Book Read Free


Page 11

by Deborah Bladon

  His blue eyes flick over my face. “Do you know my mom?”

  I look at Bella. I assumed the baby she’s expecting was her first, but maybe I’m wrong. I perk a brow. “Are you…?”

  “This handsome guy belongs to Delaney.” Bella points to the counter. “She doesn’t usually work weekends, but she was called in to help with the morning rush. Mickey was in the kitchen when I got here. His mom asked if I could keep an eye on him.”

  I was looking forward to going to the bookstore, but I’m happy with a morning spent here. Mickey is a little younger than the kids I taught last semester. I’m a floater at The Garrington School, so wherever I’m needed, I jump in to help.

  I’m in consideration for a permanent position teaching third grade, but Archibald will have the final say on that before school starts again in the fall.

  “Are you playing a game?” I inch my head closer to Mickey’s.

  “Gem Stars,” he answers quickly. “It’s my fave.”

  I’m about to score big points with this little person. “Did you get up to level twelve yet?”

  His head pops up. Blond curls bounce against his forehead. “No one gets past level eleven. It’s way too hard.”

  With a brush of his hand over his face, he drops his gaze back down.

  I glance at Bella to find a huge smile on her face. I grin back before I turn my attention to Mickey. “I finished the game.”

  His mouth drops open. “No way.”

  “Way,” I bounce back. “I conquered level twenty and found the prize at the end.”

  “It’s a super gem, right?” His eyes scan my face. “Is that what it is?”

  Leaning forward, I look over his tablet. “You’ll find out once you get there.”

  Disappointment mars his expression. “You’re like seventeen. I’m six. What if it takes me forever to do it?”

  Bella giggles from across the table. “Seventeen?”

  I shoot her a wink. “I’m twenty-five, but thank you, Mickey.”

  He shakes his head as though he can’t follow the conversation. “Can you tell me some cheats?”

  “I can give you a hint or two,” I offer with a grin, not adding the fact that I’m the sister of the man who created the game.

  I made the mistake of offering that tidbit of information to a class I was teaching back in Seattle. The students overran me with requests to talk to Drake so I arranged a videoconference with him and the kids.

  I thought it would be an informative hour spent talking about the benefits of hard work and dedication in order to reach your career goals, but it turned into chaos quickly.

  Most of the kids wanted to know how to overcome an obstacle in the game, or where the hidden treasure boxes were located.

  I swore that day that I’d never again mention to any child that my brother is a video game developer.

  “Thanks.” Mickey smiles before he looks down to his tablet.

  “I want those hints too.” Bella taps her hand on the top of the table. “I’ve been stuck on level nine for days. Give me all the tips, Emma. Share your wisdom with me.”

  I laugh. “I’m happy to.”

  I glance back over my shoulder to see Delaney with a wide grin on her face. I know that look. It’s the same look I see when I tell a parent at school that their child is not only smart, but polite.

  I’ve only spent ten minutes with Mickey, but I can tell he’s both.

  Chapter 30


  I smile when I glance up from Drake’s desk and spot Emma standing in the doorway.

  “There you are,” I say, pushing back to stand.

  She flicks her hair back over her shoulder. She’s wearing white pants and a light blue T-shirt. It’s casual, but she looks incredible in it.

  I put on a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt before I took off from the apartment this morning. Elias thought one of the software engineers found a possible fix to the framework issue overnight, so I came in early. We’re still working toward a solution, but I’m confident that we’ll have a breakthrough soon. It’s essential if we’re going to keep the game’s launch on schedule.

  Emma looks me over. “Your text said I should stop by if I found myself close to here.”

  It did say that. When I finally checked my phone mid-afternoon, I noticed the text that Emma had sent to me. I fired one back to her over an hour ago suggesting she drop in if she had the chance.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner.” I approach her. “I’m glad that breakfast hit the spot.”

  My gaze drops to her stomach. It’s hidden beneath the shirt. What I wouldn’t give to get a glimpse of more of her skin; more of her.

  She tilts her head to the left. “It was delicious. They don’t make Bright Bagels in Manhattan. You didn’t get them from Seattle, did you?”

  The surprise in her tone spurs me on. I don’t usually take credit for my good deeds, but I’m willing to make an exception so I can see her reaction.

  “I did.”

  “How?” she huffs out a nervous laugh. “How is that even possible? I just told you about them last night during dinner.”

  Anything is possible with enough money and determination.

  “I had them delivered.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  Her gaze falls to my arms before it levels back on my face. “You had a bag of bagels delivered from the other side of the country just for me?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  Her hand leaps to her mouth. Her trembling fingers are trying to mask a smile.

  “How much did that cost?” she whispers. “It must have been a fortune.”

  I move closer, reaching up to glide my fingers over hers. “It was worth every penny to see that smile you’re trying to hide.”


  A rap on the doorframe behind Emma draws her back a full step.

  My hand falls from her face.

  Jesus. I was about to kiss her.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “Mr. Abbott,” Elias says my name tentatively. “I just got back from checking in with one of our software engineers, sir.”

