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The Richest Woman in the World

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by Timothy Paterson

  “No” said Sam. “They were probably thinking of expanding anyway, and when they heard about the unemployed miners, they picked Fairmont.”

  “Well, I think that it’s very strange,” said Billy, “and I’m going to do some investigating on my own.”

  “Just leave it alone, Billy,” said Sam. “Can’t you just accept that there are some people in this world who care about others and leave it at that?”

  Something clicked in Billy’s brain, and he asked, “Did your great grandfather have anything to do with this, Sam?”

  Sam was quiet for a moment, and then replied; “Billy, please, if you love me, just leave it alone, and don’t ask any more questions. Promise me, okay?”

  Billy did not reply and they continued riding in silence. When they returned to the barn, Billy helped Sam off her horse and then he said; “Okay Sam, I promise. However, someday, I want you to let me know your deep dark secrets. Will you promise me that?”

  Sam smiled at Billy and said, “I promise. Someday, I will tell you everything about me. But, for the time being, let us just take our relationship one day at a time.”

  As Sam and Billy kissed, Sam felt happier than she had ever felt in her life. At that moment, Sam knew that she wanted to marry Billy, and she knew that someday, she would tell him that she was the town’s secret benefactor, and that she was just investing in the town’s future as well as her own.

  Chapter 11

  As winter turned into spring, Sam helped the Wilkerson family plant the fields. She was always willing and able to learn more about farming. She helped Billy deliver a calf when one of their dairy cows went into labor. Sam was fascinated when she watched as baby chicks pecked their way out of the eggs in the incubator. She even talked Mr. Wilkerson into getting a dozen baby pigs to raise.

  At School, Sam had become quite popular, and her grades were very good. Billy’s grades were even better, and he had applied to several universities for the fall semester. By May, he had been accepted by six, including the University of West Virginia.

  Billy talked to his parents, and they told him that they would help him out as much as they could with the tuition and other expenses, but that he needed to apply for as many scholarships as possible. When Sam overheard their conversation, she decided to write to her great grandfather. She requested that he use some of her trust fund that she would soon be getting, to set up trust funds for Billy and the rest of his siblings, to pay for each of their college educations.

  In the next letter that Sam received from her great grandfather, he informed her that he had taken care of all of the trust funds. He also informed her that after covering the wages and insurance premiums of the miners until fall, that she still had twenty-five million dollars of her trust fund remaining. He asked her how she wanted him to handle the money.

  Sam had been reading the newspaper each day, especially the classified ads. After doing quite a bit of research on her own, she wrote to her great grandfather, and asked him to purchase a parcel of two thousand acres of rich farmland outside Fairmont. She gave him the location of the land. Sam also requested that he pay off the mortgage on the Wilkerson farm.

  She asked him to also set up several savings accounts in banks around West Virginia in the names of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson. She told him to put the rest of the money in a trust fund for her future.

  After Jim received Sam’s letter, he contacted his lawyer to arrange for the purchase of the land in Sam’s name, but in secret, so that no one in Fairmont would know who owned the land. He also arranged for the savings accounts to be set up, with the amount of money that Sam had requested, and after he set up Sam’s trust fund, he asked his lawyer to draft up some legal documents for himself.

  In May, Billy and Sam made plans to attend the Senior Prom. Sam had made a new dress for herself, and when Billy saw her in it, he was speechless. He had never seen anyone look as beautiful as she did.

  On the day before the prom, Sam received a package in the mail from her great grandfather in the mail. She took the package into her room, and when she was all alone, she opened it. She realized that it was time to let Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson know everything. She made a few phone calls, and then met in private with Billy’s parents. She told them that she wanted them to drive her into town, so that she could have done for the prom.She also told them that there was something that she wanted to talk to them about, in private.


  Chapter 12

  On Saturday morning, when the station wagon pulled into the parking lot of the beauty salon, Sam told Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson about the deal that she had made with her great grandfather, a year earlier. She also revealed that she was responsible for the good fortune of the town.

  When they asked Sam why she had done it, she explained; “Before I met you and your family, I never cared about anything but myself. I had everything that I could ever want or need. I was spoiled rotten. However, since I have been living with your family, I have realized that money is not important unless you can use it to help others. I feel so loved by you and your children, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I belong. I used to think that my parents loved me, because they bought me everything I ever wanted. Maybe that is the only way they could express their feelings, but I have never received any true affection from them. I consider your family as my family, and I could never ask for better parents than the two of you.”

  Then, Sam opened up the envelope that she had brought with her. “I love you and your children, especially Billy, and I want you to be financially secure. I hope that you won’t be angry with me, but, I have paid off the mortgage on your farm, and have deposited one million dollars in several banks around West Virginia in your names.” She then handed them, the deed to their farm, as well as the savings passbooks.

  Sam continued; “I have also set up trust funds for each of your children to pay for their college educations. The only thing that I ask is that you don’t tell them where the money came from.”

