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Danger Dan Tackles the Majulah Mayhem

Page 4

by Monica Lim

  “WAIT!” shouted Melody, chasing after him. “I want to talk to you!”

  Danny looked bewildered but followed Melody. “What’s happening?” he asked. “Who’s the man? WHY ARE WE RUNNING?”

  “It’s HIM!” Melody yelled to Danny. “Johnny is the time-travel guy!”

  In a strange twist of events, Mr Majulah’s friend is the Sinister Spy! Why is he here? What is he after? Danger Dan needs answers. But first, he has to catch the Sinister Spy!

  The Sinister Spy pushes past the throngs of people in the amusement park. Danger Dan and Gadget Girl weave through the crowd in hot pursuit. The Sinister Spy heads for the entrance in an attempt to escape. Not if Danger Dan can help it! Just a few more steps and the crafty villain will be within his reach.

  Suddenly, the Sinister Spy turns and ducks behind a toy store. Haha! Now they’ve got him! He’s cornered! There’s no way out. But the Sinister Spy is unfazed. He gives the table a massive shove, sending a deluge of toys flying in Danger Dan and Gadget Girl’s direction.

  Danger Dan leaps to the side to avoid the table. Gadget Girl shields herself from a shower of plastic cars.

  By the time they look up, the Sinister Spy is already out of the amusement park, a speck in the distance.

  “My toys!” wailed the stall keeper in dismay, looking at the toys strewn all over the ground.

  “Don’t worry, Uncle, we’ll help you pick them up!” said Danny, springing into action. Melody and the stall keeper set the overturned table right. Danny grabbed armfuls of toys and placed them on the table.

  Just as Danny and Melody had retrieved the last of the toys, Zubir Said and his family came running up. “Are you two alright?” asked Zubir Said, concerned. He looked perplexed. “I don’t understand. Why did Johnny run away?”

  “Because he’s a thie—!” began Danny indignantly but once again, his sentence was cut short by Melody elbowing him in the side. “We don’t understand it either,” interrupted Melody. “But we’ve met him before and it’s really important that we speak to him.”

  “Okay,” said Zubir Said, sounding puzzled.

  The toy stall keeper approached Melody gratefully. “Thank you for helping me tidy up the stall. Please, help yourself to a toy.” Melody remembered the plaything that had enthralled Rohana and picked up the toy xylophone. She handed it to Rohana who looked at Melody adoringly like she was an angel from heaven.

  Zubir Said was touched. “Thank you. You truly are a very kind girl,” he said gratefully. “Your parents must be very proud of you. Now, I think we’ve had enough excitement for today. Let’s go home.”

  By the time they reached Kwan’s home, Danny’s stomach was rumbling again. The kacang puteh had only filled a fraction of his tummy. “I’m hungry, Melody,” grumbled Danny. Melody turned to Danny to tell him to quit complaining but she stopped short. Her mouth fell open. “Uh-oh.”

  “What?” asked Danny suspiciously.

  Melody looked worried. “I’m starting to see blue streaks around you. I think you’ve been away from your time period for too long. We have to fix this time warp and get you back home by tomorrow. Otherwise, you could be stuck in 1947 forever!”

  “Nooo!” Danny was horrified. “I don’t want to be stuck here! There’s nothing here—no computer games, no TV, not even food!” However, Danny and Melody were too tired to contemplate the scary scenario further. They went straight to bed. Danny had no intention of going through another paralysing night on the floor so he curled up in a corner of the bed. Melody’s kicks in the night were nothing compared to being surrounded by discourteous cockroaches.

  They woke up bright and early the next morning. This time, Danny had slept like a log. Kwan handed Danny and Melody a steamed meat bun each. Danny gobbled his up in no time at all. Kwan was listening to a box-like radio with a large speaker. She fiddled with one of the knobs to get the right frequency. Finally, a voice came on in Chinese dialect. The urgency in the voice caught Danny’s attention. “What is he saying?” asked Danny curiously.

  “Oh, it’s bad,” replied Kwan, frowning. “There’s another bus strike happening now, near a bus depot. The bus drivers are protesting against their low pay and bad working conditions.”

  “Bus drivers?” asked Melody uneasily. “But Uncle Zubir just signed up as a bus driver! Will he be in danger?”

