Book Read Free


Page 7

by Nicole Coverdale

  “30 years ago.”

  “Whoa. And here I thought I was dating an old guy from another lifetime!”

  “Nope. I’ve been around just as long as you,” Sky said, grinning up at her. He sobered, glancing over at his family. “But I’m glad they got a chance to move on with their lives. I would never want them to spend their lives alone, because of me.”

  “You’re a good man, Sky.”

  “I just care about my family.”

  “So, why are you showing this to me?”

  “Because you need to know the truth about me. Who I am. How I came to be. Why I care so much. It’s part of who I am, and you should know that about me.” He nodded. “Look.”

  Jasmine turned her head, frowning, as a reign of white light flooded the room. What now?

  “Oh my goodness! He’s so small!” a young woman with short, curly, brown hair was saying as she leaned over Sky.

  “One of the Gods?” Jasmine asked, glancing over at Sky, nodding to her gold robes. “This is when you were reborn?”

  Sky nodded. “Yes.”

  “Do you think he’s ready?” Aaron asked, stepping forward. “You really think he’s one of the chosen?”

  “Only time will tell,” a tall man, dressed out in a gold robe said, glancing over at Aaron.

  “Agh. Why does my head hurt so much?” Sky asked, wincing as he opened his eyes. Startling when he saw the men and women standing over him, scrambling backward. “W-who are you? W-where am I? Where’s my Mom? My Dad? My…” He looked from one God to another. “Wait. The truck! It hit me! Am I… dead?”

  “Yes and no,” the woman said, holding a hand out to him. “Please don’t be afraid Sky. We’re here to help you. I’m Cheryl. A God.”

  “A God?” Sky asked, staring up at her in disbelief. “Help me with what?”

  “The transition,” the man said, nodding to Sky. “You’re meant for great things, Sky, even in the wake of death. Welcome to heaven.”

  “I’m in… heaven?”

  “Liam!” Cheryl glared at the man. “Could you at least sugar coat it a little! He did, after all, just die!” She swallowed, glancing back to Sky. “Please excuse Liam, Sky. He’s very impatient, but he’s right. There are things we need to talk to you about. There’s a destiny waiting for you, Sky, but only if it’s the path you choose.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Cheryl smiled. “Sky, there are things in this world, that you don’t know about. Things we’ve kept hidden from you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Other worlds. Worlds different from the one you grew up in. Let me ask you a question. Do you believe in magic, Sky?”

  “No. Magic’s not real.”

  “But what about your comic books, Sky? You liked reading them, didn’t you? Reading about Spiderman? Superman? Batman?”

  “Yes, but those aren’t real! They’re just stories!”

  Cheryl just smiled. “Why don’t you come here. I want to show you something.”

  Sky regarded her warily, but rose to his feet, placing his hand in hers.

  “Now, close your eyes. Open your mind. Let all your thoughts, all your emotions go. Good. Now, can you see that?”

  “Yes!” Sky’s eyes jerked open. “It’s a monster! A scary monster!”

  “A demon,” Cheryl said. “There are evil forces out there in the world, Sky. Evil forces that want to harm others. That want to destroy the world. Do you think that’s okay?”

  Sky shook his head. “No!”

  “But what if I told you that there are people out there trying to stop the evil from spreading?”

  “Like who?”

  “Like this.” She held her hand out. “Look. Do you see her?”

  Sky nodded. “Yes. She’s pretty!” he cried, closing his eyes, as an image of a woman with long, blonde hair came to his mind. “Who is she?”

  “A witch,” Cheryl said, smiling. “Look. She can move things with her mind. Her name’s Jasmine.”

  “What?” Jasmine gasped, looking over at Sky. “You saw me?”

  Sky smiled, nodding. “The Gods were never against us being together, Jasmine. They were just testing us.”

  “But she needs help, Sky,” Cheryl continued. “Someone to guide her along the way. That’s where you come in. You have a big heart, Sky. Bigger than any I have ever seen, and it’s pure. You want to help people, right Sky?”

