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Demise (The Clans Book 13)

Page 10

by Elizabeth Knox

  I’m sure most would be furious at what I’ve said to an eleven-year-old, but she isn’t a normal child. She’s experienced more heartbreak, trauma, and pain than most do in their entire lives. She wraps a finger in her hair and twists it while she chews on a nail. It’s obvious she’s worried.

  “What’s got you so flustered?” I’m not going to get anywhere by being sweet or ignoring what’s right in front of me.

  “You didn’t say anything about Mircea, Daddy. And, I know things are weird. But . . . I don’t want things to keep changing. I want a normal life. I want a family . . . and if that’s going to be you, Bianca, and Mircea, and my new baby sister . . . then I want it to be us, all of us. You said us, but nothing about Mircea. He’s our family too, right?”

  Fuck. I didn’t notice my screw up. “Yes, of course he is. I’m sorry, baby. I’m still getting used to things, to this new dynamic. It’s not something I’ve ever done before . . . but I love you all, even if it’s a different sort of love for some people.”

  “Okay . . ,” Daniella nods, hopping off her chair. “Can I go out into the backyard? I wanna sit on the patio out back and read. I have to know what happens to Alison.” She’s talked about this fictional girl time and time again, reminding me of Nancy Drew.

  I wave my hand, “Alright, go ahead. But, I may need my alphabetical organizer again later.” Daniella has been helping me put the books on their shelves by alphabetical order of the author’s last name.

  With a bright smile she grabs the hardback copy of her books and runs to the other end of the house. I wait until I hear the back door open and close before I go upstairs. I was lying through my teeth to Daniella and I have no regrets. No matter what, I’ll always put her interests above my own, even if it means giving her false hope. Something is wrong, and I intend on finding out what exactly is going on.

  Heading up the stairwell, I make a left and go down the hallway until I reach the nursery. The door is wide open and I lay my eyes on the soft pink color above the wainscoting before I see Bianca, kneeling on the ground, folding baby clothes.

  Her face is flushed pink and even from the doorway I can tell she’s been crying from the way her mascara’s smeared around the corner of her eyes. “You want to tell me what’s got you so upset, or do I need to dig it out of you?” I ask her, not speaking too loudly, but enough for Mircea to hear me. One thing I will say about him is that we’ll both do anything to ensure Bianca is happy, including ganging up on her. She hates it, but man, we make quite a team.

  Wheels against the wooden floor come from his office across the hallway from the nursery, and before I know it he’s in the doorway with me. “Did something happen?” Sometimes I think he and Daniella think the same way.

  “You just met with your father, right? What did he say?” I press her for answers. After all, it’s easy to tell she’s flustered and the reasoning must have something to do with her visit.

  Bianca stops folding and looks up to Mircea and I. Her hands shake in front of her and I can tell she’s trying to say something but her lip is trembling. Whatever’s happened is striking a fear within her that I’ve never witnessed before. Bianca is a Petran, and more than that, she is her mother’s daughter. Fire and ice run through her veins, so for something to have her so distraught is quite worrisome.

  “I . . . I was told they’re going to name me queen of the Clans sooner than we all thought, most likely in the next few years.” Bianca manages to speak, but it comes out in a broken whisper. Barely audible.

  I take a few steps and get closer to her, as does Mircea. While I’m thinking of what to ask her, he speaks. “Okay, so it’s a few years earlier . . . not bad, but now we know what our action plan needs to be.”

  Jesus. He’s speaking like he’s in a fucking marketing meeting. I’ve been here long enough to know something more pressing is the issue, and there’s only one reason a man like Ion would ever give a child warning of stepping down. One that rings too many bells with the Adame Clan— sickness.

  “Is Ion ill?”

