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Entranced (The ROGUES Billionaire Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Tracie Delaney



  The phone on my desk rang, the caller ID showing up as Ryker Stone. A buzz of excitement sent a tingling to my fingertips. I picked up the handset, glancing furtively at my coworkers.

  “Athena Bancroft, can I help you?” Better to keep it professional in case others listened in.

  Ryker’s low chuckle sounded down the phone. “Indeed you can, Miss Bancroft. Please come to my office immediately.”

  He hung up without giving me a chance to reply.

  I moved away from my desk, mumbled something about a meeting, and left the office. Fortunately, the elevator that arrived was empty. I stepped inside and pressed the button for the top floor.

  None of the staff questioned me as I walked down the long hallway to Ryker’s office at the far end. On pins, I kept expecting Elliot to appear and ask me what I was doing on the executive floor. If he did materialize, I’d have to pretend I’d come to see him.

  I smiled at Patricia as I passed, wondering if she was aware the clothes she’d arranged to be sent to Ryker’s penthouse last weekend were for me, and what she would say—if anything—if she did know.

  “He’s expecting you, Miss Bancroft,” Patricia said, gesturing toward the door. “Go right in.”

  “Thanks, Patricia.” I rapped once then entered. “You asked to see me, Mr. Stone,” I said solely for Patricia’s benefit. I closed the door behind me, cutting off any chance of us being heard. I happened to know Ryker’s office had state-of-the-art soundproofing, as did all the directors’ offices, as well as the boardroom. A lot of confidential deals were carried out within these four walls. Leaks weren’t something anyone wanted. If the technology existed, why not use it.

  Ryker curled his finger, beckoning me over to his desk. I obeyed and stood opposite until he pointed at the space beside him. I walked around his desk until I was standing directly before him. He swiveled his chair and set his gaze on mine. His warm hand caressed my calf, then inched slowly upward. My heart hammered against my ribcage like a woodpecker drilling into tree bark.

  “Open your legs.”

  I shuffled my feet.


  I obeyed, licking my lips to add much needed moisture. I swallowed past a dry throat, the anticipation escalating to painful levels.

  Ryker’s strong fingers kneaded the inside of my thigh. He ran a nail around the lace top of my hold-ups. I drew in a sharp breath, my blood heating.

  “Ryker,” I breathed, the suspense killing me.

  He remained silent, maintaining eye contact. His hand continued its upward journey. I knew the final destination, but that didn’t help manage the riotous feelings careening around my body, setting my nerve endings on fire.

  He dipped a finger inside my panties, sweeping it over my folds. I gasped, the illicit touch heightening my senses. Anyone could walk in, at any time. Patricia, Elliot, my boss, Aaron. Yet still I allowed him to continue.

  “You’re so wet, Athena. Is that because you’ve been thinking of me all morning, or is it down to what I’m doing to you now?”

  “Both,” I said on an exhale of air.

  “Good.” He thrust two fingers inside me, the sudden penetration a shock.

  I swayed, losing my balance, and only righted when Ryker clamped a hand to my ass. He grazed the spot deep inside me, the one he knew by now drove me crazy.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “Do you need to come, Athena?”


  “Would you like me to make that happen?”

  “God, Ryker, this isn’t funny,” I expelled, gripping his wrist.

  He peeled my fingers away. “Answer the question.”

  “Yes, goddammit,” I gritted out. “Yes, I want you to make me come.”

  “With my fingers or my tongue?”

  My legs almost gave way. “Your tongue,” I rasped, my core aching, crying out for the release only Ryker could produce.

  Smiling, he withdrew. I mourned the loss of contact, but not for long. Bunching my skirt up around my hips, he got down on his knees—Dear fucking god, that’s hot—eased my panties to one side, and buried his nose in my soft curls.

  “I adore the way you smell,” he said.