  Kwan nodded. “Bus strikes happen very frequently now and they can get violent. Some people have been killed before.” Upon hearing that, Melody jumped up. “No!” she cried. “We have to make sure he’s safe! Where’s the bus depot?”

  “It’s quite close by. In fact, you can hear the noise from here.” Kwan raised an eyebrow. “But surely you’re not thinking of going there? It’s too dangerous!”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine!” said Danny grandly. “Danger is my middle name! No, wait, it’s my first name! No, wait…never mind!” Danny and Melody dashed out of the shophouse and headed towards the commotion. The ruckus grew louder and more ominous as they drew closer to it.

  They arrived at a small bus depot. Melody saw a parked bus numbered ‘21’ and it reminded her of the Hover Bus 21 that she took to school every day.

  No one was driving any buses that day. An angry mob of bus drivers had gathered to protest. A few policemen in blue-grey shirts and khaki shorts were trying rather unsuccessfully to control the situation. The crowd grew increasingly agitated.

  The two children hung back, hoping to catch sight of Zubir Said. “Can you see him?” asked Danny, who was jumping up and down. It was difficult to spot someone when you were shorter than everyone else.

  Melody removed her hair clip and tapped on it. “I’ll run a facial recognition search.” Danny was impressed. “Whoa!” he gushed. “My computer doesn’t even have a camera!” Melody did a quick scan of the surroundings. Her hair clip computer instantly analysed the face of every person around her. In less than a minute, the computer buzzed. “Target identified. Zubir Said—two o’clock.”

  “He’s over there!” pointed Melody. Danny wasted no time. With his small stature, he agilely moved in and out of the crowd and reached Zubir Said before Melody did. The crowd was getting more heated by the minute. Pushes turned into shoves, and bumps became blows.

  “Uncle Zoo-beer!” cried Danny urgently. “You need to get out of here now!”

  “Danny?” Zubir Said turned around, startled. “What are you doing here? It’s dangerou—LOOK OUT!”

  A sharp rock was flung in their direction and Zubir Said pushed Danny out of harm’s way just in time. Danny stumbled forward before he tripped and fell to the ground. Instinctively, he buried his head in his hands as jostling protesters and policemen came menacingly close to crushing him. He was surrounded by a sea of legs. The protesters began to throw whatever they could get their hands on at the police—cans, rocks, even bottles.

  When Melody reached Danny, she found him crouching down, in danger of getting trampled on. “Get Danny out of here!” she heard Zubir Said holler from a few metres away. Thinking on her feet, she unhooked a small black pouch that was attached to her belt. She pulled out a red pellet and threw it onto the ground.

  A cloud of red smoke engulfed them. Danny watched in amazement as the red smoke swirled and formed the image of a raging bull with scarlet eyes. Startled and confused, the protesters backed away, giving Melody and Danny a clear path to escape.

  “Cover your nose and hold your breath,” ordered Melody. She grabbed Danny’s arm and led him through the thick wall of smoke. They emerged unscathed at a corner of the bus depot, free from the angry protesters. Their eyes watered a little from the smoke.

  “What is that?” panted Danny. “Where did you get it?”

  “It’s a Rainbow Riot. I have a whole pouch of them,” explained Melody. “Essentially, they’re coloured smoke bombs. They’re harmless though. We use them for parties.”

  “Whoa!” Danny thought they were the coolest things ever. They were just like Energia’s energy orbs in his Fantas
y Squad comic books. The parties in the future must be so awesome! If only he could get his hands on some Rainbow Riots. He would be the most popular boy in school!

  Melody interrupted his thoughts. “Hang on!” She looked around wildly. “Where’s Uncle Zubir?” As the remnants of the smoke cleared, they caught sight of Zubir Said still surrounded by the protesters, clutching his knee. He tried to limp away but was accidentally knocked down by another protester.

  Right at that moment, Danny spotted Johnny in his cap, standing among the crowd. His spider-like watch glistened as he poised to throw the glass bottle in his hand. It was aimed at Zubir Said!

  Danger Dan has to save Mr Majulah! Thinking quickly, he snatches Gadget Girl’s pouch and flings a Power Orb at the Sinister Spy.

