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Demise (The Clans Book 13)

Page 2

by Elizabeth Knox

  I let out a laugh, “Have you ever, for one second, thought I might be dating someone?”

  Chapter Three


  Well, she’s grown into quite the spitfire. I haven’t even been in this room for five minutes and she’s already making a scene, telling her parents how she won’t be my wife. I want to laugh, but I know if I do, it’ll only make her detest me even more.

  I’m not paying much attention to whatever’s coming out of her mouth. That is, until she mentions dating someone. Now I’m too invested to find out what in the actual fuck is going on.

  “I’m sorry. What did you just say?” Ion seems caught off guard, though if she were my daughter I’d feel the same way.

  My father comes up beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Marius, so good to see you here. Thank you so much for coming today, though I must apologize. The morning has brought great tragedy.” Mariana states, extending a hand to my father. Meanwhile, Ion is still dealing with his daughter.

  “Oh, it’s an honor. Mircea and I are humbled to be in your presence.” My father should be a professional ass kisser, that’s for damn sure.

  “Mircea, you’ve grown so much since I last saw you.” Mariana smiles widely.

  “As has Bianca I see, quite . . . the . . . look she has going on.” I mutter, taking in her vibrant hair and the tattoos I see peeking out from the v she has cut into her t-shirt dress . . . if that’s even a thing.

  Mariana giggles lightly, “Yes, she’s the most eccentric of all my children. Though, I’m sure you remember that from when she was a child.”

  “Her mother’s daughter it seems,” my father pokes fun at the queen of the Clans, yet I doubt she realizes he isn’t a fan of her. Ion and my father have known one another for years, and the only reason we’re even here is because Ion has publicly declared Bianca as his daughter, meaning if I were to marry her, I’d arguably be the most powerful man in the Clans.

  That is why I’m here— for power.

  Mariana laughs yet again, “Yes, well, I need to make a call and ensure one of the Clan leaders is alright. It was great to see you both, and thank you again for coming.”

  “It’s our pleasure,” my father answers as Mariana walks away, then dips his mouth closer to my ear. He whispers, “We will break Bianca of those foul habits she inherited from her mother. What a disgrace for a woman of such nobility to act such as this. Despicable if you ask me.”

  My father is an old-fashioned man, with old-fashioned views. However, I’d prefer to break through the mafia princess’ walls by wooing her with my charm. She is a strikingly beautiful woman, although we’ve had our differences from the point we were small children. Never did we get along, but I’ll do my best to change that.

  “I’ll try your way first, and if it backfires, we’ll try mine.” I tell him lowly, sure that no one will hear us.

  “Alright,” He mutters in response. “I need to run off to get some paperwork finalized with Ion. This wedding is happening whether Bianca wants it to or not. By the end of the day, you will be engaged to Bianca Petran.”

  My father walks over to where Ion is, and I watch as he shakes Bianca’s hand, introducing himself. She appears to be shocked for a moment, before smiling and acting as any noble woman would. A few moments later Ion and my father walk past me, and head for the door.

  Though, I keep my eyes on the prize.

  On Bianca Petran, and man, the second her gaze meets mine I can’t help but smile like the cat who caught the canary.

  The power my family has so desperately craved will be here soon enough, and not only that, but I will have Vasile blood tied to me until the day I die.

  Chapter Four


  I’m unable to tear my eyes away from them, needing to know whatever the fuck they’re talking about. Marius Lazar shaking Bianca’s hand only causes worry to swarm over me. I heard what Bianca said, belting out at her father about how she could be dating someone.

  When I heard it, fear and excitement soared in the pit of my stomach. Excitement because she might want to tell people about us, about what we’ve been doing, that she cares for me in the same way I do for her. Then the realistic bit, the fear. Fearful because her father could shoot me dead for even touching his precious baby girl. After how I acted with Mariana all those years ago, I wouldn’t blame him. I’m corrupt, mischievous, a total ass . . . and yet I fucking love Bianca Petran.

  “Stefan?” Melody, Mikel’s chirpy wife, calls my name, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Sorry, I zoned out. What were you saying?” I question her, getting a cocked eyebrow from her husband.

