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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 5

by Grayson, Alivia

  He chuckles right before he steals my very breath with the most intense, passionate, and heart-stopping kiss I have ever and am likely to ever have in my life.

  You say that every time Havoc kisses you, Wynter.

  Finally, Havoc pulls out of the kiss, even though I can tell he would have kissed me for days and not stopped if we were at home. God knows I would have gladly let him.

  He rests his forehead against mine. “You’ve wrecked my head.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You’re my wife, and it’s your job to wreck me for all other women.”

  I playfully slap his chest. “I should hope so!”

  Havoc laughs again. “Let’s get inside before they send out a search party.”

  I nod and take my husband’s hand when offered. I like holding his hand. I feel safe when I do. I got the same feeling when Jack held me and told me that he and his sons would always protect me. I have a family now. I’m not alone in the world any longer; I have an uncle, an aunt, cousins, cousins-in-law, and even second cousins. I have people I’ll see at Christmastime, Thanksgiving, and New Year. I won’t be alone any longer.

  I smile to myself because I’ll never be alone as long as I’ve got Havoc. I squeeze Havoc’s hand a little tighter, and I smile when he winks at me.

  Havoc leads me over to a table near an unlit open fire where a huge lumberjack looking biker is sitting. There’s also a younger biker with blond hair, a kid around fifteen or sixteen; he could be a little older, I’m not sure. There’s also a woman with auburn hair and a pretty smile. She’s the older bikers wife; it’s easy to tell by the way he leans over and lovingly kisses her.

  Shit, I’m so nervous. Any idiot with eyes can see that the biker and his wife are Havoc’s parents. I knew they’d be here, but I didn’t think I’d crave their approval as much as I do.

  “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Wynter. Officially.” Havoc smiles and winks at me. “Wynter, this is my Mom, Tammy,”

  “Nice to meet you.” I smile.

  “Nice to meet you, too, Wynter.” Definitely pretty, her smile lights up her whole face.

  “This is my Dad, Red.” I smile at Red, and he tips his head at me. “This is Trey,” I smile at Trey, who winks at me. “And this is Cullen, both my little brothers.”

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Cullen!” I laugh at how cheeky Havoc’s youngest brother is, and how his father yelled his name. He’s a charming young man. “Havoc’s told us all about you, of course,” I swallow hard because I can already see that Red doesn’t like me. “Jack’s told everyone else about you. He’s very proud of you.” That makes me smile. “Now,” Red turns to Havoc. “Wanna tell me what this is?” He looks down at our entwined hands, as do Havoc and I.

  Havoc looks at his father without letting go of my hand. “She’s my wife, as well, you know. Since when was it yours or anyone else’s business what I do and with whom?”

  I swallow hard as Red raises his eyebrow. “Don’t get smart with me, Havoc. I know who she is, and what you did,” What Havoc did? “But do you even know anything about her? What good is a marriage if you don’t even know the woman you’re married to?”

  I startle at Red’s booming voice. I clutch Havoc’s hand tighter in mine. My stomach is turning over, and I just want to leave. I can sense how angry Havoc is right now; I can feel it radiating off of him. I knew his family wouldn’t like me, but he wouldn’t listen.

  “Enough, Red,” Tammy snaps. “Not in front of Cullen. Wynter is Havoc’s wife. She wouldn’t be if they didn’t know each other. Time means nothing when you love someone, and she does love Havoc, Red; it’s very obvious from the way she looks at him.”

  I watch as Tammy reaches over and takes Red’s hand in her own. “Baby, you know what it’s like to fall in love, right?” He nods slightly. “And you know what it’s like to be impulsive. Our son fell in love, and he couldn’t wait to marry the woman who stole his heart. We have to accept that and welcome Wynter into our family.”

  “And the men chasing her? The trouble she’ll bring to this family? What about our son, Tammy? What happens when those men kill our son to get to her?” He points at me angrily. “What about Cullen and Trey, hmm? What happens if they get hurt because of these men?”

  I swallow hard when Red looks right at me. “If anything happens to either one of my sons, my wife, my grandchildren, or any fucker, belonging to this club, and I’ll kill you myself!” I jump when he slams his fist down on the table.