  Sky nodded. “Yes. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

  “Then join us. Become an angel, and help the witches keep the demons at bay.”

  “What do I do?”

  “Go with Aaron,” she said, pointing to Aaron standing behind them. “He’ll teach you everything you need to now. About magic. About the underworld, and once you’ve completed your training, we’ll grant you your mortality back.”

  “I’ll be human again?”

  “Just as you were before you died.”

  “But what about my family?”

  “You can never see them, Sky. Not even once you’re put back down on earth. It would just confuse them, and we need to keep the magical world a secret. If humans knew of us. Of demons, it could be very bad. Do you understand?”

  Sky nodded. “I understand, but I still miss them.”

  “I know,” Cheryl said, pulling him in for a hug. “But I need an answer, Sky. Do you want to join us? To help the witches? Help make the world safe?”

  Sky nodded. “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” She nodded to Aaron. “It’s time.”

  “It’s time to go, Sky,” Aaron said, extending a hand toward Sky. “Come on. There is much for you to learn.”

  Sky placed his hand in Aaron’s. “Are we going to fly?”

  “Something like that,” Aaron said, smiling. “Now, hold on tight.” And they disappeared in a whirl of gold lights.

  “Wow.” Jasmine blinked. “He really is chosen, isn’t he?”

  “Yes. He’s special that way. Or I am,” Sky said, winking at her. “But Jasmine, you have to understand that in order for you to be together, Sky still has obligations. Obligations to the heavens. There are other witches and angels he must help.”

  “And you think I would stand in the way of that?” Jasmine asked, propping her hands on her hips. “I would never stand in the way of something so important!”

  “Good, I was hoping you would say that,” Sky said, pushing the door next to him open. “Now, there’s just one last thing to do before you can go home.”

  “Get Sky’s heart?”

  “You got it,” Sky said. “And it’s not going to be easy.”

  “Do you ever think about her?” Jillian Morgan asked, looking away from the window, and glancing over at Jeff. “About Jasmine?”

  “Every day,” Jeff said, walking toward his wife and wrapping his arms around her waist. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I hope she’s found a good home.”

  “Me too.” Jillian sniffed. “I just wish there was something we could have done, to prevent this from happening. I can’t believe she’s evil, Jeff! How can something so innocent, turn so evil!”

  “There’s darkness in every one of us, Jillian. You know that. Some of us can’t escape it.”

  “Are you talking about your family?”

  Jeff nodded. “Yes, I couldn’t save them, Jillian. But hopefully, the God’s, were able to save Jasmine. We have to believe she’s in a better place now, Jillian. That she’s better off.”

  Jillian nodded. “I know.” She smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Are you going up to bed?”

  Jeff nodded. “Yes. Are you coming?”

  “In a minute. I want to get a glass of milk. All these thoughts, I’ll never fall asleep!”

  Jeff just smiled. “Okay, honey. I’ll see you soon.” He pressed another kiss to her lips and disappeared up the steps.

  Jade peered around the corner, watching as her father disappeared out of sight, moisture filling her eyes a
s she thought of him. I miss him so much!

  “Is he gone?”

  The voice cut through her thoughts, and Jade narrowed her eyes. Watching as Jillian walked across the room.

  “Yes. He’s gone,” she said, wrapping her arms around a young man’s waist and pulling him close.

  Gary, Jade’s eyes narrowed on the dark-haired man. Bastard.

  “You heard what he said?”

  “Of course I heard him,” Gary said, placing a finger under her chin, and raising her head so she was looking into his eyes. “I hate the fact I have to share you,” he said, tracing a finger down Jillian’s cheek. “Now, kiss me.”

  Jillian raised up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Who are you?” she asked, mesmerized, as she stared up into his eyes. “Why do you have this hold on me? I love my husband.”

  “Of course you do,” Gary said, smiling. “But you’ll never love him as much as you love me.”

  “But I have children with him! He’s my world!”

  “He’s not the only person you’ll have a child with,” Gary whispered in her ear, touching a hand to her stomach. “Not when you’ll be carrying my child inside of you, very soon.”


