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Queen of Hearts

Page 25

by Sheryl Wright

  From the garden, they heard the assistant director call, “All quiet on the set. Let’s get this in one take, folks.”

  For once, it sounded like everyone had shut their traps, and the same woman called to Connie that the lights were a go, the cameras a go, and the sound on the various microphones.


  Tommy Proulx stepped to his first mark. “Welcome to the finale of Queen of Hearts! Yes, folks, this is it. We began twelve weeks ago—” He was referring to the timespan the show would take to air, “—with thirty wonderful women vying for the love of our Queen of Hearts, but unlike other programs, this one has a twist. Instead of just one beautiful and eligible bachelorette to choose, we introduced four. And, we gave our contestants the power to pick and choose just who interested them most. As you recall it didn’t take long to eliminate our first hopeful for the title Queen of Hearts.” He paused; Connie would edit in highlights from the first ceremony and a clip of Virginia’s Roll Royce leaving Glendennon Castle.

  “Once our contestants narrowed the pool it was time to really get to know the remaining three hopefuls. Rene Santos-Dumont, our tech millionaire and racing mogul…” He paused again. Another clip of Rene’s arrival in her supercar would be added here.

  “Our next hopeful was the gorgeous defender of the people, Chicago’s hometown girl, Pamela Parker with her stunning arrival by helicopter!” Again, he paused.

  “Then, we had a real upset. Just when we thought we’d seen everything, our pilot extraordinaire, Allyson Parker, doffed her helmet and joined the women on the front lawn of the gracious Glendennon Castle, our home for this past twelve weeks.” Pause.

  “It was a wild ride while our women got to know our three hopefuls. They raced cars with Rene. Enjoyed the finest restaurants and toured award-winning vineyards with aficionado Pamela, and escaped to private beaches only accessible by a helicopter piloted by our Allyson.” Pause.

  “The women standing here tonight survived the first elimination by our queens, enjoying outings with their favorites, culminating in a most exhilarating and thrilling rafting trip down the always breathtaking Ottawa River: an expedition so treacherously exciting, one of our women would have been lost except for the bravery of our queens!” The highlights of this part were already cut and would look like Pam and Rene were part of the rescue attempt with Ally going overboard after an unidentified contestant, and Pam planning the rescue and coordinating from their base camp, and Rene leading the rescue party. Yes, it was a fiction, but it made for good reality TV.

  “After that harrowing experience, our women flew home to face a true test, the final elimination of a queen hopeful. It was a nail-biting moment for all three of our queens, but in the end, the women wished Rene safe journey and sent her home.” Pause. “But with so many women and so little time, they were soon set for another elimination. This was a difficult decision for our two remaining queen hopefuls as they pondered just who would warm their hearts. Their final decision: Pamela chose the delicate Charlotte, steadfast Denise, and brave Erin, while Allyson asked high-spirited Bobby Ann, creative Teresa, and unwavering Karen to stand by her.” Pause.

  “CUT! That was perfect, Tommy.” At this point, Connie would insert the opening credits. Then the program would cut for the commercial break. “Okay women. This is it. Take your marks. Everyone, try to relax.” She nodded to the assistant director who checked off all technicals as ready. “ACTION!”

  “Welcome back to the Queen of Hearts. It’s time to join the final six women vying for the heart of one of our two queen hopefuls. Before we call on Allyson and Pamela, let’s check in with our women and see how they’re faring.”

  Moving to his next mark, Tommy picked up a handheld microphone for the women not fitted with the wireless mics. Starting with Ally’s group of three he began with the least favored to win Ally’s heart, Karen. “It’s been a long twelve weeks, Karen. How are you holding up?”

  She smiled as rehearsed then answered as practiced. “I’ve had the time of my life. Allyson is so sweet, and I just loved spending time with her.”

  “I understand flying is not your favorite thing?”

  She blushed. “I’ll admit, it’s a challenge for me, but one I’m sure I can overcome.”

