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His Christmas Cookie

Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  “Cookie, are you all right?” I call, but after a second or two I don’t hear an answer. I knock again, louder this time. “Cookie, are you okay?”

  I turn the handle harder and I hear the metal groan. I beat on the door, and when there’s no response, I shove my shoulder against it to break it open. The bathroom light is on but there’s no one inside, and my chest tightens.

  “Cookie!” I call, spinning around, and panic begins to set in. Beside the restrooms is the exit and I rush through the back door to see if she’s out there. To my horror I see her at the end of the alley being carried over someone’s shoulder and thrown into the back of a van.

  I shout in Russian as I run as fast as I can, but they’re too far away. My lungs burn, and I scream for her as the van door closes and the vehicle squeals out of sight. For one moment I clench my fists at my side because there’s only one person who would go to any lengths to get what they want.

  I just hope my mother is prepared for my wrath.

  Chapter 9


  My whole body feels heavy, and it’s a struggle to even open my eyes. What the heck happened to me? I lift my hand to try and rub the sleep out of them, but it’s difficult. The smell of flowers fills my nose, and it’s not one I’m familiar with. When my eyes finally come to focus, I’m staring up at a white canopy over the bed. I've always wanted one of those, but it only reinforces my belief that I'm not home. Maybe I’m at Frost’s house?

  I sit up and glance around the room to see fresh flowers sitting on the nightstand. The bedroom reminds me of one that would be found in a giant mansion, one that’s older but kept up to date. I swing my legs over the side, and with a quick sweep of the room, I know this isn't Frost’s home. While this is historic, the room doesn't fit right.

  Holding on to the bed, I try to get my bearings as a blank spot fills my mind. I spent the day with Frost and it was magical. Everything about it was perfect, and I’d gotten to see Frost in a new light. I’d even let my walls crumble because I knew it was too late. Frost has his hooks in me, and I want to keep them there. After that special day, there was no protecting my heart anymore.

  Big, heavy curtains cover the windows, and I walk over and pull them aside. Staring out, I see only darkness and nothing else. This isn't Frost’s house at all, and I jerk back around when I hear a door open. When I see Nathan standing there, a chill creeps down my spine. It’s then I see he’s not alone. The woman I saw with Frost, Chel, is beside him, and I stare at her. How can I not remember what happened?

  I try to back up, but there isn't anywhere to actually go. It’s clear that whatever is happening can’t be good. From behind Nathan, Frost’s mom pushes him to the side and comes into the room. She is as polished and put together as the first time I saw her, and she emanates old money. Nothing about her appearance is out of place, and there isn't a wrinkle on the woman's face either. Her expression never changes, which is the most terrifying part.

  “What is wrong with my sons? They have the worst taste in women.” Frost’s mom purses her lips as her eyes scan over me.

  “They like them on the plump side,” Chel chimes in, scrunching her nose. Nathan doesn't say anything, he just keeps staring at me. But the look in his eyes has my blood running cold.

  Then flashes of what happened come rushing back. I’d gone to the bathroom in the restaurant and I ran into him. He tried to talk to me, but I don’t remember what he was saying before I felt the needle he put into my throat. After that, everything went black.

  I’ve been kidnapped. Holy shit. I’ve actually been kidnapped.

  “What do you want?” If they wanted me dead, I’m guessing they could have killed me outright. My stomach drops at the thought.

  “This falls on your shoulders, Cookie, and this doesn't have to be difficult. You might even make it home for Christmas,” his mother says, and I feel sick.

  I didn't think my stomach could drop any more, but it does. Christmas is still a few days away. They’re planning to keep me for a few days?

  “You stay here and out of the way. Frost will marry Chel, and once that’s done, I’ll release you.” She makes it sound so simple, but there’s no way she’s going to force Frost to do anything.

  “To me,” Nathan chimes in as a creepy smile forms on his face. The same one I’ve been seeing every time I run into him.

