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The Darkness in You (The Darkness Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Diane Ashley Nortje

  “Yes, you are what we would call his mate.” Weyland says to me.

  “I don’t know what that means.” I say as I hear more footsteps approaching me from the darkness.

  “What is that noise?” Weyland asks out and cuts our conversation off. And everyone stills. I don’t even dare to move.

  “What noise?” I whisper-ask him.

  I watch as his eyes run the length of my body. His head tilting like he is trying to listen for something. The silence stretches between us, when finally, his eyes meet mine once more. He grins at me from ear to ear. I don’t know what is going through this man’s head at the moment.

  “That motherfucker.” He whispers out. And the growling from the darkness picks up yet again. I don’t want to know what is out there.

  “Excuse me?” I ask Weyland.

  “Will you all shut up and come forward.” Weyland barks out into the darkness, instead of answering me. I don’t know why. There is no noise except for us.

  Branches snap, leaves rustle from all around me. I turn to look away from Weyland and watch more of the hounds come forward, some are still men, but they approach me, making my cage even smaller. There must be over three hundred of them trying to crowd around me. They pour out from behind the trees, coming to form a circle around me. I can’t escape. All I’m left with is a view of the men and the treetops. I’m sure if the sun was shining, that too would have been swallowed whole.

  I start to shake involuntarily. I’m afraid, so very, very afraid right now. My enchantress takes a peek and she too stops. We are so entirely screwed right now. The men are all massive, scary looking, with glowing yellow eyes that are too bright to look at. They are assessing me. Looking me up and down like I’m some small insignificant being. The hounds that surround me, sniff the air, their ears tilting as if they are trying to pick up on some sort of radio frequency.

  I’m frozen in my spot. I dare not move. My shaking body is the only movement I’m able to do. Other than that, I’m still under these men’s gaze.

  “Listen.” Weyland instructs them all. They are all eerily quiet, none move, even the wildlife knows better than to disrupt what these men are listening for.

  “What are we listening for?” Tray says to Weyland.

  “Listen. One, two, three. One, two, three.” Weyland replies, and all the men’s eyes snap towards me. I want to cower and somehow hide from their stares, but I can’t. I’d look even more weak than I already do now.

  “Why are you counting like that!” I ask Weyland while never taking my eyes off the men that surround me.

  “You, Little Lady, are full of surprises.” Weyland says to me. “We need your help; we need him back. And to get him back, we need you. Please consider helping us.”

  “What could I possibly do to help? You bunch of men seem more than capable.” I ask him, and gesture to the men that are surrounding me.

  “We are, if we knew who took him.” Weyland simply states.

  “And how will I know who took him? I was there that night just like you, and I didn’t see anyone.”

  “I know a way, if you are willing to help.” Weyland says back to me.

  “Can I get a few minutes to process what is going on in my head before I answer. Everything is too much.”

  “You take as much time as you need, Little Lady.” Weyland says to me. “Give her space to leave.” He says to the men that surround me.

  I start to escape my prison, when I turn back to look at Weyland. “How will I get hold of you?”

  “You will know where to find me, Natalie, when you are ready.” He simply states and nods his head.

  “You seem certain I will return.” I say to him.

  “Oh, when you remember, not only will you help, you will kick some serious ass when you do.” Weyland says to me.

  I turn to walk off once more when my thoughts catch up to me. “What difference will I make, in helping you get him back?”

  “We will come when you call.” He says to me. And I nod my response. I have no clue what he is talking about. I hear the growling echo around the field once more and I’m not sure if I really want to know what these men are.

  I remember Valen and Elgan asking for a call of some sort. But I can’t place it in a time frame in my mind, it had something to do with a book we were looking for. Jacin didn’t want to give them his call. I’m not sure how it works, but why would Weyland give up his so easily, unless it’s not a permanent thing. Either way, I don’t even know how to use the call, or if I even really want it.

