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Cursed By Her Blood

Page 4

by C. J. Brookes

  But Kindara was doggedly determined when it came to what she felt was her calling. Her destiny.

  She fully believed her entire purpose for surviving the torture Leo Taniss had inflicted on was so that she could find the reason why their people were dying out. Why their females struggled so during childbirth, and why so many of their babes did not survive their first few years of life.

  Kindara was driven to find the answers.

  As was he.

  Especially now.

  He would not watch his own female suffer such agony. He could not watch her sister or cousins, either. The answers they sought were in the ancient texts Kindara had spent the past two years trying to find.

  She had gotten word that a witch near Denver might have access to the answers they sought. And that witch could only meet the day Kindara had been abducted.

  Kindara was driving herself crazy with the knowledge that she had lost that opportunity.

  She had texted him, asking for an emergency meeting.

  He waited, though his instincts were telling him to go to his female. To find her. Confirm she was real by touching her, tasting her.

  Hells, he’d settle for just talking to her.

  He had the file he’d found on her within her grandfather’s files. It was spread on his desk, along with the two dozen photos he had of her. He’d printed them off the internet; they ranged from the age of sixteen to her current twenty-two. There was one of her in a softball uniform for the school team. Another of her in a swimsuit for the diving team of her college.

  Young, beautiful, perfect.


  Picked for him by the goddess of his people.

  It wasn’t natural that a male not act on the instinct to claim his female when he found her.

  But Jade was just a girl. Far too young for a male like him. Even if he wasn’t over four hundred years old; she was too young to be claimed.

  And too human.

  He’d seen firsthand the results of a conversion from human to Dardaptoan.

  Her cousins Mickey and Emily had barely survived the conversion. Mickey had stopped breathing; her male had breathed for her for hours. The only reason Jade’s sister had lived had been because Cormac had held her soul through the telepathic bond they shared.

  Barlaam knew of no other pair who shared such a mental bond.

  Cormac had gotten damned lucky his female had survived.

  Barlaam could not do that to Jade.

  He couldn’t.

  But that did not mean he would not watch over her from afar.

  Barlaam opened the final file, the one he hadn’t had a chance to read over yet.

  Leo Taniss’s familiar scrawl was written in the blanks.

  A human research subject report. On Jade.

  As he read, his anger just grew.

  Leo Taniss had shot Blanches Dames Fae blood into his infant granddaughter.

  And spent the next twenty-one years watching the results.

  It was no wonder Kindara had felt that Jade wasn’t wholly human. The Fae blood was masked by the human, but Jade…

  Wasn’t fully human any longer.

  Barlaam felt sick at what Taniss had done to her.

  Nothing justified experimenting on his own grandchild. Had her father been aware of it?

  That was a question Barlaam was going to answer as soon as he possibly could.

  He stood and grabbed his things.

  When he opened the office door, a blond female stood there, ready to knock. “Barl.”


  “We need to talk. I really…need to talk to you right now.”

  “First, are you well?”

  Her breath hitched. “I don’t know.”

  He stepped back and motioned Kindara into his office where they could talk freely. “Tell me.”

  “I…we’ve made a demon babe, I think.”

  Barlaam just stared at her. That was the last thing he ever would have expected Kindara to say. “You…”

  “Yes. I think there’s a demon babe within me. And I need to know…if he is healthy. Safe. Because I can’t lose him. I just can’t lose him like I lost my first.”

  Barlaam opened his arms and pulled his best friend closer while she cried as if she grieved all over again.

  The demon king’s babe was the last thing he ever would have expected for Kindara.


  Her vampire was hiding from her. Jade knew that, and it hadn’t taken the two hours she’d spent exploring the hotel to figure that out. She’d searched every place she could get into for him.


  Her cousin Mickey had given her the grand tour, stopping just outside the swimming pool area.

  Mickey had scratches on her arms. Jade had asked, and all that her cousin had told her was that she’d had an accident.

