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Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2)

Page 17

by Rosemary A Johns

  Honestly, my shadows longed to give the Queen of the Alphas some kick up the ass parenting advice.

  But now, as I stared in horror at Emperor who lay beneath Ramiel, I knew that he was only moments from losing everything.

  Smoking cauldrons, he was hot and all Alpha in his wolf form; he was powerful and large with jet black fur. He should’ve been the nightmares who’d stalked my dreams, but instead, through my Wolf Bitten bond with him, a wave of safety and home washed over me. I knew that he’d protect me, just like I’d always protect him.

  Except, how could I do that?

  I took a ragged breath, as I met Ramiel’s eye. His look was questioning, but this was an angel who read as many books as Aquilo (I had a feeling that the two geeks would get on), and smart as he was, he nodded with understanding. He snatched the fur pelt that I’d prised from the leader of the mechanicals to prove myself a true Wolf Charmer, tucking it lovingly over Emperor to hide him.

  I laughed shakily. “Jesus, when did my life become this complicated?”

  Then I yelped, as Stella wound her hand through my curls and yanked my head back in a move that I’d seen her perfect with the Ambassador.

  “Let me take a guess, niece: about the time that you were tricked by the sinful bodies of the wolves?” Stella pulled me closer, and I grimaced. Why had I never noticed the danger lurking in her eyes? Her lips skimmed my cheek like a brand. “You’re nothing but a wolf in witch clothing. Why would you wish to be as weak as them?”

  When she pointed at my Charms, who lay suffering because of her cruel weapon, my red snapped in furious whips.

  “Let me introduce you to the Moon Child.” Mischief’s voice was coolly mocking, as he landed next to me; the blast of air from his wings was like a shot of espresso. Boy, did I need that right now. “Call him weak, whilst he devours you.”

  I blinked in confusion. But Stella merely gave a smug smile, before shoving me away from her. Moon hadn’t even transformed like the other wolves.

  Then Mischief’s gaze met mine, and I understood. Suddenly, my shadows in a rushing crimson tide washed out of me. I was caught in the grip of a wild passion, as Mischief crowded closer, holding Moon between us, whilst his wings cocooned me. I wanted…needed…them both. Their power and magic joined with mine. It spiraled in silver and red around the moon beams.

  Whilst Mischief and I held him, Moon transformed in a dazzling burst into a white wolf, which threw us staggering backwards. The softness of his fur and the weight of him had pushed against me in a way that was more intimate than any screw and more like a birthing.

  I stared at Moon with as much awe as I saw reflected back to me on Mischief’s face. Only, Mischief’s expression had gentled: the royal prick was proud of his subject.

  Stella was right to call Moon sinfully beautiful. But he was anything but weak. His fur gleamed, and his silky ears pressed to his head, as he growled deep in his throat.

  Stella froze, becoming ashen. Some of the witches shrank back, scrambling behind chairs, whilst others like Ivy and Lux, watched impassively. It looked like they were waiting to see what side won. I guessed that they’d call it being pragmatic.

  I called it being dicks.

  At Stella’s gasped sob, I realized just how real her terror was. It was enough to freeze her rational thought and magic. Mischief had known or understood.

  What did he fear like that? I wanted to know so that I could curse it to ashes.

  Moon’s lips curled back, as he bared his fangs, and Stella whimpered. Could she’ve wanted to hurt, subdue, and kill the wolves out of this fear?

  Stella tried to back away, but this time it was me grabbing her. I snatched her waist, and I almost couldn’t breathe with the shock, as she clung to me like I was there to save her.

  For a moment, the touch of her curls against my fluttering eyelashes and the scent of honeysuckle flooded me with the memory of mom.

  Why did I have to be the Wolf Charmer? Why did the truth of my past, family, and legacy have to be so different to the lie that I’d spent the last twenty-one years believing?

  My expression hardened, and I tossed Stella to the floor in front of Moon. This was his choice and royal judgment.

  We were in the Justice Chamber, after all.

  Moon’s fur bristled, then he leapt on top of Stella, pinning her down with his claws. Stella’s scream was cut off, as Moon savaged her throat. When blood spurted over his muzzle, he shook his head in disgust and stepped back. The kill had been swift, efficient, and merciful.

