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The Campaigns of Napoleon

Page 147

by David G Chandler

  Strategy, Napoleon’s: definition, 161, 178; Napoleon’s views on, 145, 162, 172; careful preparation, 145; links with grand tactics, 154, 158, 178; the “unfolding drama,” 179; basic aims of, 141, 143, 150; Napoleon’s denial of having any system, 134; system of penetration, 162, 175; April 1796, 175; the Niemen line, 1812, 175; system of the central position, 161, 162-63; described, 170-75; advantages, 170, 172, 174; disadvantages, 171, 172, 174; how often used, 172; flexibility, 172; Ligurian Coast, 1796, 174; at Areola, 1796, 172-74; Waterloo campaign, 1815, 174-75; system of envelopment (or manoeuvre sur les derrières), 163; described, 163-69; advantages of, 163; possible answers to, 163, 169; Napoleon’s adaptations, 163, 170; overall flexibility, 163-64; features that made it possible, 146, 147-49, 159, 160, 161, 164; careful coordination of moves, 150, 151-54, 155; centralisation of command vital, 157-58; how often used, 163; list of, see Appendix; origins of, 144, 166, 169; maneuver of Lodi, 1796, 166-67; fails, 167; maneuver of Stradella, 1800, 164; maneuver of Ulm, 1805, 166, 327, 390; maneuver of 1806, 150, 164, 463, 503; maneuver of Smolensk, 783-88; fails, 789; used in 1813 and 1814, 875, 902; becomes over-systematised, 919; Allies eventually discover answer to, 169, 901, 919, 940; Napoleon’s bluff called before Leipzig, 169, 918-19; outside Paris, 169; centers of operations, 145, 164, 171; corps of observation, 166, 171; operational bases (places de campagne), 164; strategic curtains, 163; curtain of maneuver, 163; weather, 220, 241, 525, 858; le bataillon carré, 154, 467, 673, 681; diagrams, 165, 168, 173; Napoleon’s principles for opening a campaign, 162, 433; effects of strategic consumption, 857; combination of systems, 175-78; see also Grand Strategy, Grand Tactics, Tactics and Weather; Other strategies: Allied, see Campaigns, Trachenberg Plan

  Supply, French: problems of, 70, 143fn, 366, 654, 916; Napoleon’s relative disinterest in, 366, 387; except in 1812, 757, 868; “living off the country,” 159-60; its origins, 159; its advantages, 45, 149, 160, 164; becomes systematised, 160; scale of provision of supplies, 160, 366, 387, 757-58; weaknesses of the convoy system, 771, 775, 855; breakdown of forward distribution, 855-56, 916; roads partly to blame, 855; failure to allow for Russian weather conditions, 858; Other armies: effects of depot and convoy systems, 45, 164; Austrian, 45, 677; English, 628, 646, 655; Prussian, 454; Russian, 411; 519, 750; Allied improvements in 1814, 169, 999

  Tactics, French: definition, 178; legacies of Ancien Régime, 66, 136; les grandes querelles, 136fn; the Drill-Book of 1786, 66, 136fn; Guibert’s influence, 136fn, 179; Mesnil-Durand, 136fn; of Revolutionary period, 66; use of skirmishes, 67; column vs. line, 67, 136fn, 344; “horde tactics,” 67; practical compromise, “l’ordre mixte,” 68, 346; Foy’s description, 67-68; inadequacies of cavalry and artillery methods, 69, 70; French Consulate and Empire, 344, 346, 348; Napoleon’s innovations, 178, 223; Napoleon’s relative disinterest in, 346; preference for “l’ordre mixte,” 179, 346; infantry tactics, types, 344-51; fluidity of, 346; Morand’s division at Auerstadt, 346, 353, 494; flexibility of, 346; tradition of attack, 180, 342; Bugeaud’s description of, 348; use of squares, 223, 346fn; cavalry tactics, 355; improvements in, 355; the charge, 355-56; artillery tactics, 294-96, 363, 488, 725, 727, 799, 1065; Sénarmont at Friedland, 363, 579; vital importance of coordination, 363-64; advantages of French methods, 364; their disadvantages, 364-65; fire vs. shock, 136fn, 342-43; tactical diagrams, 343, 345, 347, 349, 351, 353, 358-59; Other armies: Austrian, 45, 86-87; English, 42-43, 620; Moore’s reforms, 43, 627; Wellington’s use of ground and line, 350, 364-65, 1065-66; and skirmishers, 364; their effectiveness, 365; Prussian, 454; 484-85; influence of Frederick the Great, 454; later reforms, 873; Russian, 519, 524; Mameluke and Turkish, 226, 239, 243; Spanish, 617, 638, 640-41

