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Fast Deal

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by Faye Avalon

  “I’ve got you for one whole night, which means we can do fast, slow...and everything in between.”

  Lola McBride doesn’t do one-night stands. Ever. It’s one of a million reasons why flirting with London nightclub owner Connor Fitzpatrick is a bad idea. Especially since he’s trying to buy the historic building that rightfully belongs to her—and that makes him a rival. But Lola hadn’t factored in that Connor would be insanely gorgeous, or that his glance would send sexual attraction zinging through her.

  One night. Just one. He doesn’t need to know who she is or what she wants. And one night couldn’t possibly screw up her plan...

  But Lola’s vastly underestimated the draw of Connor Fitzpatrick and his rakishly sexy grin, those steely grey eyes and the hard, firm body that makes her feel everything. Something about him—about them—keeps drawing Lola back into his arms...and deeper into deception. Because the more she succumbs to desire, the harder it is to come clean. Yet Lola’s not giving up on her goal. And she sure as hell won’t let Connor take her family property without a fight!

  Take control. Feel the rush. Explore your fantasies—Harlequin DARE publishes sexy romances featuring powerful alpha males and bold, fearless heroines exploring their deepest fantasies.

  Faye Avalon lives in southwest England with her super-ace husband and one beloved, ridiculously spoiled golden retriever. She worked as cabin crew, detoured into property development, public relations, court reporting and education, before finally finding her passion: writing steamy romantic fiction. Between writing, practicing yoga, trying to remember the difference between a plié and relevé in ballet class, and keeping the keyboard free of dog hair, Faye can be found checking out Pinterest for hero inspiration.

  Visit her at

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  Corrupted by Cathryn Fox

  Cuffs by Cara Lockwood

  Holiday Hookup by Jamie K. Schmidt

  Also by Faye Avalon

  Slow Hands

  Rescue Me

  Discover more at



  For Mum, who’s always been partial to a “naughty” story


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Excerpt from Cuffs by Cara Lockwood


  A COUPLE MORE MINUTES and he’d put a stop to it.

  While the woman dancing on one of the low-level tables was nowhere near indecent, the suggestive way she was moving her hips to the music signalled things could be heading that way.

  Connor Fitzpatrick sat back in his chair at the rear of the bar, nursing a whisky. His lower back complained, likely due to all the late nights he’d been pulling. He should be making time for the gym rather than running herd on a group of women who, from their laughter, had undoubtedly been upping his bar profits considerably.

  While that was always good, it wasn’t as if either of his London clubs needed much in the way of a boost. They were going great guns. He looked around the packed club with its soft ambient lighting, deep, black leather sofas and stylish features in chrome and glass. This club had been his first and had quickly gained favour amongst the young and fashionable. That was why he had been well placed to act when providence had smiled on him and dropped the property he’d been patiently waiting to buy—and then destroy—right in his lap.

  About bloody time. Now he could get closure, payback, revenge. Whatever the hell anyone chose to call it.

  The deal he’d made with Damian McBride had taken some ducking and diving, but Connor had no scruples about putting on the emotional screws. Offering over the market value hadn’t hurt, either, which was why Connor was only a signature away from owning the now defunct Cabacal Club, the place that symbolised the lowest point of his life.

  He had no idea what he’d do with it. Maybe just gut the place, or let it fall to rack and ruin. He didn’t give a fuck.

  It was no skin off his balls. And he should know, since they’d already been sliced and bruised enough for one lifetime. For the past five years he’d placed his focus squarely on building his business, taking pleasure in the rapid success his clubs had brought him. Now the acquisition of the property at the heart of his near-downfall would provide the last soothing layer of balm to heal old wounds right over.

  He sipped his whisky, letting it drive down the bile of memories as his gaze drifted back to the woman still making full use of the table. While he liked his patrons to enjoy themselves, this one’s impromptu dance wasn’t exactly the kind he encouraged. No denying she had curves, displayed as they were in tight white jeans and a sleeveless grey top that had a zipper down the front, opened to reveal some tantalising cleavage.

  Still moving, the woman pushed her hands underneath her long mane of dark-blonde hair, lifting it away from her neck and letting it cascade back down over her shoulders. The way she shimmied, her body undulating in perfect time to the music, had his already alert cock throbbing against the fly of his suit pants. Shit, this was all he needed. A frigging hard-on courtesy of Ms Footloose up there.

  She held her arms out to the side, gyrating in a way that reminded him of a belly dancer he’d once encountered during a pub crawl with his mates. He had very happy memories of that night, especially the one where he’d peeled away all seven layers of flimsy gauze—in private, of course—before he and said belly dancer had fucked the living hell out of each other.

  He took a healthy slug of his drink as he continued to watch the current show, imagining sliding down the zipper of her top to reveal breasts perfect for his hands and mouth. Since he could see the faintest outline of nipple, he’d bet she wasn’t wearing a bra. He imagined feasting on her breasts, ruthlessly licking her nipples, then slowly stripping her out of those jeans. He wondered what kind of underwear she favoured. Those skimpy, lacy deals, perhaps? Or maybe she wore none at all.

