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Page 2

by J Marie

  the table to rest my head in my hands. Knots tore away in my stomach while my

  head throbbed with a knowing pain at my temples. I could see Hank from the

  corner of my eye, watching me intently as I sat in silence and focused on my

  breathing rather than the impending torture of Darren’s presence.

  And then suddenly the footsteps stopped, and I felt a giant looming shadow

  behind me. I shuddered when I felt his warm breath against my skin.

  I sucked in air as Darren’s large warm hands came to rest on my bare shoulders.

  Heat bloomed under my skin where he touched me, and even though I hated him

  with every fiber of my being, I almost wanted more of it. I just wanted to feel good. I

  wanted to feel loved and cherished … and when he touched me like that, it felt real.

  Darren dipped low and placed a gentle kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes as his

  lips on my skin forced my blood into an all-out marathon.

  “Hello, princess,” he drawled smoothly into my ear. My body immediately


  Fuck, that voice of his.

  The knots in my stomach tightened from the mere sound of his voice. The deep

  baritone that could terrify and entrance all at the same time, and it made me

  shiver. His hands moved to gently pull my hair out of the ponytail and casually

  drape it over my right shoulder, and I couldn’t help but flinch from his touch.

  His breath tickled my neck, leaving behind a tingling sensation that I fought

  with all my might to ignore. Despite what this man had done to me, he was still

  able to leave me breathless with just the touch of his hand. I hated him for it, but I

  still craved it. The tip of his nose traced up the side of my neck, quietly inhaling me

  while his hands continued to burn into my shoulders.

  “How I have missed you,” he breathed into my ear.

  My body was on the verge of trembling, not only from anticipation but also from

  fear. It may remember the pleasure, but it also remembered the pain. It knew he

  was the reason for my wired jaw, my useless wrist, and the sharp ache of each

  breath I took. But apparently, none of that could compare to how good he could

  make me feel, and it had been some time since he’d made my body erupt in total

  volcanic bliss.

  Eventually, Darren stepped away from me, and my body shivered from his

  sudden lack of body heat. He pulled his chair out, unbuttoned his light gray suit

  jacket, and took his seat at the head of the table. He wore a white dress shirt

  underneath with a silver tie, matching his gray slacks as per usual. It was rare to see

  him out of a suit. Even on the island, he still conducted business via webcams or

  meetings on the nearest land outside of the island. At least, that was what Ginsby

  had been telling me.

  I could feel Darren’s eyes on me, but I just stared straight ahead out the window

  that gave me a perfect view of the white sandy beach outside.

  Thankfully, the island staff brought out our dinner, interrupting the silence

  before Darren could. A tall bowl containing beef broth and teeny-tiny vegetables

  and noodles was placed in front of me with a large straw. It was still all I could

  manage until my jaw was unwired. I was beyond sick of this liquid diet. I longed for

  something solid in my stomach; so much so, that I wouldn’t put it past myself to

  beg Darren for a fucking steak when I could finally open my mouth again. Darren

  started on his plate while I sucked small amounts of soup from my straw.

  “I spoke to Sid today about the progression of your recovery,” Darren said as he

  bit into the fresh island fish he’d been served.

  I merely glanced at him to acknowledge I heard him. I knew he didn’t like to be


  “He said you’re healing just fine, but he worries about your mentality.”

  I looked back at Darren confused. My mentality? The fuck was that supposed to


  “Hmm?” was all I could manage. I had been reduced to muffled sounds in order

  to communicate now unless I wrote it down my tablet.

  “You’ve been diagnosed with depression, Jaden. I’m concerned.”

  I snorted. I couldn’t help it. It never ceased to amaze me that he would never

  understand why I felt the way I felt. Of course, I was depressed—this wasn’t news

  —but he would never guess why even if I spelled it out for him in capital fucking


  “Do you find this funny, Jaden? Do you think your recovery is nothing but a joke

  to me?” he replied sternly.

  I raised my eyebrows in surprise, but then again, how could I be? He was the

  frickin’ cause for my recovery in the first place. Darren apparently didn’t see the

  irony and continued to glare at me until I backed down. I finally sat back in my seat

  and took another sip from my straw. I didn’t have the energy to argue with him,

  nor did I have the verbal capacity.

  “Tomorrow, the wiring in your jaw is being removed. If Sid doesn’t see a change

  in your attitude by the end of next week, I’m putting you on an antidepressant.”

  My gaze immediately shot to him, my eyes lit up in shock. He would drug me

  with fake happiness? Fucking seriously? I gave him my pleading puppy dog look

  and shook my head. He glared back at me with a warning in his eyes to let me know

  how serious he was. I had to do something to prevent this.

  I quickly turned to my tablet and pulled out the stylus, writing intently with my

  stupid left hand since my right was still in a cast, and flashed the pad to Darren so

  he could read it.

