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Demise (The Clans Book 13)

Page 8

by Elizabeth Knox

  An hour and a half later and I’m finally hand in hand with Bianca. She’s in a cute duster jacket with dark denim jeans, and the pair of deep pink leather boots I bought her last Christmas.

  “Dad, I’m really hungry.” Daniella whines, right on cue considering there’s a hot dog cart a little ways off. She always does this. I don’t know why she loves these hotdogs this Turkish woman sells in the park, but she brags about how good they are. She won’t even eat another one because of it.

  Digging into my wallet, I pull out two twenty dollar bills and hand them to Daniella. Since we can see the cart from here, I feel comfortable letting her run up and place the order. She’s a fiercely independent kid, something she inherited from her mother as well as myself.

  “Did you know Sorin and Mircea’s sister is tied up with the French?” Bianca asks from out of nowhere.

  I look over to her, wondering how she knows this. Then it comes rushing back. She went to Las Vegas, so of course she’d know something about their family. “I heard rumors Crina was with a biker, but didn’t know he was French.”

  “Yeah, a Beaumont.”

  I blink a couple times, processing what she just said. “A Beaumont, hmm?”

  “Yep, and I was right in assuming you’d know something about that family.” She smiles partly.

  I nod, “Yes. I remember a Beaumont from quite a few years ago who gave us a problem. Though, they’re probably of no relation.” Looking over to the cart, I see a few younger girls chatting with Daniella. She catches my gaze and waves, signaling that she’s okay. They’re probably friends from her private school.

  Okay, fuck that. It’s too much of a coincidence. This guy could be a brother or cousin for all I know. Whispers about a new boss being in charge of the French have been spread around like fire the last few years. It piques my curiosity, making me want to go on a side mission to dig into some of their shit.

  “Mircea found who’s behind everything, all our problems.”


  “Jonas had a son when my mom and I were held captive. My . . . older brother.”


  She looks into my eyes, “You heard me loud and clear, Stefan. My brother is the one who’s been trying to hurt us.” Bianca takes in a deep breath and even though she doesn’t know this man, it doesn’t make it any easier knowing her blood is the catalyst of it all. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into me. It won’t help much, but at least she’ll know I’m here for her.

  Chapter Twenty


  An incredibly determined knocking sound comes from the front door, so I push myself off the couch and head over. I don’t even bother to look in the peep hole, just open the door. Even if it’s someone who wants to give me a problem. I have a pistol tucked away behind my back, so the joke’s on them.

  Dark mahogany roots greet me, fading down into a cream. The woman’s oval face is the next thing I see, with her pointy nose, but the designer sunglasses cover up most of her features. She wears a solid black outfit, with a G on her belt. Gucci, I assume.

  “Do I know you?”

  She chews on her pink bubble gum loudly, “Yeah, you should. Bosco, Beretta Bosco. Listen Mercy, I don’t normally do shit like this. But, if you cough up a grand I’ll give you what I have here in the folder. And I think you might wanna see what your girl has been up to.

  “What a pleasure to meet face-to-face,” I say with complete sarcasm. People coming up to my door uninvited isn’t something I’m appreciative of. “When did you take these?”

  She chuckles lightly, “Oh, I didn’t. My boy did. I kept him on your girl’s tail in case something came up. Something that might be of interest to you.”

  “Yeah, well, Bianca caught you on her tail last time. What kinda PI gets made?” I grumble.

  “You’ve gotta be joking. I’m Beretta fucking Bosco. Listen up, mister. Everyone knows me around these parts. Especially if they’re in the criminal underworld. I’m the best one in the business, so of fucking course they’re gonna pass around my photo and tell their people to watch out for me. Why else do you think I have minions who look for shit now? Jesus. You’re so salty.” She hisses back with a thick New York accent.

  I pull my wallet from my pants and open it up, counting the bills. I have what she’s requested, so I hand it over, figuring knowledge is power right about now. Bianca told me she needed time to think, but if you ask me she’s had enough.