  “I was asking how Daniella is doing at her school here, if she’s liking that you moved to New York?”

  We made the decision together about sixteen months ago to move here permanently. I go back to Argentina every few months, but for the most part I delegate my tasks to my trusted men. New York holds my heart and it’s because of the woman with pink hair. The one I can’t even think about leaving behind. Being without her for hours is insufferable. Imagine being apart for a week . . . it would be agonizingly difficult.

  “She’s doing well, making lots of friends. Of course she gets the chatty side from her mother. Presley was a debutant when she was younger, so I’m not surprised Daniella is the head honcho over there.”

  Melody giggles lightly with a nod. “Yeah, she’s always been such a beautiful girl. Personality and looks.”

  “Thank god her mother passed those both down. I’m sure many of you question if she’s mine or not.” This time I laugh, but really, I’m so thankful Daniella is more like her mother than me. I’m not the best type of man, so . . . I want her to be light like her mother. Especially when the darkness embodies who I am.

  I catch Mircea smirking at Bianca, and her reaction to this is . . . interesting. She doesn’t smile. She doesn’t appear shocked. Instead, it’s like a poker face, which mean she’s hiding something. She pulls off the same look in front of the Clans at meetings, plastering a poker face on to keep the peace and look serious. But why she isn’t losing her shit further and telling him not to look at her like that is beyond me. The Bianca I know is lethal like a viper.

  Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to bring out my blade and slice through his chest right now. I can imagine it, cracking his chest open and ripping his heart out— just for looking at my Bianca. My prinţesă.

  Desperation pumps in my chest. I need to talk to her, as soon as fucking possible.

  “I think you’re too hard on yourself,” Melody says, pulling me back into our conversation. Fuck, I’m distracted.

  A ringing comes from her purse and she pulls a phone out, “Sorry, I need to answer this. It’s the nanny,” She walks off to the other corner of the room where people aren’t located, leaving Mikel and I alone.

  He sinks his hands into his pockets with a whimsical smile on his face. “Ion is going to kill you, Dalca.” He snickers lightly, his words coming out as a whisper.


  “Don’t play coy with me. You’re fucking his daughter. So, he’s going to kill you.” Mikel snickers.

  Rolling my eyes, I respond. “In eighteen years when that little girl in your wife’s tummy starts fucking men, don’t tell me you’re going to do anything different. It’s no different because it’s her, and do me a solid and don’t say a damn thing to him.”

  “I don’t have to say anything. It’s written all over your face.” Mikel comments, wiping his hand over his mouth while Ion makes his way over.

  “Look, I know you’re pissed because of what happened to Anton. You two were close, but we’re going to find out who did it. We will.” Ion starts off, but I interrupt him.

  “No, I’m pissed because you’re bringing a Lazar into the mix. Jan’s position has been open for a long time, and considering Natasha will now be the head of the Balan clan . . . it makes sense. “But it doesn’t mean I trust a Lazar. They’re foul men. The lot of them.�
� I spit, disgusted Ion would even bring them into the gold. Marius doesn’t have a great reputation, and man he’s stepped on my toes far too much.

  “I’m hopeful with time, your mind will be changed. Mircea has a good head on his shoulders, and I think he’ll be good for Seattle. Trust me on this, Stefan. It was either Mircea or Marius . . . and I think you know why we chose Mircea.”

  I tsk, “Yeah, ‘cause you wouldn’t want to marry Bianca off to an old cow like Marius. I mean, not with his reputation.”

  “Isn’t he still married?” Mikel questions.

  Ion nods, “Yes, he is.”

  “How’s his mistress doing?” I ask with a smile.

  “I’m not sure. It’s none of my concern.”

  “Hopefully Mircea isn’t like his father. It would be a shame for her to be treated like Mrs. Lazar. Don’t you think?”

  Ion tightens his jaw and I know I’ve gotten under his skin.

  “I need to go. Daniella will be needing me soon. Lovely chat.”

  Making my way over to the door of the study, I walk through it and shut it behind me, immediately pulling out my cell.

