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The Campaigns of Napoleon

Page 142

by David G Chandler

  Castaños, Spanish general, captain-general of Andalusia, 616, 617, 625, 629, 636

  Castellane, Novejean, B. L. A., Lieutenant de, 605, 650

  Caulaincourt, Armand A. L. de, Duke of Vicenza, French general, 369; made Master of the Horse, 369; his role in Napoleon’s Maison, 371; intimacy with Napoleon, 376; ambassador to St. Petersburg, 746; reports the Tsar’s point of view, 746; Napoleon’s reaction, 747; during campaign of 1812, 767, 790, 793, 814, 827; accompanies Napoleon back to France, 848-49; and the campaign of 1813, 867; peace missions of, 889, 898; campaign of 1814, 948, 994; sent to conference of Châtillon, 964, 966; with Napoleon before abdication, 1001; Napoleon’s suicide attempt, 1002; mentioned, 890, 1003

  Caulaincourt, Baron Auguste J. G. de, French general, 805

  Cervoni, J. B., French brigadier-general, 64, 83

  Chabran, Count J., French general, 265; crosses the Alps, 276

  Chambarlhac de Lambespin, Baron J. A. de, French general, 265

  Champagny, L. A., Duke of Cadore, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, 596

  Chaplitz, Russian general, 848

  Charles, Austrian archduke, 46; first brush with Napoleon, 121-24; standing as a general, 666-67, 735; Napoleon’s opinion of, 667; afflicted with epilepsy, 46, 667; relations with Aulic Council, 382, 384, 676; heads “peace party” of 1805, 330; and “peace party” of 1809, 663-64; attitude to England, 330; during campaign of 1805, 384, 403, 404, 409; reform of the Austrian army, 510, 664-66; troubles with subordinate generals, 666; takes the initiative (1809), 6735 677; almost splits the French, 677, 678, 680; at the battle of Eckmühl, 690-91; abandons Ratisbon, 691; retreats into Bohemia, 692, 694, 695; reappears opposite Vienna, 696; dispositions adopted by, 698; at the battle of Aspern-Essling, 700-706; amazement at own success, 707-8; consequent inaction, 709; calls up more Austrian troops, 709; occupies the Wagram position, 711, 712; surprised by Napoleon’s second crossing to the north bank, 716; conduct during the battle of Wagram, 718, 719, 722, 724; retreats, 728; and the battle of Znaim, 730; agrees to armistice, 730; mentioned, 331, 410, 510, 693, 735

  Charles, Hippolyte, Josephine’s lover, 227, 256

  Charles IV, King of Spain: weak character of, 602; family troubles of, 603; and Godoy, 603, 605; frightened into an abdication, 607; renounces it and appeals for French aid, 607; Murat’s attitude toward, 607; relations with his son, Ferdinand, 602-3; lured to Bayonne, 607; easily induced to reabdicate, 608; leaves for exile in France, 608; Spanish attitude toward, 609; family portrait, 604

  Chassé, Baron D. H. de, Belgian general, 1065, 1088

  Chasseloup-Laubat, Count (later Marquis) F. de, French general of engineers, 70, 836

  Chauvet, French commissary-general, 57

  Choiseul, Due de, French statesman, 210

  Clarke, H. J. G., Duke of Feltre, French emissary, general and Minister of War, 125

  Clausel, Count B., French general, 1017, 1094

  Clausewitz, Karl von, German soldier and military philosopher, 134, 846-47

  Coignet, J. R., French sergeant, later captain, 477, 958, 979, 992, 1003

  Colli, Austrian general, 38, 46, 62, 63, 64, 77

  Colonna-Césari, Corsican colonel, 15, 16

  Compans, Count J. D., French general, 798

  Constant, Baron, Napoleon’s secretary, 370, 708, 733, 1012

  Constantine, Russian grand duke, 420; commands Russian Guards at Austerlitz, 430; at battle of Heilsberg, 568, hostility to Barclay de Tolly, 1812, 788; at Smolensk, 788; at Borodino, 796, 805

