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Alpha Beast

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “See something you like?” she asked.

  “Fuck, yeah.” His hand moved down, cupping her ass, and then she felt him slide between. He pushed a finger deep inside her, but he didn’t go to her clit, he pulled his fingers back, stroking over her anus.

  She tensed up, but as he stroked across her asshole, she couldn’t help but relax. Each touch sent more and more pleasure rushing through her entire body.

  “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?” he asked.

  “I’ve got an idea.”

  “I’ve had your mouth, your pussy, and, baby, it’s time for me to take this ass.” The last word was said in a growl that had goosebumps erupting all over her skin.

  She closed her eyes as his lips were at her neck, his tongue licking across her pulse. “Tell me you want it too?” he asked.


  “I know I can make you feel good. You’ve given me everything else, and I’ve shown you how good I can make you feel. Trust me with this. You know you want to.”

  She did. “Are you sure?”

  “You’re going to love it.” He bit down on her neck. “Because I know exactly what to do to make you feel even better.” His lips didn’t stop there. Slowly, he licked, nipped, and made his way down her back toward her ass. He put his hands on her curves and lifted her up, almost as if he was presenting her ass for his viewing pleasure.

  She glanced behind her back, watching him as he moved in close. His teeth sank into the curved flesh. One of his hands moved and then he touched her between her thighs. His strokes were sure and firm. He knew what he was doing.

  Moaning his name, she gritted her teeth, trying to gain control of her senses. She didn’t know if she could allow this to happen, but as he ran his fingers through her wet slit, she didn’t know how she was going to be able to stop it. Gripping the sheet beneath her, she cried out as his tongue glided from her asshole down to her pussy. He circled her clit, sucking it in his mouth as he pushed his fingers inside her. Three to be exact, stretching her. The pleasure was intense.

  Closing her eyes, she felt her orgasm build as he both teased and brought her closer to release with his tongue and fingers.

  When she was just about to come, he stopped, pulling away.


  He slapped her ass and then his cock filled her pussy. The hard thrust took her completely by surprise but it wasn’t unwelcome. He held her hips as he fucked her hard, making her take all of him.

  His thumb traced across her forbidden entrance. Stroking. Lighting up a fire like never before.

  It was intense.


  She loved it.

  He pushed against her tight ring of muscles and she didn’t expect any kind of pleasure. At first, there was an uncomfortable sting, but slowly, with him rocking back and forth, allowing her to get accustomed to his thumb, it started to abate.

  She began to push back against him, seeking his thumb and his cock.

  Liam, like always, knew what to do to drive her wild.

  He pulled out of her pussy and ass, his cock replacing where his thumb had been originally. She didn’t expect the instant hit of pleasure. She was tight, but Liam was patient with her. He wasn’t in any kind of rush.

  Inch by inch, he gave her time. “I’ve got you, baby.”

  She reached behind her and he took her hand, locking their fingers together as he sank the last few inches inside her. He was now balls deep in her ass.

  It was tight, a little uncomfortable. She wasn’t entirely sure if she liked it. Then he placed his fingers between her thighs. Without moving in her ass, he started to tease her. Drawing her closer to the orgasm that she’d been denied only seconds before.

  Gripping the sheet, she tried to hold back, to enjoy his ministrations, but she didn’t have the strength. She wanted this orgasm. As it rushed over her, she screamed his name, pressing back against the cock in her ass, riding the fingers that had been so intent on causing her pleasure.

  Liam’s lips brushed across her ear, biting her neck, sending her hurtling back into release. Her neck was so tender, easily her most erogenous zone. Liam knew exactly where to touch, to nibble, to heighten her need for him.

  “I love how tight your asshole is around my cock. We were made for each other, Jenny. You and me.”

  His hand returned to her hip, and this time, he began his long, slow thrusts, working her ass to his will. In and out, he drove inside her.

  The pain had lessened, and as he took her ass, Jenny began to like it, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Please, Liam.”

  “You want my cum?”

  “Yes!” She growled the word out, wanting to feel his cock pulse and spend inside her.

  He held her even more tightly as he rode her ass. It felt so good. She didn’t want it to stop, but as he came, his cock hardened even more. She felt each wave and pulse as he spilled his seed deep within her ass.

  She collapsed to the bed as he finished. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly. He brushed his lips against her shoulder. “Thank you.”

  She smiled and glanced back. “Why?”

  “For being with me.”

  Jenny frowned. He was still in her ass. One of his hands lay beneath her head, and the other grasped her breast.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You could have denied me, Jenny.”

  “That would have been a big insult.”

  “Our families have never seen eye-to-eye.” He kissed her cheek. “No one would have forced you.”

  She sighed. “I like you.”

  “I like you too.”

  Jenny giggled. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Why? Because your reputation rivaled mine?” He tightened his grip. “I never scared you, did I?”

  “Did I scare you?” she asked.

  “Not a chance. You made me curious.”

  “It’s the white hair, huh?”