  Beretta and I make the trade off at the same time. I peel open the manila envelope and she counts the cash in front of her. I see photographs of Bianca holding Stefan’s hand, and Daniella in the background with some girls by a hot dog stand.

  “When were these taken?” I ask.

  “A little over an hour ago. My minion followed them back to Bianca’s apartment,” Beretta smirks, “Figured you’d want to know.”

  “That’s a load of bull. You just want an easy payday wherever you can find one.” I can’t help but hiss at this snake disguised as a woman. Shutting the door behind me, I head down the hallway.

  In a matter of fifteen minutes I’ve made it to Bianca’s building. There was no problem getting in, so I’ve already made it up to her door. Taking a moment to breathe, I knock on her door. It’s now when I realize I should’ve texted her to let her know I was coming over.


  Bianca’s muted magenta hair is the first thing I see, then the pure shock on her face. “M-Mircea, what’re you doing here?”

  “Hey, I . . . I think we should talk.” Man, I’ve never been so nervous.

  Bianca nods, “Yeah, okay. Um . . . want to have a seat in the living room?” Now she’s the one who seems nervous.

  She opens the door a bit and I walk inside. She closes it and we go into her living area, where I see Stefan Dalca leaning against the wall.

  Fuck me. I was hoping to get her alone, but it seems she’s already made up her fucking mind.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I’ve been through some intense shit in my life. For goodness sake, I was the result of rape and kidnapped before I turned five. Add in my mother being taken, and all the other horrors I’d witnessed growing up, including my father being shot when I was a teenager and anyone would say my life hasn’t been easy, or picture perfect for that matter.

  It’s really a set up for my current predicament, being torn between two men— Stefan Dalca, and Mircea Lazar.

  One is a man I’ve known since I was a child, who I watched adore his wife and little girl. A man who has sunken his fingers into my heart and vowed to never let go. But more than that, a man who I adore and love more than I ever thought was possible.

  Then there is Mircea, the most stubborn, egotistical, asshole of a man. Someone I can barely stand most of the time, yet something about him plagues me into thinking about him constantly. While he’s beautiful on the outside, his soul is nothing but wretched and somehow I don’t care about that, because I see the man underneath, the one deep down below the surface.

  Stefan leans against the wall, sipping his imported beer from Romania with his eyes focused in on me. Daniella has been to bed for about an hour according to her nanny. She’s staying at Stefan’s while we deal with the situation at hand. Mircea is sitting on the couch in the living room, his eyes trained on me like I’m a danger to him.

  “I’ve never said this to you, but my worst fear in this life is for you to feel the pain I felt when Presley passed away. The shock of her death, her being ripped from this Earth in the most tragic of ways . . . without any preparation. It gutted me. No, it ruined me. I felt a pain that I never thought would dissipate, and not once did I think I’d love another woman. But then you came into my life, and everything changed.” Stefan speaks from the heart, looking over to me as he makes his way across the room. Once he’s in front of me, he touches the side of my face, right in front of my ear. It’s something he’s done since the beginning, and it offers me the most peace I’ve
ever felt.

  “What’re you trying to say, Stefan?” I question him. More importantly, I can’t figure out why he’s saying all of this in front of Mircea.

  He brings his hands on top of my shoulders and rubs them lightly before squeezing them. He drops his gaze to the floor and shakes his head once before returning his eyes to bore into mine. “I love you. I love you so much that I don’t want you to feel the pain I did. Prinţesă, I don’t want you to experience this heartache. If you were to ask me what my worst fear is, I’d answer you with what I’m about to say right now. Is that clear?”

  “Yes,” I murmur, terrified he wants to end this relationship. I mean, what else could he be doing?

