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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 20

by Grayson, Alivia

I nod my head, still looking out at the dance floor. “Never better, handsome.” I turn my head and capture his lips.

  The bride and groom’s first dance, followed by the father-daughter dance passes, and the dance floor fills up, Havoc and I included. We hold each other close for the slow dance, and we have fun with the more upbeat songs. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in my life. I had no idea my husband would loosen up so much and have fun the way he is.

  Dancing the way I am on a full stomach, and wearing a long, silk dress was not the best idea I’ve ever had. I don’t mind, but now I’ve got a cramp. I clutch my side, breathing heavily. “I need to sit down!” I yell over the music, but Havoc doesn’t hear me.

  I tap his arm, and he stops dancing. He looks at me with concern, but I smile and shake my head. Nothing is wrong, and he doesn’t need to worry. I lift my hands and sign. ‘I need to sit down for a moment. I’ll be right back.’

  He signs back, ‘Do you want me to come with you?’

  I smile widely because Havoc is learning sign language so quickly. He already knew a few signs thanks to VJ’s wife, but this means so much to me. ‘No,’ I shake my head and sign, ‘Stay. I’ll be right back.’ I kiss Havoc’s lips and leave him on the dance floor.

  I find my table and sit down for a minute. My feet are killing me! The banquet hall in which Cassie and Cormack’s reception is being held is decorated to the nines. This place must have cost Gunner a fortune. I know Gunner wanted to pay for his daughter’s wedding, and by the look of things, he spared no expense.

  I need to get to the bar for a drink, but there are so many people here that I don’t know if I’ll get through. I had no clue Cassie had so much family. Snakes Henchmen MC and their families aside, Cassie has two sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and their partners and children, not to mentions the friends she’s made at work.

  Then there’s Cormack’s family. I already knew Jethro and Austin thanks to the club, but I had no idea they had sisters also. Cormack’s parents are here, and countless other members of their family and friends, and the place is packed out. Thank God for air conditioning, or I’d be melting right now.

  I feel someone tap my arm. I look up and smile at Phoenix. She crooks her finger, beckoning me to follow her, which I do, and she leads me outside.

  “Is everything okay, Phoenix?”

  “Of course,” She hands me a glass of champagne that I didn’t know she had. I take the glass because I’m parched.

  Phoenix clinks her glass with mine and winks. We both down the champagne in one. “Thanks, I needed that,” I tell her.

  She takes my glass and places both on the window ledge beside her. “So, how’s it going with your family?”

  “Good,” I tell her with a smile. “I’m still not used to having them back in my life yet.”

  I wake up in the morning and shake myself because I can’t believe my mother and sister are with me again.

  “I’m happy for you, Wynter. I just wish Spring would meet with BlackJack. I get that she’s afraid...” She sighs. “I’m being unfair, and I know I am. No one in their right mind would expect your sister to meet with John Anderson’s brother.” Phoenix shakes her head and laughs to herself.

  I take her hand in mine. “I know how badly uncle Jack would like to get to know Spring. I know how much you want that for him, Phoenix. It’s just hard for Spring right now. She’s trying to come to terms with everything.”

  Phoenix nods her head. “I understand, and I’ll get it if Spring never wants to meet any of us. I hope that doesn’t happen; the family needs to stick together. I hope Spring knows that we love her as much as we love you.”

  “She knows.” I run my hand up and down Phoenix’s arm. I understand how Phoenix must be feeling right now, but Spring’s loyalty is to Julianne. Maybe if I’d lived the past years with my Mom and sister, I wouldn’t want to meet John’s family either.

  My sister feels as though she’d be betraying Julianne if she meets BlackJack and his family. Of course, Julianne has told Spring that she has no problem with her meeting John’s family, but something is holding my sister back.

  “You look beautiful, by the way.”

  Phoenix bows her head with a smirk on her face. “Why, thank you, dear cousin. You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks.” I laugh, she’s too kind. “Are you even wearing a top under that jacket?” Not that I need to know, but I’ve been curious all day.