  My questions are still unanswered and my fear, even though has lessened, hasn’t disappeared. I need to speak with the witch. I need her to help me. Was the man in my dreams, everything I remember him to be, or was that just my imagination playing tricks on me?

  Because the dreams haven’t left me. I remember the years he haunted me. Hunted me down as if I was his prey. I remember the cold lifeless green eyes that would watch me with some sick humour he had. The way he would taunt me, tease me, chase me to the ends of hell, for his sick pleasure. He destroyed any hope of me believing in a fairy tale.

  Until he became my fairy tale. And he became everything I wanted. Everything I needed. Where my mind is telling me to figure this out, my heart is guiding me until it reaches him. It doesn’t want to let him go, it wants to find him, save him.

  And your heart wants what it wants and mine is demanding to be heard.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I would have run away with you.”- Natalie


  Confusion. That is what I am. And even that is the understatement of this century. So, I go back, back to where all my problems were somewhat solved or at least stored away before I had no other choice but to face them head on.

  I return to the woods once more. To where my answers will hopefully be answered.

  I slowly make my way through the thick trees, and soft undergrowth. The midday sun beating at my back as I make my way through until I reach my haven. Flowers dance in the wind and they perfume the air I breathe. Fresh woody scents hit my senses and I want to crumble to the floor and make sand angels in my wake. This is my clearing. And there she stands in the open, expecting me. She always knew when I needed her the most. I approach her slowly. Will Weyland appear once more beside me, or Tray. Are they watching me or are they idly waiting for me to give them an answer?

  “Do you remember me Natalie?” The witch asks me, but she doesn’t make a move to come closer. Before she would welcome my embrace. But I’m older now, not some young girl that is lost in the woods.

  “Yes, of course, I came to you last night, but you weren’t here.” I say out to her as I start to move closer to her.

  “You were followed. As you are now. They never leave you, child. They never will.” She says to me in warning.

  “Who?” I ask her and look about the field we are standing in. No one followed me. Well not that I know of.

  “Your five.” She simply states. “They will come closer soon. They cannot see me. They can never see me. But I’m here for your aid. What is it that you need child?”

  I contemplate what I want to ask her. It’s always been tricky getting the correct answer from her. Sometimes it’s not what I want to know, but what I need to know. And there are many things I need to know and little less of what I want to know. It’s not always easy, shifting through the many questions we have for the world and I know my time with her is limited, it’s always limited.

  “How do I know if what I remember is real or it’s just some crazy imagination I have, I can’t separate it.” I finally say out to her and she nods her head in understanding.

  “Take a leap of faith. Believe in yourself, believe what your heart tells you to believe.” The witch tells me, it’s not the answer I was looking for.

  “What it is telling me, what I remember are completely different things, I’m so angry at him.” I say to the witch. “He is a monster. The things I have seen him do to people. He hunted me fo
r years. But then I remember him and us, what happened between us. It’s all so fuzzy though. How could I have even fallen in-love with someone like that?”

  “That question should be easy for you to answer, Natalie.” Is all she replies to me.

  I nod at her, because it is easy. Something I didn’t want to admit, I was running from it. I know the truth behind the lie. “Our monsters play well with one another.” I whisper out to her finally.

  “Yes.” The witch simply states. “All monsters live within us; we must just decide how much of a monster we can handle.” The witch says to me. The truth ringing in my ears. I just need to believe it.

  My heart wants what it wants. There is no denying it. No running from it. It is that simple and that complicated. I’ve heard it, loud and clear.

  “His darkness has nothing on mine.” I say to her. And she smiles at me.

  “Oh, I know sweetheart. You weren’t created to keep his beast in line. He was created to keep yours in line, he is the only one strong enough to do so.” She says to me and then she fades from view.

  I hear snaps of twigs that litter the ground. I don’t bother to run; I don’t bother to turn around. My five are with me, as she said. I feel them, now that I know what to look for, what to feel for and yes, they have been with me always. Now I know what I need to do. I need the other part of myself returned to me. I gave it away and I would never ask for it back, that I’m sure of. I just want what’s mine back.

