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Midnight at the Oasis

Page 8

by Thomas Henry

  Marilyn came up behind her man and fondled both men’s balls. Sally squirmed next to me. “Oh…chicken skin…” She forced her hand under my stomach and found my rigid cock.

  It wasn’t long before the backdoor guy’s cock flopped out, dribbling semen on his partner’s balls. Then the other guy convulsed. He released his grip on Karen’s shoulders, but she continued to lie on top of him with his cock balls-deep in her pussy. After a while, his softening cock slipped out of her and a blob of semen welled up in the hollow it left behind.

  “Get up on your hands and knees,” Sally said. Her voice had a tone of urgency that expected compliance.

  I wasn’t sure what she had in mind, but I was a little drunk and a whole lot horny, so I did as she asked. Sally squeezed a big glob of lubricant into her palm. She reached under me and grasped my cock. She stroked me until I was thoroughly lubricated. Then she got down on all fours and wriggled her way under me until her butt was pressed against my groin. Now I knew where the horse was going.

  I rose up onto my knees and positioned myself. I eased partway into her and gave her a few gentle strokes to spread the lube. Then I grasped her hips and hammered her. I forced her down onto the bed and drove myself into her again and again. She squealed and moaned and gave as good as she got until I pumped a massive load.

  And instantly, my beast was tamed. And then all I wanted to do was sleep and try to forget the knot in my stomach and the ache in my heart. I rolled off of Sally, and the world went fuzzy. I was vaguely aware of her wiping and drying me, and then I was gone.

  I awoke to the sound of laughter in the hallway. I looked around. Sally was gone. The courtyard was empty. I surmised that Karen and Marilyn had finished with their assignment and had come upstairs. Sally must have gone out to greet them and to be sure they didn’t wander into her bedroom.

  My instincts told me to get dressed. I was buttoning my shirt when Sally slipped back into the room, once again clad in her shorty muumuu. “Oh, you’re awake and dressed.” She gave me a hug and kiss. “Good. You can sneak out while they’re in the bathroom cleaning up. But before you go…are you busy next week Thursday night?”

  Once again, I was annoyed. “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m planning a little something. It’s not 100% sure yet, but if it happens, I think you should be here.”

  “What is it?”

  “Mmm…can’t tell you just yet. But trust me, ok?” She cupped my balls and gave them a gentle squeeze.

  “Um…well, you have my undivided attention. I’ll…uh…try to be available.”

  Sally gave me another kiss and then a pat on the butt. “Better get going before the girls catch you.”

  I sneaked down to the garage carrying my boots. I was going straight home, so I tossed them into the passenger seat instead of putting them on.

  * * * *

  I was heading for a rendezvous with Karen at my man-cave in Halawa. We hadn’t seen each other since we had lunch in my car, so we were planning to spend a quiet evening together.

  I sent her a text letting her know I was running late. She texted back that I should hurry up because she was especially horny. I replied that it was okay if she went ahead and started without me. All I got back was, ha…ha…ha…

  As I approached my building, I pressed the remote button and raised the rollup door. I parked next to Karen’s car, and as the rollup door came back down, I bounded up the stairs, unbuttoning my shirt as I went. A quick shower and I’d be all over her. Then we could snuggle and watch a movie.

  As I came through the mezzanine door into the kitchen, I looked through my office toward the bedroom. The bedroom door was open, and framed in the doorway, I could see Karen from about her waist down. She was lying on the bed on her stomach between two very dark feet. Her bare butt was swaying rhythmically. My first thought was that she was sucking Bill’s cock. This wouldn’t have been the first time I had found them together in my bed. But Karen supposedly had said goodbye to him. As I entered my office and saw more of the brown legs, I realized they belonged to a woman. Had to be Max.

  Sure enough. Max was lying on her back with her eyes closed and a look of sweet agony on her face. Karen’s hands were squeezing Max’s swollen nipples, and her head moved in a tight circle as she massaged Max’s clit with her tongue. This was an interesting turn of events.

  I dropped my shirt next to the closet and patted Karen on the butt. “I’m gonna take a quick shower. Go ahead and eat before it gets cold.”

