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Bunker MILF

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by Holly Ardent

  Bunker MILF

  (Post-Apocalyptic MILF)

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2019, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  It was the middle of the afternoon when the sirens went off. Tyler didn't recognize the sound, the college had never tested these alarms, but the lecturer's face went ashen.

  “Class dismissed. Find shelter!” the lecturer yelled, then grabbed his materials and hurriedly left the room.

  What the hell? Tyler thought.

  He whipped out his phone as it showed a message, along with every other phone in the lecture hall. The cacophony was unbelievable as quite a few people hadn't silenced their phones for the class and the rest were vibrating furiously. He glanced down at the screen of his smart phone and read the wireless emergency alert.

  Emergency Alert – Extreme

  Nuclear Attack Warning

  Take Shelter, underground if possible

  Check Media for details

  His thoughts repeated themselves, stunned.

  What the hell?

  With a quick head shake he cleared his mind, a little at least. It was enough to let him take action as he quickly tapped his phone and pulled up the browser. A few more taps got him to the news aggregation site he frequented. All the headlines showing on his phone were similar.

  N. Korea launches nukes at the U.S.

  Counterstrike underway

  Read the very first headline in the list.

  Tyler froze again for a moment. When he forced his brain to start functioning again, there were only a couple of other people moving already. He grabbed his bag, shoving everything he'd had out for class into it, then slung it over his shoulder and started moving towards the exit. He'd been sitting on the end of a row, so it was easy to get out.

  His movements seemed to be the spark that set the rest of the room off. Once again a cacophony broke out as people started speaking or yelling. They grabbed their things and rushed for the doors. Tyler was at the front of the wave of people and hit the door hard, not wanting to get trampled by the people rushing along behind him.

  While he moved, his brain was working furiously. The first thing he did was get out of the way of the mob moving along behind him. He tapped the headline still showing on his phone and pulled up the article. A quick scan showed him the time that North Korea had launched the missles and also let him know that they were going to take about forty more minutes before they struck the area he was in.

  He forced himself to stop and think. He knew what his end goal was, he'd found the fallout shelter in the basement of his dorm a year earlier. It had just been an oddity at the time and when he'd discovered that someone was still keeping it stocked he'd laughed at the person's paranoia. Now, he was thankful for it and hoped that whoever had stocked the bunker wouldn't mind extra company in it.

  Forty minutes, he thought. I need ten to get there and get in, so I've got half an hour, twenty-five minutes so I'm not pushing it. What do I need?

  He knew the bunker had a lot of food, those big metal cans of freeze dried stuff. There was water also, a big tank integrated high on the wall so the water would flow to the faucet in there.

  But none of that is the good stuff. I wonder if the campus center store is still open? Probably not, but I bet they didn't lock it up either.

  He took off at a jog. There were still students meandering aimlessly in the hallways and for a moment he thought about trying to drag off one of the pretty female students for some company. Then realized that they probably weren't processing well and might slow him down enough that he wouldn't make it in time.

  I'd rather be alone and alive than die in the company of an attractive woman who slowed me down too much, he thought.

  He quickened his pace. The campus center was only slightly out of his way from the path back to his dorm so it wouldn't take very much extra time to get there.

  By the time he reached the campus center he was sprinting. The flow of students was headed out of the doors there, but he lowered his shoulder and forced his way through the people leaving the building.

  There it is, he thought.

  As he trotted into the store, he saw that the cash register was abandoned, like he'd feared. At this point, he didn't care though. He grabbed a handful of bags, the eco-friendly canvas ones they sold, from behind the counter and started filling them.

  Two weeks or more, he thought. That's how long I have to plan for. That's how long it'll take the radiation to clear if we aren't ground zero or close to it. Damn it! I can't take everything I want, I'd never be able to move.

  He loaded one bag with chocolate, gum, and energy bars, anything sweet to combat the taste of the freeze dried stuff he'd be eating. He filled the second bag with salty snacks: peanuts, chips, and the like. The third bag held everything he thought he might need but didn't want a lot of. He tossed Tylenol, wet wipes, flashlights, batteries, and more. He moved through the small store tossing in one of anything he thought might be handy, and more than one of a few things he could see a use for. When he found the individual servings of instant coffee, he dumped the entire box of them into his bag.

  When he was done, he tried carrying the three bags in a single hand. He could do it, it would strain his arm, but he could manage it. So with the other hand he picked up the largest multi-pack he could find of his favorite soft drink.

  Okay, he thought, I've got sweets, salts, and caffeine. That should cover the stuff I would've stocked a bunker with that I didn't see there.

  He wasn't moving nearly as quickly when he got out of the store, but he'd checked the clock in it before he left. He'd used twenty of his forty minutes getting to the store and ransacking it, that left him twenty to get back to his dorm. It would normally take him five minutes at a normal pace, loaded down as he was he estimated ten instead.

  So, ten minutes. Is there anything else I need? Nah, I'd better just get there ASAP.