  Conté, the French balloonist, 227

  Corbineau, Baron (later Count) J. B. J., French brigadier-general, 835, 836, 837

  Corrigan, Piedmontese prince, 46, 62

  Couthard, Count L. F., French colonel, 686

  Craoford, British general, 43

  Crissé, Turpin de, French military writer, 179

  Croisier, Captain, aide-de-camp to Napoleon in Egypt, 222; death of, at Acre, 240

  Cuesta, Don Gregorio de la, Spanish general, 615; defeated, 625-26

  Cyrus the Great, ruler of Persia, 138, 180

  Czartoryski family, Polish, 745

  Dallemagne, Baron C, French general: heads advance on Peschiera, 78, 80, 83, 89; killed, 89

  Dalrymple, Sir Hugh, English general: in Portugal, 619

  Damascus, Pasha of, 230; defeated at battle of Mount Tabor, 239

  Daru, Count P. A. N. M. B., French intendant-general, 916

  Davidovitch, P., Austrian general, 97, 101

  Davout, L. N., French marshal, Duke of Auerstadt, Prince of Eckmühl: biographical sketch, see Appendix; serves in Egypt, 230; made a marshal, 335, 434; character of, 489, 758; during campaign of 1805, 394, 397, 404, 405, 410, 431; makes forced march to Austerlitz, 416, 420, 421, 422; at battle of Austerlitz, 424, 428; during campaign of 1806, 462, 472, 474, 478, 479, 499; passes order to Bernadotte, 489; marches on Auerstadt, 489; in battle of Auerstadt, 490-95; Napoleon’s attitude toward, 488, 489, 495; during the campaign of 1806-1807, 513, 514, 521, 524, 530; at Eylau, 536, 538, 545, 550; during the renewed campaign, 570; misses battle of Friedland, 576; at Ratisbon, 673, 679, 680; during campaign of 1809, 671, 678, 681, 682-86, 688, 689; in battle of Eckmühl, 690, 691; subsequent moves, 694, 696, 699; called to Aspern, 702, 707, 710, 711; at Wagram, 716-17, 719, 722-23, 727, 728; pursuit of Archduke Charles, 729; occupies Swedish Pomerania, 748; preparations for campaign of 1812, 754, 758, 766; during campaign of 1812, 774, 775; misses Bagration, 776; disagreement with Jerome, 776; at battle of Smolensk, 786; quarrels with Murat, 794; at battle of Borodino, 798, 800, 801; Napoleon rejects his advice, 797; during the retreat, 828, 830, 836; blamed for deserting Ney, 831; during campaign of 1813, 869, 874, 875, 878, 897, 913, 938; besieged in Hamburg, 948; during campaign of 1815, 1017, 1022, 1094, 1095; mentioned, 416, 437, 476, 532, 669, 708, 725; picture, 434

  Dejean, Count P. G. M. A., French general, 1087

  Delmas, A. G., French general, 122, 931

  Delort, Baron J. A. A., French general, 1080

  Delzons, Baron A. J., French general, 804, 821

  Denmark, Christian, King of, 950

  Desaix, L. C. A., French general, 212; first service under Napoleon, 213; description of, 229; Napoleon’s opinion of, 296; during campaign in Egypt, 215, 216, 220; at battle of the Pyramids, 226; in Upper Egypt, 229-30, 342; returns to join Army of Reserve, 278; marches toward Genoa, 289; recalled, 291, 293; at battle of Marengo, 293-96; killed, 296; Napoleon’s grief, 296; mentioned, 205, 300, 301