  When Sam handed the trust funds to them, she waited for them to say something. Mrs. Wilkerson could not talk because she was crying, and Mr. Wilkerson, who was also overwhelmed, was quiet for a moment before he spoke. He thanked Sam and told her that they both loved her like a daughter, and they could never thank her enough for what she had done for them and the town. They both agreed to keep their conversation between the three of them.

  Then, Sam told Mrs. Wilkerson that she had one more surprise for her. “You and I both have appointments for haircuts, styling, manicures, pedicures and facials. “

  Therefore, while Mr. Wilkerson did some errands, Sam and Mrs. Wilkerson relaxed in the beauty spa. They even received full body massages.

  When Mr. Wilkerson picked them up three hours later, he could not take his eyes off his wife. He told her how beautiful she looked. Later, when they returned home, the Wilkerson children were stunned as well, when they say Sam and their mother walk through the front door.

  That evening, Mrs. Wilkerson took several photos of Billy and Sam, as well as of Vicky and her date. Before they left for the dance, Mrs. Wilkerson took Sam aside and talked to her in private. “Sam, I am so sorry that you never had a close relationship with your own parents,” she said. “They are the ones who are missing out. I am so proud of you.”

  At the prom, Billy and Sam danced every dance, and during one dance, Billy told Sam, “I’ve got some great news, Sam.”

  “What news?”asked Sam.

  “My parents told me that someone has set up a trust fund for my full college education. I hope that someday, I can find a way to thank him or her.”

  Sam smiled, and said; “I’m sure that you will”, and then she lay her head on his shoulder, and they danced once more.

  Chapter 13

  After Billy graduated, and Sam was out of school for the summer, they spent as much time together as pos
sible, before Billy went to college in the fall. They worked together on the farm, during the day, and spent every evening together as well.

  About a week before he left for college, Billy’s parents told him and Sam, that they had some good news for them. They were getting cell phones for themselves, Billy, Sam and Vicky. In addition, they had decided it was time move into the modern world. They were getting two computers with webcams, and were being hooked up to the internet. They gave Billy a brand new laptop computer to take with him to the University of West Virginia. She told Billy and Sam that they would be able to keep in contact, and Billy could stay connected to his family, when he was away at college.

  Mrs. Wilkerson told Billy, Sam, and Vicky, that the phones and the internet were both privileges that could be taken away, if they got in the way of school, or chores. She also told them that because the younger children would also be using the computers, that the internet would be monitored at all times.

  When Sam started her senior year of high school, she tried even harder to get the best grades possible. She had also taken on more chores on the farm, now that Billy was away at college. She and Billy talked every night, by either cell phone or webcam, after her homework was finished. Billy also came home almost every weekend.

  At school, Sam helped Vicky get elected to the office of student body president. They both worked on the school newspaper as well. By October, both Vicky and Sam had applied to several colleges, but only to keep all of their options open. Sam knew that one way or another, she would be going to the University of West Virginia.

  Sam had begun emailing her parents and grandparents, regularly, but they never seemed impressed or excited by what was going on in her life. Sam also called her great grandfather at least once or twice a week. They both looked forward to the phone calls.

  The year flew by faster, than the year before and soon it was only a month to graduation.

  Both Vicky and Sam had been accepted to the University of West Virginia. Sam invited her family to her high school graduation. Even though her parents said they were coming, Sam did not get her hopes up. She realized that they might decide to change their minds at the last moment, like before.


  Chapter 14

  Billy finished his first year of college in late May, and returned to Fairmont, for the summer. He helped Vicky and Sam study for their final exams, and did many of their chores to let them focus on all of the events that took place as graduation approached.

  When their final GPA’s were posted, Vicky discovered that she had the third highest in the class and Sam had the sixth highest. Both of them were very pleased, with their accomplishments.

  On June 2nd, the day before graduation, Sam’s great grandfather; Jim McDonald arrived in Fairmont. Sam accompanied Mr. Wilkerson to the airport terminal to pick him up. When Sam saw him, she ran up to him and gave him a great big hug. On the ride back to the farm, Sam filled him in all of the latest news, including her grades.

  On Saturday afternoon, while the rest of the seniors were getting into their caps and gowns, Mrs. Wilkerson was helping Vicky and Sam with their hair. She asked Sam if her parents had arrived yet. Since Sam had not heard from them recently, she replied that they probably would not show up.

  Sam was shocked, however, as she walked into the school auditorium for the graduation ceremony and saw her parents and grandparents sitting in the back of the room. Sam was filled with mixed emotions. She was glad that they had come, but at the same time, she felt that they came out of obligation, not because they wanted to be there.

  Sam was extremely proud of her accomplishments over the past two years and she was not going to let anybody ruin her good moot, not even her parents. When she received her diploma, she knew that she had earned it, on her own, and that made it worth more that all the money in the world.

  After the ceremony had concluded, the families began congratulating their graduates. Sam’s grandparents hugged her, but said very little. When her parents walked up to her, it became somewhat awkward. Sam was secretly hoping that they would show some outward emotion and start gushing like all of the other parents. However, she was once again disappointed when they each gave her a quick hug and did not say anything to her. Both of them were dressed very elegantly, as if they were trying to impress people with their wealth.