  I keep my eyes on Emma’s face. “Good.”

  Her gaze shoots over her shoulder. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Elias takes a step toward her. “I’m Elias.”

  “Drake’s assistant,” I add. “This is Emma. She’s Drake’s sister.”

  Elias points a finger in Emma’s direction. “You’re the teacher, right? Mr. Owens has told me a lot about you.”

  Apparently, Drake didn’t hold back when it came to talking about his sister to his assistant. I’m the only one in the dark when it comes to Emma.

  “Mr. Owens mentioned you were engaged. How’s Beauregard?” Elias drops his gaze to Emma’s left hand.

  She tucks it into the front pocket of her jeans. “I’m sure he’s fine. We’re not together anymore.”

  There’s no hint of sadness or regret in her tone.

  I’m glad Drake’s reaction to her ending the engagement didn’t deter her from owning her decision.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Elias says, but the smile on his face tells a different story.

  I catch him checking out Emma from head-to-toe, so I tilt up a brow in question.

  He shrugs that off and keeps his focus on her. “Do you need a guide to show you around the city? I’m free this afternoon. I’m all yours as soon as Mr. Abbott leaves.”

  I’ll keep him here until she boards a plane back to Seattle.

  “There’s no need for that,” I interject. “I’m more than capable of entertaining Emma while she’s here.”

  That draws Elias’s brow up in response. “I’m sure Mr. Owens would be happy to know that since he’s very protective of both of his sisters.”

  He follows that up with a smirk.

  Is he threatening me? If he is, he can kiss any chance of a promotion goodbye.

  “Thank you, but I won’t be in New York very long.” Emma lets him down easy with
a pat on his shoulder. “I’ll be sure to let my brother know that you offered to take me out.”

  Elias steps back. I flash him a cocky grin because now he’s the one being threatened. I seriously doubt Emma meant it that way, but Elias sure as hell doesn’t want Drake to think that he’s making a move on his sister.

  “Just to show you the sights,” Elias clarifies. “I forgot to mention that my sister would be going with us. Please make sure Mr. Owens knows that part when you talk to him about me.”

  With his rail-thin legs quivering, Elias takes a step back. “I’ll send you the engineer’s latest report on the framework via the interoffice messaging service, sir.”

  “That’ll work,” I volley back. “You’re free to go.”

  Emma turns to watch him hightail it out of the office. Once he’s out of sight, she glances at me. “Is he always like that?”

  “Like what?” I chuckle.

  She pivots on her heel until she’s facing me again. “Quirky. Awkward. He’s kind of cute.”

  I bite the corner of my lip to curtail a smile. “You like that? Is that your type?”

  Shrugging, she looks me over. “I haven’t decided what my type is.”

  I shouldn’t give a fuck about that, but I do.

  I want to be this woman’s type more than I want to be friends with her brother. Maybe it’s time for Drake to find a new best friend because I want Emma more and more with each passing second.

  Chapter 31


  “What did you do today, Emma?”

  I take that question to mean that our flirting session has come to an abrupt halt. I thought before Elias interrupted us, that Case was going to try and kiss me.

  “I spent a few hours at the cupcake shop with Bella Calvetti and a little boy who is a huge fan of Gem Stars.”

  My mention of one of Cabbott’s most popular games gets his attention. “Really?”

  Why does he seem surprised by that?

  At the airport, while I was waiting at the gate for my connecting flight to New York, I could hear the signature music that starts up the game coming from many of the seats surrounding me.

  It’s an addictive game. I should know. When Drake sent me a link to download the test version, I finished all twenty levels during a weekend.

  I gave it a solid two thumbs up.

  “It’s a fun game,” I point out the obvious.

  He shoves a hand through his hair. “I’ve never played it.”

  “You’ve never played Gem Stars?” I move toward where he’s standing. “Are you serious?”

  Chuckling, he shakes his head. “Gem Stars is another pet project of Drake’s. I don’t have time to chase colorful gems around a make believe world, so he took control of it.”

  Pursing my lips, I hold back a grin. I did have time to chase gems because I was avoiding a fiancé I didn’t love. “I should be having this discussion with Drake. He’s the one who needs to know how much Mickey Wilts loves his game.”

  He narrows his eyes. “That’s the name of the kid you hung out with? Is he part of the Calvetti clan? There’s a lot of them in Manhattan.”

  I let out a laugh. “He’s not a Calvetti. His mom is a friend of Bella’s. She had to work so Bella was watching over him.”

  A smile inches up the corners of his lips. “It sounds like you’ve made a few friends in the city.”

  “I have.” I nod. “I’ll meet up with them another day to go to a bookstore in Brooklyn called Velvet Bay Books. Have you heard of it?”

  “Can’t say I have.” His gaze drops to his phone when it buzzes.

  While he reads his message, I glance around the office. I freeze when I spot a framed photo of my family on a shelf behind Drake’s desk.

  I’ve never seen that picture before.

  I move around Case to get a closer look. Picking it up, I realize that it was taken in Hawaii last year.