  Phoenix smirks while looking behind her to check we’re alone. She then takes the lapel of her jacket and pulls it over slightly, giving me a view of the X taped over her nipple. I shake my head and laugh at the confirmation that she’s wearing nothing under her jacket. My cousin is in no way shy, and I love her for it.

  “I best get back inside. There’s a hot guy waiting for a dance. I promised him,” She waggles her eyebrows, and I can’t help laughing. Whomever the guy is better be good to my cousin, even if it is just for one night. “You coming?”

  “You go ahead. I’ll be in soon.”


  I watch Phoenix until she’s out of sight. I then turn toward the road and breathe in the fresh air with my eyes closed. It’s starting to get dark, and I can feel the air getting colder. I’m so happy that nothing could ruin my mood today.

  Why do you always have to speak too soon, Wynter?

  A hand slams over my mouth from behind, and I feel a body press against mine. In normal circumstances, I’d think it was Havoc, but Havoc would never use such force. No, this is someone who means to harm me.

  I struggle to get away, but it’s no use when they lift me from the ground. I sense whomever it is saying something to me, I can feel the vibrations of it rumbling through my back. However, I can’t hear what those words are. As he drags me away, I wonder if I’ll ever see or hear anything again.

  Chapter Twenty


  As wedding’s go, Cormack’s has been one of the best I’ve attended. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. However, I’ve lost sight of Wynter. She left the dance floor an hour ago, and I haven’t seen her since.

  It’s not a crime for Wynter to have fun, and it’s not like I noticed her missing until a few moments ago. But I thought I’d be able to spot her easily in that midnight blue dress and shocking white hair.

  I’ve searched in the inside of the building twice, and she’s nowhere. How can one woman disappear into thin air?

  “Everything all right?”

  I force my eyes away from the hall to look at Trey. “Just wondering where Wynter got to. I haven’t seen her around for a while.”

  “She left with Phoenix a short while ago, but Phoenix came back fifteen minutes later. Wynter wasn’t with her, though.” Trey points toward the bar where Phoenix is standing with a relative of Cormack’s, flirting shamelessly as always.

  “Thanks.” I slap my brother on the back and walk away. If Wynter left with Phoenix, she can’t be far behind.

  I tap Phoenix’s shoulder. She reluctantly turns to look at me. “What can I do for you, Havoc?”

  “I’m looking for Wynter. Trey said she was with you.”

  Phoenix nods before knocking back a drink. “I left her outside, but that was a while ago now. Are you sure she’s not around?”

  “I wouldn’t be asking if she was!” I didn’t mean to snap at Phoenix, but now I’m starting to worry. Wynter would never go off on her own, not without letting me know first.

  I don’t say anything else to Phoenix. I make my way outside to look for Wynter. Somehow I don’t think she’ll be there.

  I was right, Wynter is not outside. I check front and back, and even along the street, but she’s gone. I try calling her, but there’s no answer. I also try calling Spring, but I get no response from her either.

  Fuck it!

  Calm down, Havoc, there could be a simple explanation for where Wynter is.

  “Julian Bucannon,”

  I roll my eyes at myself. Christ knows wh
y I thought calling Julian would help, but I need to check with every damn person who might know something.

  “It’s Havoc. I wondered if you’d heard from Wynter?”

  “Not since yesterday. I thought Wynter was attending her friend’s wedding today?”

  I run my hand through my hair and let go of a deep breath. “She did. She came out for some air, and I haven’t seen her since.”

  “Havoc, this isn’t good. Spring has been missing for almost two hours, and now you’re saying you can’t find Wynter?”

  My gut drops to my feet. “This can’t be a coincidence, Julian. Something must have happened to them.”

  Julian sighs down the line. “I’ve been afraid of this for twelve years.”

  “Afraid of what? If you know something, then tell me!”