  How the heck are these three people working together? Frost’s mother must have dug into my past and found him. He looks all too willing to be a part of their plan, and I still can’t believe this is happening. I don’t want to think what would happen to me if she handed me over to Nathan like a toy.

  “Go stand with her, Nathan. I want a few pictures,” Frost’s mother orders.

  I stiffen the closer he gets to me. How did I ever let myself date this jerk? He pulls me close, and I push against him as I try to get away. I’m not strong enough and panic starts to close in on me.

  “Enough.” Nathan gives my ass a squeeze before letting me go.

  I catch Chel glaring at Nathan, and I wonder what the hell I’ve gotten mixed up with.

  “That should be enough to put some fire under Frost. Make sure you’re ready, Chel. I’m sure you’ll be getting married tomorrow.”

  With that she leaves, but Nathan and Chel don't move.

  “You didn't have to get so handsy with her,” Chel hisses at Nathan. “Are you in love with her?”

  “What the fuck? You’re marrying someone else tomorrow.”

  I notice he doesn't deny it as Chel huffs a breath, showing her displeasure. I think these two should be together and leave the rest of us alone. It’s awkward to watch two people fight. More so when you’re a part of their problem.

  “What’s so great about her?” She motions to me. “If you ask me, she needs to lay off the cookies.” She tries to make a play on my name but fails. I think Chel fails a lot in life.

  “She’s sweet,” is all Nathan says at first.

  I think once upon a time I was sweet, but then it hits me that Frost isn't getting my sweet. Nathan soured me on love and relationships, and I’ve let him have way too much control over my decisions. I changed after him and stopped dating after that. We aren't even together anymore, and I’ve given him that control.

  Not anymore.

  Frost has been paying for Nathan’s sins, but I won’t let it keep happening. Tears sting my eyes because even through all of this, Frost never stopped trying. He kept pushing to get close to me, which only makes me love him more.

  “Sweet.” Chel rolls her eyes. “I was supposed to get both of the Ranov men. Now I only get Frost. Although I do think he’s the better of the two.” I hate that I agree with Chel on something.

  “You were going to be with both of them?” Nathan asks. I kind of want to ask if she’s ever been with Frost. Jealousy is eating me up inside at the thought of her marrying my Frost.

  “That was the plan,” she admits as the corners of her mouth pull down.

  “You really get around the block.” Nathan’s face turns to disgust.

  “Back it up, Nathan. You’re a whore, so don’t slut shame.” They both turn to look at me as if they forgot I was here.

  Crap. Why am I drawing attention to myself?

  “You enjoyed going around my block this morning.” Chel lifts her chin higher as she says it.

  Between her heels and already being as tall as Nathan, he has to look up at her. He once told me that one of the reasons he asked me out was because I was short. I thought it was an odd reason, but the truth is he never wanted anyone to look down on him. Right now he’s not getting that.

  “I’ll be enjoying a virgin soon enough.” He turns his head to lock eyes with me.

  The urge to vomit hits me. I was already pretty close to it because I could still smell Nathan's cologne on me. Chel grabs his arm to get his attention.

  “She doesn't belong to you yet.” I think she’s only protecting me because she doesn't want Nathan to have me. The jealo
usy is in her eyes. Nathan and Frost are so different—how could she want both?

  “Soon.” He shakes off her hold. “Very soon.” He licks his lips as his eyes roam over me. Then he turns and leaves the room, with Chel following him. I hear the lock click into place, and my heart sinks.

  I don’t think they truly understand what they’ve done here. They are playing with the Ranov men, and they should know better. Frost will be coming for me, I have no doubt about that.

  My only fear is what might happen to me before he gets here.

  Chapter 10


  “What’s wrong?” Miller answers on the first ring.

  “She’s taken Cookie,” I growl as I hit the gas. “I’m almost home.”

  “I’ll be waiting outside.”

  When I make the turn on our street, I see him walking off his porch and down the steps, zipping up his black hoodie.