  A purple monarch butterfly materialises and unfurls its expansive wings, completely blocking the Sinister Spy’s view. This is Danger Dan’s chance! He bounds right into the heart of the Sinister Spy’s army. “Mr Majulah!” he calls out. “Are you alright? We need to get you out of here now!”

  The purple smoke dissipates, giving the Sinister Spy a clear shot at Mr Majulah. The vicious villain hurls the glass bottle and it flies through the air in a perfect arc. Danger Dan gives Mr Majulah a giant heave and hauls him to his feet.

  Just in time! The bottle smashes harmlessly onto the ground. Danger Dan turns to glance at the Sinister Spy but he has vanished. A faint blue silhouette lingers where he stood.

  “Follow me!” Danger Dan tells Mr Majulah. He litters the ground with Power Orbs.

  A majestic yellow eagle soars out of one. Blue smoke transforms into a lumbering rhino. From a green puff, a cobra with a large hood appears, slithering up into the sky with two pointy fangs and a pair of cunning slit eyes. The nearby Sinister Soldiers withdraw in fear.

  However, more determined Sinister Soldiers make their way towards Danger Dan. The hopelessly outnumbered Agents struggle to hold the mob back. There is a deluge of rocks and Danger Dan hears the sound of shattering glass. The situation is dire.

  But Danger Dan is undaunted! He showers Power Orbs liberally in all directions.

  Smoke animals explode in a myriad of colours like a blossoming jungle. A great brown bear stands in the middle of the crowd together with a silver wolf baring its razor-sharp teeth. Flustered pink flamingos surprise a pair of Agents.

  A violet giraffe with an outrageously long neck shoots towards the sky, towering over the mayhem while a playful blue dolphin leaps over the heads of the Sinister Soldiers. Sitting in a corner, a scaly emerald crocodile brandishes its formidable jaw. An orange dragon rockets out with climactic flourish. A light breeze carries the orange smoke through the air, making it seem as if the dragon is swooping in for the kill.

  The Sinister Soldiers are terrified out of their wits! They scatter and retreat. Danger Dan pulls Mr Majulah through the various pillars of rainbow smoke and sets him down safely next to Gadget Girl.

  Once again, Danger Dan saves the day!

  Danny, Melody and Zubir Said took a moment to survey what was left of the riot. The protesters had fled and the ground was littered with glass shards and stones.

  “I didn’t realise that being a bus driver could be so dangerous,” said Zubir Said slowly. “I never meant to join the riot. I just reported for work and suddenly, all these bus drivers surrounded me! You really shouldn’t have come here. You’re very brave children but you could have been hurt.”

  The children helped Zubir Said up. There was a cut on his knee but it wasn’t too serious. As they walked with him to his home, Melody tried one last time to persuade him. “Uncle Zubir, looks like being a bus driver is really not something for you—you’re destined to be a musician. Singapore needs your music.”

  Zubir Said replied softly, “You may be right. If only I could be sure…” He opened the door to his home. Rohana was playing a simple tune on her toy xylophone. On seeing her father’s grazed knee, she exclaimed, “Papa! What happened?” Her mother rose from her chair with a worried expression.

  “Don’t worry, I’m okay!” assured Zubir Said. “It’s just a small cut. I got caught in the bus strike.”

  Rohana’s mother frowned. “Zubir, I know you became a bus driver for our sake but it’s not safe with all the strikes going on. I’m worried about you.”

  Zubir Said watched his daughter play the xylophone. She sang a traditional children’s song and her innocent voice lightened the atmosphere in the room. After a while, her parents joined in—Rohana’s mother with her sweet, soulful voice and Zubir Said, with his rich baritone. It was the picture of a happy family.

  Inspiration struck Danny. “You see, Uncle Zoo-beer, music makes your family happy!”

  Rohana’s mother nodded. “He’s right, Zubir. You know your heart is in music. You will never be happy doing something that’s not related to music.” She reminded him, “That’s why you came to Singapore in the first place—to become a musician. Music has always been your passion.”

  Zubir Said took his wife’s hand. He smiled at her and then turned to Danny and Melody. “You were right all along. Music is what keeps this family together. It is in my blood. Thank you for helping me see that.”

  At last! The national anthem was saved! Danny couldn’t control his delight and began to hum the tune to “Majulah Singapura”. “That’s an interesting melody,” said Zubir Said, nodding his head to the beat. “You seem to have quite an ear for music.”