  Desgenettes, French doctor, 213, 241; defies Napoleon, 243

  Desjardin, N. J., French private (58th Regt.), 599

  Desolles, Marquis J. J. P. A., French general, 269, 755

  Despinois, Count H. F. J., French general, 194

  Dessaix, Count J. M., French general, 798

  Diebitsch, H. K. F. A., Russian general, 851

  Djezzar-Pasha, Governor of Acre, 230, 237, 238

  Doctorov, D. S., Russian general, 431, 524, 786, 804, 820

  Dolgorouki, Russian count, Tsar’s aide-de-camp, 411

  Dombrowski, J. H. D., Polish general in French service, 830, 832, 840

  Dommartin, E. A. C. de, French captain (later general), 21, 22, 236

  Domon, Baron (later Vicomte) J. S., French cavalry general, 1076, 1084

  Donzelot, French general, 1078

  Doppet, F. A., French Republican general, 25, 29

  Doumerc, J. P., French general and count, 840, 844, 929

  Drouot, Count A., French general, 335, 886, 929, 938, 1067, 1087

  Dubois-Crancé, French Republican Député-en-Mission, 19, 159

  Le Due, French staff expert, 373

  Dugommier, J. C, French Republican general, 25, 26

  Dugua, C. F. J., French general, 123

  Duhesme, Count P. G., French general, 278, 283, 288, 602, 1044, 1084

  Dumas, Count Matthieu, French commissary general, 619, 639, 649, 758, 818

  Dumas, T. A. D. de la P., French general, 231

bion, P. J., French Revolutionary general, 30, 31, 35

  Dundas, Sir David, British general, 42

  Dupont, de I’Etang, French general and count, 397; during campaign of 1805, 397, 406; at combat of Haslach (or Al-beck), 397-99; during campaign of 1806, 453; at battle of Friedland, 578, 585; during campaign of Spain, 598, 602, 612, 615; at capitulation of Baylen, 616-17; Napoleon’s opinion of, 618; imprisoned, 618

  Dupuy, F. V., French general, 230

  Duroc, G. C. M., French general and Grand Marshal of the Palace, Duke of Furiously: Napoleon’s reliance upon, 369; functions of, 370, 376; during Polish campaign, 518; killed at Reichenbach, 897; Napoleon’s grief for, 897

  Durutte, Baron (later Count) P. F. J., French general, 1077, 1078

  Eblé, Count, J. B., French engineer general, 770, 784; at the battle of Beresina, 836, 840, 842; death of, 845

  Enghien, Bourbon Duc de: death of, 309; Fouché’s opinion of, 309; Napoleon’s opinion of, 309; and the Tsar Alexander, 328; mentioned, 608

  Erlon, Count J. B. de, French general, 1020, 1029, 1043, 1045, 1047, 1049, 1050, 1051-52, 1056, 1061, 1064, 1073, 1078, 1079

  Espagne, L. B. J., French cavalry general, 694, 702

  Essen, H. H., Russian general, 551, 781

  Eugen, Prince of Württemburg, Russian general, 788, 927

  Eugène (de Beauharnais), Napoleon’s stepson, Viceroy of Italy; 245; biographical sketch, see Appendix; marries Bavarian princess, 450; made Viceroy of Italy, 450, 471; defeated by Archduke Charles at Sacile, 695; during campaign of 1809, 694, 696, 709; at Wagram, 719, 723; as army commander (1812), 755; campaign of 1812, 778, 794; slowness of, 771, 775; at battle of Borodino, 798, 800, 804-5; at battle of Maloyaroslavets, 820-22; during the retreat, 820, 825, 826, 828, 848; at battle of Krasnoe, 828; at battle of the Beresina, 836, 847; succeeds Murat in command, 852; abandons Berlin, 869, 870; Napoleon’s rebuke of, 869; during campaign of 1813, 878; returns to Italy, 889; during campaign of 1814, 945, 950, 952; reports Murat’s defection, 966; mentioned, 850, 860, 946

  Fabvier, French general, 990

  Ferdinand, Prince Louis, of Prussia, 459; the hope of the Prussian army, 471; during campaign of 1806, 470; at battle of Saalfeld, 470-71; killed, 471

  Ferdinand, Spanish prince of the Asturias, 602; character of, 603; friction with family, 602, 603, 607; attitude to Godoy, 603; used by Napoleon, 603; at Bayonne, 608; relinquishes his rights to the throne, 608, 610; popularity in Spain, 611; Napoleon’s offer to restore, 946, 950

  Ferdinand, Austrian archduke, 331, 382, 383, 403, 666, 709

  Fesch, Cardinal Joseph, Napoleon’s uncle, 6, 448

  Fiorella, P. A., Corsican general, 196, 198

  Forbin-Janson, French colonel, 1051, 1053

  Fouché, Joseph, Duke of Otranto, Minister of Police, 146, 263; character of, 308; reveals plots against Napoleon, 308; plots himself, 654; attitude to the Enghien affair, 309; Napoleon’s growing distrust of, 312, 747; dismissed, 747; treachery of, 1094; heads provisional government, 1095