  “Did you see where they were going?” he asks me in Russian as he looks behind us to see if we’re being followed.

  “Nyet.” I bang my hand on the steering wheel, and he reaches into my glove box.

  He takes out the blade there and tucks it into his boot. “Tell me what happened.”

  This is one of the things that I love most about my twin. He knows by the ring of my phone call that something is wrong and that he needs to come with me. We have a shared sense of purpose and the only other time I’ve felt this is with Cookie.

  I explain to him about the restaurant and what I saw, and he agrees that it has to be our mother. She left me with a threat the other night, and there is no chance she doesn’t have her claws in this.

  “We should have a plan before we go in.” He places his hand on my shoulder, and I want to shed tears of anger.

  “I want to end her,” I admit and then shake my head. “For years she has held us at arm’s length, always using guilt and deception to get what she wants. I’m finished with it.”

  “Listen to me,” he says quietly, but I hear the deadly tone in his voice. “We will get her back.”

  I swallow hard as I make the turn down our parents’ driveway. It’s the home where we spent some of our young years before they shipped us off to Europe. We came home as little as possible after that.

  “There is nothing I won’t do to make that happen,” I admit as I take the knife Miller holds out for me. “Even if that means I have to disappear for a while.”

  Pain slashes across his eyes but he nods. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my Pumpkin.”

  I pull up in front of the house, and we get out. I tuck the knife in the back of my jeans as we walk up to the entrance. Before a maid can open the door, I raise my boot and kick the fucking door in. I want them to know right away that I’m not playing.

  There’s a scream in the distance as a maid drops a tray with tea on it. I see my father look up from his normal position by the fire, but his eyes are glazed over. No doubt he’s drugged out of his mind. Because if he wasn’t, he would already be trying to kill us.

  “Where is she?” I bellow, and his eyes lower a fraction. He’s already lost interest in us.

  Once he was such a strong force that Miller and I feared for our lives. We feared for our mother’s as well, but no matter how hard we tried, she refused to leave. After a while we realized that she was just as toxic as he was, and we were happy to be rid of the both of them. She lured us home for the holidays with the guilt that we owed her for leaving her with him. But the more we dug into their business and investments, the more we realized how truly horrible they are.

  “Oh, look who’s here,” she sing-songs as she walks into the foyer.

  “Give her back to me and you’ll never hear from me again.” I step forward, my fingers twitching to grab the knife but begging it won’t come to that. “And I won’t seek vengeance.”

  She clicks her tongue as she shakes her head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Her smile is sickly sweet, and it turns my stomach.

  “You had Cookie taken.” I take a step forward, and her eyes narrow. “And I want her back.”

  I feel Miller close on my heels, and I can’t imagine a woman her size isn’t intimidated by our presence. But maybe she’s been rotting for so long she doesn’t feel fear like a normal person would.

  “Come with me,” she says and turns around, not waiting to see if we follow.

  She walks past our father in the sitting room without giving him a sideways glance. His eyes are fully closed now, and when I get closer to him, I see prescription bottles scattered around him.

  I look at Miller, who shakes his head, and we keep walking. We make our way to the back of the house where the sunroom is. It’s surrounded by glass, and there are plants everywhere with a fountain in the corner. This used to be my favorite room in the house, but seeing my mother in it ruins it for me.

  She takes a seat behind a little desk and smiles like it’s time to conduct business. “This is a simple math equation.”

  “We will not play games,” Miller interrupts, but Mother keeps going like he hasn’t spoken.

  “I have something you want, and you have something I want.” She straightens the piece of paper in front of her. “Let’s see if we can make this as simple as possible.”

  “You tell me where she is and you get to live,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Frost, you were always the dramatic one.” She smiles, cocking her head to the side. “I know exactly where she is.” She nudges a piece of paper closer to me, and it’s then I see it’s an upside-down photo.

  I reach for it, and when I look at the images it’s a punch to the gut.

  “Lies,” Miller hisses as he looks at the photos.