  “I will,” He breathes deeply through his nose. “Meet me at your clubhouse, and I’ll tell you everything. Julianne is not aware that Spring is missing. I have my men out looking for her, but I can’t afford for my sister to find out about this. Not unless the worst comes to the worst.”

  I grit my teeth. I want to smash his fucking face in with an iron bar! “If you’ve been sitting on information that put my wife in danger, I’ll gut you like a damn fish, and that’s a promise!”

  I end the call before he can answer me. Whatever Julian has to tell me better lead me to find Wynter safe, or no one else will be.

  * * *

  “Calm down, Havoc,”

  Calm down? Jett is out of his fucking mind if he thinks I’ll calm down. My wife is missing, and I have no idea where the hell she could be.

  As soon as I ended the call with Julian, I rushed inside to find Jett and explain what had happened. He told me that he’d gather a few men, and we’d get back to the clubhouse. We did just that, but not before I explained to Cormack why a bunch of us were leaving so soon.

  Cormack was understanding, and he told me that he’d come too. Of course, I was not going to let him abandon his wife on her wedding day. I also told him not to tell Cassie what was going on, not until I knew for sure what was happening with Wynter. Cassie would only panic, and I don’t want her wedding day overshadowed with drama. Jethro shouldn’t be here either, but the man wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down, Jett. It’s not your wife out there, and I don’t wanna hear how it once was.”

  Jett raises his eyebrow and looks at Tank, who smirks. Pricks!

  Red, Trey, Ghost, Wrench, Hawk, Stryker, BlackJack, Axel, Eagle, Razor, Gabe, and Phoenix are all here. My family and Wynter’s all ready to get out there and find my wife. Jett thought they should be here for this. He has a few of the others on standby in case we need them.

  I must say it took everyone no time at all to change back into their regular clothes. God forbid they’re seen without their cuts. Be that as it may, who the fuck does that when someone could be in danger?

  I’d roll my eyes if I had the energy. To be honest, I feel stupid still wearing this suit, but some of us have our priorities right!

  “Where the hell is he?” I’m not asking a question, just putting it out there.

  “Sit down, Havoc. Julian will be here.”

  “Don’t tell me to sit down!” I slam my fists down on the oak table. Red raises his eyebrow at me. I have more respect for my father than to yell at him, but I’m not in the right frame of mind right now. I just to get out there and find Wynter. I need to know that she’s okay. I feel like we’re stalling!

  The door opens, and VJ and Bones lead Julian inside. I’m guessing VJ and his shadow decided to get in on the action.

  “I’m sorry. It took me longer than expected to get here. Julianne realized something was going on, and I had to calm her down. Anyway,” Julian shakes his head and holds his hand out to me. I take it, and we shake. “I’m here now. Nice to meet you all.” Julian tips his head at everyone in the room. “Jack,” He acknowledges.

  I narrow my eyes. “You two know each other?”

  “Only recently,” Jack tells me.

  “Whatever. We don’t have time for chit chat. Sit down and tell us what you know.”

  What the hell is going on?

  BlackJack swore that he didn’t know Wynter’s family. Why would he lie to me?

  Julian opens his long, expensive coat, showcasing his even more expensive suit and takes a seat. “I’ll get straight to the point,”

  “Would be a good idea,” I snap while taking my position next to Trey.

  “Before I start, I want you to know that I had no clue Wynter was alive until I saw her working at that diner.” I nod for him to carry on. “It was down to me that no one knew Spring and Julianne were alive. I had to protect them from Riff.”

  “Riff?” Who the fuck is that?

  As if reading my mind, Julian tells me, “Riff is John Anderson’s eldest child.”

  “He has more kids?” BlackJack shifts in his seat, his attention piqued

  “Including Wynter and Spring, John fathered nineteen children. Each child was born to one of his rape victims.”

  Nineteen rape babies?

  What the fuck?

  “John had a fetish for raping women and forcing them to carry his children. It’s crazy to think he was able to get away with someone so heinous, but he stalked and threatened those women with things most wouldn’t even dream of to keep them quiet. For years, John got away with the things he did without ever being reported to the police. Until he shot Spring and Julianne, anyway, it was only then; women started coming forward. By then, it was too late for many of John’s children.”