  He swallowed, his fingers curling tightly around the glass as his gaze zoomed in on her ass, looking for a distinct panty line. Shit, he had a full-blown throbbing erection now. And if he did then he’d bet nearly every other guy in the place did too.

  Since he prided himself on running classy establishments, he knew the time had come to call a halt. With considerable reluctance, and hoping to hell his erection wasn’t visible to all and sundry, he tossed back the remainder of his drink, placed the glass on the table and stood. Instantly, one of his security men was at his side.

  The man glanced over at the group of women. ‘You want me to deal with this, boss?’

  Connor shook his head. It didn’t matter how many times he told Nigel not to call him ‘boss’, the man was old school, an ex-copper, and seemed to prefer formalities. ‘No.’ Connor let out a long exhale. ‘I’m heading home anyway, so I’ll sort it on my way out. Keep an eye on them, though, and if they attempt a replay or start to get rowdy call them a cab.’

  Nigel tapped two fingers to his temple. ‘Consider it done.’

  Connor walked across to the table, hoping that the raunchy dance hadn’t offended his other customers. From his brief glance around the club, most seemed to be taking the unexpected entertainment in a genial manner.

  As he neared the table, the
woman reached down and took off one shoe. It was one of those lethal, spiky heels that looked as if it should come with a health warning. Not that he didn’t enjoy seeing them at the end of a woman’s leg—sexy as hell, especially when they wore nothing else.

  Encouraged by her friends, the woman started twirling around, wobbling precariously on the one remaining heel. She bent, obviously intent on removing the other shoe, but toppled and stumbled back against him.

  As Connor reached out to catch her, something lanced across his neck. He inhaled sharply, his fingers reflexively digging into her waist as she fell to her knees, still holding the recalcitrant shoe.

  ‘Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.’

  Caught in the startled green of her eyes, his hands tightened around her waist, holding her steady.

  ‘You’re bleeding. I’ve hurt you,’ she said.

  He tore his gaze away from hers long enough to turn his head, the spike of her shoe dangerously close to his head. ‘It’s fine. Just get that thing away from me before you poke my bloody eye out.’

  Using his shoulders as leverage, she swivelled around, then sat on the edge of the table and put her shoe back on. All the while she peered at his neck. ‘I’m really sorry.’

  Connor touched his hand to the spot she was staring at, aware of the slight sting there. He wasn’t sure if that sensation was because of the wound itself, or the intensity of her study, but when he drew his fingers away they were streaked with blood.

  She reached up. ‘You’re bleeding on your shirt collar.’

  Connor stepped away from where she was about to touch his neck. ‘I’ve bled on worse things. Don’t worry about it.’

  From the small bag she had strapped across her body, she pulled out a wad of tissue. ‘Here, press this hard to the wound. It will staunch the bleeding.’

  He found himself doing as she said. It was those hypnotic green eyes. Or more likely the concern in them.

  That unsettled him. Pulled up too many memories. He’d rather she poked his eye out with that insane heel than make him remember things he’d sworn to forget.

  ‘Thanks,’ Connor said. He turned from her, intending to head to his office at the back of the club, and almost bumped into Nigel.

  ‘Have you got a first-aid kit somewhere?’ she demanded of the burly bouncer, before turning back to Connor. ‘We should make sure the wound is clean and dress it properly. There’s no telling what germs are on the heel of my shoe—you might be infected by something nasty.’

  ‘I’m sure I’ll survive.’

  ‘There’s a kit in the office,’ Nigel said, tilting his head towards the door, and Connor could have sworn the man was battling a grin. ‘It’ll be fully stocked with everything you need.’

  Connor narrowed his eyes, fully intending to remind Nigel of his duty of care towards his employer, especially the part about protecting him from pushy females. ‘Great. Then I’ll thank you both for your unwarranted concern and be on my way.’

  He was almost at his office door, and trying not to think about those eyes, those curves, all that bloody hair, when he felt her behind him.

  Still pressing the wad to his neck, he looked over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows. ‘I’m a big boy. I can take it from here.’

  She shook her head, sending those luxurious locks brushing against her shoulders and—fuck—across her breasts. ‘You really should let me have a look. I’m a qualified first-aider.’ She glanced towards the door, then back at him. Her eyes went wide. ‘Are you the manager, or something?’

  ‘Or something,’ he said, acknowledging that her cagey look was likely due to concern that she’d be charged with bodily harm. ‘Look, it’s okay. No harm done. I’m not about to press charges.’

  Still, she hesitated, looking from him to the door and back again before moving right past him and into his office.

  Connor closed the door, watching as she took a cursory look around before heading over to the three-tiered filing cabinet in the corner. ‘Is this where you keep the first-aid kit?’

  Damned if he knew. ‘Probably.’ He walked over, unlocked the cabinet and, as he knew the first two drawers were jam-packed with business files, slid open the bottom one. His efficient assistant had placed a green box at the back of the drawer, clearly marked with the universal symbol for first-aid supplies.