  I want to leave. I feel sick to my stomach. I understand that he’s scared and he wants to protect his family, but I need Havoc. I’d leave if I thought he’d let me, but he won’t. Havoc has made it clear that if I so much as try, he’ll stop me. If I did manage to get away, he wouldn’t stop until he found me again.

  I trust my husband, and I know he spoke the truth when he said he’d protect me. Havoc will find out who those men are and what they want. Jack told me the same thing. Red might hate me right now, but I have a family here too. My husband, my uncle and aunt, my cousins, brothers-in-law, mother-in-law, and whether he likes it or not, a father-in-law.

  Of course, I’ve thought about leaving so that Havoc will be safe. I know how strong he is, and I know with the Snakes behind him, he’s powerful. However, Red is right; the men chasing me could get to any member of Havoc’s family, even mine, to get to me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.

  God, I’m so torn. I don’t know what to do.

  “I’m sorry,” Is all I can whisper. Nothing else will come out, even though I’m trying. I want to tell Red that I’ll go, that nothing will happen to his family, but something is stopping me.

  I place my free hand on Havoc’s bicep. He’s breathing harshly, angered by what his father said. “Don’t you dare speak to my wife that way!” Everyone is staring at us, and I feel the heat of embarrassment creeping along my spine.

  “Havoc, that’s enough,” I swallow hard as Havoc’s brother gets out of his seat. He’s really tall, and his voice is as deep as his father’s. “This man,” He points to Red. “Is the reason you’re alive. Show him some damn respect.”

  “Respect works both ways, Trey.” Havoc snaps. “I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of me, but Wynter is my wife! I won’t have you,” He points to his father. “Or anyone else, threatening her. Wynter has no control over what’s happening. She doesn’t know those men or what they want with her. You’re my family, and I thought I could count on you to help me protect my wife. I guess I was wrong.”

  “You can count on us, Havoc,” Trey tells him.

  “Just be careful,” Red warns.

  Havoc rolls his eyes and leads me away from his family without another word. He leads me down a corridor, lets go of my hand, and slams his fist against the wall. My eyes widen as I stare at my husband.

  “Havoc, it’s okay.” I reach out to touch his arm, but he moves away from me. I sigh and wrap my arms around myself. “They’re just worried about you.”

  “I get that, Wynter, but they have no right to speak to you that way!”

  I understand why Havoc is angry, but I won’t have him going off like this. Fighting with family should never happen. Of course, everyone has disagreements, even with family members. But that doesn’t mean you have to hold on to anger. I won’t let Havoc do that.

  I wish more than anything that my family was here. If they were, my mom and sister, I would never walk away from them in anger. I wouldn’t because you never know if this is the last time you’ll even see them.

  My mother always said, ‘Never leave the house angry, and always say I love you.’ That’s why Cassie and I always say those words to each other, even if we’re angry.

  I take Havoc’s arm in my right hand, and his cheek in his left, forcing him to look at me. “They’re only words, Havoc. Your father loves you, and he’s worried about you. Don’t fall out with your family, Cole,” He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. I’ve used hi
s given name less than a handful of times since we met. Whenever I do, it always makes him smile.

  I rub my thumb over his cheek. “So many people love you, Havoc. That’s beyond obvious to anyone with eyes. I love you so much,” I lean up and kiss his lips softly. “Now, why don’t you introduce me to everyone?”

  Havoc wraps his arms around me. “I love you,” He mumbles against my hair. “Let’s start with Ghost,” I nod my head and chuckle.

  Havoc leads me to a table filled will people. I take a deep breath because I’m nervous. All of the men here are huge, and these men aren’t as big as Havoc’s father. However, they are big in their own right.

  “Ghost,” Havoc shakes Ghost’s hand, and he looks at me and winks. “Razor, Vinny, Eagle, Storm.” Havoc tips his head at the other men.

  I remember Havoc telling me that Razor and Vinny are Ghost’s sons. Eagle is Tank’s son, and Storm is Hammer’s son.

