never wanted to get used to the feeling of being claimed by him.

  He stayed there, fully sheathed in her, for just a moment. She felt him fighting the urge to let go and take.

  She shifted back into him, enjoying the exquisite pressure that was already building inside her. She would never have enough of this, of him. He filled her body and soul. He was everything she had been missing.

  “Carter.” His name was a prayer of thanks from her lips.

  He began to move then in short, violent thrusts that stripped away all control. Flesh slapped against flesh in a race to the finish. Summer found herself there at the razor’s edge of desire, but she wasn’t alone. He was with her, as always.

  She felt Carter’s hand glide between her legs. Fingers teased her until she spiraled over in a beautiful eruption of power, of love, of passion. She felt him tense against her, felt him shudder inside her as he joined her with his own climax.

  This was love.

  Still joined, they sank to the floor. Carter curled around her, stroking her, whispering dark words of love. She fit here, in his arms, here in this house.

  Her entire wardrobe had neatly transferred into Carter’s closet. The furniture she brought with her from the city was stored on the second floor of the little barn, which would soon be turned into the headquarters of her digital magazine. With construction already started on the brewery, Carter had culled out a small crew to simultaneously rehab the second floor of the barn into a spacious loft office.

  Summer still took little moments in the day to remind herself where she was. Everything had moved so fast that she was determined to slow it down and enjoy every moment of it.

  The man that she loved had carved a space for her that fit so perfectly she wondered why she ever fought it. Her life’s dream was being realized, she had begun to repair the relationship with her parents, and she was planting the roots that she never knew she so desperately wanted.

  And she was finally an official member of the Blue Moon Gossip Group.

  Life was better than good.

  A horn sounded outside, breaking her reverie.

  Carter jolted beside her.

  “Who is that?” Summer wondered out loud, annoyed at the interruption. “It sounds like a tractor trailer truck.”

  “Someone who wasn’t supposed to be here until tomorrow,” Carter grumbled. He eased out of her. “You’d better get dressed, honey. We’ve got company.”

  They hastily pulled on clothes and headed out onto the front porch.

  “Isn’t this pretty late for a visit in Blue Moon?” Summer asked as Carter held the door for her.

  If he answered her, she didn’t hear him. Her attention was on the hulking RV parked in front of the house. Her mother threw open the passenger door and waved.


  “Mom?” Summer gasped. “But you’re supposed to be in Alaska!”

  “Well, then your father is never going to let me navigate again since we took a very wrong turn and ended up here.”

  Carter nudged Summer forward until she hurried down the steps and met her mother for the hug she didn’t know she had been missing.

  “I can’t believe you’re here!”

  Her mom released her and reached for Carter. “It’s so nice to finally meet you in person, Carter,” she said, wrapping her slim arms around his shoulder.

  “I get the feeling you two have been scheming behind my back,” Summer accused.

  “The three of us actually,” a booming voice interjected.

  “Hi, Dad.” Summer took a tentative step toward the man in the moose sweater.

  He opened his arms to her, and she flew into them. “There’s my girl,” he said in a voice choked with emotion.

  Still larger than life, Phil Lentz seemed softer somehow. The lines of his face were cut a little deeper, his hair a little wispier.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Summer said again, this time sniffling.

  Her father set her on her feet. He extended a hand to Carter. “Carter. Thanks for having us.”

  Carter shook his hand. “You’re very welcome. I’m glad you could make it.”

  Summer slipped out of her dad’s grasp and threw her arms around Carter’s waist. “Thank you,” she whispered against his shirt. His arms came around her, and she felt his mouth on the top of her head. Wrapped in the embrace of the man she loved, she missed the teary smile her mother shot her father.

  “I love seeing you so happy,” Carter whispered in her ear. “I’d give anything in my power to see you smile like this.”

  “You’ve already given me everything. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life evening the score.”


  Carter Pierce swore ripely when his grip on the wrench slipped and knuckles met cabinet. To add insult to injury, the pipe spat another drop insolently in his eye.

  “Everything okay under there?” his mother and current task master, Phoebe, asked from her position at the kitchen island.

  He shook out his throbbing hand and tightened his grip on the bastard wrench. “Just peachy, Mom.”

  “The sarcasm is strong with this one,” Elvira Eustace, Phoebe’s best friend in the world, quipped into her wine glass.

  Two good turns later, the leak was vanquished. Carter slid out from under the sink and tossed the wrench back in his tool tote.

  Phoebe shoved a plate of cookies at him, a sweet smile brightening her pretty face. Her hair was cut in a sleek chin-length bob. A new look for her. But the glasses and the blue eyes behind them were the same.

  “Have I told you you’re my favorite son?” she asked playfully.

  Carter rolled his eyes and turned on the faucet to wash his hands. “When I got here and told you not to worry about calling a plumber. But I also heard you sharing the same sentiment with Beckett last week when he updated your will and Jax yesterday when he was kissing your ass by mowing your lawn.”

  “But you know I really mean it with you.”

  He grinned at her. It was an old game she played with them all. And somehow, she made him and his two younger brothers feel like it was true. They were all her favorite.

  Carter dried his hands on the rooster dish towel looped over the oven handle and snatched a cookie off the plate. “Isn’t it a little early to be drinking?” he asked, eyeing the wine glasses she and Elvira were clutching.

  “We’re retired, and it’s five o’clock somewhere,” Elvira announced.

  “Yeah, well in Blue Moon it’s 12:01.”

  “Of course, it is. Otherwise it would have been Bloody Marys,” Phoebe explained, helping herself to a cookie.

  “How’s life, my favorite son?”

  Carter fired up Phoebe’s coffe
e maker and shoved a mug under the spout. “Life is just about perfect,” he said, noting with a glance around his mother’s kitchen that his life wasn’t the only one on the upswing. Phoebe and her husband, Franklin, had built this house on the family farm with the intention that it would comfortably hold every member of their loud, extended family. The wide open first floor—with kitchen spilling into living and dining spaces—and upstairs bunk room accomplished just that.

  “I saw Summer and the twins in town getting custard this week. You have a beautiful family.” Elvira raised her glass, her eyes twinkling.

  “I certainly do.” He thought it funny that even after all this time he still got a thrill when someone mentioned his wife’s name. It was a daily reminder that he’d landed the woman of his dreams—once she’d gotten out of her own damn way—and built a life with her.

  “You look at Summer the way John looked at your mother,” Elvira sighed.

  John Pierce, Carter’s father, had been a man among men. He’d raised his sons on the tenants of integrity, respect, and service. And when he’d died, their community grieved with them.

  Phoebe smiled fondly at the memories. “Your father certainly had a way of making me feel very special. Whether he was doing the dishes for me or we were sneaking some afternoon delight in the coat closet—”

  “Mom!” Carter mopped the coffee out of his beard.

  “Carter!” Phoebe rolled her eyes. “You’re over thirty. You don’t need to pretend to be so prudish about sex.”

  Elvira joined in on the ribbing. “It’s true, Carter. You really need to expand your horizons. Why just the other night Phoebe was telling me that Franklin likes to—”

  Carter clapped his hands over his ears. “For the love of God, I’m begging you both to stop.” He knew his mother and her husband had an active sex life. The first time he met the man, he’d been crawling out of Phoebe’s bedroom window onto the roof of the front porch. He loved that she was happy again. He just didn’t like to think about the specifics.

  They exchanged sly looks, all innocence. “Sorry,” they chorused.


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