  As he made his way to the dorm, he got a lot of strange looks, but no-one said anything. Most of the people he passed had a dazed look on their face, but there were a few that seemed to be moving with a purpose like he was. He wished them luck, but wasn't willing to waste the time it would take to stop and talk with any of them.

  When he reached the dorm, he went up one flight first and stopped in his room. After dumping his backpack on the bed, he filled it back up with clothes and a towel. He slung it on his back again, grabbed everything else he'd brought, then headed down for the basement.

  The bunker was back in a corner, the entry to it obscured by an old boiler that had been removed and replaced. They'd left the boiler in the basement for whatever reason, maybe so they didn't have to disassemble it for removal. The corner it was shoved back into held the entry to the bunker, so he pushed the bags through the narrow opening between the obsolete boiler and the wall, then slid himself into the corner as well.

  Good, the door's still open to the shelter, he thought. I bet that means whoever was stocking it isn't going to make it here in time.

  He grabbed his things and moved down the ten foot hall into the shelter proper. It wasn't very large, maybe big enough to hold twenty people. He couldn't imagine why it had ever been built in the first place since the dorm that was on top of it held closer to two hundred students, but at this point he didn't care.

  Staring at his smart phone, he waited until there was only one minute left before closing the door. If anyone else knew about this place, they might still be coming. He wasn't sure on the exact timing of the missles though, so when he thought there was about a minute left he closed the door and spun the wheel to seal it.

  Tyler sat there
listening, wondering if he'd hear anything, but all there was to listen to for several minutes was silence. He opened the browser on his smart phone again, but there was no signal in here.

  How the hell am I going to figure out what hap—

  His train of thought was interrupted by a beeping noise. Not from his phone, but from a panel on the wall that was now flashing a small, green LED light.

  He walked over and looked, only to find a finger hole in the wall. That was where the light was coming from. The wood paneling slid aside to reveal a control panel, one that looked modern as opposed to the rest of the bunker. The flashing green light had a label beneath it reading 'Radiation Levels'.

  Well, that answers that. I guess they did go off and I just didn't hear anything down here.

  There were other lights, switches, dials, and buttons on the control panel and some of them he could figure out. The rest were just so much gobbledygook to him. What was of the most interest to him was the radio receiver built into the panel. He didn't know how to use it to its full potential, but even so he could still use the AM and FM bands to possibly get news.

  Assuming that anyone is out there to provide it, he thought.

  Over the next couple of days Tyler kept trying to radio. There was something there, but he couldn't make it out over the static, just the occasional burst of a voice coming through before being drowned out by the white noise of the static. At one point, the flashing green lights on the Radiation Levels light turned amber, but that only lasted for about half an hour before they went back to green.

  He'd also been working on a locked box that had been in one of the cupboards. It had a five digit combination on the front and he'd been working his way through all the possible combinations. It gave him something to do, besides trying to find a clear signal on the radio. It had taken him six hours, but he'd finally found the combination. It was 21210 and when the box popped open, he was glad he'd taken the time.

  Inside the box was a pistol, a 9mm Glock. There were also four spare magazines and a total of five hundred rounds of ammunition if he counted the rounds already loaded in the magazines. He was amazed to find it on campus, but at the same time he was incredibly relieved that he'd found a weapon. He wasn't an expert on guns, but he did know the basics. His dad had taken him shooting a few times a year while he was growing up so he felt confident enough to use the gun even if he wouldn't be incredibly accurate with it.

  He was sitting there slowly spinning the dial on the radio receiver when he heard something. He quickly dialed back to where he'd been a moment ago before realizing that the voice he'd heard hadn't come from the speakers.

  “...damn it! … know there's... and I want it!”

  The faint voice sounded feminine and it was coming from outside the door to the bunker.

  It's underground, right? How bad could any radiation out there be? Doesn't the ground block it out? I'm sure it'll be okay just so long as I don't go near the stairs. Some might've spilled down the stairway over there. That is how radiation works right?

  He plagued himself with questions for a few seconds, but when he heard the feminine voice again, this time apparently cursing for thirty seconds straight, he started twisting the wheel that locked the door.

  “Who's there?” the feminine voice asked as Tyler cracked the door open.

  Maybe I won't have to go out at all, he thought.

  “Over here, behind the boiler in the corner. There's just enough room to squeeze through and I've got a safe spot back here.”

  “Do you have water? I'm dying of thirst.”

  “Yeah, lots. Come on back,” he called.

  He heard the sound of someone crawling under the boiler, then was hit by the smell. It smelled like a porta potty left out in the sun for a week after it had been filled and not emptied. The smell grew stronger as a woman stood up from where she'd scrambled under the edge of the boiler.

  “God, are you a sight for sore eyes,” she said.

  Tyler couldn't help it, he put up a hand and pinched his nose shut.

  “You too, but...”

  He waved his other hand in front of his face, trying to dissipate the vile scent he could still smell even after pinching his nose.