  Max’s eyes flew open. She raised a hand and wiggled her fingertips at me. “Hi Sugar. Um…you did say Karen could go ahead and start without you, right?”

  I nodded. “Little did I suspect just how obedient she would be.”

  Karen nodded her head and mumbled “mmm-hmmm” as she continued to tongue Max’s fat clit.

  I pulled off my boots and finished stripping off my clothes. As I showered, I wondered what this was all about. I remembered Max offering herself to me as a reward if I were to arrange for her to hook up with Karen. I hadn’t exactly done that, but I supposed I did set the wheels in motion by arranging for Max to take Karen home that time.

  When I got back to the bedroom, the worm had turned. Now Karen was lying on her back. Max was kneeling next to her, sucking a nipple. She was squeezing one of Karen’s breasts with one hand while she pleasured Karen’s pussy with the other.

  Max saw me and stopped sucking for a moment. “Come join in, Sugar. She got two titties.”

  That was all the invitation I needed. For the next ten minutes or so, Max and I double-teamed Karen, sucking her nipples and kissing her. We took turns, with one of us fingering her g-spot while the other massaged her clit.

  We managed to get Karen to climax twice before her phone began to ring. Max fished it out of Karen’s purse and glanced at the screen. “Honey, you better take this.” She touched the screen to answer the call and handed the phone to Karen. I released her nipple and eased my fingers out of her pussy.

  “Hello? Oh, hi. Well, I’m kinda busy right now. Oh…oh…oh…really? Um…okay…I guess so. Um…maybe about 45 minutes. Okay, see you then.” She touched the phone with her thumb to end the call and dropped it on the bed. She looked from me to Max and back to me and took a deep breath.

  “I’m really sorry,” she said as she sat up, “but I have to go.”

  “Ted?” I asked.

  Karen shook her head. “Sally. One of her hotshot clients was supposed to be leaving today, but he’s stuck here until tomorrow because of some mechanical problem with his plane…his private plane. She needs me to keep him company tonight.”

  “At the Oasis?”

  “Mmm…not sure, but I don’t think so. I think he’s staying at that Kahala Hotel nearby.”

  Max looked at me. “You got plans for tonight, Sugar?”

  I glanced at Karen. “Not anymore, I guess.”

  Max patted Karen on the rump. “Well, while this fine little piece of ass goes and gets herself fucked by some rich dude, how about you and I stay right here and see what’s what? Then maybe later you can give me a ride home in that fancy-ass Mer-ce-des you got.”

  I was really disappointed that Karen had given Sally priority over me. I tried to tell myself it was just a matter of timing. Sally needed her right now, whereas I could be with her any time. And the fact that Max was going to stay did soften the blow somewhat. I wasn’t sure what might happen between me and a lesbian without a woman to share, but I always enjoyed her personality, and she was sexy as hell.

  Karen hugged me and whispered, “I’m really sorry. I have to do this. Have a good time with Max, and I’ll see you later.”


  “Probably not. Sally said he probably would want me to stay the night.” She gave me a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Max and I looked at each other. Without Karen between us, I felt a bit odd, and apparently so did she. “Maybe we just wait until she leave,” Max said. I nodded and put on my robe.
Max wrapped herself in the top sheet.

  Karen showered and dressed very quickly. She didn’t bother with makeup or to brush her hair. I assumed she’d take care of all of that at the Oasis.

  She gave me another lingering hug and kiss. “I’ll call you when I’m free tomorrow.” Then she gave Max a peck on the lips and hurried out the door.

  Max and I sat quietly and listened as the rollup door went up and came back down again. “You got that video camera on?” Max asked.

  “Oh…no, it’s not on right now.”

  “Well, Sugar, you better turn it on. You gonna want to see this again.”

  A thrill ran through my balls. I slipped into my office and turned on the video recording system. When I got back, Max was lying on the bed, with the top sheet covering her from the neck down. I was uncertain of my next move.

  “Like something to drink?” I asked.

  “Yeah…what you got?”