  He moved on without comment, just a smile, knowing Connie would edit in some part of her discomfort during the last helicopter ride and Ally’s kindness and soothing words afterward. “Teresa, tell me about your experience?”

  “Tommy, it’s been outstanding. Honestly, I have learned and experienced more in these last weeks than I could have imagined.”

  “I understand you’re a budding novelist. Is that something you believe Ally would favor?”

  She smiled pleasantly, if disingenuously for the camera. “I know it is. And she’s provided so much content. I think I could write a dozen novels just drawing on her flying experiences alone.”

  Stepping to Bobby Ann’s side, he smiled. “Bobby Ann, I understand you are just as adventurous as our Allyson, only more ground-based.”

  She laughed, much more genuinely than Teresa. “Souping up cars does not compare, but what a ride! I’ve had a wild time, and Ally is just the best. I adore her and all she does.”

  “High praise from our women, all hoping to catch the eye of Allyson.” He paused again, then moved to his next mark when Connie gave him the nod. Starting with Charlotte, he asked, “You picked Pamela right from the start. Please tell us why?”

  “She’s amazing. So poised and smart. And I just love her command of the world and the work she does to help the wrongly accused.”

  He patted her shoulder, moving on to Erin. “Erin you’re from Wisconsin, and we learned early on you work in the legal field too. Since you know the legal life, was Pamela’s career a plus or minus for you?”

  “Honestly, it’s difficult. I know how hard lawyers work, especially the best of the best, as Pam is. What she does is important, and you have to accept the job with the woman. Like Ally, it’s not what she does, but who she is.”

  Turning to the last contestant, and Pam’s favorite, Denise, he asked, “You’re standing here with these other incredible women. Tell me, do you think you’re cut out to live the life of a high-powered attorney’s wife?”

  “Balancing careers in a relationship is always work. Compromises need to be made, but with love and understanding, there is always room to make things work.”

  Seeming unsatisfied with her answer, he asked, “What about that career? Tell us, if Pamela were to ask for your hand, would you put her career first or your own?” It was a fair question, just not the one she had rehearsed. This was an answer Pam wanted and had asked Connie to add at the last moment.

  Denise did not look pleased, but plastered a smile on her face as she said, “In the end, the best marriages are built on honesty and being true to ourselves. I wouldn’t be the woman Pam wants to marry if I neglected my own needs or my own career.”

  Tommy smiled and moved back to make his final remarks before introducing Ally and Pam. While they listened from inside the garden entry, Ally and Pam exchanged a look. Both women were bothered by the remark, especially since Denise was between positions and seemed to be floundering in her so-called career. They both knew their careers were part of them and mattered as much to them both as being Parkers.

  When Tommy called Pam, Ally nodded, blowing out a hot breath and signaling her confidence with a thumbs-up.

  Pam nodded to the signal; then she walked out as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

  “Pamela, welcome, welcome,” Tommy said as Pam stepped up to his side, stopping expertly on her mark.

  “Thank you so much, Tommy. I’m very excited for this night and if it’s okay to admit it, a little nervous.”

  He grinned for the camera. “Well, of course, sweetie. Tonight is a big night for you, these women, our audience and of course Allyson, who, as we have mentioned before, is your first cousin. Tell me, what was it like competing against family?�

  “Oh Tommy, this has been an adventure from the start, but as far as competing, I feel we are here first and foremost to find that perfect someone.”

  “Now, you and Allyson have very different careers, and live in entirely different countries, but what was it like growing up? Did you see much of each other?”

  “We did, more than you would expect. We grew up in this house, even sharing a bedroom and attending all the same schools until college and our careers took us in separate directions. We may be very different women but at heart we’re both Parkers and Parkers are resilient and loyal to one another.”

  “I understand your family has a long history. One you can trace back to good old England. Can you tell me about that?”

  “It’s not unique, but we pride ourselves on our name and motto. The Parker name was granted to our ancestor in the year ten-eighty-three by Queen Matilda as Royal Keeper of the Park. That role today is held by His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh as the Royal Ranger of Windsor Castle. Our family motto, which Ally and I take to heart is, Loyalty is Our Reward.”