  He used the tip of his tongue to circle my clit once, then pushed his tongue inside me, stealing my breath. My head lolled back, and my mouth parted. Pressure built deep within my belly. Damn, I wanted this to last longer, but it wasn’t going to happen. I peaked far too soon. My knees buckled. I clutched his shoulders for support. The climax was so strong I almost passed out. The room spun, white dots affecting my vision.

  Ryker continued his merciless onslaught, drawing every drop of pleasure from me. When I finally returned to Earth, I found him grinning like the proverbial cat.

  “I could watch you come all day long, but sadly I’ve got work to do.” He rose to his feet and reaffixed my skirt. “That memory will get me through a boring morning of meetings, though.”

  “That’s the reason you brought me here? To eat me out?”

  “Are you complaining?”


  He winked. “Didn’t think so. And as you asked, no, it isn’t the only reason. Meet me downstairs in the lobby at one o’clock. Don’t be late. And lock up your desk. You won’t be coming back until Monday.”

  “I can’t.”


  “I have work to do, Ryker. It might be Friday, but that doesn’t mean I can clock off early.”

  “You can work on the way. I’ve already told Aaron you’re supporting me on a special project. Text your parents and tell them you’re visiting a friend this weekend.”

  “Ryker…” I sighed. “People are going to get suspicious. What if Aaron mentions to Elliot that I’ve taken off?”

  “He won’t.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I told him the special project is a secret for Elliot. Stop putting obstacles in the way, Athena. You’re with me from one p.m. and won’t be home until late on Sunday.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He tapped the side of his nose. “All good things come to those who wait.”

  “What if I have plans?”

  “I happen to know you don’t, but if playing that game makes you happy, then I’ll bite. Cancel them.”

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re both arrogant and presumptuous?”

  “Many people, frequently. I’ll add you to the list.” He smacked my ass. “Now go, unless you want Elliot to catch you in here.” He glanced at his watch. “He’ll be arriving in five minutes.”

  And right there was the reason why Ryker Stone was such a successful businessman. He knew which buttons to press at precisely the right time, and he familiarized himself with his opponent’s weaknesses.

  I scuttled out, heat flooding my face as I passed Patricia’s desk, although she wouldn’t have a clue what had taken place in her boss’s office. At least I hoped not.

  The rest of the morning crawled by. My mind conjured up all sorts of theories for what Ryker had planned. Since the Christmas party, we’d spent every spare moment together—even Christmas Day. However, as we’d been surrounded by friends and family rather than alone, Ryker had reverted to his previous default setting: intolerant and barely speaking to me. Despite knowing the reason why, it still stung. He played a great game, though. No one had a clue.

  The Addison’s deal was due to be finalized on New Year’s Eve—three days from now, hence why ROGUES had a skeleton staff working through the holidays—and we’d decided to tell Elliot and my parents as soon as the ink was dry on the contract. Neither of us felt comfortable lying to those we loved, but the timing had to be perfect. My brother rarely buckled to work pressure, but this deal had pushed him to the edge. The last thing he needed was the news of Ryker and me to heap more stress upon his shoulders.

  At five minutes before one, I closed down my computer and wished my coworkers a nice weekend. I rode the elevat
or down to the lobby, arriving with a minute to spare. I glanced around. No sign of Ryker. The cheek of the man, demanding I arrive on time, yet he—

  “The car’s outside,” he murmured in my ear, striding on ahead.

  I jumped, staring at his retreating back, then scurried after him. Diving into the back of the limo, I closed the door behind me.

  “You should warn people you’re there,” I said.

  “Why spoil the fun?” He loosened his tie and unfastened the top button on his crisp white shirt. “What a week.”

  I checked the partition was up—it was—then crawled onto his lap. Smoothing the pads of my thumbs over his frown lines, I leaned in and kissed him. “You look tired.”

  “I am. This weekend will perk me up, though. I’m better off than Elliot. Poor bastard has to work right through if we’re going to hit Monday’s deadline to sign the Addison’s contract.”