  “I don’t want you to be alone when I’m gone. More than that, I don’t want you to be alone with Daniella and our child. When I felt Presley’s lifeless body against mine, it was the worst agony I’ve ever experienced . . . and if we do this, if we allow Mircea into our family . . . there will be rules. I’m only open to this because I’m not blind to our age difference, Bianca. And I’m not going to willingly leave you exposed to losing me. I’m over twenty years your senior . . . anything could happen. I could drop dead from a heart attack—”

  I don’t know what takes over me, but I slap my hand against his face. Striking him so hard the slap can be heard echoing through the room. “Don’t you ever fucking say something like that to me, ever.” I hiss, putting a hand over my growing bump. How dare he. I mean seriously, how fucking dare he.

  Bringing a hand up to his cheek, he rubs his face, grimacing at the touch. “She hits hard.” He tells Mircea with a chuckle, smirking as he looks back to me. “I don’t say this to upset you, prinţesă. I only say it because it’s a risk, a simple risk of being together . . . and one I don’t take lightly. Now, do you want Mircea? Answer me honestly.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, I know my answer. While it’s simple to some, it’s also so complicated. “I want you both, because I love you and I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with Mircea.” I speak loud enough for both men to hear me.

  Stefan nods at what I’ve said and from the corner of my eyes, I spot Mircea raise his eyebrows. God, I’m sweating bullets, terrified he doesn’t feel the same way about me. Or that he won’t be open to this agreement, whatever we’re about to create anyway.

  “Very well. I’m fine with this, as long as there are rules. And as long as the rules will be followed, but first,” Stefan takes his hands from my shoulders and goes over to where Mircea sits. “If you so much as make her shed one tear, I will beat you until you bleed from every hole in your body. And if you hurt her physically, or my children, I will cut you up and throw the remnants of your body into the Hudson River for the sharks to feast on.”

  Mircea nods, “I will never intentionally hurt Bianca, or the children.”

  “You won’t hurt her period,” Stefan seethes, his anger radiating off him.

  “He’s human, Stefan. You’ve hurt me before too, so let’s cut the high and mighty bullshit.” I grumble, irritated with this alpha male crap. “Get on with your rules, we all need to be on the same page.”

  “No fucking other women. We are monogamist to Bianca. I would never say she belongs to us, but we belong to her in a way. She is our woman.” Stefan states.

  Mircea nods, “Accepted.”

  “You treat Daniella and our unborn child as if they are your own. If we’re to bring you into our family, you’re to treat them in such a manner. And more importantly, when the day comes that I’m no longer on this Earth . . . I need to know a father will be here for them.” Stefan’s voice is a bit shaky on this one, telling me how he isn’t ready for it to happen either. Though, I love him for what he’s doing, watching out for all of us.

  “I accept.” Mircea comments.

  “You protect them with your life if it comes down to it, as will I.”

  Mircea nods, “Of course.”

  “That’s all I have for now, but I’m sure there will be more that pop in my mind as this . . . settles in. Now, I’m going to get ready for bed. It’s been a long day and we have much to do tomorrow.” Stefan says, finishing off the rest of his beer. He walks into the kitchen and drops it into the recycling bin, heading off into the bedroom we share.

  Mircea and I stare at each other before he rises and comes over to me. Grazing a hand against my cheek, he brings his lips down to mine in a sensual kiss that causes butterflies to soar through my stomach. “I’m going to retire for the evening back to my place, considering so much has been decided tonight. With any luck, I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some rest, Bianca. And, in case you were wondering . . . I’m falling in love with you as well.” He smirks in the most sinful way, pulling away from me as he walks to the door and allows himself out.


  Did this really happen?

  I don’t know how long I’m going to stand here in disbelief, but man . . . everything will need a bit to settle in.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The repeating buzzing of my phone causes me to ignore what I’m watching on the television with Daniella. I see it’s a message from the secured number the Clans own, and open it.

  Meeting. ASAP.

  Sighing heavily, I get up from where I sit beside her. “Dad, where are you going?” Daniella whines.

