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Page 8

by S. W. Frank

  “Voglio solo dire ciao al bambino e la madre.”

  The guard with the woman had yet to blink.

  “Mi dispiace, Signora Calbrese, il tuo ciao deve essere fatto lì.”

  Damn, Shanda thought as she wrecked her brain for the English translation, but the matronly woman with smiling innocence solved the problem by answering in English. “Relax, if I must say hello from here then that I will do. I will call Sophie to discuss what reason she lacks trust…but that is neither here nor there at the moment,” Signora Calbrese said before looking directly at Shanda who had yet to close the door. “Ciao.”

  “Ciao,” Shanda replied.

  “The bambino has grown sí?”


  “Carlo is a wonderful name.”

  “Grazie.” Shanda nodded, while wondering who this woman that had armed men on edge was. Then the name Calbrese registered, she had called to place an order and Sophie said something to the effect of, “No, we do not want her business.” Shanda hadn’t asked questions for fear Sophie would begin a long diatribe, but now she wished she had.

  “My daughter Geovonna loved bambini.”

  Okay, Shanda thought, this is getting creepy. The driver called to the guards and they backed away to enter the car. Shanda scooted over for one of them and the door closed just as Signora Calbrese waved bye with a strange smile that never reached her eyes.

  What the fuck was that about?











  Giuseppe answered his cell when he noticed its origin. A sly smile transformed his stern face. “Cosa?”

  “I need to talk to you about this bill.”

  “But there is nothing to discuss bella,” he said walking around the low table in the living room with Gee following on his heels.

  “I’m rolling up to your door right now. There’s a whole lot to discuss if you think I’m paying this!”

  When she hung up Giuseppe howled. Ah, the game of women. How amateur. He walked to the door, swung it open and leaned against the frame until the car in which Shanda arrived in halted under the security lighting. He pushed off the wood and stepped atop the cold smooth stones with natural mosaics. The translucent snow had become watery and the ribbed socks clung to his feet. “Buongiorno donna!”

  She marched past and entered the house with a grunt. He did not follow immediately; Shanda’s bodyguard had sought his attention to inform Giuseppe about the exchange with Signora Calbrese. “Grazie,” he replied. After the death of Geovonna and the disappearance of her son, Signora Calbrese had become somewhat of a recluse. The rumor is she prayed each night and lit candles wishing for her son’s return, but of course he would not. Alfonzo had ensured the scum was fish bait and the likelihood of a resurrection was nonexistent.

  A parent’s mourning lasts a lifetime. If he had sympathy for the woman, it would be he could not give her death and end her imprisonment of sorrow. She was the daughter of a former Capo with a ruthless reputation. She was of their lot, yet behaved as if she were not.

  Giuseppe looked at the sky. Swirls of thick gray smoke flew slowly by a bright fluorescent moon. Perhaps there was a trick that occurred to the eyes because the moon seemed to turn and present a side view. Why in this moment did he think of his fratellino? Something in his voice besides illness was there when they spoke today. What trouble lay on Alfonzo as always that could not be taken away?

  Alfonzo stressed too much about concerns he could not change. The iridescent light high above was untouchable by lowly men.  It sat to rule until the sun shouldered in or space shuttle landed, but the astronauts could not breathe the air for the gases and wore protective gear filled with oxygen.

  Alfonzo was like the moon. Many wanted to venture there, but not many would survive the noxious air. He teased his fratellino often about the position, but in truth, he never wanted it and neither did the man who raised him. Troublesome is the man who holds the seat and wears a ring others want to chop from his hand. He was what Carlo was to Luzo, the swordsman.

  Only the cold ushered Giuseppe indoors or else he may have stood in observation of the firmament until dawn with a wrinkled brow. A somberness he hadn’t felt before held him there too long. Such heaviness is not what he was accustomed to or this black mood when he thought of his brother. It was as if death touched him for a moment and then sought another prey. He did not like this feeling or the knowledge that Alfonzo was across the sea. A concerned elder sibling decided then he needed to leave in the morning and check on Alfonzo’s health.

  Giuseppe closed the door, Shanda ceased stroking and talking to the dog upon his entry. Giuseppe removed the wet socks, tossing them to a seat. He glanced at his watch; he had made plans for the night but cancelled them without a phone call in his head. Shanda’s unexpected arrival had opened possibilities. “Have dinner with me bella.”

  “No thanks. I’ve already eaten.”

  She looked very lovely in the winter white coat and knee length boots. He strode forward, unbuttoned her outer jacket and boldly pressed a palm to her slightly round belly. “You must eat for two.”

  “I am, believe me. Anyway,” she began, “I’m not here to discuss food. Don’t you think the repair bill is exorbitant?”

  “That is the cost to fix your vandalism.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “I do not kid about this bella.” He shrugged. “There are other ways to make payment if you cannot afford to settle in cash.”

  “Well, hold your breath big guy because I’m not paying you a damn cent with paper or flesh.”

  Giuseppe appeared unfazed by the declaration. Instead his palm circled her stomach that protected the life that in several months would soon meet her dad. He crouched to taste Shanda’s lips, making them part with the invasion of his tongue and made her eat the bold statement. Her arms went about his neck. She moaned and caused Gee to whimper and curl in a ball near the door.

