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Fast Deal

Page 5

by Faye Avalon

  His hand moved down her body, his palm cupping her pussy.

  Lola swallowed. She wanted to turn her face away from his intense look, but she couldn’t seem to. Slowly, he teased her apart with his forefinger, stroking lightly across her wetness. She held her breath, expecting that he would push in deeper but, when he continued that drugging, barely there movement, she had to suck in a deep breath as her lungs squeezed.

  He leaned down and brought his mouth to hers, kissing her in a way that mirrored what he was doing between her legs. Lola felt light-headed and realised she was holding her breath again.

  He kissed across her mouth, her jaw, down her throat, but still the pressure of his finger remained light.

  She arched her hips a little, coaxing him. He kissed her, this time pressing his tongue between her lips and delving into her mouth in a deep and sensuous exploration of her softness.

  Lola moaned, moving her hips again. She was going to start bloody complaining if he didn’t take the hint and just...

  The breath caught in her lungs as he pushed inside her, swapping his forefinger for his middle finger and sliding in deep. As she closed her eyes, he started a slow push-and-release motion that soon had Lola gasping for air.

  She heard herself cry out when he arched his finger, applying a gentle pressure against her clit. This time she really did feel the room spin, and she opened her eyes to see him watching her with those hooded eyes.

  ‘You’re right,’ she managed between breathy gasps. ‘That’s certainly special.’

  ‘We’re not there yet,’ he said in a deep and gravelly tone.

  Before she could respond, he flicked his wrist, making his finger spin inside her, backward and forward as he varied the penetration, the pressure.

  ‘Oh, my God...’ Lola felt as if her whole body was being twisted as he continued to work her, and she wondered if she could take much more of this intense pleasure. She was riding high again, hurling up towards that precipitous edge, to be flung into the stratosphere with nothing to cling to.

  She grabbed for his wrist, wanting the connection, wanting something to keep her from spinning into orbit. It was too late. Because she flew, she spun and all she could do was let go.

  Slowly she came down, easing out her body like a sensual cat.

  Were one-night stands supposed to rock your world? Were they supposed to make you...feel? Because she did feel, all kinds of things—warm, sensual, shaky, unsettled. It hadn’t escaped her that he’d put her needs first, that he’d focused on her pleasure. It made her want much more than this single encounter.

  Which was crazy, stupid, dangerous...

  She pulled herself back from the perilous edge. ‘Well, I can officially vouch for the specialness of your technique. Happy now?’

  He withdrew his hand. ‘Shouldn’t that be my line?’

  ‘You don’t play fair.’

  ‘You got that right.’

  He looked serious, making her wonder at his meaning. All indications were that Connor loved to play, loved to tease, but the way he’d said it, the look in his eyes, alerted her to some deep, hidden meaning behind his words.

  ‘I didn’t have you down as a point-scorer.’

  He trailed his fingers lightly across her abdomen, then shrugged. ‘No point-scoring involved, just hot and dirty sex. Isn’t that what you want?’

  It was exactly what she wanted, and she really couldn’t fathom why she had all these feelings spinning around inside her. Maybe that was what happened when you agreed to have sex with someone you didn’t know that well. And when that someone turned out to be so very adept at making a woman’s body sing. ‘Absolutely. Hot and dirty sex. And now maybe it’s time to show you one or two of my own special techniques. It’s my turn to get what I want. To have my fun with you, right?’

  He narrowed his eyes, as if he was trying to work out her meaning, then he turned and lay on his back. ‘Go for it, sweetheart. Do your worst.’


  CONNOR HAD KNOWN she’d be a fire cracker in bed, that she wouldn’t be shy about stating what she wanted, so why did her words put him on full alert? It’s my turn to get what I want. To have my fun with you, right?

  Maybe because he preferred to be the one calling the shots. It was safer that way. But Lola had so easily shifted the dynamic he liked to set up from the start—the one that gave him all the control.

  When Lola straddled him, whatever else he’d been about to think flew out of the window.

  She stripped away his shirt and undid the button of his fly. He was burning, his body one hot mass of need. Maybe that was what came of being without physical release for too long now.

  Connor pushed away the nudge that warned it had less to do with that and more to do with enjoying this particular woman. Lola. Yeah, she was a fire cracker, all right. She’d said she liked to think things around in her mind, work out the pros and cons before making a decision. It seemed when this woman had done the weighing up she went straight for what she wanted.

  And, right then, that appeared to be him.

  The determination in her eyes set his blood on fire, sending a lightning bolt of raw desire through his system as she yanked down his zipper.

  Her hand slid inside his trousers, her fingers playing just above the head of his cock. His abdominal muscles jerked, and a throbbing need to be inside her vied with his decision to let her take her fun. It was only fair. Yet, at the same time, he knew he needed to keep his instincts sharp because something about Lola could make him take his eye off the ball. And that was never going to happen again.

  Was he getting to be such a suspicious bastard that he was seeing spooks where none existed? This thing between them was scratching an itch, right? It was just sex. Going nowhere.