  “I’ve never seen him so stressed.”

  “He’ll be fine. When you’ve poured months of your life into something and it’s edging toward the finish line, it’s only natural the pressure will mount.”

  “Isn’t he irritated you’re not sticking around to help him?”

  Ryker chuckled. “If I tried to interfere at this stage of the negotiations, Elliot would be seriously pissed, and rightfully so. Your brother is extremely smart and more than capable of closing this deal. He doesn’t need me muddying the waters. He knows where to find me if he needs support.” He trailed a finger between my breasts. “Besides, I’m busy with other equally important activities this weekend.”

  His voice dripped sex. Hot, sweaty, dirty sex. A tremor ran through me.

  “And what exactly do those activities entail?” I whispered.

  Ryker cocked a brow. “If that’s your best effort at extracting information, we’ve definitely got the right Bancroft working on the Addison’s deal.”

  I hit his shoulder with the heel of my palm. “Jackass.”

  He lifted me off his lap, sitting me back in my seat. “Buckle up before you get arrested. That would spoil my plans.”

  Thirty minutes later, the car stopped. I peered out the window, my gaze falling on the company jet, the same one Ryker and I had traveled in from Japan.

  “We’re flying?” I asked.

  “A reasonable hypothesis.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Can I expect more teasing to be forthcoming?” I asked drolly.

  He clipped me under the chin. “Bank on it, darling.”

  He exited the vehicle. I followed. Placed on the tarmac were two suitcases, neither of which I recognized.

  “What are those for?”

  Ryker arched an eyebrow. “I figured you’d want to change clothes at some point during the weekend. Unless you’d rather be naked, of course. I’m more than happy to support that decision.”

  My mind immediately went to Ryker sneaking into my parents’ house, or rather sending one of his minions to riffle through my closets. “You packed clothes for me?”

  “No. I bought new ones. I didn’t think breaking and entering would look good on my resumé.”

  He climbed the stairs, disappearing into the belly of the plane. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. Ryker was a law unto himself. I could attempt to restrain him, but the evidence led me to conclude I’d lose.

  By the time I boarded, Ryker had settled himself into a seat with a glass of scotch in his hand and an unapologetic smirk on his face.

  “Before you say anything, my actions only come with the best of intentions. I wanted to surprise you, but I had limited options that didn’t come with a shitload of questions I wasn’t prepared to answer. So, sit down, relax, have a drink, and enjoy the ride.”

  I plopped onto the chair opposite and picked up the gin and tonic that had miraculously been left for me. “I have no words.”

  “That’s a first.”

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?”


  My mouth fell open. “Mexico? That’s a six-hour flight.”


  “For the weekend? That’s insane.”

  “I’m comfortable with insane.”

  I frowned. “Anyway, we can’t go. I don’t have my passport.”

  “I know you don’t. I do.”

  “How? If you couldn’t fetch my clothes, then you wouldn’t have been able to get your hands on my passport.”

  “Remember on Christmas Day I disappeared for about half an hour on the pretext of a work call?”

  “Yes.” I laughed. “My entire family gave you grief over that.”

  “Guess what I was doing? And I’ll give you a hint. It had nothing to do with ROGUES.”

  I widened my eyes. “You stole my passport?”

  “Uh-uh. I didn’t steal it. I simply made sure you were prepared for our trip.”

  “You’re resourceful. I’ll give you that.”

  He grinned. “Thanks. Now buckle up. We’re taking off shortly.”

  At seven thirty that evening, our car drew to a halt outside the hotel. Exhaustion swamped me, not because it was particularly late, but more the consequence of flying at altitude. My skin felt dry, and I desperately wanted a shower.

  Ryker organized our check-in. A uniformed butler escorted us through the lobby, past the elevators, and headed outside. He led us along a winding path with shrubbery on either side, stopping only to flash a card at a wooden gate. The lock sounded, and he pushed on it. The space opened out onto a villa set among lush greenery. He passed Ryker the keycard.