  “Avery,” Havoc acknowledges with a kiss to her cheek. Ghost’s wife if memory serves. “I’d like you all to meet Wynter.”

  “It’s nice to meet you all.” I smile genuinely.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Wynter.” I shake Ghost’s hand when he offers it.

  Each person shakes my hand and welcomes me to the family. I have to admit that I like them all. Ghost makes me laugh, and he seems to be the joker of the club.

  Havoc and I sit with Ghost and the others for a while. Ghost tells me stories about Havoc when he was a child, and Havoc threatens to shoot him if he doesn’t stop, making me laugh.

  Razor points out that Fallon and her family have arrived. Havoc then tells me it’s time to meet her, and I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous about meeting anyone in my life.

  “Don’t be nervous, baby. Fallon doesn’t bite.” Havoc chuckles, but I simply smile. “Hey, sis,” He leans into the beautiful woman smiling widely at him.

  “Hey. Sorry, we’re late, Ava was having a dress crisis.” She rolls her eyes and nods at her daughter. Ava is beautiful and looks just like her mother. She’s talking to Phoenix, whom I can tell is Ava’s best friend. They give off that vibe. “You must be Wynter.”

  I nod while shaking her hand. “I’m happy to be meeting you finally. Havoc has told me a lot about you.”

  “All bad, I hope.” Fallon jokes. “He’s told us all about you, too, of course,” I smile at Havoc. It’s nice to hear someone say that. “This is my husband, Trace.”

  “Nice to meet you.” He tips his head at me but says no more.

  It’s evident that Trace, like Red, is at least a decade older than his wife. He’s handsome, nonetheless.

  “This is Scotty,” I shake hands with Fallon’s eldest son, fourteen years of age, so Havoc told me, yet Scotty looks at least eighteen. What the hell does he eat? He’s so tall! “And this is Reed, my youngest.” Another kid who looks older than he is. I shake his hand too and watch both boys rush off to find people their own age.

  “You’ll have to excuse our kids,” Trace tells me. “They’re always the same when we bring them here. They’re not usually this rude, though.”

  “It’s no problem,” I laugh.

  Trace wraps his arm around his wife’s waist, and she leans back against him. “You did well for yourself with this one, Havoc.”

  Havoc audibly growls and yanks me to his side, his arm around my waist. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, he’s hooked on you, gurl.” Fallon laughs. I’m guessing it’s an inside joke, but I don’t get it.

  “Fuck the both of you!” Havoc takes my hand and drags me away from Fallon and Trace, who are now falling over themselves laughing.

  I look up at Havoc to find he’s smirking to himself. “What was that about?”

  “They were just pointing out that you’ve claimed my heart.” He winks at me, and I can’t help the smile of pride spreading across my face. “Come on, beautiful. There are more people to meet yet.”

  I’m enjoying meeting everyone, even if some of these bikers look as scary as a demon from hell. Today has been made ‘family day’ according to Havoc, which means the kids are allowed to be here longer than they usually would be. Meaning I get to meet them also.

  I like everyone, and I can’t say that I don’t. Meeting my cousins and their children has been amazing. I feel a little overwhelmed with it all; I won’t lie. Knowing that I’m no longer alone in the world has me feeling emotional.

  I adore Phoenix; she’s such an amazing young lady. I can see just how strong she is and that she’ll one day soon be a woman to be reckoned with. Phoenix is a prospect with the club, and she told me how she’d one day soon be a patched in member.

  I have to wonder if that will happen. As terrible as it sounds, this place seems to be male-only members. However, if any woman could make it into the MC as a member, it’s Phoenix. I’ve only known her a short while, and I know that.


  I spin on the spot. My best friend is now right in front of me. She has tears in her eyes, and shock written all over her face. She looks so healthy, and she’s put a little weight on, even her curves are noticeable. Cassie’s hair is no longer limp; it’s shiny and full. Her eyes are bright, and she no longer looks ill. Being here with her family has done her a world of good, just as I knew it would. Cassie is home, she’s safe, and she’s loved.