  Danny puffed up his chest with pride. He may not have musical bones but he sure had a musical ear!

  Danny and Melody left Zubir Said’s home and visited Kwan to bid her farewell.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay!” said Kwan, visibly relieved when she saw them. “I heard on the radio it was very chaotic. But luckily, the police managed to stop the strike using special smoke bombs. Did you see them? The radio said it’s probably a new invention by the British—very effective. What I don’t understand is why some people reported seeing animals. One man said he saw a purple giraffe! What a crazy story.”

  “Yeah! Crazy, right?” replied Melody, shooting Danny a knowing look. “I’m sorry but we have to leave now. We want to thank you for sheltering us and feeding us these past two days. I don’t know what we would have done without you! Please thank your mother for us too.”

  “Alright,” replied Kwan. “It was nice having you guys around. If you’re ever in this area again, drop by and say hello, okay?”

  “Okay,” said Danny. He took one last look at his grandma as a young girl and suddenly gave her a bear hug. “You’re amazing!” he said. Kwan was still smiling when they left the shophouse.

  As Melody and Danny headed towards the alleyway where Danny had first appeared, Melody pondered the mystery of Johnny. “Remember, when we went back to 1964, Alec Fraser-Brunner told us that a guy named John was trying to steal his drawings? The thief on the bicycle must have been John. So ‘John’ and ‘Johnny’ are the same guy!”

  “Do you think he was also caught in the time warp like you?” asked Danny quizzically. “Maybe that’s how he can time-travel too.”

  “I don’t know,” said Melody with a furrowed brow. “I’m curious about that spider-like watch he has. It looks so advanced. I’m from the future and I’ve never seen anything like it!”

  Who is this mysterious, multi-persona Sinister Spy with a spider watch? Danger Dan wonders. The Sinister Spy with a spider…The Sinister Spy has a spider…Of course! From now on, he shall be known as the Sinister SPYDER!

  “What are you muttering on about?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” said Danny hastily. “Anyway, Uncle Zoo-beer is back to being a musician so everything’s okay now, right?”

  “I certainly hope so!” exclaimed Melody. “I really want to get back to my time period. It would be a catastrophe if events in history keep changing!”

  “Well, you can always bring me back,” replied Danny, striking a superhero pose. “In times of crisis, who do you call? Danger Dan, of course!”

  “You really are a qwirklehead!” said Melody but she was laughing so Danny knew she didn’t really mean it this time. Whatever ‘qwirklehead’ meant.

  “You really must go now,” said Melody. “The blue streaks around you are vibrating like crazy.” They reached the spot in the alleyway where Danny had arrived two days ago. Just like before, Melody traced the outline of an archway with her finger and gave Danny a gentle push through the portal.

  Danny found himself back in the MRT train just as the recorded voice announced, “Aljunied.” Similar to the last time he had time-travelled, no one on the train seemed to notice that he had just appeared from nowhere. It was as if time had stood still.

  As the train doors opened and Danny stepped out of the train with his family, his mother glanced at him and her eyes widened in disbelief. “You really are a dirt magnet! How on earth did you get so dirty just from a train ride?”

  Danny looked down at himself. His shirt was wrinkled and had dried out laksa stains. His arms had a hint of coloured residue from the Rainbow Riots and his shoes were caked with mud. His hair was all mussed up, like he had been caught in a tornado. Even Danny had to admit he’d seen better days.

  Grandma’s HDB flat was a short walk from Aljunied MRT station. Danny realised that it wasn’t too far from her 1947 home. Grandma must really like living in this neighbourhood.

  When Danny’s family walked into Grandma’s home, the table was already set. The entire table was a festival of green. The bowls were filled with green soup. The plates were heaped with greens. A jug of green juice waited on the side. Even the tablecloth was green.

  Danny’s sisters groaned but to his parents’ surprise, Danny rushed to the table and said, “Yummy! Let’s eat! I’m STARVING!” Throughout lunch, his sisters stared at him in disbelief. Danny shovelled long beans and lady’s fingers into his mouth. He slurped up spinach soup. He gobbled up bean sprouts (already plucked). Then he washed everything down with a cold glass of wheatgrass juice.


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