Book Read Free


Page 6

by Deborah Bladon

  It has been.

  We ate our cupcakes and sipped lemonade. Delaney sat down with us briefly during her break. She’s been working at the bakery with her aunt for years. Her love of all things cupcakes is apparent. When she told us about the new flavor combinations she’s planning on introducing, I was in awe.

  At home, a boxed cake mix is the foundation for any dessert I attempt to bake.

  “I’ve had the best time,” I say honestly. “Thank you for everything, Bella.”

  Before I can react, I’m drawn into a hug. “I got to see Marti, eat pasta, and meet you. It’s been a great day so far.”

  I step back and smile.

  “What are your plans now?” she asks as she looks over my shoulder. “If you’re heading downtown, we can hop back on the subway together.”

  “I think I’ll take a walk in Central Park, and I might try and find a bookstore. I have a lot of spare time right now and nothing to read.”

  “If you can hold off until tomorrow, I’ll take you to the bookstore of my dreams.” Her blue eyes brighten. “It’s in Brooklyn. I’ve been going there since I was a kid.”

  Since my calendar is wide open, I nod. “I can hold off.”

  “We should exchange numbers.” She palms her phone. “I promise I won’t pass yours on to any of my single cousins unless you want me to.”

  “I live in Seattle, remember?” I ask teasingly. “I’m here for a brief visit. That’s it. I’m not looking to find my soul mate in Manhattan.”

  “I wasn’t looking for mine either and boom, there he was.” She darts a hand into the air. “You never know when you’re going to come face-to-face with the man who will own your heart.”

  “The chances of it happening during this trip are slim.”

  “There’s just as much chance of it happening here as there are in Seattle.” She gestures at my phone. “I’ll give you my number. Text me tomorrow so we can set up a time to go to the bookstore.”

  I plug her number into my contact list as she recites it to me.

  “My family has this habit of being too much at times.” She holds back a smile. “If I’m doing that, tell me, but I know what it’s like to miss your older brother. Mine has been living in Italy for a few months. He’s coming back soon, but it’s not the same as having him close.”

  “You’re not too much,” I reassure her with a squeeze of her hand. “I’m alone in New York for the most part. The only person I know is my brother’s best friend. I’m staying with him.”

  Her eyes narrow. “What’s he like?”

  I shrug. “It’s hard to tell. We’ve barely talked.”

  Leaning closer, she lowers her voice. “My brother’s best friend is in love with my sister. She doesn’t know it, but I see it whenever they’re in the same room.”

  “Case barely knows I exist.” I laugh. “I’m not even sure he likes me.”

  “You like him.” Her eyebrows dance. “Your face lit up when you said his name.”

  “No, it didn’t,” I protest with a grin. “I don’t know the man.”

  “Watch this.” She takes a deep breath. “Barrett Adler.”

  “That’s your fiancé,” I say with conviction because of the dazzling smile she’s sporting. Happiness radiates from her.

  She circles her index finger in front of her face. “This is the face of a woman in love.”

  I mimic her movement in front of my face. “This is the face of a woman not in love.”

  “Yet,” she says matter-of-factly. “I’ll walk to the park with you, and then it’s back to work for me.”

  Chapter 15


  Sitting in Drake’s office is a glimpse into the mind of a genius.

  I thought I knew where he was in terms of development and new product launches, but he’s been hiding his best ideas in a blue file folder shoved under some books on a shelf in his office.

  I wouldn’t have given the shelf a second look except there’s a framed picture of Emma on it.

  It must have been taken when Drake surprised his family with a trip to Hawaii last year.

  Drake’s parents are both wearing white shirts and navy blue shorts. The hem of the long yellow sundress Whitney has on is kissing the sand on the beach. Drake is front and center in the picture decked out in red board shorts and a backward baseball cap.

  A colorful beach towel is wrapped around Emma’s waist, and a white string bikini top is covering her breasts.


  With her brown hair flowing in the light breeze, she looks unbelievable.

  She’s beautiful.

  I glance back at the image again, although there’s no need. I took a snap of it with my phone yesterday.

  Truthfully, I zoomed in on her before I took the picture.

  I’ll delete it at some point, but for now, it’s saved not only to my memory but to a folder on my phone.

  A knock on the doorframe draws my gaze up from the folder.

  “Mr. Abbott?” Drake’s assistant rakes a hand through his blond hair.

  “What is it, Elias?”

  Elias Svensson is a recruit that Drake brought on six months ago after his long-term assistant retired. I’ve known Elias for less than forty-eight hours, but I’m impressed by what I’ve seen so far.

  “You mentioned that you wanted to know when Ms. Montgomery arrived.” He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “She’s here.”

  I glance down at the desk. “Send her in.”

  “Will do, sir.” He nods. “If I didn’t mention it before, it’s good to meet you.”

  He did mention it. Twice.

  I looked over his resume. He’s a twenty-four-year-old personal assistant who should be in our software development department. I have no idea why Drake gave him this position, but a few weeks from now, Elias will have a new job title and a bigger paycheck.

  “You too,” I toss back.