  Fourés Pauline or “Bellitote,” 214, 231, 244

  Fournier-Sarlonèse, Baron (later Count) F., French general, 649, 845

  Fox, Charles-James, English premier and Foreign Minister, 447, 451

  Foy, Count M. S., French general, 67, 365, 649, 1072

  Francis I, King of France, 210

  Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 44; character of, 416, 696; attitude toward Napoleon, 330, 510, 663, 744, 947, 980; Napoleon’s assessment of, 947, 984; and the marriage, 744, 947; relationship with Archduke Charles, 663, 666, 730; part played during the Austerlitz campaign, 416, 432; at the battle of Austerlitz, 416; seeks peace, 432, 438; during the Wagram campaign, 663, 696, 730; at Conference of Dresden, 767; deserts the French alliance, 899, 900; during campaign of 1813, 907; attempted mediation of, 980, 983; during campaign of 1814, 893, 980, 983; mentioned, 510, 617, 767; picture, 665

  Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 55; influence on Napoleon’s military ideas, 139, 141, 142, 144; at battle of Prague, 179; insignia of, confiscated by French, 499; mentioned, 55, 169, 454

  Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 331; character of, 453, 505, 908; Napoleon’s opinion of, 444; relationship with his queen, 331, 453; neutrality of, 331, 453; almost attacks France on Tsar’s insistence (1805), 403, 443; forced detente, 446, 447; and Hanover, 331, 447; declares war on France, 453, 466; during campaign of 1806, 458, 471, 473, 474; at battle of Auerstadt, 490, 493; flight of, 495; at Königsberg, 510; attends Conference of Tilsit, 586; humiliation of, 586; Prussia dismembered, 588-89; indemnity, 589, 624; at Conference of Dresden, 767; military restrictions, 872; joins “patriots,” 870, 872; joins France’s foes, 872; conduct during campaign of 1813, 874, 880, 899; at battle of Dresden, 908; during campaign of 1814, 947, 981; attitude to negotiation with Napoleon, 981; relations with Tsar, 403, 624, 947; mentioned, 458, 467, 767; picture, 445

  Friant, Count, French general, 420, 428, 490, 494, 681, 682, 997, 1087

  Frimont, Austrian general, 1015, 1094

  Gallitzin, Russian prince, 524, 572

  Galuzzo, Spanish general, captain-general of Estremadura, 625

  Ganteaume, Count H. J. A., French admiral, 303, 601

  Gardanne, G. A., French general, 283, 528, 563

  Garnier, Baron P. D., French general, 77

  Gassendi, French brigadier of artillery, 24, 279

  Gaudin, M. M. C., French minister, 315

  Gazan, French general, 406, 453

  George III, King of England, 42, 44, 451, 624

  George IV, Prince Regent, later King of England, 1095

  Gérard, Count M. E., French general, 979, 1020, 1026, 1038, 1040, 1041, 1069

  Girard, Baron J. B., French general, 882, 1041, 1043

  Gneisenau, N. Graf von, Prussian general and chief of staff, 959, 991, 1039, 1057, 1058, 1068, 1090

  Godoy, Manuel, Spanish Prince of Peace, 596, 598, 602, 605, 607, 609

  Goethe, Johann W. von, German poet, 624

  Gohier, M., member and president of the Directory, 253, 259

  Gonneville, de, French colonel, 651

  Gordon, English general, 1044

  Gortchakov (or Gortschakoff), Prince, Russian general, 573, 579, 582, 795, 894

  Gourgaud, Count G., French general and imperial aide-decamp, 905, 988

  Graham, Thomas, English colonel, later general, 87, 92, 948

  Gribeauval, Count, French lieutenant-general and artillery reformer, 69, 137, 138, 138fn, 143fn

