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The Orphans of Davenport

Page 39

by Marilyn Brookwood

  Wall, Joseph Frasier, and The Federal Writers’ Project. Iowa, a Guide to the Hawkeye State. American Guide Series. New York: The Viking Press, 1938.

  Wellman, Beth L. “Some New Basis for Interpretation of the IQ.” The Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology 41, no. 1 (1932): 116–26.

  Wellman, Beth L., and George D. Stoddard. “The I.Q.: A Problem in Social Construction.” The Social Frontier 5, no. 42 (1939): 151–52.

  Zenderland, Leila. Measuring Minds: Henry Herbert Goddard and the Origins of American Intelligence Testing. Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

  Zigler, Edward, and Susan Muenchow. Head Start: The Inside Story of America’s Most Successful Educational Experiment. New York: Basic Books, 1992.


  Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

  AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 146, 170–72

  Abecedarian Project, 277–78, 281


  adoptive fathers’ occupational levels, 93, 142, 230

  adoptive parents’ lawsuit, 54, 56, 158

  BD’s and CD’s adoptions, 103–4

  birth fathers’ intelligence, 141, 180

  birth fathers’ occupational levels, 141–142

  birth mothers’ intelligence, 141, 145, 180

  case 4 development while at Glenwood, 121, 233

  case 7 development while at Glenwood, 120–21, 232–33

  case 10 development while at Glenwood, 122–123, 234

  case 13 development while at Glenwood, 123

  of children in Davenport preschool study, 130, 138, 139, 178–79

  Davenport Home as Iowa’s central facility, 4–5, 51–52

  effect of age at adoption, 97, 142, 143, 145, 261

  effects on Davenport infants, 141–44, 207

  Skeels follow-up studies, 163,188, 230–233

  Skodak follow-up studies, 229, 239–40, 261

  higher-than-expected adoptee IQ test results, 95–97, 104

  Iowa’s policy on disrupted adoptions, 57, 94

  IQ scores of adopted Davenport orphans, 142

  life stories of birth parents, 142–44

  process of, in Iowa, 51–53, 56–57, 91–94

  random placements by Davenport Home, 52, 93–94, 97, 141

  Romanian orphans adopted by foreign parents, 267

  selective placement, 93, 180, 270

  studies of adoptees, 9, 45, 46

  testing before finalization in Iowa, 57, 91–94

  Wendell Hoffman (Louis Carroll Branca), 6, 126, 187, 234–35

  “Adult Status of Children” (Skeels), 243, 247–49

  Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) questionnaire, 276

  African Americans, effect of migrating to North, 151, 175, 182

  Akihito, emperor, 197

  Allen, Garland, 86, 116

  alpha activity or alpha waves, 273

  American Association for Mental Deficiency (AAMD), 25, 158, 246, 247, 251

  American Breeders Association, 69, 86

  American Civil Liberties Union, 198

  American Eugenics Society, 79, 89, 115

  “American Gothic” (Wood), 189

  American Psychological Association (APA)