  He inches forward. His gaze skates over the open file folder in front of me. “What do you have there?”

  “The inner workings of Drake’s brain.”

  He chuckles. “If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Will do.” I point at the door. “Get Ms. Montgomery in here. I’m about to make her dreams come true.”


  In California, when I want to clear my mind, I pick up one of my surfboards.

  The ocean has felt like home to me for years.

  My mind can be thrumming with a dozen different ideas, but once I hit the waves, all I feel is tranquility.

  Trying to find that in Manhattan is a fool’s pursuit.

  After I met with Blair Montgomery, she invited me to dinner at her apartment tonight. She wanted me to meet her husband and kids so they could thank me for the opportunity I just dropped into her lap.

  I passed.

  I expect great things from her, but friendship isn’t one of them. She’s a hard-working employee who deserves the chance I’m giving her.

  She’ll prove that I made the right choice. I have no doubt about that.

  I step out of the building that is home to Cabbott Mobile’s offices, button my suit jacket, and take a deep breath.

  It’s mid-afternoon.

  The sun is bathing the island in heat today. A day like today brightens the spirit of the people who call this city home.

  Summer has settled, bringing with it blue skies and warm breezes.

  I’m not a New Yorker anymore.

  I don’t give a shit about the weather or what season it is.

  I may be standing on a sidewalk outside the office of a multi-million-dollar company that I built from the ground up, but all I feel is regret.

  My life was ruined in this city once.

  I need to get the hell out of here and back to where I belong.

  Chapter 16


  I ready myself for the elevator doors to glide open on the floor that houses Case’s apartment.

  I stopped at a market a block over to pick up everythi
ng I need to make a salad for dinner. I bought enough for two with the hope that Case will have the time to eat with me.

  I have all the essentials for a spinach, strawberry, feta cheese, and pecan salad. It screams California to me, so I’m hoping my temporary roommate will like it.

  I take a step forward when the doors start to slide apart.

  The sight in front of me stops me.

  Case is standing close to a woman with black hair. Her hand is resting on his forearm as they stare into each other’s eyes.

  The instant they notice me, her hand falls to her side.


  She turns toward me. Her blue eyes hone in on my face.

  Tearing my gaze away from her, I look to Case.

  He’s wearing the same blue button-down shirt he had on this morning. An extra button is open at the collar. He switched out the gray suit pants he had on for faded jeans.

  This casual, untucked look suits him well.

  For half of a second, I consider retreating into the elevator and pressing the button to take me back to the lobby.

  “Emma.” Case clears his throat. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here,” I repeat in a hushed tone.

  I might as well own that fact, so I step off the elevator. The doors glide shut behind me.

  “I’m Maya Bishop.” The pretty woman in the fitted red dress reaches a hand out to me.

  Fumbling with my clutch and the paper grocery bag, I shuffle everything, so that I can shake her hand.

  “Emma Owens,” I offer.

  Dropping my hand, she looks up at Case. “I’ll be back at seven thirty.”

  I guess I’ll be hanging out at Durie’s again tonight.

  Wanting an escape, I glance down at the grocery bag I’m holding. “I should put all of this away.”

  “It was good to meet you, Emma.” Maya bats her long lashes.

  “You too,” I say before stepping around Case to head toward the door of his apartment.

  “This afternoon went well.” The gruff tone of Case’s voice sends goose bumps scattering over my arms.

  “I agree,” Maya says. “Pam and Rod were the happiest I’ve ever seen them. I can’t say I’m surprised. I knew once we took them into the bedroom that they’d walk out on cloud nine.”

  Wait. What?

  I stumble forward, almost dropping the bag in my hand.

  Timing is everything in life. If I had arrived back here earlier, I might have interrupted that foursome. I’m suddenly extra grateful that I met Bella today. She unwittingly kept me occupied long enough for Case to finish having fun.

  Maya continues, “It felt a little rushed, but I know they left satisfied. That’s all that matters. They’ll be back.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I catch Case looking in my direction. He shoots me one of his dimpled smiles.

  The man has just as many secrets as Drake does. Maybe even more.


  I shove everything in the grocery bag into the almost empty fridge. I’ll make the salad at some point, but for now, I’ve completely lost my appetite.

  It makes no sense that there’s a sudden pit in my stomach.

  I barely know Case. Why do I feel a knot of jealousy over the fact that he’s had more sex in the past twenty-four hours than I’ve had in a year?

  “Hey, Emma. Where are you?” Case calls out.

  I step out of the kitchen and round the corner toward the foyer. I catch him shoving his hand into the front pocket of his jeans to grab his phone.

  I liked the suit he was wearing this morning, but I love him dressed more casually.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I’m mentally rating his outfits. I need to get a grip and get him out of my mind.

  He looks up from his phone’s screen when I step closer to him. “We’re going out for dinner.”

  That makes sense. I assume Maya and him worked up a substantial appetite this afternoon rolling in the hay with Rod and Pam. Can you safely roll with that many people on one bed, or will one tumble off the edge?

  Would the other three people even notice if you did fall?