  “All kinds of stuff. Hard liquor…beer…wine…”

  “What you drinking?”

  “Hmmm…maybe a Tanqueray-and-tonic.”

  “Sound good to me. Make it two.”

  I went to the kitchen to make the drinks. When I got back, Max was propped up on a couple of pillows, with the sheet barely covering her areolas. The sight of all that cleavage sent another thrill through me.

  I handed her a drink and went around to the other side of the bed. I set my drink on the nightstand and doffed my robe. I wasn’t hard yet, but I had started to swell. I lifted the corner of the sheet and slipped under next to Max. When our legs touched, the warmth of her skin sent yet another thrill through me.

  I picked up my drink and touched my glass to Max’s. “To Karen,” we spontaneously said in unison. That made us laugh and seemed to break the ice.

  Sally took a sip of her drink and set it down on the nightstand. “I know you upset that she off fucking some other guy for money. But tonight, I’m gonna make you forget all about that for a while.”

  She rolled over and kissed me. Then she slowly kissed her way down my chest. By the time she got to my cock, it was hard.

  “Is this the rain check you promised me at the Oasis the night I met you?”

  Max shrugged and mumbled, “Mmm…mmm.”

  Her technique was as good as Sally’s. Maybe even better. She quickly had me on the precipice. I remembered what she had said last time about cuming in her mouth. I just swallow and suck you clean. No mess to clean up.

  I had stopped her that night because I didn’t want to lose the delicate balance between lust and jealousy as I watched Karen being gangbanged. But tonight was different. I didn’t know why Max was doing what she was doing, but I decided I’d just follow her lead.

  Max apparently sensed that I was about to cum. She suddenly stopped sucking and squeezed my cock to stop me. For a woman who professed to be a lesbian, she certainly knew her way around the male body. She kept a firm grip on my cock as she kissed my inner thighs and licked my balls.

  She kissed her way back up my chest. She pressed her luscious natural breasts against my chest and when she found my lips, she gave me her tongue. The soft fullness of her lips against mine was divine.

  She sat up, straddling me, and guided me into her warmth. She pressed her palms against my chest and rode me slowly with her eyes closed and the pink tip of her tongue showing between her lips. I palmed her breasts and rolled her nipples between my fingers.

  She had a look of contentment on her face. “What’re you thinking?” I asked.

  “Marvin and Tammi was right. Ain’t nothing like the real thing, Baby.”

  My mind was buzzing with questions. Why was Max doing this? Had she been serious that night she told me the door swings both ways? Other that her flirtation with me, which I always had assumed was motivated by her desire to get to Karen, Max had shown no personal interest in men. Yet, she had mentioned having been a stripper at one time, which would suggest that she had at least faked an interest in men back in those days.

  I let Max set the pace. She rode me slowly, with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she grunted and began to pick up the pace until she was riding me furiously. That pushed me over the edge, and I filled her. Ten seconds later, she stiffened and clamped me between her thighs. I wondered if it was the feel of my semen that got her there.

  Max’s thighs trembled as she relaxed. She opened her eyes and whispered softly, “Oh, fuck!” She looked me in the eyes. “It’s different with a man.” She smiled and collapsed on top of me.

  She kissed my ear and pressed her cheek against mine. Her breath was ragged in my ear.

  After a few minutes, her breathing slowed. She kissed my neck and then my lips. Her kisses were tender and full of warmth.

  “That was nice,” she said. “We came together.”

  “Beginners’ luck.”

  “Oh, Sugar…You ain’t no beginner.” She was silent for a moment, and then she whispered, “And neither am I.”

  “Sounds like you have a story to tell.”

  “Yeah, long story…”

  “Well, as someone once said to me, Honey, we’re gonna be here for a while.”

  “Big talk for an old man.”

  I shrugged. “Time will tell. So, anyway…I’d like to hear your story.”

  “Okay.” She kissed me again and rolled onto her back next to me. “I was just out of high school, trying to make a living as a waitress. It’s mostly tips, you know, so I used to flirt with the customers…well, the male customers. I was pretty and had a good body, so I did okay.