  He laughed. “No, it’s you. Even in front of all that judgment and adversity, you shone like a beacon.”

  “Yeah, a beacon you’ve never paid much attention to.”

  “I couldn’t. Rivalry, remember?”

  She nodded. “I wasn’t afraid of you. I knew of your reputation. I think I feel more guilt myself. You’re married to me.”

  He cupped her face. “No, don’t ever feel guilty.”

  “Liam, we can’t hide from the curse forever.”

  He shook his head. “There is no curse. I won’t hear of it. No curse. Nothing.”

  She smiled and touched his cheek. There was a curse. They both knew it. Her bloodline confirmed it with this gift. There was nothing either of them could do about it. Liam couldn’t walk away from this life, and she wouldn’t let him.

  They were trapped together.

  Chapter Ten

  “How is married life treating you?” Ben asked, stepping into his office.

  Liam looked up and smiled at one of his younger brothers. Getting up from behind his desk, he shook his brother’s arm, clasped it tightly, and hugged him. “Married life is treating me well.”

  “I should go and pay Jenny a visit. She has kept your ugly ass off my case.”

  He laughed. “We’d like that. I’d enjoy for you to visit.”

  “I was only joking,” Ben said, taking a seat opposite the desk.

  Liam frowned. “You’re invited. Jenny is a fantastic cook.”

  “Again, I’ll pass.”

  Picking up his pen, he stared across the desk at his brother. “If you’re not here for pleasantries, then why are you here?”

  Ben snorted. “I came out of brotherly concern. You know me, I’m all about my responsibilities.”

  He stared at his brother. His father had been more direct on the phone and asked him if he was happy. His father knew of her gift, but he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with that kind of information.

  It wasn’t like
she was any different.

  The other day, they’d decided to take a stroll in the park and he’d felt Jenny tense. He looked at her and she plainly told him they weren’t alone.

  Arm-in-arm, he’d listened to a one-sided conversation. Later that night, Jenny had told him it was a dog walker who’d come to visit. They were looking for their dog and didn’t know where the old mutt had gotten to. She’d been visited by a spirit who was a hundred years old, or at least his dress sense had given her that impression.

  He wasn’t afraid of his wife. There were times he wished he could see what she did. He had an idea the world through her eyes was a magical place, at times dark, but for the most part, he’d only seen the good times so far.

  “You can leave,” he said.

  “Liam? What the hell?”

  “You insult me and you insult my wife. Jenny would love to have you over. We haven’t had any guests since we got married.” He shouldn’t complain because he had her all to himself and he didn’t have a single issue with that. Sharing her was a big problem for him, but he wanted her to feel like part of the family. “Yes, Jenny sees ghosts, spirits, dead people. She’s not cursed, damn it. She has to put up with people visiting her, talking to her that are not there.”

  He paced behind his desk. “Did you know the way she found out about her brother? He visited her. Yeah, she was seeing her dead niece, and he appeared to take her away. How fucked up is that? Lewis told her about me.” He laughed. “It’s how she knew where I was and when. She got you all to the hospital. Jenny is a good fucking person, and if you’re here because you think she’s messed me up in some way, well, you’re right, she has. She has messed me up because against all the fucking odds, I’m in love with her.”

  The words hung between them.

  He stared at his brother, a little taken aback himself. From the look on Ben’s eyes, he was the same way.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “Yeah, wow.” He lowered himself into his seat.

  “I guess this is the first time you’ve been aware of your feelings?”

  “I knew they were getting stronger. I had no idea they were … like this.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I haven’t told anyone how I feel. I haven’t told Jenny.”

  “You love her.”

  He glared at Ben. “If you gave her even a little chance, you’d see she’s amazing.”

  “Doesn’t the way she talks to herself scare you?”

  Liam sighed. “No. It doesn’t. She always tells me when someone is around. She even tells me what they’re saying. If it’s fun or not.” He didn’t want to talk to his brother. “You got what you came here for. I’m fine and healthy.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. If the invitation is still available, I’d like to come to dinner.”

  Now that he’d expressed his feelings, all he wanted was for the bastard to fucking leave so he could go and be with his wife.


  “Look, Liam, I don’t know her. I know of her and what I saw. You know what she was like at the last dinner we were at. The way she threw stuff.”

  Liam laughed. “That wasn’t her.”


  “It wasn’t her, and you know it. She helped us when she didn’t need to.” He glanced down at his desk. “I’ve got a few things to clear away here and then I can take you home with me.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  He didn’t. Having Ben around would be nice for Jenny’s sake, but he wanted to be back inside his woman. The honeymoon hadn’t been long enough. Work called. His father had told him he wished he could give him more time, but they didn’t have that. They had yet to find out what was going on at the warehouse that burned down and what truly caused the fire, and the only way to do that was to have someone with a keen sense of smell.

  Liam paused.

  “Oh, no, what did I do now? You look like you’ve just had the greatest idea in the world,” Ben said.