  Grolmann, K. von, Prussian general, 1058

  Grouchy, Marquis E. de, French marshal and cavalry commander, 69; biographical sketch, see Appendix; emergence of, 69, 356; in Polish campaign, 533; at battle of Eylau, 544; at battle of Friedland, 571, 573, 579, 582; governor of Madrid, 610; cavalry command during Russian campaign, 805; at battle of Vauchamps, 974-75; role during 1815 campaign, 1020, 1022; at battle of Ligny, 1035, 1041, 1057; limitations of, 1022, 1029; tardy pursuit of Blücher, 1060, 1062, 1063; quarrel with Gérard, 1069, 1072; at battle of Wavre, 1091; recalled by Napoleon, 1076; blamed by Napoleon, 1091; mentioned, 1007, 1034, 1067, 1079, 1087, 1094; picture, 730

  Gudin, de la Sablonnière, Count C. E., French general, 489, 788

  Guibert, H., French military philosopher, 11, 136, 179; influence on Napoleon, 11, 30, 139, 142; writings of, 139; mentioned, 136fn, 140

  Guieu, J. J., French general, 106, 108

  Guindet, French quartermaster,471

  Guyot, Baron (later Count) C. E., French general, 1064, 1084

  Gyulai, Austrian general, 926, 928, 933

  Hannibal, Carthaginian general, 276

  Hardenberg, Prince K. A. von, Prussian minister, 446, 506

  Hatzfeld, Austrian prince, 500

  Haugwitz, Count, Prussian diplomat and minister, 443, 446, 453

  Hatpoul, Count J. J. A. d’, French general, 426, 543, 630

  Haxo, Baron F. N., French engineer general, 767

  Hesse-Homburg, German general, 933, 934

  Hill, Lord, Engl
ish lieutenant-general, 1017, 1028, 1065

  Hiller, Austrian general, 666, 680, 681, 687, 695

  Hilliers, Baraguey d’, French cavalry general, 216, 390, 824, 827

  Hoche, Lazare, French Republican general, 125

  Hohenlohe, Prince of, Prussian general, 453; character of, 455; position of, 456; plans of campaign of, 458, 459; during campaign of 1806, 470, 471, 473, 479; at battle of Jena, 483-85, 486; retreats, 486, 501; surrenders at Prenzlau, 501

  Hood, Lord, English admiral, 23, 27

  Hope, Sir John, English general, 628, 645

  Hortense (de Beauharnais), Napoleon’s stepdaughter, 245

  Ibrahim Bey, Mameluke general, 210, 222, 226, 227

  Jacobins, the, French left-wing party, 259, 308, 951

  Jannissaries, the, Turkish élite troops, see Infantry (Other), Index B

  Jellacic, Austrian general, 402

  John, Austrian archduke, 302, 331, 382, 403, 409, 436, 666, 673, 694, 696, 697, 709, 716, 718, 723, 727

  Jomini, Baron A. H., Swiss general in the French service, 133, 792, 895

  Joseph, King of Spain, see Bonaparte

  Josephine, née Tascher, Beauharnais, Empress, 49; biographical sketch, see Appendix; character of, 92, 214; marriage to Napoleon, 49; relations with his family, 245; Napoleon’s feeling for, 56, 527; infidelity of, 227; reconciliation with Napoleon, 245; failure to provide an heir, 744; divorced, 744; mentioned, 103, 378, 583, 587; picture, 48

  Joubert, B. C, French general, 71, 93, 114, 115, 120, 122

  Jourdan, Count J. B., French marshal, 46, 256; biographical sketch, see Appendix; during campaigns of 1795, ′96 in Germany, 46, 47, 96; as minister of war, 259; enacts Conscription Law, 257, 334fn, at battle of Fleurus, 169; Jacobin leanings of, 259; created a marshal, 435; adviser to King Joseph, 621; picture, 435

  Junot, Andoche, Duke of Abrantes, French general, 56; early confidant of Napoleon, 57; during campaign of 1796, 56; in Egypt and Syria, 226, 238; commander of Portuguese expedition, 597, 598; reaches Lisbon, 599, 612; defeated at Vimiero, 619; repatriated, 644; during campaign of 1812, 799, 815, 820, 841, 842; misconduct at battle of Smolensk, 788, 789; at Borodino, 799, 800; mentioned, 605

  Kalkreuth, Prussian general, 561, 563


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