  environment effects on intelligence, 147, 225

  founded by G. Stanley Hall, 66, 251

  G. Stanley Hall Award, 251, 260

  homosexuality as a mental illness, 257

  industrial psychology division, 250

  Lewis Terman as president, 71, 207

  Marie Skodak and, 262

  Robert M. Yerkes as president, 69

  Robert R. Sears as president, 206

  amygdala, 275

  Anda, Robert F., 276

  Anderson, Harold, 214–15

  Anderson, John, 159, 170

  “Are Dummies Born or Made?” (Wiggam), 152–53

  army recruits, intelligence tests of, 69–70, 71, 72, 84, 115, 116–17

  Asbell, Bernard, 249–50

  Auster, Simon, 221, 241–42, 256, 257

  Bagley, William, 113–14

  Bakwin, Harry, 217–18

  Baldwin, Bird

  case studies, 37

  death, 38, 40, 41

  director at Iowa station, 36–38, 44, 118

  engagement to Beth Wellman, 41

  on environment and development, 37–38, 44, 115, 118, 151, 226

  study of farm children, 36, 41, 45

  Barr, Bernadine, 135

  Barrett, Helen E., 117

  Bayley, Nancy, 176

  Bayley Scales of Infant Development II (BSID II), 271


  adoption, 103–4

  birth, 60

  in cottage at Davenport Home, 61–62

  diagnosis by Skeels, 62

  environment at Woodward State Hospital, 101–3, 111

  improvement at Woodward State Hospital, 99–100, 103, 104, 158, 217–18

  in nursery at Davenport Home, 60

  observation by Skeels at Woodward State Hospital, 101–3

  placement at Woodward State Hospital, 63–64, 111, 158

  Skeels’s follow-up visit to BD and family, 231–32

  BEIP (Bucharest Early Intervention Project), 269–72, 274, 281

  Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein and Murray), 259

  Bernstein, Charles, 24–25

  beta activity or beta waves, 273

  Better Baby competitions, 77, 82

  Binet, Alfred

  case studies, 37

  death, 67, 160

  environment’s role in development, 9, 40, 97, 150, 159–60

  on judgment and intelligence, 22–23, 39

  mental age, 22–23, 67

  on nature of intelligence, 22, 23, 39, 40, 67, 97

  purpose of testing, 21–22, 39, 66, 68

  Binet-Simon test, 21–22, 66

  Bird, Grace E., 176

  Bivin Foundation, 203–4, 256

  Black, Edwin, 89

  Blair, Clancy, 275–76

  Boas, Franz, 86, 164–65

  Boring, Edwin, 71

  Bowlby, John, 218, 240

  brain changes related to experience, 226–27

  Branca, Genevieve Carroll, 126, 187, 234–35, 236

  Branca, Louis Carroll (formerly Wendell Hoffman), 3–4, 5–6, 123–26, 187, 234–36, 252–53, 255

  Branca, Louis P., 126, 187, 234, 235, 236

  Brazziel, William F., 259

  Brigham, Carl C., 114–17

  Bronfenbrenner, Dr. (father of Urie), 227

  Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 227–28, 251

  Brookings Institution, 279

  Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP), 269–72, 274, 281

  Buchenwald (concentration camp), 213–14

  Buck, Carrie, 87–88

  Buckner, Mayo, 125

  Bumbry, Grace, 252

  Burgess, E. W., 165

  Burks, Barbara, 42, 114, 117, 149, 173, 185–86, 242

  Burt, Cyril, 258

  Campbell, Frances, 277–78

  “Can an I.Q. Change?” (Wellman), 149

  Carmichael, Leonard, 164

  Carnegie Foundation, 59, 143, 153

  Carnegie Institution, 80, 82, 84, 89, 173, 184–85, 242–43

  case 4 (Glenwood experimental group), 121, 233

  case 7 (Glenwood experimental group), 120–21, 232

  case 9 (Glenwood experimental group), 121–22, 233–34

  case 10 (Glenwood experimental group), 122–23, 234

  case 13 (Glenwood experimental group), 123

  case 15 (Skeels statistical contrast group), 127, 236

  case 17 (Skeels statistical contrast group), 127–28, 237

  case 19 (Skeels statistical contrast group), 129–30, 238, 249

  case 20 (Skeels statistical contrast group), 128, 237–38

  “Case of
the Wandering IQs, The” (Asbell), 249–50

  case study method, 9, 37, 240

  Cattell, Raymond, 157


  adoption, 103–4

  birth, 57

  in cottage at Davenport Home, 61–62

  diagnosis by Skeels, 62

  environment at Woodward State Hospital, 101–3, 111

  improvement at Woodward State Hospital, 99–100, 103, 104, 158, 217–18

  in nursery at Davenport Home, 58–60, 62–64, 99–101, 103–4

  observation by Skeels at Woodward State Hospital, 101–3

  placement at Woodward State Hospital, 63–64, 111, 158

  Skeels’s follow-up visit to CD and family, 230–31

  Ceaus, escu, Elena, 265

  Ceaus, escu, Nicolae, 265, 266

  cell biology, 86, 244

  Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, 59, 274, 280

  Chase, Allan, 214

  Chicago Child Parent Centers (CPC), 278

  “Child Development: A New Approach to Education” (Stoddard), 195

  Child Psychology (Stoddard and Wellman), 118

  Children in Foster Homes: A Study of Mental Development (Skodak), 142, 162

  Child Study Movement, 66

  Christian Home Orphanage (Council Bluffs, Iowa), 52

  Clark University, 65–66, 251

  Collester, Ethel, 196

  Colvin, Stephen S., 113

  concentration camps, 213–14

  Conklin, Edwin Grant, 26

  constancy (IQ constancy), 41–42, 45–46, 111, 150–51, 258–59

  Cook, Robert, 185–86

  “Corn Culture vs. Child Culture” (Hillis), 35

  Cravens, Hamilton, 7, 36–37, 161, 184, 186

  Crèche (Beirut), 219

  Crick, Francis, 86

  Crissey, Marie Skodak (née Marie Skodak). see Skodak, Marie

  Crissey, Orlo, 28, 144, 250

  Dalglish, Cass, 255

  Danese, Andrea, 275

  Darrow, Clarence, 85

  Darwin, Charles, 73–74, 75, 227

  Davenport, Charles Benedict, 26, 79–81, 82, 86, 88, 115

  Davenport Home (Iowa Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home)