  I turn to leave, back to where it really started all those years ago.

  ~ ~ ~

  The trees run the line of the driveway as I make my way down. The large green lawns are still beautifully manicured, with large oak trees dotted about the lawn. The beautiful white mansion, with its large glass windows is still breathe takingly beautiful as it was the last time I saw the house. The sun is starting to set, and the sunlight is pouring in through the massive windows. God, why does it feel like home?

  I park my car, next to the three other cars that are parked in the driveway. A massive black Range Rover SUV, all tinted black windows and matte black body, stands next to a lime green Ford Mustang. I think I feel some drool roll down my chin, as I look at the beauty parked in the driveway. The next car is also matte black. One of those sleek Mercedes I would see driving in the city, or on TV, but never being able to ever think about going near one. I take a peep inside; I’ve always wondered what they look like inside. But the windows are tinted black, but I think I see red interior. My nose is literally pushed onto the glass when the alarm for the Ford goes off and I jump back from the car.

  “I don’t like it Weyland. You tell him to give me a call. I’ll be waiting for it.” A dark-haired beauty with eyes as black as night says as he comes out of the house. I leap back more from the Mercedes as if the thing shocked the life out of me.

  The dark-haired beauty stops in his tracks when he sees me, but he is soon followed by Weyland.

  “Natalie.” Weyland whispers out. And the dark-haired beauty eyes snap back to Weyland and then back to me.

  “Natalie.” He says to me as if he is testing it on his tongue for the first time. And I notice the wild insanity behind his eyes. If his tattooed body and pierced nose didn’t scream trouble. I’d be blind. Trouble must be this guy’s name.

  “Hi!” I say out loud. God I could just slap myself right now.

  The dark-haired beauty smirks at me but then turns back to Weyland. “Tell him I’m waiting. You don’t want me to come looking for him, Weyland.” He says and then starts walking in my direction. Until he comes toe to toe with me. I want to take a step back. But I can’t. I’m pushed up against the Mustang as he comes closer to me.

  My nose barely lines with his chest as he pushes me back until I’m almost laying over the car, my body trying it’s best not to come into contact with him, but it’s out of luck, as he invades my personal space, taking my air with me.

  “You are such a small little thing.” He simply states and his eyes move over my face as if he is assessing me. “So much trouble from something so small.” He says to me as his hand comes to grip my neck and his tattooed thumb runs over my lips. “I could just kill you now, save him the trouble of you.” He whispers into my ear. “But then that would break him.”

  I try to answer him, but his thumb presses against my lips, silencing me. He wasn’t after my answer. “And a broken Jacin.” He whispers into my ear. “Is a dangerous Jacin.” He says as he licks his way up my cheek and stops by my ear. “You taste good enough to eat, Natalie.” And he grips my jaw harder.

  My eyes lock with his inky depths, and my white eyes reflect in his. He just smirks at me.

  “Bring her out to play.” The man says to me again. “My dick gets hard at a challenge.”

  “Hades!” Weyland shouts at the man, who I now know is Hades.

  Hades pulls back from me, the insanity in his eyes is as clear as day and shakes his head as if to clear his own crazy thoughts. When he looks at me again, his eyes lock with mine, but they don’t hold the same crazy as they did seconds before. “You are all trouble. No matter how fucking small you are.” He says to me with a sneer and pulls me by my neck and places me against the Mercedes.

  “I’m fucking waiting, Weyland!” Hades barks out one more time and climbs into the beautiful green car and races off down the driveway.

  “You okay Natalie?” Weyland asks from behind me, once Hades is out of view. I jump forward as I realize I’m leaning on the pretty Mercedes.

  “What was that about?” I ask Weyland. While wiping my cheek with the back of my one hand while trying to keep the other one steady. Because that man was terrifying. Insanely terrifying and insanely beautiful at the same time.