  Just sex. Going nowhere.

  That became a mantra as she ran her free hand lightly over his chest, his pecs, across his shoulder, making every single muscle tremble beneath her touch. Light. Smooth. Devastating.

  ‘You have great definition,’ she said, making him lose the ability to breathe as her fingers inched closer to the tip of his erection. ‘Gym?’

  He shook his head, unable to tear his gaze away from the lusty look in her eyes. ‘No time.’

  She plucked at his nipple while her other hand played dangerously close to where he wanted it. ‘What do you do to keep fit?’

  He grinned, although his chest was tight with anticipation of what she would do next. ‘Fuck.’

  Her hands stilled; her eyes went wide. ‘Really? You must do that an awful lot to get this kind of result.’

  He was about to defend himself against the subtext that he was some kind of man-whore when she grinned.

  ‘I suppose you think you’re quite the comedienne,’ he said, waiting with what he considered stoic patience for her to start working his body again. His muscles had no such fortitude, and his cock jerked as his abs clenched.

  She kept her gaze on his and, with a very feline smile, placed her palm flat on his chest so she could lean slightly forward, then pushed her other hand down into his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  Connor swallowed at the feel of her solid grip, marvelling at the strength in her small hand. She rotated her hips and, though her pussy wasn’t touching him, his dick reacted as if it were.

  He reached out, wrapped his hands around her hips and tried to bring her against him. She shook her head and tutted. ‘Not yet. We have all night, remember?’

  He narrowed his eyes at the way she batted his words back at him. When she started moving her hand over his erection, slow and easy, he called on some more of that stoic patience.

  His breath caught, his chest tightened and he almost shouted his relief when she sat back and tugged at his waistband. ‘Let’s have these off, shall we?’ she said, as she yanked both his trousers and boxers from his hips with
surprising strength of purpose.

  He raised his hips, already toeing off his shoes, and then sat up to help dispose of his remaining clothes. She straddled him again and placed both palms on his chest before looking down to where his dick stood at attention. ‘Impressive,’ she said. ‘Makes me want to play.’

  Before he could get a coherent thought into his frazzled brain, she inched down his body, her breasts jiggling and making him want to take them in his mouth again, to savour all that ripe and silky flesh.

  Then he didn’t even try for any kind of thought as she bent down, her hands on his thighs, and she licked across his head.

  His throat went tight along with his body, and he arched his back, encouraging her to take more of him. She continued the slow slide of her tongue across his tip, her fingers pressing into his thighs as if to anchor him where she wanted him.

  Briefly, Connor closed his eyes, his hands tight fists against his sides. She took him a mere inch into her mouth, her tongue wrapping around him, before withdrawing and again giving her attention just to the tip.

  He was about to protest...make that plea...when she ran her tongue lightly down the length of him, at the same time sliding her hands higher up his inner thighs until she could cup his sac.

  His breath came in desperate gasps now, his ribcage locked as his muscles tightened almost painfully in his chest.

  His fisted hands pushed hard against the mattress as she took him fully into her mouth, her soft lips curling around him, the light graze of her teeth a delicious friction as she moved up and down his length. Her hair trailed across his thighs and slid over his lower abdomen as she worked him slowly, then harder.

  When his balls grew tight, he reached out for her, sliding his fingers into her hair and raking her scalp, encouraging her to release him. He wasn’t going to last, and he didn’t want to lose it with her mouth wrapped around him.

  While he wasn’t a stranger to a woman going down on him, or letting her take things to their natural conclusion, for some reason he didn’t want that tonight. It made him feel too raw...

  He didn’t have time to question that, given he was seconds away from shooting his load. Instead, he sat up and grabbed for her arms, pulling her away from him.

  She looked a little surprised, her green eyes wide, her soft lips full and pink from being wrapped around his cock.

  ‘Need to be inside you,’ he growled, reversing their positions until she lay on her back. ‘Can’t wait.’

  He closed his eyes as his erection throbbed, trying to get his act together long enough to grab a condom from the bedside drawer. It didn’t help that he was lying between her legs, her slick heat against his length and her breasts pressing against his chest.

  He opened his eyes and reached out, fumbling for the drawer. Seconds later he had the condom rolled on, and he looked down at her.

  A smoky green layer of pure lust filled her eyes as he eased her legs wider, then slid his hands beneath her backside to tilt her hips upward.

  He pressed forward and, her eyes still on his, she arched her neck. Her lips parted and, barely inside her, he leaned down and kissed her, pressing his tongue inside her mouth. She gave a low sound in her throat as he released her mouth.

  He slid deeper, her warmth and wetness aiding his way, her muscles drawing him in and clamping tight around him. Vaguely, it registered in that moment that he was powerless against the magnetism that seemed to burn between them.

  But it was only sex.

  To prove that he drove himself to the hilt, stealing the breath from them both, thrusting inside her as his mind switched off and his body took control.

  A burning sensation hit the base of his spine, barrelling around to his pelvis, down the length of his cock. He wanted to hold off, make this last, but he was too far gone.