  Jade snapped her eyes open, her eyes wide, as she stared at Cynthia. “Mom had another child? With Gary? I have another sister!”


  “Oh my God! How is this even possible?” Jade cried. “She was dead!”

  “A baby can survive in the womb, for up to ten minutes after the mother has died, Jade. If it’s a brain injury, they can survive for even longer, because the blood is still circling. It gave the paramedics time to get to the hospital, and save her, Jade.”

  “That’s incredible!” Jade cried, still shocked by the discovery. “But… where has she been?”

  “Safe. Kept away from all of you, in case she chose the path of evil.”

  “But… but, I still don’t understand!” Jade cried. “Why is this part of my journey?” She stopped suddenly, holding a hand to her stomach. “Oh my God! I get it. I’m afraid of becoming like my Mom,” she whispered, raising her head to stare at Cynthia. “I’m afraid of leaving my child, just like my mother left me. I lost the baby, because I didn’t believe in myself, didn’t I?”

  Cynthia nodded. “Yes.”

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe this! I’ve always believed in myself. I don’t believe in self-doubt, but ever since I became a witch, I have felt nothing like myself. But I can’t believe I have another sister!” She raised her head. “What’s her name?”

  “I can’t tell you that?”

  “What about love? Will I ever find that again?”

  “Only you can answer that.”

  “What about children? Will I have children?”

  Cynthia sighed. “You sure like your questions, don’t you?” She held her hand out. “Take my hands, Jade. We have one last stop to make on our journey before we go.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “To the future.”

  “Argh. The underworld.” Josslyn wrinkled her nose in disgust as they appeared in a whirl of lights, gazing around at the fire scorching around her. “You know, I’ve only been here once. Back when Jade was turned into a spider and we saw Satan for the first time.” She shuddered. “I did not like it then, and I definitely do not like it now.”

  “You and me both,” Aaron muttered, glancing over his shoulder. “I never liked coming down here, Josslyn. It’s dangerous. Our powers are useless down here, and it won’t be long until they sense us down here. Come on. We should hurry.” He pointed to a doorway in front of them. “There. I think I hear voices in there.”

  “Then by all means. Let’s go,” Josslyn said, hurrying forward. She brushed her hand against the bright, orange rock next to her. Jumping back as it seared through her palm. “Ouch! That’s freaking hot!”

  “Creatures of white magic aren’t welcome here, Josslyn,” Aaron said, following closely behind her as they neared the doorway. “That’s why they infused the walls with smoky quartz crystals. It protects them against all white magic. It’s what dampens our powers here.”

  “And to think I didn’t like demons before. Now I really don’t like them!” She paused at the door, peering into the room. Her eyes widening when she saw the demons flooding the room. Some small, some big. Some were wearing cloaks. Some had horns. Some were green, some were black, and some were, scary looking, she thought, gulping. She snuck inside, ducking behind a large rock.

  “What are they doing?” she asked, as Aaron squatted next to her. “And them.” She pointed to a couple or men and women standing in the middle of the room. “Are they… witches?”

  “Yes. Witches and warlocks.”

  “But I thought witches weren’t allowed down here?”

  “Witches of white magic aren’t. When a witch uses her powers for evil, they are seen as allies to the underworld. They’re invited in, coordinated, and given a home here.”

  “Hmm. I learn something new every day,” Josslyn muttered under her breath. She sighed. “What are they waiting for?”

  “Someone. I think,” Aaron said. “Hey. Look. There’s Julie.” He pointed a finger as a ball of fire flung through the air. It landed on the platform in front of the demons, and they all jerked their heads up as Julie rose from where she was crouched. She raised her head, throwing back her long black hair. Her black lips pursing as she lifted the hem of the black dress she was wearing.

  “Julie…” Josslyn bit her lip, hating this. Hating that she had lost her sister. Please let my sister still be in there somewhere.


  A gray colored demon jerked his hand up, pointing his long finger toward Julie. His eyes narrowed, the horns on his head glowing black, and spikes flung from his hand. “You’re not welcome here!”