  I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so disgusting in all my life. Wasn’t it bad enough that John raped those women without him stalking them as well?

  John raped women to make them pregnant; then he hung around to find out if they were with child. I dread to think of what he used as threats against them.

  “Only two of those women managed to escape John Anderson. They gave their babies up for adoption and then skipped the country.”

  “They knew each other?” Phoenix questions.

  Julian nods his head. “Twin sisters. Eighteen years of age,” Christ on the cross! “It was reported that he kept them, prisoner, for three weeks, raping them, in turn, each night, until he found out they were both pregnant.”

  “What does this have to do with Wynter?” It’s awful that those women had to suffer, but how is this helping me find Wynter?

  “I’m getting there, Havoc.” I grit my teeth. Trey shakes his head at me. I need to keep my cool, but when has that ever worked for anyone desperate to find a loved one? “Sixteen years ago, Riff Carter took it upon himself to find his half-siblings.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” Hawk asks.

  Julian nods. “Riff didn’t want a big family reunion; he wanted them all dead.”

  My eyes bug out, and my mouth hangs open in shock. I’m not an idiot, and I can put two and two together. “Are you saying this Riff has Wynter and intends to kill her?”

  Again, Julian nods his head. “Riff picked his siblings off one by one in order of age. When he found out about Wynter and Spring, he wanted them gone too. It was public knowledge that John went to prison for not only raping more women than anyone could dream of but for killing two of his children. So, Riff moved on to the next child.”

  “He was never caught, I take it?”

  Julian shakes his head at Jett. “Riff is his father’s son, as much as he hates that fact.”

  “Why would he want to kill his own flesh and blood?” Red asks while rapping his fingers on the table.

  “The man is crazy. He blames John for his mother’s suicide. No one could blame Riff for that, but he got an insane idea to eradicate John’s children as payback.”

  Julian shrugs before going on to tell us that the police were never looking at Riff as a suspect because they didn’t know about him, nor did they know about John’s connection to the murdered people. It only came to light t
hat the victims were related after John’s arrest. When John was informed that a recent spate of murders with the same MO around the country were connected to him via his children, he went crazy.

  Eventually, John gave up the names of his children, and it was confirmed each one older than Wynter and Spring apart from Riff had been killed. That left nine younger children and Riff alive.

  Those nine children were put under police protection, while their attention was drawn to Riff. They couldn’t pin anything on the man because he was too smart and never left any evidence behind. Spring was also put under protection once the story about her being alive had been leaked.

  Julian tells us how Riff has made three attempts on Spring’s life since finding out he’d been duped. His efforts failed because Spring is well protected, and Riff couldn’t get near her. Spring is unaware of the attempts on her life, and I have to wonder if that was stupid on Julian’s part.

  Riff has never been caught, and may never be because he knows how to keep himself hidden. No man can hide forever, and I’ll find him if it’s the last thing I ever do.

  Julian knew that once he’d seen Wynter, he needed to find her before Riff did, because if Julian could spot her easily, so could Riff.

  “The only reason I can think as to why Wynter and Spring were separated and told the other was dead was to protect them. Detective Chang, the guy, working on John’s case, knew all about Riff. Maybe he thought that he was doing what was right for the twins.” He shrugs.

  I don’t buy that shit. Detective Chang could have reunited Wynter with her mother and sister if he really wanted to.

  You weren’t there, Havoc. You have no clue what went on and the real reasons the detective did what he did. Don’t make judgments without all the facts.

  “I believe Riff has the girls, and if he does, they won’t be alive this time tomorrow.”

  “Then why the fuck are we still here!” I’m out of my seat, ready to leave, but I’m not that fucking lucky.

  “Sit down!” Jett yells. “Don’t go rushing off. You don’t have a fuckin’ clue where to look.”


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