  An execution for her crimes…and to save Wolf Kingdom.

  My knees still buckled, and I snatched handfuls of Moon’s fur to hold myself up. Dual prowled to my shoulder; his steel claws shot out, along with his fangs.

  Ramiel’s sword slid into his hand, as he joined Mischief in his gorgeous glory.

  I adopted Emperor’s brand of cockiness, as my gaze swept with deliberate iciness over the gathered covens. They shifted uncomfortably, staring at their slaughtered leader wide-eyed. Although, I noticed that there weren’t any tears. It kind of made me wonder whether my aunt had been as much of an asshole to the other witches as she’d been to me.

  Maybe some of the bad rules and traditions were just as unpopular with the other witches…?

  “Am I weak now?” I raised my eyebrow. I’d never been the one in charge before but I was a fan of the respect that I was finally being afforded, as long as I could keep channeling the badass in me. I locked gazes with Lux who did no more than look back at me coldly. She didn’t, however, challenge me. “What dickhead wants to call me weak next?”

  Moon snarled, revealing his scarlet tipped fangs, on cue. A witch shrieked. Were they so terrified of the wolves because this generation had never even seen one in full wolf form? Or because they believed the lies and tales that their ancestors wove to justify their oppression?

  Either way, I’d find a way to show them that wolves weren’t the devil. Just, not today.

  When I glanced at Ivy, however, I frowned. Her fists were clenched, as she quivered with rage.

  Woah, she wasn’t bleeding from her eyes again, was she…?

  It looked like the Blood Witch was the only asshole prepared to call me and my pack out as weak. Considering that she’d also been the one to throw me to the wolves, I was more than ready to throw her to mine.

  Except, Ivy magicked herself with blood magic faster than I could even follow to crouch in front of Moon. I gasped, as a curved silver knife slid into her hand, and she pressed it to his throat.

  My heart beat wildly, as Ivy’s red-wine gaze met mine. Her coppery stench made me gag.

  “I — Ivy, of the House of Blood — call you weak,” Ivy sneered. Her gaze darted over our audience. This was a powerplay. She thought that I’d cleared her competition, and finally she could become the boss. As my future mother-in-law, she’d be an even more terrifying leader of the Oxford covens than Stella had been. “Fall to your knees along with your creatures and crawl to the back of the chamber, where the Wolf Charmer trap will once again bind your powers. This time, however, I don’t imagine that I’ll ever allow you free use of them again, since you’re a murderer…unless you wish me to slit the beast’s throat and wear his beautiful pelt tonight.”

  I stiffened, whilst my pulse pounded.

  Please, no, no, no…

  Ivy twisted Moon’s ear, and he yelped. The knife sliced deeper into his throat, beading it with blood.


  When Moon crouched low, pressing his own neck into the knife, I gasped. The blade sliced through his pelt, and he panted. I couldn’t look away from the beading blood that matted his fur like a scarlet collar.

  Honestly, was Moon offering his wolfie ass up as a sacrifice again? Yep, that wasn’t happening.

  I glanced around the pinched and pale faces of my guys who hadn’t been gassed, whilst in wolf form. They were as frozen in shock as me because this was meant to be our moment of triumph with the Moon Child standing
beside me. I’d make some noble speech about the danger of abusing power, witch and wolf unity, or you know, let’s all be friends now guys or my pack will rip out your throats — because hey, I was new to both power and unity myself.

  Instead, Ivy had a silver knife at Moon’s neck and the threat of my magic being bound again. Why in ever-witching hell didn’t Ivy understand what a sacrilege it was to bind another’s magic?

  I shivered, despite the heat of the Justice Chamber, chilled at the thought of losing my powers. My crimson shadows wailed, trembling; they crashed against the bronze walls like they could escape. Yet there was no way on earth that I was sacrificing one of my guys to save myself or my magic.

  If I had to lose everything to prove to my Charms that they were worth more than they’d always been taught…that I loved them…then I would.

  Holy hell, why did I have to lose everything…?