  Well, that was just boloney. Something had hurt Mickey, just like something had hurt Joselyn.

  Joselyn had told her everything, how werewolves just like their father had attacked her. Her sister had told her that they thought the vampire Jambu had been responsible.

  Jambu had been found with the werewolves that had attacked her sister that day.

  “Mickey, this place…is it for real?” She knew it was. But she just needed to say what she was thinking. “Are you safe here now?”

  Mickey looked at her for a long moment, then shook her head. “I don’t really know. Theo seems to think we are. Or that he and Aodhan and the others can keep us safe.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think…I want to be with Theo no matter what.” Mickey was so quiet that sometimes people didn’t realize how determined she could be to get what she wanted. She stared at Jade for a moment. Then touched the scratches on her arms. “These…demons did this. They attacked me and Theo. They were after me.”


  “Because I’m pregnant. And the baby is supposed to be someone extremely special. The demons didn’t want her to be born. I’m kind of struggling with that.”

  “No wonder.” Jade wrapped her cousin up in a tight hug. “Congratulations on the baby. First of a new generation.”

  Mickey shook her head. “Not according to Theo. Rand’s babies will be born first.”

  “Huh?” That was news to her. She hadn’t even known Mickey’s brother had been dating anyone.

  “Rand and Jierra…their babies will be born in four months or so.”

  “He just met her.”

  “Rand’s a Lupoiux. They have babies faster. Twins, too. It’s an entirely different way of life here. I’m still figuring it out.”

  “And the men?”

  “Very, very intense. If one chooses you, run. He won’t stop until you’re all wrapped up in him.” Mickey shot her a wicked smile as she said it. “And you won’t mind a bit.”

  “That’s the way it is with you and Theo?” Mickey hadn’t dated much, not that Jade knew about, anyway. Her cousin was shy and reserved and after what hell her sister had gone through, Mickey had focused on her future instead of worrying about guys.

  “Yes. It gets harder and harder to keep my hands off of him. Crazy, right?”

  Jade laughed. “Definitely. Now…tell me about the vampire Barlaam.”

  Surprise hit the green eyes so like her own. “Why?”

  “Because…because he’s the vampire I’m supposed to be with. I’ve known that for six years. I just didn’t know where to find him or what his name was, until now.”

  Mickey just stopped walking and stared at her. “You’re serious.”

  “Yes. And now the man—vampire—is hiding from me. I know that’s exactly what he is doing. I need to go find him.”

  “Wow. Does Joselyn know?”

  Jade shook her head. “No. I’ve not told anyone but you. I need help coming up with a plan. That vampire is not going to hide from me for long.”

  “Oh, Jade…be very certain this is what you want. Things can go really, really sideways in an instant aro
und here. I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

  “I’m not going to get hurt. Not by him. I’m meant to be with him, and I’m going to be. I just…wasn’t planning on it being this soon in my life. I thought I’d at least finish college first.” Which would happen in two months. So she wasn’t that far off, at least. And the remaining two classes were condensed and online. So…she was free to chase her vampire as long as she wanted.

  “The goddess must have something else planned for you.”

  “Ok, keep talking. What goddess?”

  “Supposedly, the Dardaptoans were created by some sort of goddess thousands of years ago. Theo says it was about ten thousand years ago. She watches over them, but she hasn’t for about three thousand years. She picks Rajnis or mated pairs, I guess. She picked me for Theo. Supposedly.”

  “And me for Barlaam?”

  “I don’t know. I think she’s just a myth.”

  “He called me that word. When he lifted me out of the helicopter. I almost kissed him right there. He has really strong arms. And he…”

  Mickey laughed. “If I believe in this goddess, maybe she has picked you for him. I’ve never even heard you mention a hot guy before. Well…besides Rathan. And we all talked about Rathan that way. Even Cass.”

  “If you believe. You didn’t believe in vampires a month ago, remember?”

  “I know. But a hokey goddess? That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

  The lights flicked out above them, leaving them in total darkness. There was a thump.