  “I have.” He laughed. “Fuck. I think the city has messed up with my senses. The warehouse. The burned one.”

  “What about it?”

  “We don’t know how to find out what set the fire in the first place,” he said. “They can’t ascertain what it was, but we’ve got a good sense of smell, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ah, so you’re thinking of going all wolf down there?” Ben asked. “It’s a built-up area, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. We can’t go this evening. I don’t want to leave Jenny alone.” There had been strange things happening in their apartment. Even Jenny didn’t understand them as she couldn’t see anyone there. Someone was there, though, watching them. There were times Liam felt that tickling on the back of his neck, sending him on high alert that something was wrong. He didn’t like it.

  “Okay, so how about we go tomorrow?” Ben asked. “I can be your lookout.”

  “We need to make sure the area is completely abandoned. No one can know.”

  “If we go late at night, there won’t be a single chance of anyone seeing us.”

  “You’re right.” Liam got to his feet. “Come on, I’ll take you to go and meet Jenny.”

  The drive back toward his apartment was a slow one. He felt the tension in his brother, but rather than be pissed at him, he stayed focused on getting home. He wanted to see his wife. To feel her against him.

  He arrived at his apartment building, clicking the door to lock. The more he thought about his wolf, the more he believed he’d messed up. The city life was no place for a wolf. Their world couldn’t be changed, but as soon as he dealt with this problem with the burning building, he intended to find him and Jenny a house, far in the country, near an open forest. Anywhere that granted them freedom together.

  The moment he arrived at his apartment, he saw the paleness of his wife’s face. She looked tired. He took her into his arms and his brother cleared his throat.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. I promise.” She looked past his shoulder. “Ben, right?”

  Liam glared at his brother as she held her hand out. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder to prove that she didn’t have any deadly diseases and that her touch wouldn’t kill anyone. All the while, he frowned at his brother.

  “Jenny, you’re looking beautiful, as always.” Ben took her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Thank you so much for having me in your home.”

  She smiled. “This is really Liam’s home.”

  “No, babe, it’s your home as well. What’s mine is yours.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. And whatever was burdening her, it was his as well. All he wanted to do was love and protect this woman.

  Fuck. Love. He’d never felt such strong emotions before in his life. They were intense, and he wanted her so badly. All the time. It made much more sense to him the way he felt so consumed with need around her.

  Kissing her temple, he closed his eyes. One day soon, he was going to tell her exactly how he felt. Not when his brother was around. She deserved his undivided attention.

  “Well, I made pasta. I hope you like it.”

  He loved everything she made.

  He really was well and truly whipped.


  After Ben left, Jenny asked Liam to drive her out to the forest they’d visited before they got married. Having Ben over had been somewhat surreal to her. Her grandmother had told her that in time, people would see there was nothing wrong with her, and she hadn’t believed it. Years of being treated like a weirdo had set her up to believe there was no chance of her ever leaving behind the cruel words and insults.

  Liam was different. Not once had he shown fear or revulsion toward her. He made her happy. Now, she hoped she could make him happy.

  “I’ve made a decision,” Liam said.

  “About what?”

  “Our life. I’ve got some issues to resolve at work, but after I get them done, and I should see it finished tomorrow, I want us to find a ho
use. Out in the country, surrounded by wildlife. A place of our own.”

  “Our own?”

  “Kids, Jenny. We’ve only known each other a handful of hours, truly, I know that. But, one day, I want us to have children.”

  “One day?”

  “Why are you repeating everything I say?”

  She opened her mouth and closed it, smiling at him. “Sorry.”

  “You do want to have a family with me, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Of course, yes.” She licked her lips. “I would love to have a family with you. In fact, I couldn’t imagine anything better.” She nibbled on her lip. “When you say in the future? Exactly how far do you mean?”

  “Does it matter? I mean, really?”

  She laughed and placed a hand against her stomach. “It kind of depends on your perspective?” She stared at him, offering him a smile.

  Liam looked at her hand and then at her. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “I … I got the test this morning.” Actually, she’d been throwing up this past week, and her grandmother had appeared that very morning, advising her to stop putting off finding out the answer and to get a test. She’d gone to the local pharmacy, picked up a test that had two within the box, and had taken both of them.

  They had the same answer.

  She and Liam were expecting their first child. She was so happy, and then nerves had hit her.

  All afternoon, her grandmother had been there, calming her down. Fear of her curse, of what having children meant. After her mother had died at the hands of a ghost, she’d promised herself she would never have children.

  With Liam, her feelings, being with him, she felt a return of her desires to have children. To fall in love with him. To have everything she ever wanted with him.

  Liam closed the distance between them, cupped her cheeks, and slammed his lips down on hers. He walked her back, pressing her up against a tree. She melted against him, moaning his name as he plundered her mouth. His tongue drove her wild, meeting his, stroking together.

  “Liam,” she said, moaning his name.

  “I know. I’ve got you. I will always have you.” He groaned, licking her bottom lip.


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