  Suddenly Shanda pulled away. “Okay, nope we’re not going there.”

  Arms went in the air. “Perdóname, I will not touch you again mother of my children.”

  This response shocked her, but she didn’t let on. “Okay, good. The bill is yours to keep.”

  He chuckled. “No, you must learn to pay your debts bella or else you will believe others will cover them because you are pretty.”

  Shanda watched as he headed for the stairs without a backward glance. “Where are you going?”

  “I have a dinner date. Our conversation is over. Ciao!”

  What? Shanda stood transfixed. Oh no he didn’t!

  She tossed her coat on the sofa and went after the arrogant father of her children. She came for sex. Scrap the games; she was getting some dick without strings attached, after-all it’s not like she could get pregnant.

  Giuseppe had his trousers off in the bedroom, his firm ass calling her like candy as he removed a suit from the huge closet they previously shared. He heard her; of course he did but continued about his business as if she wasn’t there.

  “Oh cut it out!” she said when he sat to don clean socks and change his underwear.


  “Cosa my ass!” she shrieked before walking to the bed. She became the aggressor and kissed him down to the mattress without a care.

  His mouth opened; damn did it open and swallow her in. Those deft fingers stripping her out of her dress as they kissed moved with speed. So did Shanda, yanking down his shorts, ripping them with her nails to get his dick free.  Their moans and groans were equal in volume because each wanted to consummate the minute they kissed.

  Giuseppe’s hunger was on full display when he rolled her over, growled in frustration and pushed her knees up for an in depth penetration. His full lips clamped her breasts, sucking so damn hard on her nipples
she cursed. But, he merely alternated as he filled her so much she became thick glue and clung to his rod. Thick and slick he massaged her inner tunnel with such fervor she held on to his shoulders pleased he had obliged to fulfill her craving and mad that she probably might come back for seconds like Ari’s greedy damn kids.

  The room spun and she realized he’d hoisted her up and was turning to press her spine against the pillows. In a cry of desire she clutched and clawed the massive arms holding her legs like a wishbone while making her pay with pussy a debt she never owed. Every cry from her mouth was his name; every claw to his body was for every bitch to see. Maybe, I should forgive him came to mind but then again good sex can make someone forget a lot. This gorgeous Don wasn’t the monogamous type; he couldn’t change and she wasn’t going to force him to. That’s something he had to want, but right now what she needed from him was simple.


  The moment he withdrew and his head lowered to lick her clean, Shanda’s fingers were in his hair, holding on and making sounds as if she were giving birth.

  Damn…damn…damn…is all she could think every time he made her cum before his dick went to work again!










  Shanda awakened in Giuseppe’s bed. Daylight had come and caught her in a lie. She might have hid from shame if she gave a damn about what anyone might think about her staying all night with her ex. But, she didn’t and frankly it wasn’t anybody’s business.

  She stretched before rolling out of bed to shower. She found most of her clothes remained in the closet and the fact he hadn’t removed them, signified quite a bit. Giuseppe expected her back. The arrogant man actually believed she might return.

  She slipped on a loose dress. In the process of bending to get shoes, Giuseppe’s voice said, “Buongiorno,” to her backside.

  “Good morning,” she replied as she slipped her feet into the comfortable shoes she often used to take Carlo for strolls when he was an infant. Giuseppe was fully clothed, handsome as usual, larger in stature or maybe she’d shrunk. No the flat shoes were responsible she quickly figured out.

  “I have made breakfast.”

  Shanda laughed. Oh, who was he fooling? “Sure you did big guy.”

  “I cook, at times.”

  “All right, let’s see what you burned.”

  Giuseppe smiled when she walked by, saw the tray on the bed and the gasp of surprise from his donna warmed his soul. “Do you still laugh?”

  Shanda lifted the fork, tasted the eggs and then bit into the sweet sausage. “Um, good. Oh my God, all this time I didn’t know you could cook!”

  He walked behind her, rubbed her shoulder and then took her in his arms. “Bella, I miss you and Carlo. You are mi famiglia, this is your home.”

  Shanda swallowed the remnants of the beef. “Giuseppe I can’t. We won’t work. I don’t want to be angry at you anymore. I don’t want our children to hear us argue. You and I are better lovers when we’re apart.”

  Giuseppe blinked with those long male eyelashes inherited from his father. A sigh escaped his sexy mouth. “Then I will accept this until you conclude that you are wrong.” The eyes suddenly glowed. “Better lovers apart. Hmm…I may like this arrangement.” He kissed her mouth and then hurried her to eat. “I will take you to your other home on my way to the aeropuerto.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  Giuseppe smirked at her disappointment. This better lover’s apart would not last long. “Sí, but I will come back soon to collect my money from you.”

  “You can hold your breath on that. I told you already I’m not shelling out a dime.”

  Another kiss and a moan from her lips proved she would willingly pay with pleasure instead of cash. 




