  Mickey cried out.

  Jade reached for her cousin, but Mickey wasn’t there. “Mick?”

  The lights flickered back on.

  Mickey sat on her butt in the middle of the hallway, where she’d apparently fallen. “I am getting seriously tired of this happening.”

  “What happening?”

  Mickey sighed. “Every time I say something about this goddess of Theo’s, something happens.”

  Jade just knew in that moment. “Maybe you shouldn’t say things about this goddess, then? Maybe she’s getting irritated.”

  “Don’t you start with that. It took us four years to break you of talking about…” Mickey groaned, then leaned back on the rug almost spread-eagle.

  Jade stepped closer and looked down at her cousin. “Vampires. Yeah, I know. But, hey, I was right, wasn’t I?”

  “You always were a little brat.”

  “I’m adorable. Now…how do I make Barlaam see that?” She liked the sound of his name on her lips. It seemed so strong and masculine.

  She was being an idiot.

  She reached down and gave her pregnant cousin a hand up. “Are you ok? You didn’t hit too hard? You don’t need to go see a certain doctor, do you?”

  “Trying to think of reasons to go hunting for him? They’re called healers in Dardaptoan, by the way. They all wear that particular shade of almost denim blue. And report to him, Kindara, and Theo’s brother Thadd. They have their own weird little hierarchy here.”

  “Let’s find something to eat, and you can tell me everything you know about vampires. And then…” She shot her most strategically minded cousin a grin that Mickey echoed. They resembled each other quite a bit. She’d even been mistaken for Mickey a time or two. The hair was different, and Mickey wore thick glasses when she didn’t have contacts in. But they looked more like sisters than Mickey and Mallory and Becca did.

  “Then you’ll find a way to catch your own vampire? Too bad you can’t just lift him over your shoulder and carry him back to your apartment. It seemed to work so well for Theo and his blood buddies, after all.”

  Mickey always had been a snarky ass when she got going. “No kidding. You think the goddess would be willing to give me a few pointers?”

  “Just don’t tick her off. Apparently, she’s vindictive.”

  The lights flickered twice overhead.

  “And really needs to find something else to do with her time!” Mickey yelled at the ceiling. Thunder rumbled overhead, and the lights flickered one more time.

  Jade figured they were the warnings the goddess intended. “You are so going to be in trouble someday, Mick. Better make certain Theo is prepared. Now. Let’s go plan how to catch me a vampire. You and Joselyn and Em and Mal all have one, now I want one, too.”

  “You always were so jealous of the rest of us. And spoiled. Everyone always gave you everything. Now you want a vampire?”

  As they turned the corner, a sharp pain went through her stomach. Jade doubled over.

  Mickey cried out. “Jade!”

  Jade held up a hand as she just knew something was happening. Another redhead’s face flashed into her mind. Not Mickey. Not Mallory. But equally as loved.

  “Becca. It’s Becca’s turn now.” Jade fought the urge to buckle over as heat spread through her stomach. “We need to find Becca right now.”

  Mickey tugged on her arm. “Come on. We’re going to Barlaam right now. Or Kindara. Any of the healers.”

  Jade didn’t even try to protest as sweat beaded on her upper lip. Becca was in serious trouble. And Jade didn’t have a clue how to help her.


  He’d confirmed it. Kindara carried the demon king’s spawn. Heir to the entire realm of the demons. It was no wonder she was in a full-on panic. Kindara had lost a babe thirty years before. To have one now with the demon terrified her.

  It took him a while to calm her fears. The babe was strong and healthy. No surprise considering his royal blood.

  It was Kindara’s safety he worried about.

  He knew of no Dardaptoan female ever safely delivering a demon babe. He didn’t even know of Dardaptoan females being claimed by demons.

  The demon had claimed her as his gamata, without her even having knowledge of it. Kindara was now the high queen of demons. Not by her choice.

  He winced. It was much like his brother had done with Emily. Like Cormac had done with Jade’s sister. Just taken them for their own.

