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The Bringer of Wrath

Page 4

by A. E. Via

  “Unngh. Gods.” Bell jerked, pushing his ass towards that warmth.

  “That’s it. Just let it come naturally,” Alek rumbled in his ear, hitching Bell’s leg higher and grinding their solid lengths together. “You can’t help but want me inside you. You are mine, mate. I should take you right here. Lay you down on the earth and…”

  Bell was so wrapped up in his bliss that he didn’t notice Alek had stopped talking… and moving. Bell stood in the same position—as if Alek wasn’t done with him—while he listened.

  Alek freed Bell’s leg, letting it slide down his thigh until his boot was back on the ground, then released an irritated snarl. “Wolf says we’re being interrupted.”

  “Huh?” Bell said. He was disoriented and still panting through the pleasure he’d been receiving.

  Alek licked Bell’s slack mouth as he caressed one of his cheeks’. “Two of my brother’s officers are headed this way.” Alek slowly removed his hand from inside Bell’s pants while staring deep into his eyes. He didn’t speak, he couldn’t. Bell’s body was running a race his mind couldn’t keep up with. Just a moment ago, he’d been thinking it’d be hard to trust and bottom again after so long, then the next thing he knew he was almost about to beg for it.

  Bell tamped down his lust enough to concentrate on the sounds around them and sure enough, he heard footsteps headed in their direction, and closing in fast. “Alek.” Bell sighed.

  “I know.”

  Did he know? Could he possibly understand how Bell was feeling? How confused he was for the first time in decades. Maybe he should go to his mate’s cabin. Toss duty and caution to the side and just go. Be wild and daring. Then, Bell remembered the words Wick had said to him when his beloved had first bitten him in front of everyone.

  “Don’t be afraid of being mated to an alpha. He can take you on a ride you never thought possible.”

  If his best friend could do it, so could he. He would let Alek take him and create a bond between them that would rival all matings before them. Alek continued to embrace him and Bell swore he could feel Alek’s animal relax as if he’d somehow felt his declaration. A moment later, a sense of peace settled over him, a feeling that everything would be okay.

  The two shifters slowed their steps and approached them. It was as if they knew they’d been interrupting. Alek recognized his brother’s enforcers when they came into view.

  They both tilted their heads and bared their throats respectfully before speaking, “Alpha, we’re sorry to impose but we’ve been sent to deliver a message.”

  “No apologies, please. And there’s no imposition,” Bell responded faster than Alek. His mate was far politer and more understanding than him or Wolf.

  “Go ahead, Warren.” Alek was so pissed he could feel dark heat coursing through him. He’d been so close. His brother knew how sensitive and special this time was with his new mate. He couldn’t fathom why Justice would disrupt that unless…

  “There’s been a development. The AZ wants all his betas and officers for an emergency meeting.” The shifters turned towards Bell, lowering their gaze. “The king asks for you and his court to join them, also.”

  “This can’t be good,” Bell said, more to himself.

  Alek agreed but he hoped whatever development had arisen overnight could be dealt with swiftly. The shifters turned and started back towards the main compound, having fulfilled their duty. Alek waited until they were out of earshot before addressing his mate, “Tell me you’ll come away with me.”

  Bell didn’t hesitate. “Yes. But first the meeting.”

  “Okay,” Alek huffed.

  “I have to go get changed. I can’t see the king like this, and my chamberlain lord is well into his sleep at this hour. I’ll have to make do.” Bell’s laugh was melodious. “This day-walking stuff will definitely take a while to get used to.”

  When Bell went to move, Alek clutched his bicep. He couldn’t let him go.

  Bell carefully pried Alek’s hand off him. “Soon,” Bell whispered, reaching up and stroking the coarse hairs on Alek’s face, reminding him he hadn’t shaved in a few days. That gesture gave him renewed hope. Hope of a different outcome for his life. His world had been turned upside down, but in the best possible way. Alek had never felt so alive than when he had Belleron Liatos in his arms. Alek finally had purpose. He had someone to live for. He couldn’t let the prophesy kill him off. He’d keep his separation from Wolf as long as it took until the animal accepted that Alek refused to admit their fate… he would not die along with him. He wasn’t going to fucking fulfill the prophesy… he was going to rewrite it. He’d make a way for them to come together.