  To: Bianca

  We need to talk ASAP. I’ll head to your place. Get there soon, prinţesă.

  Chapter Five


  From: Zaddy S

  We need to talk ASAP. I’ll head to your place. Get there soon, prinţesă.

  Oh, fuck. I should fan myself right now. Heat rushes through my center and I can’t wait for whatever’s about to transpire between Stefan and I. Biting the bottom of my lip I text him back.

  To: Zaddy S

  I’ll be there soon. Promise. Go in when you get there. You have a key for a reason.

  “Texting your supposed boyfriend?” My father’s deep voice asks from behind me, causing me to get startled.

  “Yeah, I am.” I hiss, facing off at him. Stefan has never declared to be my boyfriend. We just fuck, but my father doesn’t need to know that. He doesn’t need to know anything about who I’m fucking.

  He scoffs, obviously not believing a word I’ve said. “We’re going to talk about this right now.”

  “Actually, we’re not. I’m growing rather tired of the overbearing dad thing, so I’m gonna bounce. It was lovely while it lasted though, toodles.” I begin to walk past him when he grabs me by the arm and glares right into my eyes. For the first time in my twenty-one years, he’s striking fear into me.

  “Bianca, we’re going to discuss this sooner or later. Don’t think you can keep putting it off, because you won’t. I’ll let you get away with a lot of shit, but not this.” Tearing my arm away from him, I rush to the door and fly down the stairs, go out onto the sidewalk and rush up to the corner, flagging a taxi.

  I’m able to flag one down and have them take me straight to my apartment. When I get upstairs, Stefan opens the door for me, seeming a bit upset. But, I realize after a moment he isn’t upset. He’s showing the ugly, green eyed beast— he’s jealous.

  “I fucked up when I snapped, about the whole boyfriend thing. I’m sure you heard it.” I mutter, feeling bad. I’m not sure he’s wanting any sort of commitment, so I’ve never brought the subject up to him. He’s the best sex I’ve ever had and I don’t want to scare him off.

  So, I’ll be fuck buddies with him forever if that’s what he wants, because fuck if I’m going to screw this up.

  “It’s fine. What’s your fucking father thinking, though?” Stefan growls, heading into the kitchen, he leans against my concrete counters.

  I shrug, “I wish I knew. It’s some sort of outdated marriage arrangement. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?”

  “His and your mother’s arrangement was quite different. Your grandparents arranged that.” It’s like he’s coming to my parents’ defense.

  “Do you want me to get married to him?” I ask, baffled by his comment.

  Stefan grabs me by the throat, shoves me down on the island and tightens his grip around my neck. With his alternate hand, he pulls up my dress, revealing my neon green thong. “I’ve missed this. It’s my favorite color on you.”

  “You just saw it a couple hours ago, you dirty bastard.” I snicker, licking my lips.

  His grip tightens and he rips his hand away from my hip area to unzip his pants. His cock bounces free and my heart rate increases wildly. I feel a flush of warmth rising up my neck, most likely turning my skin red too. It happens every time he fucks me.

  Stefan grabs my hip for a second before he grabs my left leg, hoisting it to where my wedge is on the counter. His breath comes out hot and heavy, eyes right on my glistening pussy. I wish I could see the way his cock reacts being so close, wondering if precum is oozing from its head, or if it’s twitching.

  Pulling my thong off to the side, he rams himself inside me in one swift movement, stretching my walls wide. I cry out at the sudden intrusion, but know the pain will drift away as his movements intensify. He pushes his cock in and out of me, forcing his nether region closer to mine. Ultimately, removing his hands from my hip and neck, he grabs the v of my dress and shreds the jersey material, revealing my breasts.

  His head dips down, sucking the hardened raspberries into his mouth. Saliva mixed with his tongue is euphoric. I dip my head back against the concrete and moan, needing more. He brings his left hand up to grab my neck like before while shifting his right hand down to my clit.

  He sucks my nipple into his mouth while grinding his cock into my soaking pussy, rubbing his fingers over my hardened nub, trying to drive me to the edge. He knows me better than I do, always causing a cosmic reaction.