  Telegraph, French military, see Semaphore

  Theseus, H.M.S., and Tigre, H.M.S., 237

  Trachenberg Plan, the Allied, 901

  Training, French: of officers, 335; l’École Militaire, 8, 335; St. Cyr, 335; l’École Polytechnique, 335; ceaseless demands on, 335; premature commissioning of cadets, 670, 868; lack of higher military training, 756, 860, 939; of men, 67; length of conscript training, 517, 559, 670; use of depots, 668; provision of depot battalions, 668; lack of range-firing, 342, 453; other deficiencies of, 341; specialto-arm training, artillery training under l’Ancien Régime, 9, 11, 137; Others: officers, Potsdam Military Academy, 499; R. M. C. Sandhurst, 43, 43fn; English Staff College, 42; Prussian Oberkriegscollegium, 455; Krumpersystem, 872-73; Sir John Moore’s reforms in England, 43, 627; other countries, 226

  Treaties, conventions, armistices, and negotiations: Allessandria, Convention of, 296; Amiens, preliminaries of, 303; Amiens, Peace of, 304, 307; Armistice of 1813, 898; Bailen, Convention of, 617, 623; Bar-surAube, Council of War, 983; Bayonne, Conference of, 607-609, 625; Bucharest, Peace of, 749; Campo Formio, Treaty of, 207; Châtillon, Conferences of, 951, 954; Chaumont, Conference of, 983; Cherasco, Armistice of, 75, 78; Cintra, Convention of, 619, 623; Coalitions, and associated wars: First, 42; Second, 246-48, 303; Third, 327, 331, 439; Fourth, 459-60, 590; Fifth, 664; Sixth, 749, 852; Seventh, 1014; Dresden, Congress of, 767; Erfurt, Congress and Convention of, 624, 668, 742; Fontainebleau, Treaties of, 1002; Kalisch, Treaty of, 514, 873; Leoben, preliminaries of, 125, 302, 330; Luneville, Peace of, 302, 330; Paris, Treaty of, 1003; Potsdam, Treaties of, 403; Pougy, Conference of, 999; Pressburg, Treaty of, 730; Reichenbach, Convention of, 899; Rhine, Confederation Treaty, 449; Schönbrunn, Negotiations of, 438, 730; St. Petersburg, Convention of, 748; Sommagices, Conclave of, 999; Tauroggen, Convention of, 851; Tilsit, Conference and Treaties of, 588-90; Tolentino, Treaty of, 121; Troyes, Council of War and Treaty of, 981; Ulm, Capitulation of, 400; Vienna, Conferences and Peaces of, 446, 1003, 1009

  Tugenbund, the Prussian, 870

  Ukase, Russian, 745

  Vanguard, H.M.S., 215

  Wars, see Campaigns, Treaties (Coalitions)

  War, Peninsular, 747, 852

  Weapons, French: infantry, 341; muskets, 341; types, 341, 344; characteristics, 342; bayonets, 342, 344; swords, 344; cavalry, 352; carbines, 352, 354; pistols, 354; swords, 352; sabres, 354; artillery, 356; heavy (12-pounders), 360; siege, 24; field (8-pounders and 6-inch howitzers), 360; regimental (4-pounders), 360; general artillery characteristics, 357; pictures, 361; diagrams, 358-59 Other armies: British rifled muskets, 344; Prussian muskets, 342, 344; Mameluke and Turkish, 223; British use of rockets, 362; and shrapnel shells, 362

  Weather, effects of, 220, 241, 525, 858; fogs before Austerlitz and Jena, 424-25, 479; at Eylau, 537-38, 540, 555; heat in Russia, 760, 858; heat at Wagram, 729; spates in Danube, 697; late frosts in Russia, 858; severe frosts in Russia, 858; rain at Dresden, 909; in 1814, 969, 971; before Waterloo, 1062; mentioned, 290, 550

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