  ‘Compromise?’ I wrote.

  He barely even glanced at the tablet before the word no quickly left his mouth as

  he took a sip of his red wine.

  I looked at him incredulously before rolling my eyes and setting the tablet down.

  Of course, it was a no. Darren slammed his fist down on the table in response,

  causing me to flinch in my chair.

  “Goddammit, Jaden, this is not a game anymore!” he bellowed at me. “There are

  no more compromises. You will do what you’re told, and that’s final.”

  I looked at him with so much pain in my eyes I could practically feel them

  burning. No longer able to stand the sight of him, I shot out of my chair, ignoring

  the intense pain that raged through my ribs as I turned to leave the room. Hank

  immediately halted my attempt as he moved right in front of me, blocking my exit

  to the hallway. He then gently, but firmly, gripped my upper arm and escorted me

  back to my seat. Darren remained perfectly calm and seated as he nonchalantly

  took another bite of his fish while Hank forced me to sit back down. I crossed my

  arms and huffed an irritated breath through my nose as I stared straight ahead.

  “Finish your dinner, Jaden,” Darren ordered without looking at me.

  I didn’t move. Just stared out the window with hate in my eyes.

  “I swear to God, little girl, you do not want to push me today,” he warned,

  staring at me intently, that dangerous glare back in his eyes.

  Fear gripped my heart again as I felt my body shudder from the look he was

  giving me. Honestly, what more would he do to me? He couldn’t hurt me physically

  since he was so "concerned" about my recovery. If he took away any more

  privileges, I would definitely succumb
to my depression, which would further slow

  my recovery. All this I had against him, yet I was too afraid of him to use any it. I no

  longer felt the need to test him because he would always exceed my expectations.


  Swallowing back my fear, I tried to keep my hand from trembling as I reached for

  my bowl and took a small sip from my straw, hoping to placate him. He seemed

  happy enough as he returned his attention to his dinner. We were silent for the rest

  of the evening. I managed to finish almost all of my water and most of my soup and

  took my evening medicine without complaint.

  When we were finished, Darren gently took my hand and carefully pulled me

  from my chair to him. His other hand rubbed my arm up and down, softly caressing

  my skin as he looked me over. I kept my eyes down. I couldn’t bear to look at him


  Darren tugged me along to the parlor where a fire was flickering away in the

  white marble fireplace. Still holding my hand, he laid down on the couch and

  carefully pulled me down to lay on top of him.

  Even with broken ribs, I had to admit for as solid as he was, Darren was quite

  comfortable to lay on. My cheek pressed against his chest while he continued to

  clutch my hand near his heart, his other hand gently soothing me by rubbing my

  back and playing with my hair. I stared off into the fire, listening to Darren’s heavy

  pounding heartbeat.

  What I would give to hear it stop ...

  Eventually, his hands began to travel into my hair, and I found myself lulled into

  a trance of warmth and comfort. Darren might be a raging hurricane, but his softer

  side almost made him tolerable. I craved this part of him; the part that made me

  feel special and cherished … even though I didn’t want to be.

  Darren’s lips brushed against my forehead as he kissed me sweetly, rubbing my

  arm up and down until he finally exhaled a long heavy breath.

  “You’re going to go for a walk on the beach tomorrow,” he suddenly said. I

  tensed slightly, confused at his words. “I think the sunshine will do you some good.

  You’re looking paler than usual,” he finished.

  I nudged him slightly, letting him know I heard him. I didn’t have much interest

  in venturing outside my room or the island itself. I’d rather sleep my pain away

  than deal with it. But maybe he was right. Maybe some sunshine would do me some

  good. My skin was looking pretty pasty, after all.

  Eventually, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I knew it was still early, but my meds

  often made me drowsy, especially after I had eaten something. I closed my eyes and

  released a heavy sigh as I allowed myself to slip into sweet unconsciousness.



  A bsolute calm. That was all I ever felt when I held Jaden like this. When she’d fall

  asleep in my arms, and all I had to focus on, at that moment, was her—her

  breathing—her heartbeat—her warmth. Absolute peace. I didn’t realize how much

  I needed it in my dark life until I almost lost her. When she escaped from me, I

  hadn’t known how deeply she had sunk her claws into my wretched heart; that was

  until she ripped them out and left me to bleed with rage in her absence.

  I knew I would get her back. The GPS on her collar saw to that, but I had learned

  my lesson in underestimating her, and I had a feeling she had learned hers as well.

  I doubted she would make the same mistake twice, but it didn’t matter much since

  she would never be given an opportunity like that ever again.