  “I have a work meeting. I’m sorry, sweetie. The staff will be here in the meantime while I’m gone, but I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  She looks down to the floor, obviously disappointed. “Okay. Do you want me to pause it and we can finish watching later?”

  How sweet. “No, go ahead and finish. I’ll catch up another time. Plus, don’t want to ruin the fun for you.”

  Daniella turns her attention back to the action movie we were watching together as I make my way to the door. Bianca was already visiting her parents and siblings anyway, so I try to get over to their brownstone as quickly as I can. My driver is ready by the time I make it to the parking garage and then we’re out on the streets of New York. Within about thirty minutes we’re at the brownstone. God, traffic is a bitch here.

  I head up the stairs and go in through the front door, immediately going up the stairwell to Ion’s study where many of the Clan meetings have been held in the past. There’s a new table in the middle of the room, enough for us all to sit down, meaning none of us will have to stand. What a nice change.

  While I take my seat I realize I must be the last they were waiting on. Mariana’s annoyed gaze seems to confirm it.

  Bianca is sitting directly beside her father, across from her mother and I sit a few chairs to her right. Mircea is across from me, and we both stare at each other while we wait for Ion or Mariana to begin the meeting.

  Mariana presses a couple of buttons on the laptop in front of them and within a moment we see the rest of the Clan members projected onto the wall at the empty end of the table. There is no greeting, going strictly into business.

  “Kronid has been found in Los Angeles. We have a few people on the ground who were able to break into his apartment. They found some troubling material, which leads us to believe he’s on his way to New York.” Ion states.

  Chatter amongst the Clan leaders rings out in the room, whether in person or here virtually.

  “Marcellus, I need you to reach out to Salvatore and your contact at the Arcane. I don’t want this asinine fool to make it anywhere close to my family, so, he will be put down like the animal he is.” Ion tells him, anger laced through his tone. His nostrils flare while a vein pops on his forehead.

  “Of course. Relay all the information to me and I’ll make calls right now. Is that alright?” Marcel asks Ion.

  Ion nods, “Of course, do what you need. We’ll speak later.”

  A beeping sound indicates Marcellus has dropped from the call, and on the wall his picture goes black.

  “Now, while I wait for Marcellus to get back to me, lets discuss some other Clan business, such as the impending
union between my daughter, Bianca, and Mircea Lazar.”

  I swear, my fucking heart stops beating straight in my chest. I glare across the table to Mircea, wondering if this is all a ploy to fuck with us, to get his way with Bianca. Though, before I can speak, Bianca has stood from her seat.

  “There will be no wedding between Mircea and I,” she states, firm in her decision. I know her attitude better than anyone else here.

  Mariana furrows her brows together, “What? Why not? It’s our duty, Bianca. Hell, I was promised to your father.”

  “And I’m betting you weren’t pregnant with another man’s child.” My eyes go wide at what she’s just said. Not because it’s in front of her parents, but all of these Clan leaders.

  Mariana’s eyes go wide and she sits up a bit straighter in her chair. “You can’t be serious.”

  Bianca grabs her purse from the back of her chair and fumbles through it, pulling out a photograph looking thing. Ah, it’s a sonogram. The one she showed me. I smile lightly, loving how my fearless woman isn’t afraid to let everyone know about the child we’ve created. She passes it across the table to her mother. “Tell me now how I’m not serious,”

  Mariana looks to the sonogram, then to Ion, then back to the sonogram. “I . . . who is the father? Please tell me this isn’t a one-night stand, or something of that matter.” She pulls a hand up to her nose and pinches the bridge.

  “Nope. The father is a man I’ve been seeing for quite some time, and a man who I’m very infatuated with.” Bianca says.

  I turn to get a better look at her and see the smile that pulls at her lips.

  “Well, who is it?” Ion questions.

  Instead of answering, Bianca walks down to where I sit, and makes herself comfortable on my lap. Mariana bursts out into laughter, practically falling off her chair. “Okay, now I know this is a sick joke. How long have you two been in on this?”


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