  “Stefan,” His name comes out as a soft purr, almost a plea.

  “Not yet,” he hisses with my breast in his mouth. He digs his teeth into my nipple and I scream, but he pounds his cock into me even harder, fluttering his hand against my clit at a higher speed.

  Soon enough, I’m giving all of myself to him. Exploding around his shaft, my inner walls tighten, demanding his seed.

  Stefan arches his back, grunting loudly. He allows my breast free with a popping sound, places his hands on both hips and fucks me like a man half his age. “Take my fucking cream, prinţesă.” He growls, going so fast that I’m coming down from my first orgasm and heading into my second. But this time it’s so intense my entire body starts to shake. I try to dig my nails into the concrete, but it’s no use. It won’t fucking help me.

  “Take it, take it all, my Bianca. My girl. Mine.”

  I don’t know what comes over me, but I come up into a crunch and slap him straight across the face. “I belong to know one, Stefan Dalca. You should know that. I’m not a fucking object to be passed around like you or my father might think.”

  I push past him and hop off the counter, pull my dress down and grab my purse where I left it in the foyer. I’m opening the door when he finally says something to me, “What the fuck are we even doing, Bianca? I mean, really? What are we fucking doing anymore?”

  I glance back at him, seeing he’s as flustered as I am. The only thing I can do is answer him honestly. “I don’t know. What were we even doing in the first place? Look. Just give me some space. I . . . I need some time to think, alone, where the men I care about in my life aren’t treating me like some fucking Barbie doll they can pass around.”

  “Bianca, I didn’t mean it like th—,” I leave the apartment while he’s speaking, shutting the door and heading down to the elevator, not even caring that anyone who comes into my view will get a good view of some side boob.

  The funeral for Anton will likely be in a couple days in Florida, and even though we shouldn’t all be together at the same time, we will, for Anton.

  He deserves it.

  Chapter Six


  It’s been about a week since I was in the Petrans’ study, ogling over their daughter. Not much has happened really. Only a few muttered conversations between Ion, Mariana, and I. I know Mariana’s reputation for being a fearless, determined woman. So,
I can only naturally assume Bianca is the same way. I mean one look at her and anyone would know she isn’t an ordinary woman.

  We’re all in Miami for Anton Balan’s funeral. His widow, Natasha, chose to wait a few extra days for all the Clan leaders to be able to attend. He was a well-respected individual and it’s important we all show our respect for the service he gave the Clans, as well as the service his wife will continue for Clan Balan until their eldest, Nina, is ready to take the throne. If I’m not mistaken their daughter will be turning eighteen next year, though, I highly doubt if Natasha would be handing the responsibility of the Clan leader over to her at such a young age.

  I arrived in Miami with my brother, Sorin, two days ago. He and I both are taking it upon ourselves to represent Clan Lazar at Anton’s funeral while our father is in London on business. Honestly, it’s probably better this way. He’s known for causing mischief and now is nor the time, or the place.

  Sorin left the hotel an hour ago to go grab a coffee before the funeral began and I’m on my way to Bianca’s hotel to pick her up. Ion gave me the address, and I highly doubt she knows about my impending arrival.

  She’s staying at one of the most prestigious hotels in all of Miami. Instead of it being something modern, it’s more historic. Gold and cream colors make up the exterior, while the inside is a mixture of white marble and beautiful exposed wood. Such a magnificent place for a unique woman.

  I walk in through the lobby and head to the elevator, to the tenth floor where Ion rented Bianca a suite. Upon stepping out of the elevator I see two armed guards outside of her door. No doubt a courtesy of her parents, given how she’s in a new city and all.

  Last week I noticed how when she scurried off no one followed her, so I questioned Mariana on it. She informed me that Bianca has had self-defense classes since she was about ten, a request she made when she was a child given the things they’d endured. And on top of that, she carries a gun with her wherever she goes. If you ask me, the Gucci purse she totes around is big enough for a gun with a silencer and a full round of ammunition, plus all the typical things women carry.


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