  He practically swooned. “Heady stuff and a royal connection too! No wonder you attended a castle for high school. What was that like?”

  “It was absolutely amazing to have Allyson there with me. I don’t know if Ally has told you, she was the school lacrosse star. I was a bookworm and her greatest fan.”

  He smiled and paused as scripted, then added, “Let’s call Allyson out and hear what she has to say about your confession that you spent your high school years buried in books. Allyson?”

  Ally stepped up to his other side, having to shuffle a bit to make her mark.

  “Here she is, lacrosse star and daring pilot. Before we talk about your experience over the weeks culminating in this night, tell me, was Pamela the bookworm she claims to be?”

  Ally couldn’t hold back the grin. “The first thing you need know about Pam is she has an eidetic memory. She only needs to read a thing once to know it by heart so, buried in the library? Not so much. Of course, she’s modest. She was captain of the debate team—the undefeated debate team, I might add. She was also a cheerleader and our school’s most popular girl. I, on the other hand, was short…of course, I still am, plus awkward—oops, still guilty on that too, but having Pam as my popular and gorgeous cousin made life much easier, and oh did I mention she had all the girls after her then too?”

  Tommy almost snorted at the off-script comments. “Tell me about these last twelve weeks. Did you feel you were competing against Pam for the love of these amazing women?”

  Choking, Ally looked over to where Erin was standing with Pam’s picks. She blew out a visible breath, admitting, “Yes and no. I think we have different taste when it comes to our affections, but we do overlap in the ideal of true love.”

  Tommy, excited, almost clapped. “Now, I’m not going to ask more on that as it’s time for a break. When we return to the Queen of Hearts, we’ll welcome our representative to tell us about the engagement rings you have each selected.”

  “CUT! Perfect. Okay, guys take a breath and relax. Don’t move from your marks, but please shake off some of the tension you’re carrying in your shoulders. Some of you are starting to look like linebackers for the Argonauts.”

  Connie ordered her crew to check and recheck their equipment. She wanted to get this right. It would only be fresh once, so there was only one chance to get it done. While they did their thing, she moved around the garden-turned-set, double-checking everything and everyone. Finally, she stopped beside Ally and Pam, telling them both, “You’ll take turns doing this with only one of you on camera. We start with you contemplating your three rings as a set, then looking over each ring separately. I’ve got the shopping sequence edited and the close-ups of the rings already. It’s just a matter of you taking a moment to contemplate each ring. We know each was chosen for a specific woman, but the audience doesn’t know which, so when you pick up the ring you want, if you pick up a ring, it’ll be all suspense until you either propose or ask your choice to get to know you better.”

  Out from the direction of the service entrance, two production assistants carried what looked like a backdrop or screen. She spotted them and showed them where to set it. Once she was satisfied, she turned to Ally and Pam. “When Tommy calls on you, take your time. Look the rings over carefully, even pick each up as if you may be reconsidering. Finally, if you decide on one, remove it from the box and hide it in your hand. Then and only then, I want you to walk around the screen, and stop on the mark just like we practiced. Try to breathe and wait for my nod. If you miss it don’t panic and backtrack, Ally,” she added, knowing who was the most nervous. “You will move to the last mark in front of the group. Yes, all six women will be standing as just one group for this part. So you can’t miss that final mark. If you’re going to propose, do it in whatever fashion you see fit. Especially you, Pam, since you’re in a dress.”

  The beautiful and expensive designer dress Pam had purchased just yesterday did not look suitable for kneeling much less anything but standing and looking gorgeous. Ally on the other hand had selected a suit from Brooks Brothers that screamed her name when she tried it on. It was neither masculine or business-y, and fit the occasion perfectly. “Okay. Any questions?”

  Looking terribly nervous, they both shook their heads.

  “Guys, you’ve got this. Remember, this is your future you are wagering on, and your hearts. I want the real deal, no matter what. Got that?” she said, accentuating her words and making sure they both understood by repeating herself, “Remember that, no…matter…what.”