  No one would have known that Beauregard was on the other side of the camera. He tagged along on the trip after Drake invited him. I didn’t realize Beau would be there until I got to the airport and found him standing with my family waiting outside the security checkpoint.

  “That’s a great family photo,” Case says from behind me. “It meant a lot to your brother to surprise you with that trip.”

  It had meant the world to Drake.

  My parents had planned on honeymooning in Hawaii before they realized that my mom was pregnant with Drake. That curtailed all of their travel plans. They took the money that they had saved for their tropical vacation and bought a crib and diapers instead.

  I glance back at Case. “It meant a lot to all of us.”

  He steps in place beside me. “The beach agrees with you.”

  I wore bikinis for most of that vacation. The sun and fresh ocean air were exactly what I needed. “I love the beach.”

  “I live on the beach.”

  I turn to face him. “You do? The ocean is right there?”

  “I hear it when I fall asleep.” His gaze drops to the floor. “It’s a hell of a lot more peaceful than this city.”

  I’d laugh, but there’s nothing lighthearted in his words.

  When he glances at me, I see the same sadness in his eyes that is always there.

  “You miss it,” I say, not questioning it. I can tell that Case wishes he were on the beach in California and not in an office in Manhattan.

  Nodding, he drags his top teeth over his bottom lip. “It’s home to me. You must feel the same way about Seattle.”

  I used to. When I knew that I could hop in my car and be at my parents’ house in fifteen minutes, I felt safe and grounded.

  That’s all about to change.

  Soon, I’ll be the only member of my family left in Seattle. Even my cousins, aunts, and uncles have all moved out of state.

  Not wanting to burden Case with my self-imposed pity party, I smile. “There’s no place like home.”

  “Manhattan right now is a pretty close second.”

  Is the flirting session back on?

  I glance over at him as silence fills the room. His mouth curves when our eyes meet. “I’m glad you made the trip here, Emma.”

  Turning to face him, I murmur, “I’m glad you made the trip too.”

  “You’re stunning in that picture.” He dips his chin slightly. “You’re beautiful. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “So are you,” I say in an unsteady voice.

  I don’t care if my words sound foolish. He is beautiful. He’s incredible to look at, but it’s more than that. He’s kind to me. Since I got to New York, he has taken care of me in ways that have touched me even if they were simple gestures from someone trying to help out his best friend’s sister.

  With a short step, he’s closer to me. “This is a bad idea.”

  The picture frame in my hand falls into his. “What is?”

  I can’t take my eyes off of him even though I hear the frame hit the top of the desk with a thud.

  Leaning into me, he circles one hand around my waist.

  With my heart racing, I close my eyes as he whispers the one word that changes everything.

  “ This .”

  Chapter 32


  I claim her lips in a soft kiss.

  I want more. Fuck, do I want more, but I work to control the need that has been building inside of me for days.

  Emma steps into my touch. I tighten my grip on her waist when I feel her hand in the back of my hair.

  Instinctively, I reach for her neck, tilting her head to just the right angle before I draw my tongue over her bottom lip.

  The sound that escapes her ignites a fire in the base of my spine.

  I’m hard. My dick is so fucking hard.

  Tugging her closer, I groan when she slides her tongue against mine in a greedy kiss.

  “Case.” My name has never sounded as sweet as it does at this moment, falling from the lips of this woman.

  She feathers kisses over my

  “Emma,” I say in a strangled tone that’s so full of desire it draws her eyes up to meet mine.

  “That was…” whatever the fuck she was going to say gets lost in our need for each other.

  I hold her against me, deepening the kiss until I feel her hand glide over my cheek.

  Her touch is gentle. It’s soothing.

  I pull back out of a sheer need to breathe.

  Why the fuck is my heart hammering so hard?

  “That was the kiss,” she mutters. “The kiss.”

  From somewhere inside of me, I find the strength to talk. “The kiss?”

  My question brings a flush of pink to her cheeks. “It’s nothing.”

  Anything this woman does or says is everything to me. “Tell me,” I insist as I dig my fingers into the soft flesh above the waistband of her jeans.

  She brushes her lips over mine in such a tender way that I swear my knees are about to give out.

  “That’s a fairytale kiss,” she half-laughs.

  I won’t laugh because I see caution in her eyes. I can feel hesitation in the movement of her fingers over my chin. She’s confessing something personal to me. “What does that mean?”

  I slide my fingers over her cheek. I want her to feel safe with me.

  Her gaze drops to my lips. “It’s the kind of kiss you only see in the movies.”

  I take her mouth again in a slow kiss that ends with a draw of my teeth over her bottom lip.

  “That’s what I mean,” she says breathlessly. “I felt that everywhere.”

  “I did too.”

  “It was a fairytale kiss for you too?” she asks with a smile.

  It was a once in a lifetime kiss. I’ve kissed more women than I care to admit, but it has never reached inside of me this way.

  Nodding, I inch a fingertip over her bottom lip. “You can kiss, Emma. Jesus, can you kiss.”

  With hooded eyes, she bites my fingertip. “I can do a lot more.”

  I close my eyes to ward off the mental image of her dropping to her knees to take me in her mouth.


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