  All I can see is another man with his hands all over my precious Cookie, and I vow to rip his arms from his body as payback.

  “If I get what I want, she’ll be released.” She narrows her eyes, and I can see a tightness in her mouth. “You will marry Chel.”

  “Nyet.” I shake my head and toss the pictures on her desk.

  “I don’t think you’ve measured the magnitude of what will happen to her if you don’t.” She taps the photos and then grins. “Because this wolf is hungry.”

  “What keeps me from marrying Chel and then divorcing her as soon as I get Cookie back?” I place my knuckles on her desk and lean forward.

  “Because if you try and find her, I’ll make sure the wolf is fed.” She leans in closer in challenge. “And trust me, you don’t want her back after what he’s going to do to her.”

  I slam my fist on her desk. “So that’s it? I marry Chel and you’ll release her, but if I go after her you’ll have her killed?”

  “I need you and Chel to marry and produce an heir.” She looks at her manicure like she isn’t blackmailing me. “Once she has a healthy baby, then you’re free to get a divorce and do whatever you want.” She waves her hand dismissively like my life is meaningless to her.

  “Why?” I hiss, asking the question that I need to understand the most.

  Miller lets out a humorless laugh from beside me. “For your fortune,” he says, and I glance over at him. “Isn’t that right? If Chel is married and produces a blood heir, then she can ask for half of your billions.” He nods to our mother. “She will take her cut.”

  She shrugs like it’s no big deal. “Our family money isn’t what it once was after your father squandered it. You boys made billions hand over fist and have never taken care of us. I’ve finally got your attention, and now I’m demanding what’s owed to me.”

  I huff as I back away. I can’t be this close to her when she’s spouting lies.

  “You will do as I say.” She rises from her desk and points to the picture. “Or I will slit her throat myself tonight.”

  “Enough!” I shout, and she doesn’t even flinch. That’s how I know she’s sick enough to do it.

  “Frost, there is only one choice to be made. Take the deal or leave it.” She shrugs as she comes around the desk an
d straightens her pink suit. “You have until the morning to decide.”

  “If you would have asked for the money I would have freely given it,” I say solemnly. “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “It’s not just about the money. I need Chel to bring me back into the fold. I’ve been outcast from our friends and allies. I need to restore my good name, and Chel is willing to do that for me. As long as she’s compensated.”

  “You will hear from us,” Miller says, taking my upper arm and pulling me from the room.

  * * *

  It’s a long drive back to my house and I’m silent the whole time. I know that I would do anything to save Cookie, and that includes sacrificing myself. I must keep her safe at all costs. I just hope she can forgive me.

  Chapter 11


  I sit on the bed, waiting, but every little noise I hear has my heart jumping. I’m scared that Nathan might come back. I was so sure Frost would have burst in here by now. What if he doesn't know yet?

  I have no idea when his mom was going to tell him she kidnapped me. I don’t see how this crazy idea of hers is going to work. For all I know, Frost thinks I ran again. It’s really not that big of a stretch.

  I wipe at my cheeks, trying to stop the tears.

  Let's say he does agree to marry Chel. Then what? If Frost still wants me, there will be no stopping him, unless they threaten him. I bite my bottom lip as it starts to tremble. The idea of him marrying someone else takes the air out of my lungs, and my heart feels heavy.

  I was so stupid. If I hadn't pushed him away in the beginning, I don’t think any of this would have happened. I’m sure Frost would have had a ring on my finger the second I let it happen, and now when I look down at my bare finger, all I feel is regret. If this plan works, I’ll have to see my Frost married to another woman.

  Who have I been kidding? All the time I spent running from Frost was pointless. I thought I was trying to protect my heart, but that first day I saw him, I wanted him. I want to be the woman who could get close to him in ways no one else ever could. He’d had me back then already and it wouldn't have mattered if he pressed to be with me or not. He owned my heart from that first moment he lifted his head, and his eyes locked with mine.


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