  Now the demon connected to their family had taken Cormac’s sister for his own.

  The irony wasn’t lost on him, but he wasn’t about to bring that up. Not with Kindara looking so lost and confused.

  “It’ll be ok, Kinney. I promise. You’re not doing this alone.”

  Someone knocked on his office door. He held up a hand to Kindara. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  He opened the door. Jannen stood there, a concerned expression on her pretty face. “Barl, they’ve asked to see you specifically. Or Kindara.”

  He looked past his assistant.

  And there she was.

  She was pale and sickly looking. With fear.

  He cursed, then turned to the cousin next to her. “What happened to her?”

  “I don’t know. She just doubled over and said my sister was in trouble. Becca, not Mallory.” Theo’s female was close to panicking as well. Her arm around her cousin was all that held the blonde up. “I tried texting my sister with Jade’s phone. She’s not responding. And Jade…I’ve never seen her like this.”

  Kindara went to Jade’s side. She put her hands on Jade’s arms and turned her.

  His Rajni pulled in a short breath, then whimpered at the movement. She was shaking.

  Barlaam couldn’t stand seeing her in such distress. He nudged Kindara out of the way and turned his female toward him.

  She felt so fragile beneath his hands. “Tell me now.”

  Green eyes blinked up at him. Her hands rose to clutch at his forearms. “I don’t know. Becca’s in trouble. I don’t know where, and I don’t know why.”

  He looked at Mickey. “She always see things like this?”

  Mickey nodded. “Little things, mostly. Sometimes, Jade will say really wild things. Like a few years ago, she asked me what I’d do if I had to marry a vampire. Or told our cousin Marsh to stop talking to the dead people in his head. She’d get mad at Rand…and bark at him. She’d never explain why, just shrug at him. Now I know why. He didn’t speak to her for a wee
k after the first time. She’s always…just said things. Other times, she’d call to tell us to be careful, or not go somewhere, or things like that. She’s always known who’s calling. That kind of thing. I didn’t really think anything of it…until Theo.”

  Barlaam nodded. No doubt it was the Fae blood flowing through her veins. But that was something he’d talk to Kindara about privately. “You get Theo here. He may have some insight about your sister.”

  “Becca’s not answering.” And the girl’s fear was in her voice. The panic that was starting to slip in. “She’s a few months older than Jade; they’re roommates in Denver. If Jade has said something has happened, it probably has. I’ve never known her to be wrong.”

  “I’ll go speak with the demon,” Kindara said. “See if he can find her. He seems to be linked to their family pretty strongly. He might be able to find her.”

  “Wait until after we speak with Theo.”

  In the meantime, Barlaam wrapped his hands around her wrists and sought only to heal her. To take away her pain.

  She stiffened against him.

  No wonder. No Blanches Dames was easily accepting of a Dardaptoan healer’s presence within their body. The two Kinds had been enemies thousands of years ago. Residual fears were real. He persisted until he read what he wanted.

  Other than exhaustion, no doubt from her weeks of worrying for her family, his female was in good health.

  She was not human. But she was not fully Blanches Dames Fae either.

  Instead, she presented as an odd little mix of human, Lupoiux, and Fae. He had never seen anything like her before.

  “You will be fine. We will find your cousin.” His hands rose, and he cupped her head gently. Her hair was pure silk to touch. Wet, green eyes blinked up at him. She was shivering in his arms. “Kindara, I have a blanket in the cabinet. She is chilled and must be warmed.”

  She grabbed one quickly, then wrapped Jade in it. “Jade, sweetheart, let’s get you to your suite. Theo can meet us there.”

  “She’s in the same wing as Emily. Cormac’s was full,” her cousin said. “But I don’t think she’s been there yet.”

  Barlaam made the decision for her. The wing he shared with his brother and Emily was clear across the resort from the healing hall on the basement floor. Jade could not walk there, not in the state she was in. He scooped her into his arms, blanket and all.


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