  “Our Royal Villa, sir. If you require anything at all, please dial zero on your house telephone. Our staff are on hand to serve you twenty-four hours a day. Allow me to show you the facilities.”

  Ryker shook his head. “I’ll take it from here.”

  The butler bowed. “As you wish. Ma’am. Sir. Enjoy your stay.”

  I watched as he padded back on silent feet the way we’d come. He disappeared through the trees.

  Ryker unlocked the door, and I walked inside to a wide-open space jam-packed with luxury furnishings and fancy art adorning the walls. Full-length windows graced the back wall and, through them, I spied a swimming pool.


  He closed the door and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. “You like?”

  “What’s not to like? It’s gorgeous.”

  A knock at the door interrupted us. Ryker answered, gesturing to the bellhop to bring our luggage inside. I left him to it, walking through a set of large doors that led onto the pool deck. I breathed deeply, detecting the scent of jasmine and honeysuckle brought on a mild breeze. I sank into a plush, fabric sofa and closed my eyes, allowing the stresses of the journey to fall away.

  Ryker’s warm lips pressed to my neck. I sighed. “This is heaven.”

  He joined me, linking our hands. “I’ve given the staff strict instructions we are not to be disturbed. We’re completely secluded. No one can get to us unless we grant them entry.”

  I gave him a sidelong glance. “That sounds like you have plans.”

  “I do. I’m going to fuck you in every room in this villa, in the pool, on the deck, against that enormous tree providing shade over the front patio.”

  I giggled. “That’s a lot of fucking. I’m wondering why you bothered buying me any clothes.”

  He curved a hand around the back of my neck, drawing my mouth to his. “I’m beginning to wonder the same thing.”



  The early morning sun cast a shard of light across the bedroom through a minuscule gap in the blinds. I rose onto my elbow and watched Athena sleep. It wasn’t quite seven in the morning and, after the long plane ride, I’d kept her up far later than I should have, but it appeared that the more I fucked her, the less I found I could leave her alone.

  I craved the feel of her body against mine

  Coveted the sounds she made when she came.

  Ached for just one more or
gasm, despite knowing it wouldn’t sate my hunger.

  Seven years of denial had morphed into a yearning so strong, I worried I’d scare her away. She might profess to have wanted me for years, but the intensity with which I loved her—both in and out of the bedroom—could present itself as unreasonable, a worrying level of possessiveness, even. And that would be a problem because Athena was a free spirit. She wouldn’t be owned.

  Conscious that the strength and heat of my gaze had the capacity to wake her, I crept out of bed and padded into the kitchen. I put on a pot of coffee, and while I waited for it to percolate, I wandered outside. The pool looked far too inviting to ignore and, given how Athena had worshipped my body last night, I’d better take every opportunity to keep the six-pack in shape.

  After swimming forty laps, I climbed out, dried off, and returned to the kitchen. Pouring a coffee, I added a dash of cream and retraced my steps back to the pool. I checked my emails, replied to one or two, and scanned the rest to make sure nothing urgent had come up. The only one that caught my eye was from Elliot updating the board on the Addison’s deal. All on track, thankfully. The Addison’s portfolio would fit nicely with our existing businesses, adding even more value to ROGUES’ bottom line.

  The sliding glass door leading into the villa opened. I glanced over my shoulder and shot a smile at Athena, gesturing for her to join me.

  “How long have you been awake?” She yawned, flopping into the seat beside me. “And why are you naked? If your cock gets sunburnt, I won’t be happy.”

  I laughed. “I’ll fetch the sunscreen. You can rub some on it, although, if you do that, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  “Insatiable,” she mumbled, yawning again.

  She stretched her arms overhead, and a gap appeared in her robe. I slipped my hand inside, cupping her breast. She arched her back, groaning.

  “How’d you sleep?” I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.


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