  I have to stop with the wandering thoughts and focus.

  “I hope you and Maya have a nice time.” I paste an exaggerated grin on my mouth. “Will you be coming back here after dinner? Not that it’s my business, but I know you’d like privacy. Or I assume you do, but maybe I’m wrong? What I’m trying to say is that I can hang out at Durie’s if you need me to.”

  My eye twitches.

  Please don’t let him mistake that for a wink.

  He narrows his gaze as he studies my face. “I’m not taking Maya to dinner. I’m taking you to dinner.”

  I close my eyes, not only to clear my mind because I’m sure I just mistakenly heard him say he’s taking me to dinner but to stop the unrelenting twitch that has now migrated to my other eye.

  “Maya is meeting someone here this evening, and she wants the place unoccupied, so that means we both need to clear out before she gets here,” he clarifies.

  I have a million questions related to that, but I just nod because where would I start?

  “Aim to be ready at seven.” He looks toward the main bedroom. “I need to hit the shower.”

  “I’ll do the same.”

  “We’ll keep it casual tonight.” He glances at what I’m wearing. “Does sushi work for you?”

  “Sure.” I shrug, not wanting to admit that I’ve never tried it.

  “Good. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  He disappears down the hallway, shutting his bedroom door behind him. I wait a beat before I head to the guest room.

  I drop my purse on the bed, kick off my boots, and grab a pair of yoga shorts and a long T-shirt from my suitcase. It’s enough to keep me covered when I cross the hall after my shower.

  The moment I step into the main bathroom, I spot a gift bag on the counter. The logo for Matiz Cosmetics is printed on the side of the pale pink bag.

  I’ve heard about their products. Almost everyone has, but I can’t afford them on my teacher’s salary.

  I glance down at the simple white card next to the gift bag.

  There are two words written in black ink.

  Emma. Enjoy.

  I pluck a few pieces of white tissue from the bag to find two bottles of bubble bath. One infused with lavender and the other a blend of citrus. Both bottles are square shaped and topped with silver lids. They look like they belong on a shelf on display.

  I open one bottle and inhale the sweet fragrance. Closing my eyes, I savor the scent and the knowledge that Case got this just for me.

  Chapter 17


  I tug a lightweight gray sweater over my head and take a step back. The full-length mirror Drake had installed in the walk-in closet is welcome. I don’t put that much effort into my appearance, but I know I look all right tonight.

  Dark jeans and black wingtip shoes are going to have to fit the bill of casual attire since I packed lightly for this trip.

  Swiping a hand over my chin, I realize that I still haven’t gotten around to cleaning it up. I make a mental note to take care of it tomorrow before my two-day-old scruff morphs into the beginnings of a beard.

  I tuck my wallet into my back pocket and my keys in the front. With my phone in my hand, I head out into the main living area.

  The instant I exit the bedroom, the fragrance of lavender envelops me.

  Emma must have indulged in a bath after finding the gift bag I left her.

  “Case.” Her soft voice breaks through the silence.

  Looking to the right, toward the open door of the guestroom, I’m gifted with the sight of Emma wearing a pair of black jeans and a ruby red sheer sleeveless blouse.

  Her lips are tinted the same shade as her shirt.

  I catch a glimpse of what looks like a red satin bra beneath the shirt before she slips into a black blazer.


  With her hair in cu
rls around her shoulders, she’s a vision. She’s tiny but curvy, and innocent with just a hint of sexy hidden beneath her jacket.

  I hope to hell she loses the jacket at dinner.

  “Do I look all right?” she asks with a tilt of her head.

  I swallow back the urge to tell her what I really think. Instead, I settle on what Drake would want me to say to her. “You look great.”

  Understatement of the fucking year.

  “You do too,” she tosses back with a wink, or maybe that’s a twitch.

  Either way, she’s still as off-limits as she was when I met her.

  “I’m ready if you are.” She tucks her clutch under her arm and starts toward me.

  Frozen in place, I close my eyes as she breezes past. The scent of lavender, and something a little spicier wafts in the air.

  Dammit, she even smells fantastic.

  I have no idea how the hell I’m going to make it through dinner with this woman. I already need a cold shower, and we haven’t even left the apartment.


  “Thank you again for the bubble bath,” she repeats the statement for the second time since we left for dinner. “It’s so creamy. My skin is extra soft.”

  I swallow past the lump that’s stuck in my throat.

  It landed there when we hopped into the backseat of a black SUV driven by the man who chauffeurs Drake around town.

  Emma dropped her ass into the middle of the seat, so I had no choice but to settle in next to her.

  I watched her profile in silence as she chatted up the driver. I can’t even recall the guy’s name at this point. All I can remember about the ride is that Emma’s tongue kept darting out to wet her bottom lip.

  It happens again as she stands facing me.

  I tear my gaze away from her heart-shaped mouth.

  “It was kind of you to think of me,” she says softly.

  It was wrong of me to think of her naked in the bathtub. That’s exactly what I did as I stood in front of the bubble bath display at Matiz Cosmetics. I smelled every scent until I decided on the two I purchased for her.


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