  adoption effects on Davenport infants, 141–44, 207

  adoption process, 51–53, 56–57

  cottages, 4, 27, 61–62, 133, 136–37, 281

  deaths of children, 217

  decline of IQ scores of residents, 6, 46–47, 272

  description in 1901 pamphlet, 280–81

  early history, 4–5

  environment for children, 29, 48–50, 133, 204, 217, 281

  follow-ups on Skodak adoption studies, 229, 239–40, 261

  Skeels statistical contrast group, follow-up, 188, 236–38, 247, 248–49

  Skeels statistical contrast group, overview, 126–27, 130, 161, 188, 218

  Iowa’s central adoption facility, 4–5, 51–52

  IQ scores of siblings surrendered to Davenport, 145, 150, 272

  IQ tests mandated for residents, 5, 55

  lawsuit by adoptive parents, 54, 56, 158

  loneliness of children, 29, 54

  nursery, 58–60

  overcrowding during Depression, 5, 8, 9, 49–50, 158

  partnership with Iowa station, 56, 202

  preschool study, adoption of children, 130, 138, 139

  preschool study, design, 132–35

  preschool study, experiences and results, 135–40, 144–45

  preschool study, McNemar critique of, 178–79

  random adoption placements by, 52, 93–94, 97, 141

  reasons children were sent to Davenport, 5, 50

  studies of adoptees, 9

  study of orphans proposed by Hillis, 35

  Zerwekh administration, 53–55, 97

  see also Woodward-Glenwood study

  Davenport, Iowa, history, 48

  Davidson, Eric H., 244

  Davis, Jefferson, 48

  Dawe, Helen, 129

  Day, Edmond E., 196

  Dearborn, Walter Fenno, 228

  Dennis, Wayne, 218–19

  Deutsch, Martin, 225–26, 249

  developmental milestones, 56, 59–60, 61, 120, 121

  developmental quotient (DQ), 271–72

  Dewey, Thomas E., 197

  Dionne quintuplets, 185

  dominant traits, 75–76, 85

  Dust Bowl, 8, 16, 33, 158, 185

  Dye, Harold, 109–10, 158, 159, 178

  Early Head Start, 279

  Educational Records Bureau, 147

  Edward VII (king), 76

  electroencephalogram (EEG), 270, 272–73

  environment, influence on intelligence. see specific topics and individuals

  ERO. see Eugenics Record Office

  Essays of a Humanist (Huxley), 244

  Eugenical News, The, 81–82, 88

  Eugenical Sterilization in the United States (Terman), 83

  eugenics and eugenicists

  attacks on Iowa station results, 7, 10–11, 90, 178

  beliefs, 2, 72

  on control of human reproduction, 25–26

  critics of eugenics, 84–87, 116

  “differential birth rate” problem, 76

  effects of Nazi war crimes, 214

  institutions to segregate the unfit, 8, 72, 77, 91

  National Socialists (Nazis), 88, 89, 214

  negative eugenics, 75, 76

  origin of term, 74

  positive eugenics, 74–75, 76, 77

  racism, 83–84, 86

  selective breeding promoted, 2

  sterilization advocated by, 69, 72, 77

  unit trait inheritance, 75–76, 80, 85–86, 90, 116

  see also specific individuals Brigham, Darwin, Davenport, Jennings, Mendel

  Eugenics Cult, The (Darrow), 85

  Eugenics Record Office (ERO)