  Before he could reach for it, the woman bent down and grabbed it from the drawer. ‘Sit,’ she instructed, crossing to the desk and sliding out his black leather chair. ‘Let me take a closer look.’

  Connor frowned. He should tell her to get the hell out of his office, remind her that he could deal with his own bloody cut, and if he wanted to sit in his damned chair he would—he didn’t need a pushy siren giving him instructions. Instead, he found himself walking to the chair and sitting like a well-trained canine. His only excuse was that the sooner he let her do her nursing stint, the sooner she would be gone. At least, that was what he told himself.

  She reached out to remove the bloodied wad at the same moment he did. Their fingers brushed, hands touching. Okay, nothing wrong with a little spark of chemistry, a zing of sexual awareness. Some very definite fire in the blood, and below the waist.

  The subtle snatch of her breath as they touched, the way her heated gaze held his a moment too long before dropping to his mouth, confirmed she wasn’t immune to that zing. One glance at her grey top confirmed his theory. Those nipples he’d imagined licking to peak were already reflecting the very outcome he’d visualised.

  Maybe he was being too hasty in his desire to be rid of her. For the past several weeks, he’d been on a rollercoaster, his attention tightly focused on a driving need to buy the Cabacal and lay to rest old ghosts. He couldn’t blame his body for starting to retaliate against having its physical needs denied for too long.

  From her table-dance earlier, she was definitely a party girl, probably up for some fun, and the way she was sending his hormones on this happy journey signalled she was exactly the kind of woman to break his no-sex streak. Fun-loving, easy-going, obviously in touch with her own sexuality. Add this definite mutual attraction to the mix and it boded well for a little private party of their own.

  She tossed the tissue into the waste bin, then she placed her hands on her knees and bent to peer at the wound with an intensity reserved for someone inspecting a new kind of species.

  When she reached for the first-aid box she’d placed on the desk, Connor couldn’t resist a quick glance down her top.

  Nice, he thought, as his extremely interested cock responded with appropriate pleasure. He averted his gaze as she turned back. Instinct had him folding his hands in his lap in a bid to hide the evidence, but he was too late. Her eyes dropped to his hands before she returned her attention to his neck. ‘You don’t have to hide that,’ she teased, dabbing the cut with a cotton ball. ‘Was my dance responsible? Or just the fact I’m wearing a low-cut top?’

  He liked her directness. Liked that she didn’t seem at all interested in playing games, or pretending there wasn’t a massive flood of pheromones renting the air between them. Appearances could be deceptive, of course, but it was refreshing to find a woman who seemed straightforward and down-to-earth.

  Her directness warranted some of his own. ‘It started with the dance, then you bent over the filing cabinet and then you bent over me. What’s a man to do?’

  She smiled, still dabbing. ‘Can’t blame you, I suppose. Men are such basic creatures.’

  ‘Come on.’ He winced as she touched a sore spot. ‘You’re not telling me your intention wasn’t to get the men out there fired up?’

  Not a hint of insult showed on her face, feigned or otherwise, nor in her actions. He liked that too. ‘Why should it always be a woman’s intention to turn on a man? Can’t she simply enjoy moving her body for her own pleasure?’

  ‘Fair enough, but why choose a crowded club to do i
t?’ He waited until she looked at him. ‘Or do you always like an audience when you give yourself pleasure?’

  Tiny spears of colour bloomed in her cheeks, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. He enjoyed watching that spectacular mouth, maybe even more than the fact he’d managed to set her back a step.

  His enjoyment was short-lived when she reached out to the box again. ‘If you’re trying to shock me, you’ll have to do much better than that.’ She undid the cap of a bottle with blue liquid and poured some onto a fresh cotton ball.

  He grinned. ‘You didn’t actually answer my question.’

  With a sexy pout that had his erection throbbing beneath his hands, she held the now doused cotton ball aloft and considered. ‘Do I like an audience when I give myself pleasure? Hmm. Well, to be honest I usually do that in private. For my eyes only.’

  She jerked down the collar of his open-necked shirt, smiled sweetly at him then stabbed him with the fire of hell. He shot back in his seat and grimaced. ‘Whatever kind of bloody healing balm is that?’

  All innocence and patience, she continued to administer to his neck, earning from him several more sharp intakes of breath as she worked. ‘Men are such babies. And here I was thinking you were a grown man.’

  ‘I’m man enough, sweetheart, with all the parts to prove it.’ Suddenly irritated, both by the sting from that bloody liquid and the image of her pleasuring herself without him being there to see it, he reached up and curled his fingers around her wrist. ‘I reckon I’m cleaned up well enough by now.’

  She glanced down at his hand before bringing her gaze back to his. ‘Are you allergic to plasters?’

  ‘No.’ Even if he were, he’d suffer through it if it meant getting this torture over with. Not just suffering at the hands of her less than gentle nursing techniques, or the growing temptation of sampling her very appealing attributes. It was also the way it made him wonder when a woman had shown this much concern for his welfare, if ever.


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