  “That- that I have no words to explain. He is insanity in human form. And it’s almost tea-time.” Weyland says.

  “Tea-time?” I ask him.

  “For him.” Weyland says to me, and I just nod my head because I have no clue what is going on, yet again.

  “Come inside. I’m so happy you decided to come.” Weyland says. Gesturing to the big open doors before me.

  “Only on one condition. You tell me what I need to know. What is going on and whatever other question’s I ask you.” I say to him.

  “I will tell you what I know and what I’m allowed to tell you. But you have my word, I will tell you everything that I can.”

  It’s more than I have now, so I take it with both hands, like it’s my last dying breath. I know nothing is just black and white, there are many shades of grey in between and my brain just needs something, anything to process what is going on.

  I make it a few steps up the stairs towards the door when Jacin comes barrelling out of the house as if it was on fire. I stop in my tracks. My jaw unhinges at the site of the beautiful man before me. I thought he was gone, taken by those tapping monsters that still haunt my dreams.

  But something is off about the whole thing. Jacin stops in his tracks when he sees me standing there. We have this weird moment where we are not quite sure what to say to each other. I thought this is why Weyland wanted me to come here, to help him find Jacin and wasn’t this Hades guy just looking for him, and yet he is right here, in front of me.

  “Natalie.” He says to me, but his voice is off. It’s not like silk running through my fingers, I have no urge to run at him and throw myself into his arms.

  “Jacin?” My statement comes out more as a question than anything else.

  “She doesn’t remember, does she?” He asks Weyland, and Weyland shakes his head in response.

  My eyes connect with his and I feel nothing. No spark, no need, no want. No nothing. Something isn’t right.

  “Well lucky for me.” He says to Weyland. “Baby, come here, I’ve missed you so much.” He says to me this time with his arms wide open.

  Images flash in my mind, black mask, blue mask. Both over the same beautiful face. I shake my head at the thoughts, and I make my way over to Jacin.

  “Don’t do
anything stupid.” I hear Weyland say, but was that at me or at Jacin?

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Jacin says to Weyland and then winks at him. I watch the gesture closely and then it hits me, hard and fast right between the eyes, like I should have known this all along. I will get there eventually.

  I smile at Jacin and walk into his embrace, like it should have been the most natural thing to do. I throw my arms around his neck and nuzzle my nose into his neck. Jacin just laps up the attention.

  I bring my mouth close to his air and I feel his body get covered in shivers at my close touch. “There you are my little buzz kill, I found you.” I whisper into Dax’s ear.

  Dax lets out a burst of laughter. And I push away from our close contact. Nothing will ever compete with Jacin. He is my one and only drug and I’m so far down the rabbit hole for him, I don’t think I could ever surface again.

  “Nice try Dax, but your eyes give you a way every single time.” I say to him.

  “Only with you Little Lady. Which is-.” Dax starts to say.

  “Such a fucking pity, right?” I continue his sentence for him, and Dax lets out another one of his boyish laughs.

  “It’s a fucking tragedy, really.”

  “Are you two done yet, we have some work to do, and people to go see. So, if you don’t mind.” Weyland says to us and ushers us through the doors.

  ~ ~ ~

  I take in my surroundings; I know this place well. My memories start coming back to me slowly and like Zaylee said, I just needed a trigger. Except my trigger just had to be kidnapped or whatever he was. But still, slowly the memories come back, one by one. I’m starting to remember my few weeks I spent living in this house with Jacin.

  “So, what is it you wanted to know.” Weyland says to me as I walk over to sit next to Tray.

  “Why he did it for starters.” I ask him.

  Weyland lets out a breath, as if he doesn’t really want to answer my question, but I won’t give up.

  “He wanted to break your bond.” Weyland says.

  Heartbreak, sadness, anger hit me all at once and I battle to sift through the emotions.


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