  He managed to get a hand between them, pressing a finger to Lola’s clit. Her frantic moan ripped away the last of his restraint and sent him over the edge.

  He came. Pumping into the condom. Encouraged by Lola’s needy rendering of his name and the clenching of her muscles as she gripped him tight.

  He looked down at her as they both fought for air. Her face was flushed, her eyes heavy-lidded, and she looked so bloody beautiful it stole what little air he’d managed to grab into his tight lungs.

  What the fuck just happened?

  He moved back from her as if she were possessed by some strange power that could contaminate him. ‘Okay?’ he asked lamely.

  She nodded, looking a little dazed. ‘Yes. You?’

  ‘Me?’ He sucked in air, willed his breathing to settle and eased further away. ‘I’m always okay. I make sure of it.’

  * * *

  Lola battled to regain a little balance. If she was going to break her rule about one-night stands, she couldn’t have done it in a more spectacular fashion.

  Maybe there was something to be said for casual hook-ups after all, especially if the sex could be as amazing as they’d just shared. She hadn’t expected it to be quite so intense, so...breath-taking.

  There’d been a connection between them, something she couldn’t quite label as anything else, but maybe that was all part of the brief and temporary nature of a one-nighter. It was her first—how would she know?

  What she did know was that it had been far more than she’d anticipated, even though she’d anticipated a whole lot of fabulous with Connor.

  As he was already heading to the bathroom, Lola stretched, managed a deep breath and would have let it out on a contented sigh if something hadn’t niggled.

  Connor had seemed to be enjoying her oral skills until he’d unexpectedly called a halt by pushing her away at a vital moment.

  Okay, she didn’t have a mountain of experience when it came to sex, but she liked it well enough, and thought she could find her way around a man’s body.

  Emily had once declared that some men didn’t like a woman to go all the way when it came to blow jobs because it made them feel vulnerable. Was that what had happened? Had Connor been annoyed that she’d tried to force him to lose control?

  Since he was the epitome of strapping, confident male, she couldn’t quite make the fit, but he’d certainly yanked her away from him fast enough.

  Maybe an ex had hurt him in the past. Had a woman made him feel vulnerable? She thought back to when she’d suggested he might not know women as well as he thought he did. Remembered that guarded look he’d given her, and the cryptic comment about women who set their mind on something tending to get it.

  Maybe that was at the heart of his need to control. To keep a tight handle on proceedings.

  My place. My rules.

  If Connor was deep into the control thing there was no way she wanted any more of that. She’d already had a lifetime of it. Men who liked ordering her around, who pressed their own agendas on her life, all the time citing that they were acting in her best interests.

  Men like her father and her brother.

  Okay, they loved her and wanted the best for her, but come on... When were they going to step out of the prehistoric age? Her father had been the kind who thought it was his absolute right to manage the lives of his wife and daughter, to provide for them, protect them. The problem was, his idea of protection and provision had been beyond autocratic. Like something out of Victorian times. According to him, he’d known what was best for the women in his life and that was that. End of story.

  Unfortunately, her brother had inherited that same attitude. Damian had always been a chip off the old block, but in the three years since her father had passed away her brother had upped his game and taken on the mantle of family despot.

  Once, although she’d fought against their unreasonable decisions, she’d had little choice but to go along with them. That was no longer the case. Now she was running her own show, and there was absolutely no room for more dictators in her life

  So why in heaven’s name was she attracted to the same type of man? Why was she already wanting more than one night with Connor? More of that amazing, world-rocking sex?

  And why was she ruining an intensely enjoyable evening by over-thinking?

  All she needed to know right then was that he made her body hum. He lit her up in all the right places, and several she didn’t even know she had. Being with Connor had given her an excellent yardstick by which to measure future sexual experiences.

  Connor chose that moment to come back into the bedroom. Lola’s mouth went dry as she feasted on his tall, muscular physique, and the easy way he strolled towards the bed with a predatory look made her want to reach out and yank him back pronto.

  While she wasn’t into control or dominance by men in general, she hadn’t realised how much of a turn-on Connor’s assertiveness could be. At least where sex was concerned.

  ‘You’ve got a look in your eye,’ he said as he settled on his side next to her. ‘Makes me want to do things.’

  Lola fluttered her lashes. ‘That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?’

  He bent his elbow, supporting his head with his hand. ‘Want anything? Drink? Something to eat?’

  She shimmied against him. ‘What I want you can’t get from the kitchen.’

  He brought his free hand to her stomach, flattening his palm over her navel and making her muscles clench. ‘In that case...’

  Lola placed her hand over his, determined to enjoy what was left of their hot night and see it as entrée into her new life. From the old to the new. From tyranny to liberation.

  Tomorrow, she would go head to head with her brother over the Cabacal, convince him that she meant business. She’d show him how serious she was about her future plans, how determined she was to make a go of it, and she’d get him to change his mind. Whatever it took.

  Then this night with Connor would be relegated to the ranks of one naughty, exhilarating, extremely hot encounter with her very own bad boy.


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