  Jaden would have round-the-clock supervision, and as soon as we returned

  home, she would have four bodyguards to watch her when I wasn’t there—two for

  the day and two for at night—twelve-hour shifts, no breaks. Until she had accepted

  her life, that would be the case. I already had two perfect soldiers lined up for the

  job. They were among my best men, and I felt I could trust them with Jaden’s safety

  as well as her tricks. They were sharp enough to recognize her deceptions and

  smart enough to remain professional at all times unless they wanted to be fed their

  dicks for breakfast.

  Things were slowly getting back to normal back home. The damage to my house

  was repaired, and after some more serious damage control and blackmailing, the

  news tape of Jaden speeding off on my bike was now a pile of ash. The guards who

  had allowed her to escape had been dealt with, and new security measures were

  being put into place at the estate to ensure what had ensued would never happen


  Jaden would not get away from me a second time. I was committed to her

  conditioning now more than ever as I realized how strict I needed to be with her.

  Her fragile state would make it easier. She wouldn’t fight me while she was still

  broken if she wanted to recover sooner, but then again, neither would I. Jaden just

  couldn’t know that. I was still worried about her recovery, and I didn’t want

  anything to interfere with that, but she still needed to accept her place.

  I knew Jaden was depressed even before Sid told me. I had anticipated it. Jaden

  was beyond vulnerable with her broken body, and she hated it. She hated that I had

  rendered her defenseless and useless, but she needed to understand that her

  skillset was a privilege under my roof, and I could easily take it away if I wanted to.

  I'd made her broken body her own prison, and I could see it was destroying her

  inside. Vulnerability was terrifying, especially for someone like her, and I hoped the

  fear of that alone would be enough to keep her in line. But still, her depression did

  worry me. I'm not so cruel as to wish constant misery on her. I wanted her happy

  with me while at the same time fearful of the consequences for opposing that.

  Regrettably, I knew her depression was a step in the right direction. It was a sign

  that she was coming to the conclusion she wouldn’t win against me, that there was

  no escape, and that she was better off accepting her life with me. It would still take

  her some time to come around, but once she recovered, I could start to show her

  how enjoyable life with me could be.

  I looked down at Jaden, sleeping soundly on my chest, and it warmed me like the

  sun. She was so small yet so ferocious. How was it possible that someone could be

  so adorable yet so diabolical at the same time? She had honestly impressed me with

  her successful escape plan, but it didn’t piss me off any less. I wanted her safe.

  Always. And if she was able to escape, my enemies would smell weakness and come


  If I couldn’t demonstrate my ability to control my own future wife, then how

  could I be trusted to control my own empire? Every decision was judged like a

  goddamn reality show; everyone was watching, and no one could ever afford to look

  weak. Otherwise, they were quickly chewed up and spit out, allowing the vultures to

  circle the remains until nothing was left.

  And I was the shark who enjoyed eating the vultures.

  Jaden stirred, and it brought my thoughts crashing back to her. My hand gently

  caressed the side of her face, just admiring the softness of her skin. I had to admit I

  was excited about the removal of the wiring in her jaw. I knew it was my own fault,

I didn’t want the headache of her screaming and arguing with me or anyone

  else for that matter while I cleaned up the giant shit storm she’d created.

  For the first few weeks, I had just wanted her silent and submissive. For the

  most part, she had been, but I knew it wouldn’t last. Once she was able to speak

  again, she would start expressing her complaints and objections in an array of cuss

  words that would only make me want to reinstall the wire. I’d have to find a way to

  instill her fear of me without fucking up her recovery. The only problem was I

  wasn’t around enough to continue to remind her of who owned her. I already had to

  fly back out tomorrow morning to deal with more shit, but I somehow managed to

  have one day this week that allowed me the time to come and visit her. It was

  overwhelming how much I missed her.

  Just feeling her silky red hair between my fingers was enough to remind me of

  how much I needed her. And it pissed me right the fuck off. In her presence, I’d

  become obsessive, but in her absence, I’d become pathetically dependent. She was

  always on my mind. Always. I felt like a goddamn drug addict just waiting for my

  next fix.

  In a very short span of time, Jaden had become the lifeline to the other side of

  my world where others didn’t often venture. A side that was warm, and bright, and

  safe, and Jaden was the fucking bouncer. I couldn’t get in without her. She was my

  gateway drug that led straight to paradise, the place where I could forget everything

  and just drown myself in her. The only problem was I treated her like a damn dog

  treats its chew toys. I just had to remind myself not to chew too hard lest I ruined

  her completely.

  Jaden was still so much an experiment—my perfect little puzzle. I was still

  figuring out what worked and what didn’t with her. If all else failed and she still

  refused to break, I had one last card in my pocket to draw. My final ace—one I

  hoped I wouldn’t need because the damage of that could be irreparable. It was a

  dangerous and fragile method, and I feared that if I used it, neither one of us were

  coming back from it. Ever.

  There was a price for everything and mine just might be Jaden’s sanity …


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