  “What happened to you? That smells vile,” he finished.

  She looked around and inhaled deeply.

  “I don't smell anything,” she said, “but maybe I'm just used to it. It smelled horrible when I started to use the tunnels to travel between the buildings on campus, but then it faded. I thought it was gone, but maybe I just got used to it or burned out my nose or something.”

  She was filthy. Tyler was trying to get a good look at her, but it just wasn't possible at the moment. Her clothes were streaked with smears of unmentionable objects and her face was covered in dirt. Her hair, which looked like it normally hung to the middle of her back, was all snarled and tangled. The only thing he could be sure of was that she had an impressive rack. The filthy clothes clung to her chest like a second skin, emphasizing the size of her breasts.

  “I've got a safe spot here, and you're welcome to join me, but we have to get you clean before anything else,” he said after looking her over.

  Her eyes lit up with eagerness.

  “I know I'm a mess, you don't have to say it, but you've got a spot I can get clean?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, just down here,” he said, gesturing towards the narrow doorway he'd been standing in front of.

  She started towards it, ready to push him out of the way, before he turned and led her down the hallway.

  “Back there, the door in the corner. It's a small bathroom and it's only got a shower, no tub. But there is water, not much pressure, and you'll have to conserve the water since I don't know how we'll get more, but feel free to use it,” he said.

  The woman started across the room and Tyler's eyes widened as she started to strip out of her clothes on the way. First the shirt came off and landed with a 'splat' on the floor. Then she shucked out of her pants between steps, kicking them to the side where they landed with a similar noise. She kicked off her shoes and socks and by the time she walked into the bathroom she was wearing only a black, form fitting teddy that she'd been wearing under her clothes.

  He stared at her ass as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door. As she'd stripped off her clothes, he'd gotten a good look at her. The teddy was evidently none too dry and was clinging to her body, highlighting it.

  Her breasts were large, but the teddy looked like it had reinforced cups, so they were probably none too perky, which didn't bother him in the least. Her ass was tight and well formed, he'd gotten a good look at that when she'd been walking into the bathroom. She'd looked to be less heavy than a lot of the women he'd seen in the area, which wasn't saying much. But he had absolutely no idea how old she was since her face had been dirty enough to cover up anything that might've helped him figure that out.

  Can't be too old, he thought, she moved well, with no stiffness. Can't be too young though either, she had a kind of confidence that wasn't cockiness, one that I've never seen in a woman under twenty-five or so. Best guess is mid-thirties? But I just don't know.

  He released his nose and took a breath, only to pinch it shut again.

  Eew, gotta do something about those clothes, he thought.

  He quickly grabbed one of the bags he'd brought in with him, he'd emptied them shortly after shutting the door. Gingerly, he picked up her discarded clothing, tossing piece after piece into the bag. The clothes themselves weren't in the best condition, in addition to the revolting stains there were small rips and tears here and there.

  Once he had them in the bag, he tied it shut. When he released his nose again and took a breath, he nearly gagged.

  Alright, out of the shelter with this shit then, he thought.

  Opening the door again, he tossed the back outside, then quickly shut and resealed the door. When he released his nose this time, he could still distinguish the
scent, but it was mostly gone. He went over to the handle he'd found labeled 'air circulation' and spent a few minutes cranking it in a circle. He could barely hear the fans that it operated, but it was apparently still efficient since the scent diminished even more.

  By the time he was done, the door to the bathroom was opening. The woman walked out, wearing only her black teddy. It was still quite damp, although he could tell she'd used a towel since the rest of her wasn't. She looked around for a moment.

  “Where are my clothes?” she demanded.

  “What, you're clean now. Were you planning on putting them back on? We sure as hell don't have enough water to wash that stench out of them. As far as I know we have a limited supply and when it's gone, that's it,” Tyler said.

  She glared at him.

  “I tossed them out the door because they reeked so badly,” he said.

  She walked over to the door and started opening it. Once she had it open, she stepped out and reached for the bag. Before she managed to pick it up, she started retching. Her vomit splattered over the bag and she quickly stepped back.

  She tried to slam the door, but it only closed slowly. Once it was closed, she locked it again. Then she turned to him.

  “You let me in here smelling like that?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “You sounded like you needed help.”

  “Well... thank you then. What is this place?”

  “It's an old fallout shelter I found last year. Someone was obviously keeping it stocked until recently, but they never showed up when the shit hit the fan.”

  “So, what do we have here then?”

  He cocked his head to the side.

  A little forward there, don't you think? We? he thought.

  “First, I'm Tyler. You are?”

  “Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just... Not really all that home right now. The last couple of days have been hell. I started in the basement with a couple of hundred students, but within hours they were fighting over what little food and drink people had on them. So I looked for a way out. I'd seen the blueprints of the college before and I knew the storm drains connected under the buildings. I was... unaware that some of those tunnels connecting in there were sewage drains and not storm drains.”


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