  Carnegie Institution and, 84, 89

  Charles Davenport and, 80, 84, 88

  enthusiasm for perfecting the human race, 82–83

  Eugenical News, The, 81–82, 88

  Laughlin, Harry and, 80–83, 87, 89

  research and questionnaires, 80–81, 89–87

  support for Nazi cause, 88

  Trait Book, 81

  Eugenics Research Association, 79, 88, 89

  Evans, Tripp, 256

  event-related potential (ERP), 270

  “Experimental Research in Child Psychology” (McCandless and Spiker), 215–16

  Eysenck, Hans, 258

  “Factors in the Adult Achievement of Gifted Men” (Terman), 208

  Felitti, Vincent, 276

  Felton, Harold E., 104–5

  Fillmore, Eva A., 145, 272

  Fitter Family competitions, 77, 82

  foster care programs, Romania

  BEIP (Bucharest Early Intervention Project), 269–72, 274, 281

  effect of age at placement, 271–72

  effect on IQ and DQ scores, 271–72

  not established in Romania, 266, 269

  temporary placement in America, 269

  see also adoption

  Fox, Nathan A., 268, 274

  Frank, Lawrence K., 45, 173, 201–2

  Franklin, Rosalind, 86

  Freeman, Frank N., 118, 164

  Frost, Robert, 194

  Fruit of the Family Tree, The (Wiggam), 148

  Gallup, George, 168

  Galton, Francis, 72, 73–75, 76, 79, 117

  Galton Society, 79

  Gaucher’s disease, 236, 248

  Genetic Studies of Genius (Terman), 72, 199, 208

  Genius and Stupidity (Terman), 66

  George Davis Bivin Foundation, 203–4, 256

  Gesell, Arnold, 56, 77–79, 165

  Gladwin, Thomas, 222–23, 228

  Glenwood Institution for Feebleminded Children, overview, 46, 109–10

  environment experienced by children, 119

  experimental group, follow-up, 187–88, 232–36, 246, 247–49r />
  follow-up report article and presentation, 243, 247–49, 262

  overview, 6–7, 109–11, 130, 150, 158, 218

  proposed plan for study, 104–5, 109

  reports on Davenport orphans studied at Glenwood

  case 4 (experimental group), 121, 233

  case 7 (experimental group), 120–21, 232

  case 9 (experimental group), 121–22, 233–34

  case 10 (experimental group), 122–23, 234

  case 13 (experimental group), 123

  Wendell Hoffman (case 11; Louis Carroll Branca), 6, 123–26, 234–36

  see also Skeels, Harold M.

  Goddard, Henry H.

  as clinician, 20

  intelligence as inherited quality, 20, 23–24, 33, 160

  Laski and, 79

  mental testing of immigrants, 68

  mental testing of the retarded, 21–22, 68–69

  as Skodak’s mentor, 21, 24, 25–26, 30–31, 33, 79

  at Vineland School, 21, 68

  Goethe, Charles M., 89

  Goldfarb, William, 218

  Goodenough, Florence

  contempt for Iowa’s work, 157, 159, 171, 224

  correspondence with Terman, 154, 170, 182–83, 193

  death, 257

  heredity argument on nursery schools and IQ, 181

  NSSE 1940 Yearbook committee, 164, 165

  research at University of Minnesota, 253

  Gosney, Ezra S., 89, 162

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 69, 258

  Grant, Madison, 79, 83–84, 115, 149

  Great Society programs, 224, 278

  Greene, Melissa Fay, 267

  Gulik, Luther H., 195–96

  gun violence, 276

  Haller, Mark, 83

  Hall, G. Stanley, 65–66, 251

  Hancher, Virgil M., 190

  Harriman, Mary Williamson, 80

  Harris, Ben, 78–79

  Havighurst, Robert J., 222, 223, 228, 257

  Head Start program, 224, 226, 242, 249–50, 258–59, 278–80, 281

  Hebb, Donald O., 226–27, 242, 259

  Heckman, James, 277–78

  Hereditary Genius (Galton), 72, 74, 117

  Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men (Conklin), 26

  Heredity in Relation to Eugenics (Davenport), 80–81

  Herrnstein, Richard J., 259

  Hildreth, Gertrude, 176

  Hilgard, Ernest, 209

  Hillis, Cora Bussey, 33–36

  Hinton, Ralph T. Jr., 176

  hippocampus, 275

  Hirohito, emperor, 197

  Hitler, Adolf, 20, 84, 88, 89, 154, 214

  Hoffman, Viola, 1–3, 5

  Hoffman, Wendell (Louis Carroll Branca), 3–4, 5–6, 123–26, 187, 234–36, 252–53, 255

  Hollingworth, Leta, 157, 164

  hollows in Blue Ridge Mountains, 117–18, 151


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