  “Wynter!” Cassie screams my name and runs into my arms. I catch her, both of us crying, and I hold her so tightly. I don’t want to let go.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.” She sobs loud enough that I can hear. She kisses my cheek and finally pulls away, but only enough to look at me while cupping my cheek. “I never thought I’d see you here. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been okay, Cassie.”

  “What have you been up to?”

  “I’ll tell you about it soon, I promise. I know about your wedding,”

  Cassie turns her head and smiles at Cormack. “He stole my heart the moment I met him, Wynter.”

  “Are you happy, Cassie?”

  She nods her head. “I have my Dad and a Mom who loves me, and even lets me call her that. I have brothers and sisters, friends, and a man I would die for. He takes such good care of me, Wynter. I know it probably seems too soon for us to be getting married, but when you know, you know. Right?”

  I cup her beautiful cheek and nod my head. “Right. As long as you’re happy, then I’m happy for you. That’s all I ever wanted for you, Cass.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles. “Cormack told me what’s been going on. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay, Cass. Havoc saved me.” She looks over my shoulder and smiles. “I never got to tell you what my dad said.”

  “Oh, shit, that’s right.” She takes my hand in hers, and I smile. “What did he tell you?”

  “He told me that I have an uncle and where to find him.” Her eyes widen with glee. “Cassie, BlackJack is my uncle.”

  “No,” She’s shocked, and why wouldn’t she be? The world is a small place. “Oh, my. You’re one of us. Oh my God, you get to stay with me!” She wraps her arms around me, and I close my eyes and breathe deeply.

  I also chuckle a little. I get to stay because Havoc is my husband, but knowing Cassie is here too means there really is no place I’d rather be.

  Chapter Six


  I’m falling deeper in love with my wife as the hour’s tick by. I’ve watched her flourish over the past few days. Whenever Wynter smiles, it melts my heart. It does because I know those smiles are for me. Wynter feels safe with me, and she’s letting go of what drove her away from me.

  I’ve never known a woman more beautiful than Wynter. She’s around five-seven, curvy hips, toned thighs, small breasts that fit perfectly in my big hands. Her wavy hair always smells like a summer evening, and those blue-grey eyes sparkle when she laughs.

  Watching Wynter with her newfound family, seeing the way she smiles, has been the highlight of my day. I always want to see Wynte
r happy. Knowing she isn’t alone in the world seems to have settled something in my wife.

  Over the past few days, Wynter has brought me back to life. Those months without her were hard, I’ll admit. Though I didn’t sit and wallow for long, I got on with my life, and I won’t pretend anything else. I’m a biker for fuck sakes, and I’ve always been a hardened bastard. Ever since my big brother died, I hid my feelings well. Some would say that I have no heart when it comes to matters of love. They’d be right to a degree, and I’m hard on my brothers because I don’t want to lose them as I did Scott.

  Trey hates that I still tell him what to do, and I still fight his battles. I only do so because it’s a force of habit. Before Scott died, he told me to look out for Trey, and to make sure he didn’t get himself into something he couldn’t get out of. Cullen wasn’t born until after Scott died, but I know he would have told me the same about him.

  I don’t think my parents had any plans to have another child, but Cullen was a much-wanted baby. Cullen came along at a time when I thought the woman my mother once was had all but disappeared.

  My mother was raped by a member of this club, years ago, when I was a teenager. I knew nothing about what had happened to her until the day I heard my father talking with Roman in our kitchen. Dad was upset, and Roman was trying to calm him down.

  I shouldn’t have been listening from the hallway to their conversation, but I couldn’t stop myself. Something about what Dad had said grabbed my attention. Mom hadn’t been herself for a while, and this particular day, he’d found out why.

  When I heard Dad say those words, ‘He raped my girl, Roman. He hurt the woman I would die for, and she kept it from me because she was ashamed and thought I’d hate her,’ my heart sank to my feet. I was thirteen, and I knew what rape meant and the effects it could have on a person. Dad had told me from an early age just what would happen to me if he ever found out I’d done such a thing. I would never hurt a woman like that, but he wanted to make sure I knew the consequences of such actions.


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