  Bell captured his chin, pulling him from his dismal thoughts. “I have to go. I’ll see you at the hall in a few minutes.”

  Before Alek could object, Bell used his flash speed and was gone from his sight in the time it had taken him to part his lips. He wished he could tamp down the sinking feeling that he was making a grave mistake, and that he should heed to his other half’s warnings, maybe try to trust them for a change. But, no sooner had the thought come, Alek’s animals raced to the surface, one on the heels of the other.

  He’s coming Alek, and he’s so angry. Wolf tried to warn him a second too late.


  Alek grunted as he clutched his chest and dropped to one knee. “I have it under control. Stay back, please.”


  “No!” Alek yelled. This was why he’d had to build his home so far away from the main pack lands, for times like this. “He already feels deeply for me, can’t you sense it?”


  “Just go,” Alek pleaded. He crouched on his hands and knees, shaking, his fingers digging into the freezing ground, the heat so intense he felt he would suffocate, until he felt his skin would sizzle and melt off his bones. Alek was no longer strong enough to allow the monster forward, not in his human form. But Wolf could receive him. Alek’s voice was strained when he gathered enough wind to call out, “Wolf.”

  For many years he hadn’t been able to shift without thought—like all other shifters. His disability had manifested itself at the worst possible time. A fear washed over him like no other. He hadn’t felt this kind of terror since he was an adolescent. Alek’s vision darkened and the snow around him melted rapidly from the inferno the beast brought with him. He didn’t want to see this creature… not again. He’d somehow blocked the last encounter from his mind and had no recollection of that day… just the destruction and carnage that’d remained after he’d woken. Alek gritted his teeth and again called on his only chance. “Wolf, please.”

  He’s getting stronger Alek. Hang on, Wolf finally answered. It appeared they were all in a three-way standoff. All trying to take control of the surface. Fire burned in Alek’s gut as the beast got closer. Goddamnit! “WOLF!” Alek tried to force his shift but nothing happened.


  Alek hoped he wouldn’t have to do anything drastic, but he’d never let that thing out around his mate, his family or his pack. It was just too dangerous, and Alek wasn’t crazy enough to think he or Wolf could control it if it did take the surface. Just as he was about to make a run for it, Wolf released a startling burst of energy that made Alek yell out, the sound lost in a ferocious growl as Wolf exploded to the forefront, yanking Alek right along with him. The shift was fast, forced, and quite painful but Alek understood what his animal had had to do to pull their tormentor back and take hold.

  Wolf stood on four strong legs and shook out his fur, snarling and growling as the beast jerked Wolf around, slamming his hindquarters into the tree Alek had just been loving his mate against.

  He’s so angry. Hang on, Alek.

  It wasn’t often that he and Wolf had to work together but when they did, both of them could hold off the devil long enough to make him retreat. Alek dug in and held on, just as Wolf had warned
. Being trapped within his animal and not having the same connection with it that all other shifters did with theirs, tore a bit more of him apart each time. It took a while, but Wolf finally stopped fighting with their other half. When Wolf only felt Alek’s presence he dropped his guard and slumped down to the ground, exhausted—as they all were.

  Alek assumed not much time had passed before Wolf retreated—never one to be overly-demanding of the surface—since his brother hadn’t sent another messenger. Alek lay on the now warm earth, naked and in pain. Breathing hard, his skin red and stinging from the way-too-fuckin-close encounter. He slowly began to get to his feet, his body feeling like it’d been charged by a herd of bulls. He tried to clear his vision enough to take in his surroundings. The brisk chill in the air was gone and tree branches that’d just been weighted down with thick layers of snow now stood erect and dripping large droplets of water. The little critters he’d been pointing out to Bell were long gone and would probably never return. Not after that display. Alek stared down in dismay at the charred earth beneath his feet.

  That was close, Wolf confessed solemnly. And rough.