  “Demon. Demon. Demon. Don’t you know I’m one of you now?” Julie asked, laughing, as she raised her hand. Fire spewed from her palm, dissolving the spikes to ash.

  “Prove it.”

  “She proved it earlier when she killed a human,” a dark-haired man said, as he walked up to Julie. “Isn’t that right, Julie?”

  Julie nodded, glancing over at the man as he walked up to her. “Yes, Elijah. It’s true.”

  “How did it feel?”

  “Powerful. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before,” Julie said, an evil smile spraying across her black lips. “I loved it.”

  “Perfect.” Elijah smiled, his perfect, white teeth glowing amongst the fire around them. “That is exactly what I wanted to hear.”

  “Elijah?” Josslyn’s eyes widened as she stared at the man across the room, remembering the dark-haired boy she had crushed on in school. How giddy she’d been when he’d asked her out. The parties they’d gone to. The days they’d gotten high. Cut from class, and of course, the day they had run off with one another after graduation. “I dated a demon!” she cried, swinging around to look at Aaron.

  “Josslyn! Be quiet!”


  She jerked her head up, and all heads turned her way. A small, pink demon with pointy ears jabbed his finger toward her as he climbed up on the rock in front of her. “You’re a witch!”

  “You must die!”

  A demon in armor raced around the edge of the rock, lifting his axe high in the air.


  Josslyn gasped, ducking, and just barely missing the blade of the axe. She rolled underneath it, jumping to her feet, gripping the demon by the shoulders, and tossing him against the wall. “Aaron! Go!” she shouted, glancing over her shoulder at Aaron. He nodded, turning, and racing out of the room. Demons chased after him, and Josslyn narrowed her eyes on Elijah. “You! You’re a demon!” she shouted, staring at Elijah.

  Elijah just smiled. “I am.”

  “I ran away with you, Elijah! You promised me we would build a life together, with our child. But you abandoned me! Let me take the fall for stealing all those jewels! I spent fo
ur years in prison because of you!”

  Elijah laughed. “I guess you should be careful who you trust, huh, Josslyn?” He wrapped his arm around Julie, pulling her close. “And now that Julie has turned to the dark side, she will become my wife. Very soon.”

  “What?” Josslyn stared at him, her eyes connecting with Julie’s. “Julie, please don’t listen to him,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “Don’t let him trick you. He’ll just deceive you in the end. Please. I know you’re still in there. Please come back to me.

  “Except, I don’t want to come back.”

  “Please! Julie! This isn’t you!”

  “But it is me,” Julie said, flicking her fingers. “It always has been.”

  Black flames exploded from her fingers, and Josslyn screamed as the flames rushed toward her. Frozen in fear, all she could do was stand there, and she shrieked as the flames hit her. Racing up her legs, down her arms, and she swallowed, lifting her head as she stared through the fog surrounding her.

  “I love you, Julie,” she whispered, her eyes locking with Julie’s as she disappeared from sight. “I will always love you.”

  White light spread out in front of her, and Jasmine squinted, walking through the doorway. She glanced over her shoulder, wanting to get one last glimpse of Sky, but he was already gone.

  “You don’t take much time to leave, do you?” she asked aloud, stepping forward, and she screamed as a hand clamped over her throat.

  “Well. Well. Well. If it isn’t the witch,” the black angel said, his thumb pressing into her trachea. “You know, you killed one of my brothers, back there. It’ll be my pleasure to kill you, and destroy the chosen ones… forever!” He raised the black dagger in his hand, thrusting it forward. She ducked, spinning on her heel. Raising her hand, sending him flying backward.


  “You know, I don’t understand something,” Jasmine said, walking forward. She wrapped her hand around the handle of the dagger, careful to avoid the tip, and knelt down in front of him. “Why did the Gods send for you?”

  “Because the Gods are no more,” the black angel told her, struggling to his feet. “It’s the demon realm now. Which is why we stole Sky’s heart. We need someone to take Elijah’s place in hell!” He lunged forward, and Jasmine struck her hand out. The dagger sinking into his chest.


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