  “Desist your foolish heroics, wolf,” Mischief commanded. His hands shook, and his gaze darted between the knife and Ivy’s head like he was weighing the chances of cutting it off, before she could kill Moon. But then, she could move so fast… Mischief vibrated with anguish. Why hadn’t I realized that Mischief loved Moon as much as I did? “It’s harder to live and fight, than to be the martyr who sacrifices and dies.” He shuddered. “You do not have permission to die. Do you understand?”

  I’d have laughed, except for the pain in Mischief’s eyes and the deadly seriousness of his order.

  Moon whined, and I found myself hoping that for the first time he’d listen to his god. Then Moon blinked in a way that could only be apology, before shoving himself harder onto the blade.

  “Son of a bitch,” I hissed, before dropping with a clang that made me a flinch onto my kneecaps. “Look, I’m falling to my knees. Does this make you all hot? I didn’t think that you were kinky.”

  Ivy trilled with laughter. “My goodness, you know nothing about me. Seeing anyone on their knees is always a delight.” I flushed. “Especially in company.”

  The other witches…

  Hey, when the guy that you love is about to die for you, it’s easy to forget that you have an audience.

  I winced as I raised my gaze to the covens who were watching avidly. Yet their expressions weren’t hostile like I’d expected. In fact, some were thoughtful and others even frowned at Ivy. Maybe I was closer to having friends amongst the witches than I’d thought.

  After all, I was the official Wolf Charmer now, and the one thing I knew was to never underestimate the power that title held with the covens.

  Ivy nodded at the angels. “Now your creatures.”

  To my surprise, Dual instantly fell to his knees. Did vampire dukes have experience in this position? His dark gaze hadn’t left Moon’s since he’d been in danger. It was kind of sweet how protective he was, even though he wasn’t pack and would probably bite me for even thinking sweet about his masterful ass.

  Mischief, however, sneered, “I haven’t knelt for the most powerful mages, emperors, or gods. I shall not kneel for a mere witch.”

  Ramiel wound his fingers through Mischief’s hair, yanking him to his side, but his voice was soft. “You’re not kneeling for a witch. You kneel for Moon.”

  Mischief’s eyes sparked, as he steeled himself. Then he began to kneel. Ivy’s grin grew, as she finally eased the knife at Moon’s neck.

  Suddenly, the room darkened. An icy wind blew across my cheeks, and I raised my hand across my eyes.

  What in the witching heavens was happening?

  Mischief leapt to his feet, before his knee had even touched the floor.

  So, at least his no kneeling record was still intact. My inner child couldn’t help blowing a raspberry at Ivy on his behalf, and oh boy, was my adult self tempted to do it for real.

  Then I blinked up at the holes through the Justice Chamber that Mischief had blasted. Everything had fallen dark because the moonlight had been blocked by the gray winged vampires who were swarming through like feathered bats. They crawled down the walls or swooped above our heads: glorious, beautiful, and terrifying.

  Male, young, and punk: they were anarchy with fangs and claws.

  Yep, I could see the witches weren’t best buddies with them. Could I help it that I was just a little bit excited by the thought of seeing their court now? Dual wouldn’t be able to tell, right?

  Dual snatched me around the waist, pulling us both to our feet and twirling me. “I knew that my boys would come for me!”

  I whooped. “Now that the fanged cavalry has arrived, we’re all…wait, I want to say saved, but it could be dead. You are on our side, right?”

  Dual chuckled, raising my hand to caress the back of it with his thumb, in a way that shouldn’t have made me tingle, but in fact, sent tingles though my entire body.

  Weirdly sexy vampire.

  Dual pointed at the witches. “Time to clear the room, boys.” His smile was wicked. “Have fun.”

  The vampires dived at the witches who shrieked.

  “You can take that cowardly knife away now,” Mischief’s voice was tight, as he glared at Ivy. “You’re outnumbered and outsmarted. Simply put, treacherous witch, you’re out: out of luck, supporters, power, and if you do not desist from threatening the life of one so many times more worthy than yourself, you shall soon find yourself out of life.”

  Wow, even I shivered at the commanding danger of Mischief’s words, as his wings spread behind him like a warning and his magic spun around him.