  Alek groaned as he massaged a rapidly healing bruise covering the entire right side of his hip. Fuck. Yeah, that was.

  Are you okay, Alek?

  I’m all right, Wolf. T-thanks for fighting so hard.

  We fought hard… together.

  I know

  Did you feel the strength we had when we were one?

  Alek paused. He didn’t want to admit it, but when he’d really synced his mind with Wolf’s, for the same purpose, they’d been unbeatable. And it’d felt amazing.

  Why do you think he’s resurfaced now?

  I don’t know, Alek responded. But, I’m not going to take many more risks trying to find out. Alek limped towards his cabin to put on more clothes so he could get his ass to the meeting. Whatever was going on, he’d quickly do his job as Justice’s first beta, and then he’d do his most important job and fully bond with his mate.

  Perhaps that’d be enough to keep the devil in hell where he belonged.

  “Your officers have arrived,” a young woman who’d introduced herself as one of the AZ’s assistants informed him, as he put the last finishing touches on his suit.

  The king had welcomed him into his home just in case Bell hadn’t been ready to share space with his newly beloved.

  “Thank you.” He nodded politely to the standoffish shifter, keeping his eye contact to a minimum. Shifters sometimes mistook his stern gaze as a challenge when it meant the complete opposite. He was showing his respect. It was proof that the two species knew only the basics about the other, so cohabitation was going to take a lot more work and getting used to.

  She ducked her head and left, leaving him to himself. In London when he was dressing for the night, there were typically four or five house lords to assist him. It had never been a requirement, only a habit he’d become accustomed to. Also, his own personal assistant would usually be talking Bell’s head off about his evening calendar—rattling off meetings and appointments—while he readied himself. None of that was happening now. Bell was actually enjoying the silence of the morning, the blue jays and chickadees chirping just outside the large balcony window.

  It was only a couple of minutes before his mind shifted to Alek. That was happening a lot. Alek was such a mixture of extraordinary and exhilarating that Bell found himself rushing through the last of his ritual, rapidly brushing through his long mane to get back to him. As soon as he set the brush down on the marble countertop there was a sharp knock on the bedroom door before two, thickly-muscled shifters came inside followed by his best friend. Bell couldn’t stop his smile.

  “Nice bodyguards.”

  “Comes with the territory.” Wick beamed. Damn, his friend wore love and happiness well. “You’ll have your own soon.”

  King Chadwick Bentley stood in the center of his living quarters, slowly taking in the accommodation they’d made for his second-in-command. Wick’s presence could only be described as majestic. He stood at an impressive six-feet-two and his beautiful skin was like warm ivory. He smelled just as Bell remembered, like vanilla and fresh water. But as he moved closer he caught the robust green scent of his alpha beloved. Wick’s mark on his neck looked freshly sealed, as if he and Justice had had a good time this morning.

  His mind immediately went to how Alek had handled him against the tree, begging to be inside him. He wanted to ask his friend if he’d struggled relinquishing that part of his dominance to his new mate. Alphas couldn’t be challenged, not even by their fated.

  “I know that look,” Wick said. He turned towards the guards Justice insisted accompany him during the day until his own personal guard awoke at dusk, and asked politely if they’d wait outside the door.

  Bell rolled his eyes. As if they still couldn’t hear every word they were saying. “What look, Wick? I don’t know what you’re referring to.” Bell double-checked his reflection, thinking he was looking fairly well, considering he’d gotten very little rest over the last couple of days.

  “I think you do.” Wick unbuttoned his dark suit jacket and perched on the edge of a sofa in the sitting area. “How’d it go with Alek last night? Not to be Captain Obvious but you don’t smell like him. Why?”

  Bell frowned. He didn’t like the way that sounded, and he also knew it was his fault that he hadn’t fully connected with his cherished. Last night, he and Alek had been on a nonstop rollercoaster of emotions that neither of them were used to. “We talked a long time.”

  “That’s good. Talking is really good.” Wick nodded, and Bell picked up on his confusion. “But…”

  Bell spun around, glaring at his friend. “But you didn’t tell me it would be like this! I came to govern, to command… not to…”

  “Bell.” Wick touched his shoulder making Bell jerk away from him.