  Sam was so upset, that she felt like crying, but then, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson walked up to Sam and they both hugged her. Mrs. Wilkerson’s voice was a little emotional, as she said; “I’m so proud of you, Sam; as proud as any mother could be of her daughter.

  This time, Sam did cry, but she cried tears of joy, because she felt the love that she never felt from her own mother. She glanced over at her mother and saw the saw the look of contempt that she had for Mrs. Wilkerson. She realized that her mother was actually jealous of Mrs. Wilkerson.

  Billy walked up to Sam and they hugged and kissed, as he offered his congratulations. Sam felt obligated to introduce him to her parents. “Mom, Dad,” she said, “I’d like for you to meet Billy Wilkerson, my boyfriend.” Billy shook hands with both of them, and said hello to them, but they did not say a word to him.

  By this time, Jim McDonald had made his way through the crowd, and he gave Sam a warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek. “I am so proud of you, Samantha,” he told his great granddaughter.

  Mrs. Wilkerson invited Sam’s family back to the house for dinner. They reluctantly accepted, but stated that they had to be at the airport in time to catch the ten p.m. flight back to Beverly Hills.

  Sam was very irritated that they flew all the way across than country, but could not even spend one night in West Virginia.

  That afternoon, when Sam’s family arrived at the Wilkerson home, the only one who felt comfortable was Jim, who had been there a few times before, and felt right at home. The rest of her family’s behavior embarrassed Sam. They made no effort to hide their feelings that the Wilkerson’s lifestyle was much beneath them.

  That evening, after dinner, Sam’s parents and grandparents abruptly began getting ready to leave for the airport. Sam’s mother asked Sam, if she could speak privately with her for a moment. Sam naively thought that her mother had softened and wanted to have a private emotional goodbye, so, she followed her outside.

  Once they were standing near the taxicab, Mrs. McDonald told Sam that she should return home with them. When Sam told her mother that she would be attending the University of West Virginia in the fall, her mother’s response was; “But, you can receive a much better education at Stanford University. There, you would be among other people who are in our class.”

  Sam felt her anger rising to the surface, but she tried to remain calm. “I am staying here, and attending school here as well,” she said. “Besides, my boyfriend lives here.”

  “You could do much better than a boy from the hills,” said her mother.

  Sam became angrier, but she tried hard to remain civil. “Billy and I are in love,” she said. “There is nobody else for me.”

  Then, Sam’s mother let something slip out. “You can spend your fortune in California much better than you ever could in West Virginia.”

  “What fortune is that?” asked Sam, somewhat surprised.

  Mrs. McDonald hesitated, but then told Sam that she knew about the fifty million dollars that her great grandfather had promised her.

  When Sam explained that, half of the money was already gone, and how she had spent it, helping the people of Fairmont, her mother became extremely angry. “How could you waste all that money on these hillbillies?” she yelled.

  That was the last straw. Sam lost her temper. “These people care about each other,” she yelled back at her mother. “They may not have a lot of money, but they are good people. This is where I plan to spend the rest of my life. The only reason I shall ever return to California, is to visit G
randpa Jim.”

  Sam noticed that the Wilkerson family and her great grandfather had come out of the house and were listening to her tirade, but she did not care. She continued to yell at her mother. “Why don’t you take all of your precious money and your designer clothes and go back to your country club, at your boutiques and your snobby friends in Beverly Hills, where you belong. Go back to your selfish lifestyle, where you no longer have to be burdened with me.”

  Sam’s mother was not used to anybody talking to her in that tone, especially her own daughter. She turned her back on Sam and got into the taxi with her husband and In-laws.

  As Sam watched the taxi drive off, it became smaller and smaller, until it was no longer visible. Sam was shaking with anger. She had never been so furious in her entire life. She felt Mrs. Wilkerson put her arm around her shoulders. “She never really loved me,” Sam said aloud. “I guess that I always knew that, but I tried to tell myself that she was just not an affectionate person. My nanny and housekeeper were always there for me, but my mother never was.”

  As Sam stood there, her anger turned into heart wrenching pain and she began to cry loudly. Mrs. Wilkerson held Sam close to her and tried to comfort her. Within seconds, Mrs. Wilkerson was also crying, as she felt Sam’s pain as only a mother could. As far as she was concerned, Sam was her daughter, and she felt anger and hostility towards Mrs. McDonald for the way she had treated Sam all those years.

  Two days later, Sam was at the airport saying goodbye to her great grandfather. “I want to thank you, Grandpa, for everything that you have done for me,” she told him. “If you had not intervened in my life, I might have turned out just like my parents and grandparents. I want so much more out of life than just spending money on myself. I want to help as many people as I can, people who really need it.”

  As Jim hugged Sam, he told her “You know, Sam, it is okay to spend a little bit of money on yourself, once in a while.”

  “Grandpa” replied Sam, “Right now, I feel like the richest woman in the world. I have true friends, a family who loves me, whom I love. What could money possible buy that is worth more than that?”


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