  Ivy paled, and the knife at Moon’s throat shook. She stared frantically at the remaining witches who battled the vampires with blasts of fire, whilst the vampires slashed and bit. The air was thick with magic; I choked on it. Yet scarlet dripped from Ivy’s nose and ears in quivering rage, as most of the witches vanished in bubbling pops of blood magic. It must suck to leak like that as the Blood Witch; she couldn’t have much of a poker face.

  I didn’t blame the witches for escaping. Their leader was savaged, vampires were on the war path, and their Wolf Charmer was…less than conventional. Hey, that’s the type of pragmatism that even I couldn’t call dickish.

  Although, I could call it freaking gutless.

  “Nothing has changed,” Ivy whispered like a mantra to ward us away, “nothing.”

  I caught Lux’s eye; she leaned against what had once been her executioner’s throne. She wasn’t battling the vampires but she wasn’t helping her mom either.

  Yep, pragmatism.

  Then a blast of wind knocked me onto my ass, and I squinted up at the moonlight, which was streaming through the gaps. Someone was silhouetted in the light but they didn’t have wings. Instead, they were caught in a miniature whirlwind that lifted them up and into the chamber.

  It was beautiful.

  The angel without wings’ magic crackled across my own. Woah, that was one badass…mage.

  A mop of white-blond hair falling over pale blue eyes as cold as the ocean, tight black jeans and velvet top: Aquilo.

  And he wasn’t wearing the blood pendant that his mom forced him to, which seared his neck and restrained his magic, so that nobody would discover that he was a mage.

  Huh, it looked like he’d decided to go public.

  My heart clenched with the sudden realization: Aquilo had brought the vampires here. He’d revealed his secret to save me.

  I took a step towards Aquilo without even knowing that I’d done it. I had a sudden breathless need to trace over the blood bracelet and know that he was mine, safe, and alive.

  As he flew towards me, my throat tightened. Maybe if I’d grown up knowing another magical kid like him, I wouldn’t have felt so alone. What would it’ve been like to have explored our new magic together, rather than both had to hide it? Our childhoods had been stolen from both of us, right? But I was determined that from now on, we’d be free and so would our magic.

  When Dual slipped behind me, stroking my curls back, I shivered. The beads in his hair clacked across my neck, and his lips were hot on
my ear.

  “Are you surprised that your mage is the hero? Aquilo has sneaked out and sought sanctuary in my court for years.” Dual swept his tongue down my neck. “As I have Fallen, I swear that these witches don’t deserve him.”

  “You’re singing to the witchy choir here.” I couldn’t help the way that my red snapped possessively, however, at the thought that Aquilo had been…yep, I was leaving it at friends…with Dual. “You’re a greedy vampire, you know that? First you want my Charms and now my future husband.”

  Dual’s laugh gusted breath against my neck in a way that was so erotic it should’ve been illegal. Hey, for all I knew in witch law, it was. “What can I say? I’m a hedonist. The Fallen don’t get hung up on little things like that.” He wrapped his wings around me. They smelled tangy and sweet; I hungered to suck on his wingtip. “By my bones, don’t be jealous. There’s enough Daddy to go around for all three of you. Just think about it.” Wait, he was serious…? I wrenched out of his wings to look at him. He studied me back, speculatively. “You’ll be safer at my court.”

  I swallowed. He had a point, right? I couldn’t believe that I’d trust him more than the witches who I’d known about my whole life or the werewolves. But Aquilo had gone to him — had always gone to him — and for him to feel safe amongst vampires, meant at least that they were safer than the witches.

  And I didn’t have a home anymore, now that the House of Silver was destroyed.

  I glanced at Stella’s mauled body. It wasn’t like I could ever bring myself to take over the House of Seasons.

  Aquilo landed in front of his mom. His gaze fixed on the knife at Moon’s throat. When he raised it finally to his mom’s, his eyes were frozen ice.

  “There shall be no more killing or flaying of Omegas,” Aquilo’s voice was low and dangerous.

  Ivy’s lips curled. “You’d give me orders?”

  “Hasn’t someone always?” Lux’s voice wound deadly as a blade, as she prowled towards her mom.

  Ivy glanced between her two twins in shock: dark and light haired, they stood together.


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