  “Shit… I’m sorry.” Bell ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He was acting irrational. He’d never pulled away from Wick’s touch before.

  “It’s because you haven’t mated with him. You don’t want to be touched by anyone else. Only by him.” Wick’s knowing smile made Bell want to hurl something across the room “And there wasn’t any more for me to tell you, Belleron. There’s no way on the Mother’s magnificent earth that I could’ve relayed what it was like to be fated to a Volkov shifter. They are all brothers and sisters, but each one is extremely different from the other.

  Bell stared. “You mean their wolves are different.”

  Wick nodded. “Very much so. And in turn, that makes them a remarkable pack.” Wick, came closer again but kept his hands off him. “I’m happy here, Bell. And this is where I will stay. I brought you all here hoping you’d join me in the first bi-species packcoven.”

  Bell was stunned. “You think we can join two kinds from two very different worlds?”

  “We’re not so different.”

  “As different as night and day… literally, Wick. You’ve called my officers in in the middle of the day. Why couldn’t this meeting wait until they rose at dusk? This feels like a blatant display of privilege.”

  “Excuse me?” Wick scoffed. “Your officers.”

  “You heard me. Yes, you are the king and ruler of us all, but the guards are mine to command. I didn’t authorize anyone to disturb their sleep during broad daylight! How did you even get them here?”

  “Blackout vans. At my request, the great hall now has heavy sun-blocking drapes to protect them as well. I don’t see an issue. We’ve maneuvered during the day before… albeit very carefully. But, the van pulled all the way inside and your lead officers got out, ready and prepared to work.”

  “Of course they did. They’re always ready. And they will position without question or complaint. But it doesn’t mean they deserve to be treated this way, Wick. Look at us! Daywalkers!” Bell stood in front of the large balcony window, still in awe of the day’s beauty. “I feel we should tread carefully. Show our kind
that even though we are mated to shifters and have this gift—that none of the other vampires have—our primary concern will always be our covens.”

  “Belleron. I chose you as my second in command, not because you’ve been my good friend for over seventy years, but because no one loves being a vampire as much as you do. No other can lead with such charisma, passion and understanding as you. And no one loves being in power as much as you, either. And I have a feeling I know what’s holding you back from fully bonding with Alek. You think if you fully submit to his alpha then you’d lose your commanding identity.”

  Bell didn’t answer, since Wick had hit the nail right on the head.

  “I am king and I will always be king. Justice hasn’t wanted to change that, and I never wanted to strip him of his title. I was fated to the Alpha Zenith to be his equal, not so he could control me. We are supposed to rule together. I believe it’s the same for you and Alek. You both are seconds and protectors of our worlds. Do you really think the Mother chose you to be with a shifter so he could turn you into his bed-maid? No. I’m sure you don’t. You can’t. My best friend is way too arrogant for that. It has to be something in you that Alek needs. It’s the only explanation. And trust me, your mating is not a mistake. So, therefore you’ll have to step out on faith and walk this journey with Alek in order to know if all of this has been orchestrated for our good.”

  Bell continued to stare out of the window at the vast blue sky. He’d heard every word his friend said and still… he had pause.

  The door clicked open and Wick departed with a few final words. “I wish things had gone differently for you and Alek last night. We have a grave situation to resolve and practically no time to do it in. I need my Lord High.”

  The door latched softly.

  “You have him, my king,” Bell whispered, knowing his friend heard him.

  Alek entered the large hall they used for social gatherings and pack dinners, but today it was being used for their emergency—first ever—joint meeting. The long, rectangular tables had been assembled into a large square. Vampires sat on the right side, all of them in similar dress. Black on black on black. They sat with their backs rigid and their faces void of emotion. Alek thought they looked pissed but he was unsure, since they also all wore dark sunshades. He’d feel the same way if he’d been dragged out of bed and into danger. And there was no mistaking how dangerous it was for a vampire to risk operating during the day. There were only so many shadows.


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