  She whips her head to my direction and every emotion she’s kept pent up since speaking with her parents earlier today comes rushing out. Tears flow over her cheeks in an effortless manner. Mircea and I both hit the ground like our life depends on it. I pull her against me and let her cry on my shoulder, while Mircea takes her hand. “He . . . he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It’s why he’s been using the cane the last couple years. Not because of a back issue, but because of his nerves . . . they’re degenerating. I . . . I can’t bear the thought of this. I can’t imagine the toughest man I know turn into someone who’s going to need to depend on others for the simplest of tasks. I’m terrified . . . I’m so scared.” Bianca wraps her other hand around her stomach and holds our little girl close, probably the only comfort she can have in this moment.

  “Your father is going to be fine. He’s a stubborn bastard,” I assure her. There’s no way he’ll let this ailment take him down. Ion Petran isn’t that type of man. He’s a fighter.

  “The medical field has advanced so much, Bianca. He’s going to be okay. I promise. He may have to step down, but he won’t be going anywhere.” Mircea chimes in, trying to show his support as well.

  I nod my head in agreement and run my hand over her head, trying to calm her the only way I know how. However, this is all so fresh. This won’t go away overnight, but at least we know what we need to prepare for.




  Five Years Later . . .

  A chill brushes against my exposed shoulders as I walk down the street with Mihai, one of my most trusted guards, and my two-year-old American Mastiff, Elvis. Walking Elvis has become one of the only moments of solitude I can guarantee myself every day. However, I’ve come to realize after all these years that I will never have the pleasure of enjoying alone time like many people do. It simply isn’t possible, not with my position.

  “You alright, Bianca?” Mihai asks in his deep, yet concerning voice.

  He comes from one of the oldest Romanian families, and if it weren’t for Mircea’s father being so adamant about his family being inducted into the inner circle, I’m sure Mihai’s family would’ve been taking their place. I personally requested Mihai, knowing of his background in MMA as well as political sciences. He’s not only a man who can defend himself and protect his assignment, though is intelligent as well. All my life I’ve never enjoyed being hovered over like a child, but if I needed to have a security guard they might as well be someone I could have a decent conversation with.

  Turning my face to look at him, I nod. “Yes, only a bit anxious. Seeing my father tends to continuously make things . . . more tense.”

  “I can only imagine. He was a great leader, as you will be.” Mihai has always found a way to be a mind reader, knowing exactly what my inner demons are trying to convince me of. Deep down I know if my parents didn’t feel as though I was ready to take leadership of the Clans, they wouldn’t be giving it to me. Late at night it’s what I tell myself, and at the end of the day it’s what I’ll always tell myself. For I won’t let my insecurities take over and make me an even weaker woman for it.

  I smile sweetly as Elvis tugs on the leash, turning my attention in front of me. He’s trying to drag me toward his favorite men on the planet— Stefan and Mircea.

  “Bianca, can we bring Elvis? He loves the beach.” Daniella begs from the top of the stairs with a Prada bag tugged over her shoulder. I told her father we wouldn’t be spoiling her rotten like the other mafia daughters, but of course he couldn’t keep to his word. Daniella is his princess and he spoils her as so.

  Pressing my lips together, I cock a brow.

  “Yeah, Momma!” Cici, my youngest comes up beside her sister and grabs Daniella’s hand. “Please!”

  “Fine, but you’re watching his klutzy butt. Am I clear?” I say to Daniella.

  Her smile is wide enough to brighten anyone’s day as she pulls
her sister down the stairs with her. “Yay! C’mon Elvis. You’re coming with us.” Elvis rushes quickly, panting while he struggles to pull me along with him.

  I never saw myself as a dog person, but it’s evident they’re part of the family just as any human is. I walk along the cement sidewalk until I’m at the blacked-out SUV. It looks just like one does in the movies, with the shiny rims and tint so dark you can’t make anything out from the inside. I remember vehicles like this as a child, but man, they’ve really progressed over the years.

  Mihai takes Elvis’ leash from my hands and opens the back door to the SUV, allowing the dog to settle back into the third row with our girls. As he unhooks Elvis’ leash, Stefan goes to the other captain’s seat, and I sit beside him, directly in front of Daniella. Mircea will sit in the passenger seat as he always does, directly beside Mihai.