  “One day, these two girls came in. About my age. All dressed up in fine clothes and such. One of them looked at me and asked what I was doing there.

  “Well, I thought she was insulting me, and I said, “I’m taking your damn order! Of course, she laughed and said she meant I was too sexy to be working there. I ought to be working with them. Making some real money.

  “At first, I thought they must be hoes, and I didn’t want any part of that. But then they told me they were ‘exotic dancers.’ I wasn’t sure what that meant, but it sounded…well…exotic. Made me interested in learning more. Of course, I found out later that ‘exotic dancer’ was just a fancy way of saying ‘stripper.’

  “So I ended up going to their strip club to check it out. The manager explained how it all worked and how much money I could make working only a few hours a night. I told him I was interested, but I hadn’t had any formal dance training. He laughed and said I should stay and watch the dancers work, and then if I was still interested, he’d give me an audition.

  “Well, I watched for a while, and I could see that some of them made good money. I was prettier than most of them, and I reckoned I could dance well enough, but I couldn’t see myself getting naked in front of a bunch of strange men. So I went home.

  “I kept working as a waitress, and I got more and more frustrated, thinking about how much more I could make dancing. So finally one night, I decided to at least audition to be a dancer.

  “So the manager told me to wait until the club closed. Then he played some music while I went up on stage. I had a hard time, but I finally managed to strip. I was really embarrassed, and I’m sure it showed.

  “But the manager said don’t worry about it. He said the customers like to see a girl just starting out, and they usually tip them well, you know, to encourage them.

  “So that’s how it all started. I became a stripper, and at first, it was pretty good. I made good money, and I enjoyed all the attention. But it wears on you, you know. Same male bullshit every night. Most of them think tipping you a few singles entitles them to something, so you’re constantly dealing with that. After a while, you get sick of it, and sometimes you find comfort with another woman.”

  I thought about my experiences with strippers. I’d had a fair amount of success in bedding them, but I always waited for them to make the first move. “So were you dating men back in those days?” I asked.

  “It depend on what you mean by ‘
dating.’ I never had no boyfriends, but… Well, it’s a competitive business, and the girls fight to get certain customers…regulars who tip well, you know? So, sometime they go to bed with them to try to keep them coming back.”

  “How well did that work out?”

  Max shrugged. “Hard to say. But you know how men are. Once you fuck them, they either want to move on to the next girl, or they get all jealous and want you to quit dancing and be exclusive to them.”

  “So you ended up going out with some of the customers?”

  “Yeah. And with the manager. You want a good schedule, you gotta give him some pussy.”

  “So, you got jaded from your experiences with men, and ended up in a relationship with another woman?”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s about it. You know, when it come to sex, I like ‘em both. But when it come to romance and love, I like a softer touch.”

  I gave her a gentle kiss. “Mind telling me why you’re here tonight?”

  Max was silent for a while. “Well,” she said, “You know I was after Karen, but I was attracted to you, too, that first night at Sally’s Club. And then when I saw how much you cared for Karen, even after what she did that night… Well, I don’t think anybody is totally one way or the other. Not me, and not you. I mean, I think of myself as a lesbian, but I’m sometimes attracted to men. And you think you straight, but I know you get frisky with Sally sometimes.

  “So when Karen suggested we get together out here so you could watch, I liked that. And when she had to leave all of a sudden…well, I just felt like I wanted to go ahead and make good on that promise I made you.”

  “Wasn’t necessary.”

  “Oh, I know that.”

  “But I’m really glad you did.”

  Max eased a finger into her pussy and coated it with my semen. “Me, too,” she said as she held her finger above her mouth and let my cum drip…drip…drip onto her lips. She licked them and sucked her finger clean. “Wonder what Karen doing right now. Maybe she swallowing some sperm, too.” Max gazed into my eyes. “I know she on birth control, but it ain’t always one hundred percent, you know. With all that raw fucking she doing, sooner or later, somebody probably gonna knock her up. Ought to be you, know what I’m saying? I know you in love with her, and she in love with you, too. You knock her up, then maybe she stay with you.”


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