  The Christmas tree reached to the ceiling. The Diaz’ had gone all out. The baubles dangling from the pines were antiques and this year they added new ones which represented a new beginning. When Anita plugged in the lights they twinkled and the twins jumped around in excitement. Selange hugged Sal since he was closest as she admired the beautiful spruce tree.

  “Is dad okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, he’ll be fine,” she answered. Alfonzo had contracted pneumonia. The week he spent in the hospital had been hard on the kids. Alfonzo didn’t want the family to know how sick he had really gotten and made her swear not to tell a soul. “I don’t want everybody hovering over me babe. I’m just too tired to deal with their crap,” he said.

  Reluctantly, she agreed. But today he returned home and the medication had him sleeping a lot. Thank goodness for Anita…thank goodness because Selange’s head drummed from exhaustion.

  She had sat every night at that hospital and came home before the children awoke. He told her to go home but she couldn’t because she was afraid to sleep alone. She had this horrible fear that if she left him she’d receive an earth shattering phone call of some kind. No, she could not leave, her heart wouldn’t allow it.

  Anita entered with a tray of cookies shaped like Christmas trees. In five more days, the family would gather to share gifts. By then she prayed Alfonzo was well enough to come downstairs.

  A Christmas song played in festive celebration but it was Allie who danced to the music that served as the evening entertainment. Of course, Angelina wanted to join her sister and as most children who idolize their sibling imitated her every move. Selange’s weary eyes were sparkly hazel pride. Such fun they were having except in her heart she was sad.

  Anita tapped her on the shoulder. “Get sleep. I have the children,” she said when Selange inadvertently dozed off.

  “No, no Anita, I’m good.”

  “Go ahead ma, we’re fine. I’ll help Anita,” Sal interjected. He didn’t tell anyone Uncle had called to say he was coming. Sal worried about his dad and didn’t believe he was alright. He looked sick and his mom had an anxious expression. Not to mention he wasn’t stupid, people die from pneumonia all the time. Yeah, they let his dad out of the hospital but they shouldn’t have until he was up and walking. He slept all day and that can’t be good. Sal frowned as his mother climbed the stairs. He didn’t want anything to happen to his parents. Some of his friends complained about their folks but he couldn’t. His mom and dad were awesome.

  Allie told him what happened in Africa. Some man hit their mom and shot the bodyguards. He was furious that someone had hit his mother and he wasn’t there to do anything about it. As usual his mom tried to protect him from the bad stuff, but he’d seen the bruise. She had hugged him when he asked her about the incident and she treated him like a kid when he wasn’t. His dad and Uncle handled the problem but still he didn’t like feeling helpless. .

  Sal didn’t say anything after that on the subject, but he swore when he got older and anybody touched his family he’d hurt them…really bad…prometo!










  Days of aches, coughs and cooped up in a hospital bed with worried children constantly calling is how Alfonzo had spent the week. He’d spoken to Giuseppe, his mom and Tony but only his wife, Anita, the kids and the Capo Bastone were aware of his illness. Spreading the news wasn’t wise, weak moments are when vultures pick at eyes and projecting strength is always better than a dis
play of frailty.

  He was home now with weak limbs and a several pounds lighter. He spoke to Tony; he was flying in the day after to give his decision.  Nico had to come out the field. Retirement isn’t what he was doing, just delegating more responsibility to others. Besides, Alfonzo had come to the conclusion he had to share more of the responsibility or he’d die early. He required Nico’s presence at meetings when he or Giuseppe couldn’t attend. Nico was a goddamn Giacanti and far more than an enforcer; he was a Consigliere as well.

  Not to mention when Selange questioned him about Bianca and Nico, he decided he had to pull the plug on their relationship. As soon as Nico got back, he’d have a talk with his ass, because if Selange picked up on the affair someone else would and that left the door open for more headaches. His eyes closed of their own volition.

  What kind of medication knocked a dude out like that, he wondered but couldn’t fight back?

  While in slumber’s palette the feel of hands was upon his skin. The soft caress across marred flesh could only belong to his wife. He wondered if she read each wound which told his story or understood they were his battle hymns. Each scar was a tear dried and sealed by flesh. Each a reminder of how he escaped death. Then the hand went limp; a sudden drop that happens when sleep says “You’re mine, ahora!”

  Alfonzo’s eyes opened and he slowly reclined in a supine position to hold her close to his chest.

  Man, how the hell do you explain love so real you cry inside because it’s so strong it hurts? He inhaled the scent of her hair, stroked her arm and kissed her head in gratitude for always holding their family down. Soldier is a woman whose weapon is love battling turmoil that visits family at times. Illness, broken bones, kissing boo-boos and standing beside their men is what women soldiers did at home. Ah, give me a female soldati any day, Alfonzo exhaled. Their weapons are more effective than mortar or shells. Selange’s artillery healed; not killed.





  A familiar sensation caused him to scoff, damn; any physical contact with his woman prompted a hard-on. He didn’t want to wake Selange. Alfonzo held himself trying to soothe the hard-on with a mind of its own fiending for pussy. It’s difficult trying to put a dick to sleep when lying beside a sexy woman that you love. He must’ve cursed aloud because Selange’s hand slid along the slope of his chest and then went across his stomach.


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