  I turn back to see Daniella has already helped Cici get into her car seat, and Elvis is sitting between the two of them happily. I open my mouth to ask Daniella a question about her schooling, when I see she’s rapidly texting away on her cellphone. Ah, teenagers.

  “Everyone has what they need, correct?” Stefan looks back to the girls.

  “Yes, Daddy. I already gave Mihai the bags earlier. They’re in the back.” Daniella replies in a snarky manner, getting a chuckle from him.

  “Your mother’s attitude seeps out of you more and more every day,” He mutters under his breath with a laugh.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing!” Daniella quips.

  Oh boy. We’re about to have a fight already. “Mihai, I think we’re good to go.” I say and he pulls out onto the street.

  Our trip was agonizingly long, listening to Stefan and Daniella bicker more and more. Mircea and I figured out a few days ago the reason they’re becoming so snappy is because of Daniella’s age. Her birthday is tomorrow and she’ll be turning the special sixteen. She has no idea the entire reason we’re going to my parents estate in the Hamptons is because we’ve all planned a massive birthday party for her.

  We pull down my parents driveway and Mihai enters the code in to pass through the gates. As he does so, I admire the serene New England charm. It’s always blown my mind how a short drive and we’re in what feels like a completely different world.

  Mihai pulls the car in front of the guest house where we often stay when we visit and Stefan opens his door then offers a hand to me. I take it with a smile, loving the way he still continues to be a complete gentleman to me.

  “You’re going to do great today. Don’t be worried.” Stefan pulls me against his chest and brushes back a stray hair.

  “Why is it you always have the right words to say?” I ask with a sigh, smiling lightly.

  “After all these years my love, I think we’ve grown to know each other’s quirks.” He presses his lips against mine ever so sweetly, showing me in a simple peck how much he not only loves me, but is here for me as well.

  “Come on, sweetheart. We’d better get you inside. We do have quite the event to prepare for.” Mircea comes from around the other side of the SUV, urging me to hurry the hell up. He might sound sweet, but trust me, he’s only doing it because he knows I’m nervous to be formally named Queen of the Clans.

  I knew this day would come, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would come so quickly, or happen like this.

  “Bianca, you’re here.” My mother’s doting tone causes me to dart behind me. She’s walking up the concrete stairwell that leads down to the pool with Ysenia beside her. My younger sister has the biggest smile on her face, ready for me to take my rightful role.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Mom thinks you would’ve cut town and made a big tadoo about it. You know, in typical Bianca style.” Ysenia sticks her tongue out at me, poking fun.

  I roll my eyes, “You’re such a brat and you know it.”

  “Mhm, and the professional brat taught me.” Ysenia giggles, approaching me.

  Mom comes to a halt and looks over to Stefan, who I doubt has changed much in his years, besides the salt and pepper tone of his hair. “Well, it looks like at the end of the day you got what you wanted— the Queen.” She laughs lightly that tells me she was joking.

  “The most power hungry bastard if I’ve ever seen one,” The deep voice I know belongs to my father comes from behind me. He stands, more so leaning against his cane. It’s always hard to see him, never knowing if he’s going to have a good day or a bad one. His beard goes down to his chest in a perfectly styled way, just as he always has been. The creme de la creme of men as my mother says.

  “Aw, now you’re going to hurt my feelings.” Mircea chuckles, walking up to my father they exchange a hug.

  Stefan and my father will never have the relationship he and Mircea have, though at least I can be grateful they respect each other. For a while it wasn’t easy, but I’m so grateful that we’re at this point, and more than that, I’m excited for the next page of our lives. Not only as becoming queen, but because of the life growing within me.

  I’m ready for this.

  I’m ready for everything.

  Curious as to what happens to Kronid?

  Blood & Agony releases in January!





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