  Connie moved back beside the camera crew but didn’t take her seat; no one was in their chairs anymore, the tension was just too high. She nodded to her AD who ran through all the checks.


  Off script, Pam moved to Ally’s side, hugging her before returning to her mark and beginning her wavering over her three chosen engagement rings. Finally she chose one, removing it from the box and palming it carefully. She turned to Ally again, pausing as if looking for support.

  Ally nodded to her, tempted to give her another hug, then, throwing all instruction out the window, did just that. Pam was shaking up a storm and looked as if she would cry on the spot. “You’ve got this,” Ally said quietly. “Stick to the advice you gave me and follow your heart.”

  Pam nodded, then walked past the screen to take the mark Connie wanted her to hold on, while the camera grabbed a closeup of her nervous and contemplative face.

  Jarvis, more astute about Pamela’s needs and the complexities of being a lady, had placed a small stool in front of her next mark and a PA had quickly covered it with a black cloth. It would be almost invisible to the cameras unless she chose to bend a knee.

  When Connie finally nodded, Pam was visibly shaking as she walked to her mark. Hitting it squarely, she seemed to almost forget her purpose, standing frozen in front of the six final contestants.

  Connie gave her a moment to collect herself, knowing the tension and delay would play out perfectly on TV.

  The tensions heightened further as she stepped forward, resting a bare knee on the draped stool and holding out the ring for the cameras and audience, plus the women, to see.

  Knowing she could only shoot this once, Connie had cameras everywhere including one honed in on each of the six women she had moved to stand in one group.

  Pam offered a smile that would sway any jury in its authenticity. “I never imagined this would happen to me. I thought I would go through this, have some fun, meet some amazing women, and go home much the way I arrived, single and determined to stay that way.” She paused again, taking deep breaths. Then she said, “I don’t want to go home alone and no matter what the future holds you have changed the world for me. Seeing and experiencing life through your eyes has brought the fun back and the wonder.” She swallowed hard, asking “Will you marry me, Charlotte?”

  Charlotte, all a-quiv
er, burst out in joyful tears before throwing herself into Pam’s arms. It was all she could do to keep her balance.

  Connie let them have their moment, just as surprised as the other women and crew. She was careful to check out the expression of the others, especially Denise and Erin. Erin looked surprised and delighted, the smile on her face betraying her fondness for the two together. Denise, on the other hand, looked like she would start a fight. Perfect. More food for the audience.

  Finally able to get to her feet, Pam turned to the cameras as practiced and with Charlotte’s hand shaking so hard it took some work, placed the ring on her finger. Charlotte held it out for the world to see, then returned her arms to their place around Pam’s shoulders. She was rewarded with a kiss capable of setting fires.

  Before anyone could step forward to congratulate them, Connie held up a hand to remind everyone they were still shooting. She let the two carry on in each others’ arms for several minutes then called for quiet again. She didn’t call cut but did move Pam and Charlotte to stand beside Tommy, who looked beyond cheered.

  The main camera panned back to Ally who stood looking immobilized by fear. Quietly, Connie encouraged her; she could edit the audio later to remove her voice. “Okay Ally. It’s up to you now. Just follow your heart.”

  Swallowing visibly, she stood looking at the rings. When she had chosen them, only one mattered to her, the perfect three-carat diamond ring sitting in the center of the table. Her hands were trembling so much she had a tough time getting it from the box. When she finally had it in her hand, she held it so tightly her knuckles were turning white. Trying to breathe, and to remember Connie’s instructions, she almost stumbled when she turned from the table. She couldn’t look at the women grouped together. Instead, she looked to Pam for support. The tears of joy she saw there were real, and gave her the confidence to keep going. Forgetting to wait for Connie’s signal she started for the next mark in front of Teresa, Karen, and Bobby Ann, and the remaining Erin and Denise. Realizing she’d missed the mark, she almost backtracked, then remembered Connie’s warning not to do that.


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